June 30, 2002, 16:58
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Prized Techs?
I have noticed that the AI has given next to nothing for a certain in one game but the next is willing to give up a substantial amont for it. Is there a definitive list of techs that the AI is willing to give an arm and a leg for? If anyone could help me with this I would greatly appreciate it, and so would my wallet.
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June 30, 2002, 17:32
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The relative cost of techs when trading is dependent on a)how many civs have that tech, and b)if that civ is already researching the tech it wants to buy, how close it is to getting it.
June 30, 2002, 18:52
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Originally posted by zulu9812
The relative cost of techs when trading is dependent on a)how many civs have that tech, and b)if that civ is already researching the tech it wants to buy, how close it is to getting it.
c) Usefullness. If it's a Wonder Tech, and you or someone else built the wonder, that tech is worth nothing.
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June 30, 2002, 18:57
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The key is what use the tech will be to an opponent. For instance if they are in a major war, they'll pay a lot more for a tech with good units :b.
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June 30, 2002, 19:52
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ive noticed that the AI loves to buy currency or banking. they seem to pay a ton for it, reguardless of how many people have it
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June 30, 2002, 21:06
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Originally posted by UberKruX
ive noticed that the AI loves to buy currency or banking. they seem to pay a ton for it, reguardless of how many people have it
I've noticed the same thing. I guess it's because one leads to Democracy, and the other is one of the techs that get you out of Anchient times.
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June 30, 2002, 22:37
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Also, they allow the AI to build structures which give them money, so they get a return on their investment. This falls under "usefulness of the tech".
July 1, 2002, 01:14
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RE: Prized techs
Would you guys op. for a direct route to monarchy first or go straight for Great Library? *I know this isnt exactly following the thread, but I have always debated if the benifits of a new government in the early game would out way the ablitiy to get plenty of techs to barter off *
Thanks for all the comments, its help me alot.
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July 1, 2002, 01:23
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Let me correct the previous post. -exuse me , its to late and i got up to early-
Should i rather go for monarchy to enjoy the monitary and food bonus or literacy as to benift from the ablity to build libraries and get the science bonus and research faster and aquire more techs.
Sorry for the confusion, im going to sleep now.
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July 1, 2002, 08:32
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It depends on the situation, and difficulty level, but the reason why currency is such a nice tech to research on your own, then trade it to the AIs is that it is very low on the 'to-get' list of the AIs. You have a good chance of being the first to research it, and if you have enough communications at that time will almost certainly get 3-4 techs out of it.
Literature is also something you might discover first, and democracy, banking, and any of the dead-end, optional wondertechs as well. These can be used to trade, and will gain you most, as you're the first one to have it, and the others are not researching it already (so haven't put any beakers in it already).
In the industrial age it is the so called southern line approach: research only the techs on the bottom of the chart, and trade for the techs on top. A vital tactic when you want to play peacefully at higher difficulty levels.
July 1, 2002, 08:38
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Oh, and whether you want to beeline for literature or monarchy: I assume you're playing on a mild difficulty, because otherwise there is no choice. Monarchy is something the AIs will beeline for, and as such is relatively easy to get from them. Literature is something they are not overly interested in, so you should research that, and trade it to them, possibly for monarchy (more likely for one of the prerequisite techs for monarchy).
As both techs are wonder techs, you might get a good deal out of it. But anyway, lately I don't research, or buy monarchy anymore: it's close to impossible to build the hanging gardens, and I'm more interested in republic. I don't make the switch to monarchy, and most of the times will get the tech late in the middle ages when I'm trading some other tech to everybody I know.
July 1, 2002, 08:48
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During the early expansion period, how many cities would you try to establish (on a Huge map) before you dismantle , somewhat, your military and switch to a more commerce friendly gov? Anyone?
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July 1, 2002, 08:52
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Forget monarchy and head for republic
July 1, 2002, 09:01
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That depends greatly on what you are planning to do, the difficulty you're playing, the size of the map and the # of AIs. There is no fixed answer for it.
If you are planning on an ultra-early archer rush, 4 or 5 cities will be enough on each map type. If you can get all but one of your cities producing barracks and military unit, the last one building settlers you, you have both enough military and a little growth left. Then, after you conquered some territory, put all cities back to settler-culture building, and expand until you either have everything covered, or gain a new tech that will enable you for another war (e.g. knights)
For peaceful conquest, I'll always expand until every available tile is occupied, while alternating between culture & settlers. And some military to keep the foes out. Never did I have to dismantle military, though, if you have too much of them, just start a war
What the switching to another government is concerned: This too depends on the situation. Normally, the earlier you switch, the better. However, if you build a lot of troops, a lot of culture, but no marketplaces or adequate roads, it can cost you too much to switch to republic. In that case, stay a little longer, build markets, make sure each worked tile is roaded (for the commerce), and let a few of your core cities grow (so build no settlers in them).
