July 5, 2002, 13:43
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs Campaign
This is the cool one where you get to talk to everyone and set up war-triangles, haha. For sneaky bastards only!
Last edited by FrostyBoy; July 5, 2002 at 13:57.
July 5, 2002, 13:56
Local Time: 11:50
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This is short, simple and sweet.
War, peace and trade is the result of good or bad communication with other Civilizations.
I understand each Civilizations actions and will tweak our diplomatic relations to best benefit ourselves, for the present and the future; while mainting a good reputation.
I believe that before engaging war we should suck out as much as we can from them before destorying their cities and even their entire civilization, because there are things like maps, contacts, money, etc, that you just can't get from destorying a civilization.
On top of that, I will keep all of the people up to date with all of our foreign affairs.
P.S. Who fixed Civ3's Graphics? You owe me. See how good I am at this; I am perfect for the position!
be free
July 5, 2002, 14:00
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Originally posted by Sn00py
P.S. Who fixed Civ3's Graphics? You owe me. See how good I am at this; I am perfect for the position!
Boooooo!! Hissssss!!!! Below the belt!!!!
July 5, 2002, 14:05
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 That was my favorite part lol....
July 5, 2002, 15:18
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Will Ninot be running again?
July 5, 2002, 16:08
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Hey! It seems no one else is gonna try for it, so I can say you all suck and yo momma's so fat tree's use her for shade, and still get the position!
be free
July 5, 2002, 16:12
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We can still vote for Banana if we want!
btw, no Ninot is not running for FAM again.
July 5, 2002, 16:14
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Ohhhhh Sn000000py, you spelled "Foreign" wrong in the title  .
July 5, 2002, 16:21
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heh, Banana's will probably do a better job than me, hope no one reads that
I noticed I spelt it wrong, but thanks to Dan Quayle anyone can get a job in the government. Thanks Dan Quayle
be free
July 5, 2002, 16:24
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Originally posted by Timeline
We can still vote for Banana if we want! 
btw, no Ninot is not running for FAM again.
Is that a double negative so that Ninot is running? Or is Ninot not running?
July 5, 2002, 16:54
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Sn00py I guess I will be running against you. If elected I shall work closely with ambassadors to keep everyone 100% up to date on our situation.
Sn00py, I respect you and so I wont run a campaign against you. I will run one for me.
As required, I will consult the appropriate minister when making trades. Whether or not you agree with the party I am proudly in, UFC, party politics can only influence my decisions so much. I wholly respect the DIA, and will listen to everyone.
As for other civilizations, I think we should have ambassadors appointed to them. At the moment they cant do that much, but in the long term they will be very helpful and useful. Early on in the game we need to decide our stance with other nations. We should nurture friendships with certain countries, rule vassals with an iron fist from the start, and keep track of our enemies. I dont believe in kissing @ss, but gifts to our allies should be a regular expense. They will pay themselves back twice-fold should we enter a war.
Again, good luck to you, Sn00p-dog
July 5, 2002, 16:56
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also, i promise to never make any decision without consulting the people
any questions on my views?
July 5, 2002, 17:05
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Sn00py, I respect you and so I wont run a campaign against you. I will run one for me.
How nice it would be if all campaigns were run the same.
July 5, 2002, 17:06
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yes too bad
July 5, 2002, 19:07
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I have a question to both candidates : what is the priority of good reputation for you ? Will you always reject breaking treaties, or will you show flexibility here, at the expense of reputation ?
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July 5, 2002, 19:48
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that is a good question [seriously]
i think a good reputation is important, but i will definitely work with ub... i mean who-ever is elected SMC about breaking treaties. so, i will break treaties sometimes if necessary, but only if we must. i would not break right of passages or mpps in any situations. of course, before breaking any sort of treaty i will consult the people...
July 5, 2002, 19:53
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Originally posted by Timeline
We can still vote for Banana if we want! 
btw, no Ninot is not running for FAM again.
Ive been gone for a week..
I suppose Timeline speaks for me now? Uhh.... I suppose I'm not running now? 
Such disturbing news.
Good luck to both candidates then.
Timeline, what AM I running for again?
