September 7, 2002, 04:40
Local Time: 06:49
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You like angels, eh?
Not all of them, just the ones in Evangelion. I really really wish I could use smileys. Therefore Archangel Andrew does not suffice.
Hmmm - if it's not broken, don't fix it?
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
September 7, 2002, 04:44
Local Time: 13:49
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I think it's quite nice as it is, but if you want to change it I'm not going to tell you what to do.
One last suggestion. Do any of Kassiopeia's contemporaries in Greek mythology have names that sound cool in your ears, eg. her husband Cepheus, her son-in-law Perseus, or his flying horse Pegasus?
Why can't you use smilies?
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
September 7, 2002, 04:50
Local Time: 06:49
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Do any of Kassiopeia's contemporaries in Greek mythology have names that sound cool in your ears, eg. her husband Cepheus, her son-in-law Perseus, or his flying horse Pegasus?
Cepheus -> Maybe not, people still should recognize it's me.
Perseus -> Do you know what 'perse' means in Finnish?
Pegasus -> Too common.
I guess I'm being too picky... Kass and Kassi are still the strongest options.
Why can't you use smilies?
It's against the ethos of my avatar. I frown when I see my earlier posts with some other avatar. A Mage can't use swords, a person with Gendo as his avatar can't use smileys.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
September 7, 2002, 04:54
Local Time: 13:49
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Do you know what 'perse' means in Finnish?
I don't but I could guess.
Check your private message box.
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
September 8, 2002, 09:53
Local Time: 22:49
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Originally posted by Mr. President
How about Kass of Karelia? Even if it's not technically true, it is illiterative. 
I don't know. I never use the name Crimson Sunrise any more, so I suppose you could have it if you want. Or maybe . . . LordLMP!
I see i am not forgotten
well, just to inform you all, i am back home, and my comp. with cable this time too.
as for wether i will get back into story telling or not is still to be dtermined.... just got a job and has crazy hours.
anyway, i am back yay!
September 8, 2002, 10:05
Local Time: 22:49
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Originally posted by Kassiopeia
Oh man. The moment I noticed you had posted here I remembered that. Errr, consider it a courtesy, since your name would've been in one of the slots reserved for Mellian/LordLMP... 
which slot?
September 10, 2002, 08:23
Local Time: 22:49
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i start posting again and people stops talking, geez :P
September 10, 2002, 08:54
Local Time: 06:49
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i start posting again and people stops talking, geez :P
Perhaps there is a reason...
Now, I first thought of just sending PMs to the parties involved, but I decided it'd be good for all of us if we kept this on the thread...
I am not representing the general sentiment here, but, Mellian, with your 'track record'...
My point is - if you come back to BAC, I, and Mr. President, will cease writing. Plain and simple. We can see no future for BAC if you continue - the fate of the Chiron Chronicle looms heavily in my mind, as do your going to personalities and, well, behaving rather unsolidarily.
I feel rather childish for making you to choose between Mr. President and I, and Mellian, but we just can't get along.
I leave the other authors to decide what will come out of this. the plans for turning Sol (except the Titanian Kingdom, Cybergod just sent me a PM that he is indeed alive! Hallelujah!) under permanent TA control already exist, as Mellian put them... the same plan where my faction was made an underling and a pawn of the TA with little independence. I already had planned to abolish this plan and remove the TA from the story but that might be a bit problematic with Mellian around. I won't have the time or the nerve to go with all the stress Mellian would bring along, and I was already thinking of quitting until she fell silent. By the way, Mellian, you posted in the Civ3 story area but ignored this one - we thought of this as a sign of you leaving the story.
Frankychan, Sovereign, this would effectively thwart our UCS-EC-GHE Alliance.
So... this is the deal. I believe I've said everything I have to say. People, I'm sorry, and I'm sure Mr. President is, for this, but we have no other alternative. I ask for all of you to give your opinion on this. My firm belief is that we are now contemplating the very future of this story.
