July 15, 2002, 15:49
Local Time: 22:37
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Posts: 427
Ok, it's decided then
PBEM and we'll size it down from a HUGE planet to something more manageable, probably LARGE. One AI player if SmartFart's out which I believe he is. It will probably be Gaia's Stepdaughters so we can have an eco-friendly faction in the mix. If you want me to hold passwords since this is a friendly game, send them to my e-mail at Arcainite@aol.com. If you think we need a neutral party to hold the passwords and set the game up, I'm still looking for a volunteer. Any takers? We'll give you a hug!...
July 16, 2002, 08:13
Local Time: 22:37
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I don't mind Arcainite holding the passwords. It's just a game for fun.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
July 16, 2002, 09:16
Local Time: 05:37
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No problem for me that Arcainite is fixing the passwords...
What do I care about your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than information before the senses, data fed to the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have received the information, now act on it. Take control of the input and you shall become master of the output.
July 16, 2002, 20:28
Local Time: 04:37
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Im also ok with that
A land where the trees looks like big soundsystems, the flowers seemed to become ravers and the air smells like happiness!!!
July 18, 2002, 01:55
Local Time: 22:37
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Send in your passwords
to Arcainite@aol.com and we'll get the game started finally.
July 18, 2002, 08:42
Local Time: 04:37
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k sent mine in, i bet i start next to deirdre nd she declares war on me for running planned or my first base gets overrun by worms  i hate luck
Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.
Last edited by Lazerus; July 18, 2002 at 08:51.
July 21, 2002, 08:56
Local Time: 05:37
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I have sent mine...
What do I care about your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than information before the senses, data fed to the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have received the information, now act on it. Take control of the input and you shall become master of the output.
July 21, 2002, 19:05
Local Time: 22:37
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Mine has been sent
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
July 22, 2002, 21:41
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Posts: 427
Ok, if I don't hear from you in 48 hours we're starting the game without you and you will be replaced by AI. Thank you for sending me your desired passwords waab, Lazerus, Phobos, and Sprayber. Hopefully we can start this game by Wednesday if not sooner.
Last edited by Arcainite; July 23, 2002 at 00:12.
July 23, 2002, 15:59
Local Time: 05:37
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Location: Sweden
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Great let us now pray for a good game...
What do I care about your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than information before the senses, data fed to the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have received the information, now act on it. Take control of the input and you shall become master of the output.
July 25, 2002, 01:19
Local Time: 22:37
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Posts: 427
The game has begun
I just hope I did everything correctly. The game order is as follows: Arcainite, waab, AI #1, Lazerus, Sprayber, AI #2, Phobos. Good luck everybody, and remember to have fun.
Arcainite (Data Angels)
PS - this is my first time playing as them.
July 25, 2002, 15:38
Local Time: 04:37
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do we need a turn tracking thread or r we just gonna use this ?
btw since i havent messed around and tried all the multiplayer options yet im guessing PBEM goes something like this:
get saved game in email , put it into save file , load game , goto multiplayer and load file , take turn , save and send off to next player. That about right ??
So its waabs turn right now ?
Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.
July 25, 2002, 16:14
Local Time: 05:37
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Location: Sweden
Posts: 653
Yeap it's my turn or was  and you have totaly right about PDEM, it works exactly as you say...
turn 2001 Hive is sent to Lazerus
What do I care about your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than information before the senses, data fed to the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have received the information, now act on it. Take control of the input and you shall become master of the output.
July 26, 2002, 09:05
Local Time: 04:37
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Location: Empires were built by dictators, not democracies.
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turn 2101 sent to sprayber , cant wait till the turns take longer then all the saving nd loading heh :P
Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.
July 26, 2002, 17:06
Local Time: 22:37
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One quick question. I'm assuming we save it as the same name we got it as.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
July 26, 2002, 17:37
Local Time: 04:37
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Location: Empires were built by dictators, not democracies.
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well i got sent it as AAhive2101 so i just saved it as AApeacekeeper2101 so i was sure i was sendin the right turn to the right person
Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.
