View Poll Results: Would you like to see civs fall into civil war in Play the World?
105 |
88.24% |
11 |
9.24% |
Don't care
3 |
2.52% |
July 1, 2002, 17:12
Local Time: 03:21
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By the way, i would like to see somthing like North Korea South Korea (Did you guys know Korea is really spelt Corea, but the Japanese invaded and told them that they need to spell it with a K cuz K comes after J in the alphabet!).
July 1, 2002, 17:34
Local Time: 05:21
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Originally posted by HazieDaVampire
By the way, i would like to see somthing like North Korea South Korea (Did you guys know Korea is really spelt Corea, but the Japanese invaded and told them that they need to spell it with a K cuz K comes after J in the alphabet!).
hi ,
it should be possible , ....
either with the new editor or true a mod .
have a nice day
July 1, 2002, 17:45
Local Time: 05:21
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Originally posted by HazieDaVampire
I don't think people would start a civil war when theirs sombody who is going to take away their rights even more!
What would you want, Facist government, or Facist government with a foreign leader! A civil war wouldn't start during another national crisis!
I'm sure if france declared another war on England just before the English civil war, the people would of banded together on both sides to fight the french! Then maby later started a civil war! And a freedom fighter / old facist government would agree to peace if their country as a hole has had war declared on them!
Well...I know almost nothing about world history, so I can't tell if it's true or not what you say, but we don't want to make Civ3 100% historically accurate...it's gameplay over realism...
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July 1, 2002, 17:52
Local Time: 05:21
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Originally posted by ADG
Well...I know almost nothing about world history, so I can't tell if it's true or not what you say, but we don't want to make Civ3 100% historically accurate...it's gameplay over realism...
hi ,
 , you can always learn if you want , ....
and yes , some people forget this ones in a while , afterall its just a game , ....
have a nice day
July 2, 2002, 11:48
Local Time: 03:21
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ITS NOT A GAME! lol! But what i say is true! So revolution should kinda disable, or slow down if theirs a war against the civ as a hole!
July 2, 2002, 14:46
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Originally posted by HazieDaVampire
ITS NOT A GAME! lol! But what i say is true! So revolution should kinda disable, or slow down if theirs a war against the civ as a hole!
hi ,
maybe they should just put it in , and make an option ; ON or OFF , ....
have a nice day
July 2, 2002, 17:07
Local Time: 03:21
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maybe? Of course they should! Come on Firaxis! You'll make more money!
July 2, 2002, 18:12
Local Time: 05:21
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Originally posted by panag
maybe they should just put it in , and make an option ; ON or OFF , ....
There's no maybe, when they are changing the gameplay in an add-on...There's only more options...
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July 3, 2002, 00:56
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I think that there should a palace, the forbidden palace, and the capital, the capital would move but it would be weak and would normally be in the city with the palace, if it is conquered the capital moves to the forbidden palace or if you don't have one it moves to the best city then if the number of cities is more then the optimal there is a chance of civil war, using corruption to draw the line for the borders.
July 3, 2002, 12:31
Local Time: 05:21
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Originally posted by ADG
There's no maybe, when they are changing the gameplay in an add-on...There's only more options...
hi ,
 , options , hmmmmm , (drool) , ...if they only would give some feedback as to what options , ....
it drive's people nuts , ....so they end up on the shrink ward , instead of playing or buying it , .....
have a nice day
July 3, 2002, 12:34
Local Time: 05:21
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Originally posted by Level
I think that there should a palace, the forbidden palace, and the capital, the capital would move but it would be weak and would normally be in the city with the palace, if it is conquered the capital moves to the forbidden palace or if you don't have one it moves to the best city then if the number of cities is more then the optimal there is a chance of civil war, using corruption to draw the line for the borders.
hi ,
the forbidden palace should be a great wonder , then you would have something like a state capital to replace it , one for every 10 cities , with a certain minimum distance , it would lower corruption , but not like the forbidden palace , ...
Firaxis , ....what ya say
have a nice day
July 4, 2002, 10:58
Local Time: 03:21
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Civil Wars would be 'cool' to have, but it'd need to have some basis in geography, so during a civil war, all your farflung western colonies would start a new nation, but a eastern city somewhat near your capital, but unhappy & full of curruption wouldn't.
July 4, 2002, 11:59
Local Time: 03:21
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Here is another idea:
A civil war occurs if a city containing a Forbidden Palace goes into disorder. All cities within 8 squares of the FP city joing the rebellion.
July 4, 2002, 19:11
Local Time: 03:21
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I agree with you, to a point, Darkworld! If you read my earlier post on the subject, you'll see that I believe that the distance from your capital should be one, very important" factor, in determining if a city breaks away from your civ!
But it shouldn't be the only one!
July 5, 2002, 01:03
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It'd be pretty cool if they new civ changed stats as well (maybe becoming religious or militaristic centered, etc.)
I.E. The confederate states would have changed to Religious, Commercial
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July 6, 2002, 10:01
Local Time: 05:21
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Originally posted by Austin
Here is another idea:
A civil war occurs if a city containing a Forbidden Palace goes into disorder. All cities within 8 squares of the FP city joing the rebellion.
hi ,
 , intresting , but the AI would prevent this by just simply not building the FP , ....
have a nice day
July 7, 2002, 23:42
Local Time: 04:21
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What about one fraction ending the Civil War then?