On a huge map, it is very likely that at this time you haven't expanded to all available land, so after switching governments, keep churning out settlers.
July 1, 2002, 09:06
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I try to follow the settler, culture, settler, culture formula, but alas 15 cities latter i have lost all motivation to consistently improve cites 1-14, lol. I normally end up with a temple, barracks, and marketplace until late in the game for most of my cities. Is this a draw back in anyway? I guess I could play on a smaller map, but seeing old the good old germans come bounding in my screen around 2500bc really really gets on my nerves.
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July 1, 2002, 09:15
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That shouldn't be a problem, as long as you have built some culture from the start. Without any culture, you are much too sensitive to culture flipping. If you only want to build on building, try building a library instead of a temple. With scientific civs especially this can be a very strong tactic: both more culture then a temple, and extra research.
However, you might want to keep a few cities (e.g. your capital and one other good producer) to build up asap, with everything available. This can pay of, as building more improvemenst generally lead to have an even more productive city (due to happiness). Also remember that WLTKD is very good against corruption, which on huge maps always plays a role
July 1, 2002, 09:49
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Thank you
Thanks for all of the advice. Now its time to put it in use, in my quest for world domination. Mucho Gracias DeepO.
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July 1, 2002, 09:56
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no problem, I hope it helps
July 1, 2002, 14:21
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i usualy get iron working and the wheel first (i'm a warmonger, and i like to know where the resources are). after that i usually get ceremonial burial (i play monarch-emperor, i need it).
after that, it all depends on my position in the game. i usually get alphabet/writing, and then i'll get mapmaking or literature depending on my landmass, etc.
i usually stay in despotism until the end of the ancient era.
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
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July 1, 2002, 17:01
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hi ,
 ,  , one can always change the prize in the editor , ...
have a nice day
July 1, 2002, 19:32
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Why do you hold off on monarchy? Is there some drawbacks to switching to it to early?
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July 1, 2002, 20:02
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To be honest, I end up getting the governments late on in the ancient age, and if I'm going to push for a government then, I'd push for Republic
July 1, 2002, 20:14
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hi ,
first republic then democrazy , ....
its the best to get the most , ....
and its worth to wait a bit to get republic
have a nice day
July 1, 2002, 21:57
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Originally posted by SpencerH
Forget monarchy and head for republic
I second that.
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July 2, 2002, 00:24
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Re: monarchy
Originally posted by Chad
Why do you hold off on monarchy? Is there some drawbacks to switching to it to early?
im a fan of poprushing (rush method in despotism/communist)
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
July 2, 2002, 13:49
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Re: Re: monarchy
Originally posted by UberKruX
im a fan of poprushing (rush method in despotism/communist)
hi ,
who is not a fan of that , .....
if there is a city in the game that can build workers and settlers fast , go for it , ....
have a nice day
July 2, 2002, 20:18
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How many cities out of your empire would you keep using for producing settlers? (On a huge map, with , lets say, 5 cities).
Thanks for all of the great feedback everyone.
Good Day.
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July 3, 2002, 05:23
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Chad, that depends on what you are planning, and what the situation is. If you go for early war, one, or even none would be ok, while you train your forces. If, OTOH, you have room to expand and the next AI is a distance away you could just keep on building settlers until you run out of free space. Just keep the capital and another city apart, for wonderbuilding and troops.
So, an example might be that your capital builds 2 settlers, and after that only builds troops, improvements, and wonders. Once you bump into the population limits (6 or 12), you can build workers from there. Another city could be set apart as pure wonderbuilder, if it is a coastal city, starting with the Colussus. (or a palace-prebuild for the great library)
Just always, even late in the game, keep a settler around, and if needed always keep a city on settlerbuilding only. You could use these to claim razed land, or try to squeeze them between two warring AIs to get some free resources / luxs.
July 3, 2002, 10:54
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 I have discovered something interesting. In my last few games, I've noticed that civs will consitently offer me the tech I'm currently working on, and usually when I'm only one or two turns from completing the research. And, of course, they always want a tech that THEY are not working on. I always counteroffer asking for a different tech and some money. They really get pissed off at this and will give me some kind of snide remark about my attitude. On one occasion, they decided to declare war!
July 3, 2002, 11:53
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Moody AI
I am currently doing research to see if the AI has a menstrual cycle. Its mood swings seem to be far worse than my wife's , and that is a very hard act to follow.  Thanks for the help DeepO, tried that out and I ended up with a big army, and a lot of land! If you happen to go to the Demo game can you drop me a line about how it goes, I got to work and I hate having to wait a few days to find out what happen!
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