There is no reason to assume the AI -MUST- know where all your units are - the AI subroutine is separate from other game handling functions. The AI decision/knowledge pool should be a separate pool for each Civ if done properly.
Just because the game knows you have X units in city Y, doesn't mean the AI subroutine needs to know - when it decides during a war where to exploit, it should check it's map and city list, and evaluate each - location, size, and unit defense information. This data comes from each Civs knowledge pool - as it explores the map, it adds to the pool. If it wants to know how many units are in a city that it has never seen before, it should either have to use a spy, or watch the city in question (units going in are fuzzy noted) or simply make a functional estimate based on some assumptions (small city size tends to mean fewer units, new city tends to mean fewer units, etc.).
There is no reason that the AI routine has to use the games overall data pool...