June 23, 2002, 16:47
Local Time: 22:11
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 1,657
Well, he did a good job of not saying anything. The questions sucked.
Briggs's reply on fundy was probably an outright lie.
Bout what you can expect from this organization- not much.
June 23, 2002, 20:55
Local Time: 22:11
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 1,657
It would be great to get these guys out of TBS, thats for sure.
June 24, 2002, 14:59
Local Time: 22:11
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 1,657
I have to agree this interview was not well thought out. The questions all have a kiss ass tone to them. Must be pleasing coming from the "pseudo-hardcore fans".
Tigen, I can't relate to you at all. It's clear that Firaxis has behaved in the most grevious way with the release of Civ3. Someone needs to whack them with some tough questions.
Here are ten off the top of my head.
1. Did anyone ever play test the game at all? Its obvious that none playtested the modern age at all, else some workable stack commands would have been included. Are you guys ever going to fix that element of the game so that it is playable?
2. Can you explain the rationale behind making an elephant airliftable but not a worker?
3. Given the presence of poofing troops associated with the flippin cultural flip, how many times did the design staff watch Harry Potter during development of the game.
4. Which damned Firaxis liar wrote the minimum requirements for playing Civ3?
5. Are you prepared to accept the responsibility for making "please wait" the two most hated words in the English language.
6. How do you justify the selection of Jeff Briggs to replace Brian Reynolds given the fact that Sid Meier was available?
7. In what possible way is Jeff Briggs qualified to design a marque title like Civ?
8. Some Firaxians are openly gloating over the commercial success of Civ3. Has there been any person on staff with the guts to stand up and say"we ripped the public off and its not a good thing?"
9. Could you expalin the difference between designer's notes, a note from the designer, and Cliff notes?
10. Is the money worth it? Do you still have mirrors hanging up at home?
June 24, 2002, 15:35
Local Time: 22:11
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 1,657
uh-oh, I'll have to restate #10
10. Have you ever seen your shadow?
(can't ask about mirrors - blood sucking vampires cast no reflection of course- my bad)
June 24, 2002, 15:39
Local Time: 22:11
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 1,657
oh gee, i am sorry, what am i thinking about...
of course we never move population by air transit
next thing you know i'll be thinking we can send people to the moon in a rocketship..
June 24, 2002, 15:45
Local Time: 22:11
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Posts: 1,657
Of course Firaxis pretends not to see your posts, you have bold text and bullets.
They haven't gotten that far in their "programing for dummies" book.
June 24, 2002, 15:50
Local Time: 22:11
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 1,657
AC, turns are a least a year, how many people do you think we can move through an airport in a year? How much cargo?
The reason that workers are not airliftable is simply that Firaxis rushed the game out the door.
June 24, 2002, 19:19
Local Time: 22:11
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 915
Originally posted by jimmytrick
Well, he did a good job of not saying anything. The questions sucked.
Briggs's reply on fundy was probably an outright lie.
Bout what you can expect from this organization- not much.
A meaningless puff piece interview with softball questions.
Here are my favorite quotes:
I've lived and breathed Civ III throughout the development process
We're really happy with the sales of Civ III.
We've gotten a ton of very positive feedback about Civ III. Of course you can't please all of the gamers all of the time
Live and breathed it huh? Then WHY WAS A BUGGY BETA GAME SOLD TO US IN NOVEMBER???
WHY WERE CRUCIAL FEAtURES OF CIV 2 LEFT OUT OF CIV 3, while braindead nonsense like Culture Flipping was added??
I'll BET you're happy with the sales. That is the bottom line, isn't it?
Your remarks about the gamers is insulting drivel.
The interview was a waste of the two minutes it took to read it.
BTW, I do have to give credit to Firaxis for getting its flacks in the Gaming world to give a buggy, flawed, beta game great reviews in December, that before even the first patch! One hand washes the other in the Industry. It's rather incestuous - and fraudulent.
Last edited by Coracle; June 24, 2002 at 19:43.
June 24, 2002, 19:24
Local Time: 22:11
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 915
Originally posted by Sirotnikov
Which reminds me, his political bable kinda reminded me of DanQ
Yea. Or maybe the Clinton White House. What a LOAD it was.
And if Firaxis is doing Civ 4 I'm not paying a dime for it. You got that, Sid?
June 24, 2002, 19:28
Local Time: 22:11
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 915
Originally posted by jimmytrick
I have to agree this interview was not well thought out. The questions all have a kiss ass tone to them. Must be pleasing coming from the "pseudo-hardcore fans".
Tigen, I can't relate to you at all. It's clear that Firaxis has behaved in the most grevious way with the release of Civ3. Someone needs to whack them with some tough questions.
Here are ten off the top of my head.
1. Did anyone ever play test the game at all? Its obvious that none playtested the modern age at all, else some workable stack commands would have been included. Are you guys ever going to fix that element of the game so that it is playable?
2. Can you explain the rationale behind making an elephant airliftable but not a worker?
3. Given the presence of poofing troops associated with the flippin cultural flip, how many times did the design staff watch Harry Potter during development of the game.
4. Which damned Firaxis liar wrote the minimum requirements for playing Civ3?
5. Are you prepared to accept the responsibility for making "please wait" the two most hated words in the English language.
6. How do you justify the selection of Jeff Briggs to replace Brian Reynolds given the fact that Sid Meier was available?
7. In what possible way is Jeff Briggs qualified to design a marque title like Civ?
8. Some Firaxians are openly gloating over the commercial success of Civ3. Has there been any person on staff with the guts to stand up and say"we ripped the public off and its not a good thing?"