July 26, 2002, 17:53
Local Time: 22:37
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Thats cool. I just wanted to be on the same page.
Turn 2101 sent to Phobos
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
July 26, 2002, 18:48
Local Time: 04:37
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Location: Stocktown, Sweden
Posts: 197
Hmm Sprayber. I think you sent me the wrong turn. I got the the PK turn. Im playing as the Cyborgs.
A land where the trees looks like big soundsystems, the flowers seemed to become ravers and the air smells like happiness!!!
July 26, 2002, 21:39
Local Time: 22:37
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Sorry Phobos. I didn't save and exit properly. i went back exited properly. Sorry for the foul up guys.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
July 27, 2002, 03:12
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Posts: 427
Just hope you got it worked out?
I'm still waiting to start turn 2, so apparently Phobos still hasn't gone yet? Or else he just hasn't sent out the turn to me yet. So shall we stick with this thread for our turns then? Or start a new thread now that we HOPEFULLY know what we're doing?
July 27, 2002, 07:29
Local Time: 04:37
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Location: Stocktown, Sweden
Posts: 197
Hmm Sprayber. This is wierd man. I got your new turn that said Cyborgs and everything but when i load it in the game I get the PK turn again
Any ideas on what might have gone wrong?
A land where the trees looks like big soundsystems, the flowers seemed to become ravers and the air smells like happiness!!!
July 27, 2002, 08:06
Local Time: 22:37
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i moved my units, saved and exited and then sent the saved file to you.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
July 27, 2002, 08:27
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OK the problem was when I save a scenero ,and it appears multiplayer, it doesn't save it to the save files but it appears outside where the general files are. Dont ask me why, cause i dont know. Any way that should be the correct file.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
July 27, 2002, 08:56
Local Time: 04:37
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Location: Stocktown, Sweden
Posts: 197
It worked now. Thanks
2102 to Arcainite
Good Luck guys!
A land where the trees looks like big soundsystems, the flowers seemed to become ravers and the air smells like happiness!!!
July 27, 2002, 10:24
Local Time: 04:37
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Location: Empires were built by dictators, not democracies.
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yeah that happened with me aswell i paniced for bout 5-10mins looking in my save file for it  then did a search on my whole comp to find out it just puts it in the alpha cent. folder
Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.
July 27, 2002, 12:01
Local Time: 22:37
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Location: North Carolina
Posts: 427
Turn 2 well underway
It was the year 2102 and the Data Angels were fortunate not to have encountered any hostile aliens yet. Go Data Angels! Go Data Angels! It's your birthday! It's your birthday! Watch, now I just probably jinxed myself for the next turn. Hope not! Anyway, it did say that Brother Lal of the Peacekeepers may have taken an extra turn, but I am going to assume that's just because of the aforementioned difficulties so I'm not worried about it. Have fun folks! Let's see how fast the Free Drones can move..
Last edited by Arcainite; July 29, 2002 at 21:23.
July 27, 2002, 14:12
Local Time: 05:37
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Location: Sweden
Posts: 653
Okay I guess it is time to give some instructions. To get a save file that is something worthy for the next player you have to correctly end you turn.
You shall get up a new box with the next player in turn. And there you shall press save and exit.
Arcanti resend the turn please I can't play it...
What do I care about your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than information before the senses, data fed to the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have received the information, now act on it. Take control of the input and you shall become master of the output.
July 28, 2002, 02:17
Local Time: 22:37
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Location: North Carolina
Posts: 427
I tried sending from the non-save folder sav file
See if that works? I guess that was the same problem as before with the others?
July 28, 2002, 06:10
Local Time: 05:37
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Location: Sweden
Posts: 653
And please everybody, use winzip...I am sitting on a bad conection...
What do I care about your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than information before the senses, data fed to the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have received the information, now act on it. Take control of the input and you shall become master of the output.
July 28, 2002, 06:25
Local Time: 05:37
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Location: Sweden
Posts: 653
Turn 2002 sent to Lazerus
What do I care about your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than information before the senses, data fed to the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have received the information, now act on it. Take control of the input and you shall become master of the output.
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