Mellian, I would say that this is nothing personal, but I really can't.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
September 10, 2002, 12:02
Local Time: 22:49
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Mellian is back?!
Guys, I've been having some serious problems with my "home" computer. For some reason I can't log-in Apolyton, CivFanatics, or any forum boards. I hope to get it fixed, probably with a computer tech friend.
Also, I went back to college now, back at Rochester, NY. I will still be able to think of something, and hopefully post a story post when I get my ideas together, and corrobate with authors some more.
But don't worry. Even if my "home" computer is still down, I can always "borrow" my college's computers to send PM's or post in the discussion threads.
 I loved me being in Gandalf's role in your LotR "fic"
I don't want to have you go, ya know? I'm looking foward to the Police State Trivimirate.
If worst comes to worst, maybe we could start up a new story, or maybe we could set up something like your own Heritage, where the majority of BAC authors can pick off where they left off, with some alterations, like no TA or TAF, along with some modifications.
For example, we could restructure "who controls what faction" and also which factions will "exist".
We could also set up a new rule, like:
"If someone does not write for a faction for over 6 months with no explaination or solid reasons such as computer crash, emergency absence, etc. or clearly demostrates he/she has no further interest in writing for BAC, then that faction is eligible for control by another player."
I think it'd be fair, so that the factions will still be there, but at the same time, allows the story to keep going on without being "Stopped up" by unanswered plot-lines or a lack of interest by the faction's author.
Are these fair ideas?
I'll post back here sometime this week, hoping my computer gets fixed.
Until then, take care.
Keep the flaming down  Its too hot outside to get all hot flaming on the computer.
September 10, 2002, 13:55
Local Time: 06:49
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Sovereign, yes, that sounds like a good idea - a BAC 1.1 with improvements - like no Mellian.
What was that roleplaying story you told you got kicked out of, Mel?
Keep the flaming down
I'll try...
I just want this out of the way. Too much tension for my tastes.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
September 10, 2002, 14:51
Local Time: 04:49
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Hello everyone!
Due to some circumstances I was unable (plus lacked willpower) to accesss a computer for days and discovered the pleasures of dating. This highly recommended drug is better than somma (hint - Brave New World, but I was living in a sort of "1984")
Oh and by the way, to all you American basketball pros (and the rest who barticipated in the Basketball World Championship):
September 10, 2002, 14:54
Local Time: 04:49
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Why does it say that I posted my previous post in February???
BTW could someone give a brief account of what's been happening in the BAC realm? Por favour?
... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
... Pain is an illusion...
September 10, 2002, 22:04
Local Time: 21:49
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Cybergod! You're back! Now sit down man! (straps Cybergod to a chair)...Now just try and escape!
Kassiopeia and Mr. President, I can understand this sort of behavior, and indeed, I must say that I feel in some way party to it. I just don't see how I could continue either. I am sorry to act this way, but Mellian is just too much for me to handle. I apologize, but I suppose I'm going to have to blast my way out of here as well...
Empire growing,
Pleasures flowing,
Fortune smiles and so should you.
September 10, 2002, 23:24
Local Time: 13:49
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What Kassiopeia said. Too much blood has flowed under that bridge.
Need I remind you of what went on when Mellian was the "Realism Monitor" for this story? Need I remind you of the browbeating, the bickering, the in-fighting? Of the use of Pirate and Terran Alliance characters and plotlines as a weapon against writers who refused to conform?
There are many futures, but there is only one that involves me writing for Beyond Alpha Centauri.
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
September 10, 2002, 23:36
Local Time: 22:49
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Posts: 1,782
Oooooookkkayyy. definatly not what i expected :P if you people had such problems with me, could of simply been frank with me and vote me off...frank is always good  also, blame Sprayber, it is his fault for given me the title of thread realist
anyway, don't want me back? want to get rid of the TA/TAF? go ahead then  i don't mind... not really important. suspending myself from BAC done me some good... learned bunch of things and i am way better these days. want me out, fine. i thank you for being honest with me. don't have much time to devote to bac anyway, and no point stressing myself out again.
does it also mean that you people don't want to hear from me again then?
