I'm surprised this query hasn't received an avalanche of condemnation of the editors already, however...
By and large the only editor really worth its salt is the events editor, and even then there are some difficulties when using it with 'no, no' technologies - you might want to read the following scenario design tip by Gothmog on this at;
As such, your best move would be to go straight to the files and edit rules.txt directly (remembering to have a backup copy of this file should anything go wrong).
It's not a satisfactory answer to your question, but hopefully one that works.
As for

Also when editing Special Rules (or something similar) in the Cheat menu->Scenrio Paramaters the whole menu closes and nothing happens. Anyone got a reason for that
... I'm not sure what "nothing happens" means, but often the scenario needs to be saved and re-loaded for some of these effects to be implemented.
[This message has been edited by Cam (edited October 26, 2000).]