Im going to star working on a MASSIVE NWN module....please read my idea:
I just came up with a really good idea for a NWN module, though it will be massive to say the least.
ONLY READ ON IF YOU HAVE GOTTEN MOST OF THE WAY THROUGH CHAPTER 3: My idea is an extension of something late on in chapter 3, and I dont want to spoil it for you if you havent gotten that far-if you have gotten any of the "words" in chapter 3, then finish reading this paragraph and dont read on, if you havent gotten any "words" in chapter 3, stop reading here. Heres the premise: You go back in time 10,000 years to when the ancient ones still roamed the earth, and you lead a slave revolt to overthrow them. Read on if your near the end of chapter 3 or further, if not, stop reading here.
Remember the time timple in chapter 3, where you go back in time, but you cant leave the temple-to see what the world was like 10,000 years ago?
What if you did leave the temple........and lead the slave revolt to wipe out the creator race 10,000 years ago?
I think this is such a cool premise im excited just thinking about it =)
Anyone else think this is a good idea for a module, and if it is, post here if you'r interested in helping to make it(you dont need experience with the engine....its VERY easy to use-I figured it out in less then an hour, even if you dont wanna help make it, still need ideas)- already started working on it tonight.