Last edited by Mellian; September 10, 2002 at 23:51.
September 11, 2002, 00:08
Local Time: 22:49
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 1,782
I am not representing the general sentiment here, but, Mellian, with your 'track record'...
to bad changing names didn't do anything about that
My point is - if you come back to BAC, I, and Mr. President, will cease writing. Plain and simple. We can see no future for BAC if you continue - the fate of the Chiron Chronicle looms heavily in my mind, as do your going to personalities and, well, behaving rather unsolidarily.
going to personalities?
I feel rather childish for making you to choose between Mr. President and I, and Mellian, but we just can't get along.
i choose not to choose, i leave you people to decide my fate concerning this matter. as for can't getting along, awwwwwwww but we don't seriously know each other
 what you saw before was only a very few aspects of me, not all of it.
I leave the other authors to decide what will come out of this. the plans for turning Sol (except the Titanian Kingdom, Cybergod just sent me a PM that he is indeed alive! Hallelujah!) under permanent TA control already exist, as Mellian put them... the same plan where my faction was made an underling and a pawn of the TA with little independence. I already had planned to abolish this plan and remove the TA from the story but that might be a bit problematic with Mellian around. I won't have the time or the nerve to go with all the stress Mellian would bring along, and I was already thinking of quitting until she fell silent. By the way, Mellian, you posted in the Civ3 story area but ignored this one - we thought of this as a sign of you leaving the story.
because of what i done before, you simply asssume... well, it is going to be your underdoing if you keep doing that
I ignored BAC because i suspended myself from it, not just because i barely had any time or comp time... to give you people a break. give myself a break and time to think.
So... this is the deal. I believe I've said everything I have to say. People, I'm sorry, and I'm sure Mr. President is, for this, but we have no other alternative. I ask for all of you to give your opinion on this. My firm belief is that we are now contemplating the very future of this story.
because of moi, which i think is funny to think of myself in that way, as well as silly.
Mellian, I would say that this is nothing personal, but I really can't.
how could it be personal if you don't know me personally?
Last edited by Mellian; September 11, 2002 at 00:41.
September 11, 2002, 00:10
Local Time: 22:49
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Posts: 1,782
"Scions value ENERGY and MINERALS lot more then gold and gemstones." -- Mellian, reminding everyone that gold is a vegetable
September 11, 2002, 00:17
Local Time: 22:49
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Posts: 1,782
Sovereign, yes, that sounds like a good idea - a BAC 1.1 with improvements - like no Mellian.
What was that roleplaying story you told you got kicked out of, Mel?
more then one just to tell you... which mainly because i argue to much... and one because i was to stubborn to accept a tsunami
and no, i don't consider this flaming. I call it communicating.
what tension? i don't feel tense. just cool and calm, as well as tired
Last edited by Mellian; September 11, 2002 at 00:48.
September 11, 2002, 00:20
Local Time: 22:49
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ohhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyy goooooooooooooddddd!
*hides under behind a couch*
September 11, 2002, 00:23
Local Time: 22:49
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Posts: 1,782
just to tell you all, i am turning 19 this coming saturday. so i was like 15 when i first help create and moderate Chiron Chronicles. 17 when i was ask to be Thread realist monitor. just stating a fact, keep negative comments among yourself please.