9. Could you expalin the difference between designer's notes, a note from the designer, and Cliff notes?
10. Is the money worth it? Do you still have mirrors hanging up at home?
The game was obviously rushed to market for the Holiday season and not playtested.
The stupidity of Firaxis is shown in that even with 1.21 herds of elephants can airlift - but a single LEADER can't!
Firaxis? They are indeed laughing all the way to the bank - they marketed the game very well with BS and lies and the cachet of Sid's now tarnished name.
But they and Sid will fool far fewer people next time. Remember THAT. Firaxis. Remember also you've addded to the dumbing down of America.
"Sid Meieir's Civilization 4" is not going to fly.
June 24, 2002, 20:20
Local Time: 22:11
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 915
For the NEXT Interview. . .
Here are some of the questions that should be put to whatever Firaxian next appears:
Why were there so many bugs, flaws, and even typos with the initial release of Civ 3 in November??
Why have so many patches been needed??
Why is there no scenario-building or Cheat Mode with Civ 3 when these were vital very popular features with Civ 2??
Why is the game SOOO slow, even with CPU's well over one gig and 256 RAM??
Why was the "Official Strategy Guide" such a useless ripoff - or was it intended as just a promotion for the game?
Why has trade and espionage been reduced to tedious abstractions?
Why was there a reduction in available techs and units instead of an increase? A dumbing down of the game to appeal to a wider market?
Why are the resource appearance rates so ridiculously low? Iron and coal were never that scarce.
Why are the post-gunpowder units' values so ridiculously low? To give civs withoiut a needed resource "a chance", as admitted by a Firaxian elsewhere?
Were absurd concepts such as Culture Flipping, Settler Diarhea (the AI pewking out towns everywhere), and massive corruption (even for Democracies) actually playtested??
Why is the AI for in your face, dumb, and predictable?
Why does the AI cheat so much in so many ways? Examples have been repeatedly posted so don't say "it doesn't".
Those are just twelve questions to get you started. . .
June 24, 2002, 21:19
Local Time: 22:11
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 1999
Posts: 1,657
Re: For the NEXT Interview. . .
the unknown Firaxian responds:
Originally posted by Coracle
Here are some of the questions that should be put to whatever Firaxian next appears:
Why were there so many bugs, flaws, and even typos with the initial release of Civ 3 in November??
the unknown Firaxian responds: ah, man, don't you know we lost half of a normal development cycle to put the darn thing together..after Brian had that big blow up with Briggs he and his guys didn't do squat cause they were leaving so in the end we just had to throw the thing together...Briggs wasn't gonna lose a dime...you got to respect his position, he made it clear he would accept no excuses, the game was going out of the door before Christmas irregardless of the condition it was in... the brutal thing was even though we had no time we had to deliver if we wanted to keep our jobs.
Why have so many patches been needed??
the unknown Firaxian responds: well, we basically release a beta, its no mystery.
Why is there no scenario-building or Cheat Mode with Civ 3 when these were vital very popular features with Civ 2??
the unknown Firaxian responds: The thing you need to understand is that we are just some guys learning how to do stuff, its not like we have done this stuff before...again, we were up against a deadline and some stuff had to slip...if you are not happy about it you can take it up with Briggs, but he won't listen, he is rolling in dough from this deal
Why is the game SOOO slow, even with CPU's well over one gig and 256 RAM??
the unknown Firaxian responds: Well, one reason was that we simply didn't realize the horsepower that would be needed to run the game, jeez, we are learning as we go...the other thing was that Briggs wouldn't hear of adjusting the minimum requirements to match the facts cause he thought it might hurt sales...
Why was the "Official Strategy Guide" such a useless ripoff - or was it intended as just a promotion for the game?
the unknown Firaxian responds: well, there was nothing but a design document to use, if you could call it that...we barely finished a playable version of the game in time to ship, not much way to write a guide for a game that hasn't been finished.... Briggs said it wouldn't matter, that he had solid numbers on sales based on name recognition
Why has trade and espionage been reduced to tedious abstractions?
the unknown Firaxian responds: I don't think we put any trade in the game, did we? Anyway, Briggs never could get the hang of spies in Civ2 so he would let us use them.
Why was there a reduction in available techs and units instead of an increase? A dumbing down of the game to appeal to a wider market?
the unknown Firaxian responds: We never had time to add anything. Generally, you simplify the game and add complexities. We just didn't have time to fully develop the game. We were told that the target market wouldn't notice the difference...
Why are the resource appearance rates so ridiculously low? Iron and coal were never that scarce.
the unknown Firaxian responds: We heard that when SMAC was developed there was time and money set aside to actually think stuff through and research and do original stuff for inclusion in the game, but for Civ3 we had none of that...
Why are the post-gunpowder units' values so ridiculously low? To give civs withoiut a needed resource "a chance", as admitted by a Firaxian elsewhere?
the unknown Firaxian responds: we had to come up with some quick fixes...
Were absurd concepts such as Culture Flipping, Settler Diarhea (the AI pewking out towns everywhere), and massive corruption (even for Democracies) actually playtested??
the unknown Firaxian responds: nothing was playtested really... after Brian left there was a meeting and Sid said hell no he wasn't going to have anything to do with the game so Briggs just sat down and came up with an outline and we were told to make it so...he maybe spent 15 minutes on it
Why is the AI for in your face, dumb, and predictable?
the unknown Firaxian responds: given the fact that we never got to playtest the darn AI its not so bad...
Why does the AI cheat so much in so many ways? Examples have been repeatedly posted so don't say "it doesn't".
the unknown Firaxian responds: I'll have to pass on that one...
Those are just twelve questions to get you started. . .
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