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July 5, 2002, 19:55
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You said you would never break a right of passage agreement jdd. It might not occur in our game, but I know in other TBS games I've played my neighbors would wander into my territory and block access to cities on 1 space wide peninsulas and also on squares with reasources i didnt have rods to yet. If a neighbors unit ever did something like this and then procede to fortify the unit in that space, would you cancel the right of passage agreement? I'm just curious about your flexibility when it comes to your standards.
July 5, 2002, 20:02
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hmmm i dont think this thing will happen, but if it does, i still dont think we should declare war. again, its not likely, but if a unit blocked a crucial resource from us, i would probably wait out the 20 turns of the agreement unless other ministers demanded action
July 5, 2002, 20:10
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As the outgoing minister (who has not made up his mind yet on who he will vote for here, thank god. I realise both of you are EXCELENT succesors to me), I would like to state that my views are that ROP should not be broken untill the 20 turns are up. I would trust the SMC would be able to protect vital resources in any case... it should not be the Foreign Ministers job to worry about Warriors fortifying on Iron Mountains.. it should be the SMC's interest to fortify that mountain so the FM never has to worry about it.
If the SMC screws up bad enough to let a frenchman on our resource.. then I would trust the FM would find the most diplomatic way out, even if that means a wait and then a war.
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July 5, 2002, 20:15
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thanks, Ninot, i see you agree with me. you have been an excellent FM, but you havent gotten much action.
July 5, 2002, 20:20
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Well, what can ya expect for the first term of office? Half my reign didnt have any neighbors in it.
But, I see this is gonna be a hard vote. Both candidates are very sharp (and I dont vote according to parties)
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July 5, 2002, 21:21
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Will you be able to devote the time necessary to do a good job for the time of your term? Or will managing your estates, shopping for slaves, or some other preoccupation (RL) take you away from us?
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July 5, 2002, 21:23
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I think what NYE is trying to say is, will you do the kinda job I did.. but better, and not fry your video card a week before campaigns re-begin.
And I think hes trying to say he knows how to ctrl+c his words  .
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July 5, 2002, 21:36
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Actually Ninot... You did a good job. You stuck around. When your video card died you arranged to come around a couple of times. That's good. Computers fail. Can't plan for that. What matters is you stuck with it.
I'm more concerned with some of the ministers and others who abandoned us due to RL intruding or other unkown reasons. When's the last time anyone saw Eli around? Hazie has recently stated he got caught up in school assignments, plus he was sick at the beginning. But the school assignment was forseeable (aren't they?).
I'm trying to ask some basic questions to help me decide who to vote for beyond the rhetoric (some of which is pretty funny).
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July 5, 2002, 21:56
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Originally posted by notyoueither
I'm more concerned with some of the ministers and others who abandoned us due to RL intruding or other unkown reasons.
I've heard about this thing, this "real life." It sounds quaint, even vaguely intriguing. What's it like?
Seriously, though, I'm gland nye's putting this question to everyone.
aka, Unique Unit
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July 5, 2002, 22:00
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Originally posted by Robber Baron
I've heard about this thing, this "real life." It sounds quaint, even vaguely intriguing. What's it like?
What? Real life? What's that?
My policy is that the summer = nothing but free time to do nothing (no job  ). All of my friends died or moved away for college, or something (don't ask me), so we don't do anything. I probably won't be able to do what I am now later though, after this next term because of college... 20 credit hours a week, and plenty of other activities (and I'm going to be researching this 'real life' thing you speak of  ).
July 5, 2002, 22:08
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well i am going on a 'vacation' to mexico, so i wont be able to spend as much time as i should for a week or two. besides that, im on apolyton lots.
July 5, 2002, 22:10
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dont worry, i will have internet access. besides, voting against someone because they will be absent a little is AWFUL. im on apolyton plenty...
July 5, 2002, 22:17
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Originally posted by jdd2007
dont worry, i will have internet access. besides, voting against someone because they will be absent a little is AWFUL. im on apolyton plenty...
I'm not suggesting it is the only factor. However, wouldn't an extended vacation away from your ability to fire up the game lead you to conclude that maybe you should wait for the next term to run?
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