September 11, 2002, 00:24
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sorry for the so many messages, lol
September 11, 2002, 00:27
Local Time: 22:49
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just a thought....
what if i am still interested in BAC and return... with bunch of comprimises... like for example no power to ever be given to me (stresses me for nothing which turns me into a evil dictator, which is completly opposite from what i really am), that i am limited only to some smallish insignificant faction (like a pirate gang/clan or the data angels or the scions), that i have no say on any major stuff unless asked, that if I NEVER insult or flame ANYONE on this Forum for any reason, and any other comprimises one can think of... also, if i ever break any of these comprimises, unless given permission by the majority or all of the bac writers, i am banned from the AC-Fiction forever...
anyway, just a thought... i understand if people thinks it is very silly and waste of time to even mention it....
suggestion which doesn't have to be taken: timewarp with the TAF collapse after the civil war... have kerensky go insane and run away from human space with 80-90% of the TAF... or some even form a faction at the edge of known space... or maybe just have the proginators wipe out most of the TAF and TA collapses because of that  ..... just suggestions
oh, before i end this message *puts a gun on the table for anyone to use... as well as a steel toe boot for the non-gory types*
...still interested in writing in general...
September 11, 2002, 00:49
Local Time: 22:49
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sorry for another message.... but do you think i would do any good in the AC or Civ3 democracy games?
September 11, 2002, 01:21
Local Time: 17:49
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Holy cow!  What did you all do to this thread while I've been posting in the OT??? It's like a reunion up in here! Cybergod, History Guy, Sovereign, Mr. President, Kass, Mellian....all we need is Sprayber, Silence, and General Tac! Good to see you are all around and kicking!
Well, this is frankychan's view on all this *deep breath*.....
It's good to see that people have finally started reporting in (myself included...sorry!) and now we've met a crossroads.
As I see it, Mellian I personally think that it's good that you have checked in to see what's up. Unfortunately, since it seemed that you just "picked up and left", the remaining BAC authors at first wasn't sure of what to do. We decided to wait for your return, but since it was so extended, we unanimously decided that Kass should take command of the entire Sol System and all it's holdings.
Now the thing is, since our decision, we have already planned ahead for our plots ( Kass, Sovereign, and I) and a lot of planning has gone into this.
To go off on a related tangent- MY main concern is the relative health of the story itself. I found that even tho you rubbed a few of us the wrong way, myself included, on occassions, I rather found it refreshing. Unfortunately, other BAC others do not hold the same opinion as myself and it is THIS that will either kill the story, or let it evolve. Without the other BAC authors, I believe we will have committed infanticide (the story being our collective child).
This, IMHO, is where I have to decide....and I'll have to side with the other author's on this. Their continued participation in the story will help it along thereby ensuring the story's survival. Kass, I'll have to agree with you that this will disrupt the EC-UCS-GHE alliance we have collectively agreed upon.
Just in case any of you stopped paying attention in this rather long post, I'll try and summarize it:
Mell, even tho you come across as "rough around the edge's", I personally find it different & refreshing. But, I'm going to side with History Guy, Kass, and Mr. President on this one. Your extended absence was taken as "Forfeit-of-Faction" and we have all agreed on an alternative, which cannot be reversed.
I'm sorry things have gone this route, but, I'll say thanks for your input on BAC.
Okay, I'm out for now. I'll check back in a coupla days.
Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
***** Citizen of the Hive****
"...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" - Dis
September 11, 2002, 04:16
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Personally, I would be in favour of allowing Mellian back in, but only as long as we can carry on with the plot lines that we've already set up. And if we have to make a choice between Kass et al or Mellian, I'd pick the others.
September 11, 2002, 08:19
Local Time: 22:49
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What makes you people think i will simply ruin BAC and the current plotlines? since I was not around to help figure them out, I have no say about them. since i was gone for a period of time, which i am sorry for not warning anyone about it, my dib on the factions as been lost. if i am to return, it is as a new player...with special comprimises put on me if you people wish.
if the BAC writers don't want me back, then thats okay with me. I am not going to choose, as i have no right to choose over others. it is you guys decision decision to ban me permentatly or not.
another thing, stopped being tense  and the idea that i am some big threat that will ruin BAC is bit silly, especially when i am not interested in ruining anything. reality be damn. BAC is not the real world, the writers are the gods, they decide what is reality. if the other gods think i am a threat still, then tell me to get lost. pretty simple, no reason to make this complicated.