When rebel military is incapable, or govt. is stable and culturally superior... Gaining a central authority, once again. This would also yield for the player's civ. And things get as before.
That'd be fun! You think you are in deep shi*t, only for a while...
Fix things, peace... And they come back to you. (and not to other civs) Great?
My words are backed with hard coconuts.
July 13, 2002, 04:56
Local Time: 03:21
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If Civil Wars do make a comeback, and if they are based on multiple factors (such as corruption etc). Then I do think that you should get an appropriate warning before a Civil War can be triggered.
For example, with corruption:
“Sire, some of your people are complaining about our nations waste and decadence. I fear that, if not corrected, our great nation might split asunder.”
Resistors/foreign nationals:
“Sire, various minority groups are demanding their independance. I fear that, if successful, they might take some of our other discontented citizens with them.”
“Sire, a large number of your citizens are feeling oppressed and discontented. If these demands are not dealt with, they are threatening to break-away.”
“Sire, several of our cities are in a state of Anarchy! I fear that this might precipitate all-out Civil War!”
“Sire, with such large numbers of people on the street demanding a new government, I fear that certain disruptive elements might use it as an excuse to seccede from the nation!”
Once warned, a CW could occur at any time from the next turn onwards, until it occurs, or until the problem is dealt with! If a CW breaks out, then another pop-up should appear saying: “A civil War has broken out! X cities have broken away to form the independant nation of ‘________________’” You will then be asked if you wish to see their leader, or declare war on the seccessionists!
In the event of a Civil War, I feel that any loyalist garrisons in seccessionist cities should be automatically expelled to the nearest friendly city, and vice versa, minus half their original hp!
Anyway, that’s how I would like to see it work! Any thoughts?
July 13, 2002, 06:58
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Sounds good
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July 13, 2002, 07:11
Local Time: 03:21
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i'd also like to see units in citys that flip simply jump out of the city injured, with a few conscripts left back in the city!
July 13, 2002, 18:29
Local Time: 05:21
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In my opinion, the following could cause civil war (as it is in reality):
If you have huge number of people from other civs (and especially other cultures) at your cities and you don't build as much improvements in those cities with ethnical minorities as in your major cities, cities with ethnical minorities could rebel (example in the real world: Israel/Palestine). They would very obviously firstly try to join some other civ, but if you re-take those cities, or if their original civ is destroyed, or if they are deeply in your territory, the civil war could start.
If you are very bad ruler and although your state is quite strong but it detarioriates very rapidly, also if you do quite bad decitions to declare war against very strong country, or if you didn't declared a war/made fast peace with a small country after it provoked you by let's say frequently moving units to your territory or droping a nuke on capital, people might try to kick off government (you). Cities with bigger unhappines this way are more likely to rebel. There are many examples of this in real world. I suggest that citizens would have they "hate-o-meters". These would be unshown to you, but they would be. There would be as much hate-o-meters as there would be countries, one such meter per country. Hate-o-meters would raise after each provoking or war act and decrease after deals. So if you declare war on friendly country (hate-o-meter low), people would not like that, and if you let enemies (hate-o-meter high) to terrorise you, people also wouldn't like that. This would be especially true in democracy and hate-o-meters would have almost no impact under despotism.
July 18, 2002, 23:16
Local Time: 03:21
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I was actually thinking that, if you had Civil War back in the game, then you should really have an extra espionage mission: Incite Civil War. The way I envisage it is that you would first conduct spy missions on the rival empire to try and ascertain weak points-i.e cities with large unhappiness, low culture, small garrisons etc. You could then target these cities for incitement (for a cost) and, hey presto, you eventually trigger a civil war!!! I know that this is similar to the propaganda mission, but it would be different in having a lower cost, higher chance of getting caught, and the city would not change to your side, but would become a new Civ (with a very positive attitude towards you!). Anyway, I think that it would be SO COOL!!
August 17, 2002, 17:21
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Im for the unhappiness and corruption reasons. I would also like rebel leaders from other civs to contact you on the ve of or during a civil war to ask assistance against the "tyrants"
"It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it."-Robert E. Lee
Texas Above All
August 17, 2002, 17:27
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I did not like the civil war. It's too powerful!
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August 18, 2002, 10:09
Local Time: 05:21
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They should also include the option , that when a certain amout of cities gets in civil war an X-number of turns , that city should form a new civ .
There where some civ2 games like that  .
August 18, 2002, 12:28
Local Time: 05:21
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Originally posted by Hagbart
I did not like the civil war. It's too powerful!
hi ,
 , there should be an option to turn it on and off , this way everyone is happy , ...
have a nice day
August 19, 2002, 11:44
Local Time: 21:21
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Originally posted by Hagbart
I did not like the civil war. It's too powerful!
IF they did put it in there (yea right  ) they'de have to put it on a an option for the same reason that they're puttin' culture flip on an option. People tend to either love it or hate it.
Civil War!  Civil War!  Civil War!
"It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it."-Robert E. Lee
Texas Above All
August 20, 2002, 14:06
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This would also be some sort of reason to put in a new government (or edit an existing one) that is immune to civil wars.
Fascism? Fundamentalism?
August 20, 2002, 15:14
Local Time: 03:21
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I think Large empires should have large risk of civil war, with a few things that can be done to prevent it!
August 20, 2002, 19:08
Local Time: 21:21
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Large empires obviously would have higher chances due to the higher number of foreighn citizens.
"It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it."-Robert E. Lee
Texas Above All
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