I won't be sending out test versions of the new release this time, but I do need your help... The quicker you respond, the quicker MapEdit will be released.
I only need one thing (well, 3 things): Please send me your Mapedit installation logs (called st6unst.log, located in the MapEdit program folder). Along with that I want to know what Windows version you have (e.g. Win95, Win98, WinXP etc.), and whether this is the first MapEdit install (i.e. if you previously uninstalled and re-installed MapEdit or not).
Additionally, if no-one has uninstalled and re-installed MapEdit, would some of you be so kind to uninstall and re-install MapEdit, and send both installation logs (both from the first and second install). You won't need to remove the MapEdit registry settings in this case.
Send the log files + info to
jorrit_v@hotmail.com (and mention MapEdit in the subject please).
Thanks a lot!