...i am a creator, not a destroyer...
September 11, 2002, 11:53
Local Time: 22:49
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Thank goodness Ming doesn't come in here!
The joke aside, Mellian, I remember when I first came to BAC, I had no idea what to do. But a few of you, including you Mellian, helped me to realize what to do and what not to do.
I appreciate that.
But, when someone leaves with no reason for several months, or doesn't check in, it causes the other authors to worry.
We thought you lost interest in BAC, but held out, trying to keep the door open for you, Mellian.
After a while, authors need to keep writing, otherwise BAC would end up as a "dead-end" like Chiron Chronicles and many other multi-author fan-fic's.
So, we decided to give total control of the Earth system to Kass, and setting up several plots like the alliances, police states, spheres of influence, etc.
We wanted to keep the story rolling, much the same way as the real world. Life goes on.
One other note. To be totally and completely honest, I don't remember having as many "debates" or discussions with the other authors.
The other authors like President, Frankychan, and Kass tend to compromise, reach an agreement, and work things out when we have differing points of view. A good example would be the Temple plot line. Or the Alliance.
We don't debate a lot about "What's the correct size of ships? What's a reasonable weapon? What's the maximum technology? What is appoporiate for secret projects" etc. We use common sense, not making a 300 mile long ship or a 50 mile wide cannon. Also, the other BAC authors and I don't create "Omni-Tech" or use singularity stuff yet.
I think it's natural as we progress in the story, new technologies, ships, and ideas should be researched and made available. For example, Quantum. We "discovered" Fusion and off-planet exodus in 2400'ish AD, and it makes sense to be able to research Quantum and the "next level range" tech's associated with Quantum like Advanced Ecological Engineering or Self-Aware Machines, after 300 years.
It's my belief that every faction should have unique weapons, ships, standards, etc. Not cut and dried, like in Civilization 2, where every civilization were the same except for leaders and city names.
UCS has more machinery and technology. (Mechanoids, Neutronium Armor, Tachyon weaponary)
GHE has more people, stealth, and mystery. (tens of billions of people, superior cloaking technology, mass attack, etc)
EC has dense cities, unique fleets, and is Humanity's original home. (Earth, mega-cities, Battlecruisers, Ion Cannons, etc)
Spartan Federation has a good military, exceptional war veterans, and an military oriented civilization. (Warlock cruisers, every spartan citizen can be a recruit, able to fight wars well, etc)
Morgan Interstellar is the "posh" of Humanity, with billionaires, luxuries, but not a great military like Sparta or GHE.
You get the idea.
Had to get all of that off my chest.
Basically, I have to agree with the other authors, Mellian. We tried to keep an open door for you for several months, but eventually it "tied" up the story. We wanted to move on, with our own ideas and plot plans.
I apologize, Mellian, but it's the truth, and it's what happened.
History, President, Kass don't leave! IF Mellian starts up trouble again, we can create a new BAC thread, with revised "rules" and more fair standards. That way, we can still enjoy each other's work and write an unforgettable story!
Guys, we stuck together the first time Mellian caused trouble. Lets do so again, and don't let BAC die.
I'll check in later.
September 11, 2002, 17:55
Local Time: 21:49
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Sovereign-- I don't intend to let BAC die. However, if Mellian continues to act as she did before she "suspended" herself without warning, leaving us hanging on what the heck to do with the Terran Alliance-Morgan Interstellar crisis (and I might add, after insulting Mr. President so many times for so few reasons that it got ridiculous), then I will leave. I hope, though, that Mellian decides to get a hold of herself. I feel bad telling her "you got to go", but I can't see another alternative, unless she comes in on a sedative every day...
Empire growing,
Pleasures flowing,
Fortune smiles and so should you.
