I think that CtP2 more interesting for play via LAN, nevertheless on terrible issues such as often resynchronization and wrong combat result and unit's exposure. Do you know what is mean wrong combat result? This is when you have seen that you won battle and your LAN-adversary seen that he won the battle. But after resynchronisation all-players can see as result as seen Host-gamer before.
I agree bigger or even unlimited stack sizes would be more accurate and open for the player
On my opinion larger stack can solve this problem unlikely. Now I play together with 2 my friends with our own Mod. This Mod. use range attack factor extensively.
At least all naval combats ossured only as bombardment between squadrons. Assuredly all units which have bombard have counterbombard too.
In this case numerious attacker could suffer some losses.
I thinking use ranged attack for ground units extensively. What about Mounting Archer with ranged attack (bombard and counterbombard)? This light cavalry could quickly get to close quarters with enemy units (for ex. Legions) and sweep it. To regret they can't retreat after attack. This would be really Hunns or Mongols tactic. Is this interesting? Also I made calculation of units cost using my own formula.
Now unit's cost isn't just a designers imagine. It is a precision calculation based on unit's utility.
Now I include to my Mod. many usefull SLICS from Apolyton such as frenzy, update and so on.
I found in orders.txt order Ranged_Attack:
# Hidden Orders (For GL)
Gold 0
Move 100
EventName ""
LocalizedName str_ldl_order_ranged_attack
StatusText str_ldl_order_ranged_attack
CPIcon "upsi27.tga"
ButtonLocation 10
# FIXME - these are the default special action cursors
Cursor 7
InvalidCursor 8
Is this obsolete version of order BOMBARD or something else? Maybe this can help to make new branch of bombard without building destruction?
I would like to make civ-specific units SLIC and resources SLIC like Civ3, but don't know how to make this. Can anybody help me?