September 11, 2002, 23:35
Local Time: 22:49
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But, when someone leaves with no reason for several months, or doesn't check in, it causes the other authors to worry.
i already mentioned before i poofed that i was in some program where i won't have much net access, especially by the time i simply poofed as my work placement doesn't have a comp and i got in trouble several times for using the net/comp for my personal things. I have mentioned i was living with 10 other people, sharing one comp with only one phone line...i was required to stay up pretty late, which i usually only have 30 minutes as another person wants the comp... next day, i was getting way to tired. i am a net addict, and i saw the problems was causing me in my life at that point and time, and causing problems on some things like BAC on the net. sorry if i didn't say anything, which i thought i did as i recall... anyway, that is the past.
We thought you lost interest in BAC, but held out, trying to keep the door open for you, Mellian.
didn't lost interest, just wasn't a priority. and thank you for leaving the door open, which you shouldn't have, especially how much of a pain i WAS.
After a while, authors need to keep writing, otherwise BAC would end up as a "dead-end" like Chiron Chronicles and many other multi-author fan-fic's.
CC died because i lost interest, and people followed suit  also because sprayber came up with the BAC idea.
We wanted to keep the story rolling, much the same way as the real world. Life goes on.
indeed it does
The other authors like President, Frankychan, and Kass tend to compromise, reach an agreement, and work things out when we have differing points of view. A good example would be the Temple plot line. Or the Alliance.
i can compromise, just i got to much into it  and sprayber gave me to much power. lack of compromisation was one of the things that got me kicked off previous rpgs/stories... like to stubborn to accept a tsunami, where i was controlling a coastal society. and because i am too argumentive
didn't i say something in those lines before?
Basically, I have to agree with the other authors, Mellian. We tried to keep an open door for you for several months, but eventually it "tied" up the story. We wanted to move on, with our own ideas and plot plans.
so you want to ban me because i was missing?
I apologize, Mellian, but it's the truth, and it's what happened.
yes, and i wasn't making a single complaint about it.
History, President, Kass don't leave! IF Mellian starts up trouble again, we can create a new BAC thread, with revised "rules" and more fair standards. That way, we can still enjoy each other's work and write an unforgettable story!
or you can simply BAN me. still making it seem i am some dictator returning to take control of BAC...which was never ever my intention. Simply wanted to say hi, that i am back home and was personally wondering wether should get back into BAC back or not, but without any title like thread realist, which isn;t important to me. Rather conquer life then wasting time conquering some multi-author story.
Guys, we stuck together the first time Mellian caused trouble. Lets do so again, and don't let BAC die.
not going to cause trouble...except with maybe with my government
September 11, 2002, 23:49
Local Time: 22:49
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 1,782
Sovereign-- I don't intend to let BAC die. However, if Mellian continues to act as she did before she "suspended" herself without warning, leaving us hanging on what the heck to do with the Terran Alliance-Morgan Interstellar crisis (and I might add, after insulting Mr. President so many times for so few reasons that it got ridiculous), then I will leave. I hope, though, that Mellian decides to get a hold of herself. I feel bad telling her "you got to go", but I can't see another alternative, unless she comes in on a sedative every day...
many times? was only ONCE. sorry for ditching ya all, didn't thought i was that important to you people. also, i have my email (i think) in my profile, could of emailed me. could have also PMed me, especially if you people noticed that i was still coming to the forums.
not going to be a problem, i promised, with cherry on top. quote this and send this to MarkG. if i ever break, ban me from apolytons. APolyton or BAC isn't my life, and won't make it seem so like i did before, which was stupidly stressing and frustrating me out for nothing...and then become a b**ch both in real life and on the net.
sorry if BAC or you people weren't a higher priority then my mental health. won't be ever again.
anyway, i would like to make this simple and avoid silly complications. I'm I really that big of a deal? i seriously think you people are giving way to much credit here.
note, i am not seriously trying to get back to BAC. so it is not a big deal or complicated.
now i have to go, laundry downstairs....seeya later
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