July 6, 2002, 00:54
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haha i know who im gonna vote for anyway ...
July 6, 2002, 01:03
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Originally posted by Trip
Says you.
But it does prove that I am 100% capable.
No need to get huffy now.
I've done a lot more than most people would. What if someone else had had the job and did less? Would that be the standard? I'm not elevating myself above anyone else who is capable of what I've done, I just think I've done more than most would, that's all. No one even ran the first time. Why? Don't ask me. Maybe they weren't willing to put the time into doing the job correctly. Maybe they couldn't. Maybe they just didn't want to do it.
Jdd2007, the entire conversation has basically been Ninot saying "I can do everything that Trip can do", while I reply "If you only do as much as I already have, then why not vote for a proven canidate instead?"
Hmm...I think I know who I'm voting for now.
July 6, 2002, 01:12
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Originally posted by Tassadar5000
Hmm...I think I know who I'm voting for now.
By all means.
July 6, 2002, 01:38
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Trip, we've gone over this, and I dont think you can realise this simple point..
Your the only person who has tried his hand at everything you've done. But, as we have gone over it, it has become a presidential duty.
And yes.. it IS me who says I can do better than you... if you hadn't realised, I am running against you for exactly that reason, because I think your replaceable.
And it is exactly for that reason why I ask the people to vote for me. Vote ME in and you will find out that someone can do the job better.
What YOU are saying is that while I am unproven in your field, you ARE proven, and to hell with the idea of anyone else proving themselves, because that might be risky!
I am not going to be a risky choice. I will prove myself if given the opportunity with this job.
Oh, and as far as turnchats go, I beg to differ.
Sure, you had the problems you did have, but you could have turned the chats over to a VP quicker when you were incapacitated (such as the July 1'st chat). We waited about an hour to find out you couldnt use your civ3.
Trip, although I am sure I could prove the better prez if elected, i must say, it sure is easy to dismiss something if youve never tried it. Your doing that just now, by inferring to the voters that you are the vanilla choice that is proven to satisfy, and that I am that wild card. If every incumbent chose the same tactic, then i say God help Democracy.
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July 6, 2002, 02:02
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Not to fling mud, but I would just like to mention Trip has many times started turnchats earlier than the set time, and I recall more then one upset Minister. Also, Trip many times starts them up late. I feel someone who respects the times that are set, and sticks to them, would be welcomed in office. Again, sorry if anyone considers this flinging mud, but it is just my opinion.
BTW, question for Trip: If elected, will you be able to continue dedicating as much time as you usually do to Apolytonia? I thought I heard mention of you leaving in 2 weeks...
Last edited by Timeline; July 6, 2002 at 02:31.
July 6, 2002, 02:23
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Shush Linney, we all know whom you're going for anyways.
Unless you can bring up other instances, I can't recall starting turnchats sooner than originally advertised except for one of the first ones. I even stated in a thread that it would be starting earlier 4 days before the turnchat was held, and while over 20 made it, only two people ever complained. The one time I was substantially late was because of the computer, not of my doing, and the situation will never arise again anyways... meanwhile, you weren't doing much in regards to taking over in the meantime. In regards to other times I started 'late', I don't believe waiting 10 minutes later for the Public Works Minister to arrive isn't exactly destructive to the game, nor does it cause any permanent psychological damage among the participants.
I won't be leaving after all, since my work schedule will be completely fine with the regular occurrence of the turnchats. I will be around until August 18th at least. Anything after that is doubtful, but the next set of elections are over by then anyways.
Ninot, what would you do different? What exactly would you do different? Post extra polls each week? Hold fewer turnchats? Propose more amendments? Things like that can be done on a whim by any person, using them as campaigning fodder is unconvincing of a particular candidate’s superiority. Stating, "I'm going to be different" is inane unless you can back up what you plan on doing different, and only if the things you do differently are practical and useful. Things like "I won't delay turnchats an hour because I can't run Civ" aren't what I'm talking about. I was sure I could get it to work, but the video card was too old... but anyways, that's not the issue at hand.
The fact is, unlike the Presidency in the real world, Presidency here at Apolytonia is a much more "do it, then report about it" than the way it is in real countries. The President of Apolytonia can't simply say "I'm going to reduce taxes by 10% to increase our science rate"... nope, that's the job of the Minister of the Economy. Increase the size of the military? Sorry, that's the joint arena of the City Planner and Minister of the Military. In this job, there really aren't that many places where you can explore new things, make different decisions, execute your agenda, etc. Proposing radical new... uh... website colors probably can't get you elected. In that area, the President can only do what any other citizen can: put the idea up for discussion and try to convince the powers that be to agree to his proposal.
If you can come up with a practical and realistic 'agenda' that is better than mine currently, by all means, say what ya mean and I'll reply. Of course, I'm not just going to sit here twiddling my thumbs updating stickied threads and stuff; I'm going to be doing 'new' things regarding amendments, polling, the website, etc. etc... But I really don't think those are things that you can really advertise as being marketable qualities while campaigning for a particular office. Those things are fairly obvious, and (as we've come to the conclusion), are a requirement of the job.
If every inventor tried throwing in a few nuts and bolts in a machine that already works as designed, then may God help that poor soul.
July 6, 2002, 02:49
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Originally posted by Trip
By all means.
Alright....Well, I'm voting for Ninot and I'll tell you why.
Both of you seem to be the same. However, you trip seem to be quick to emotion and it makes me wonder, will you do that when a decision needs to be made? A vote? Even words? Because if and when the time comes for a president to make a decision, I'd personally like him to sit down and think about it, not to judge by emotion.
I also feel as if you would make decisions without consulting the people. You just seem to come across as someone who wants to make all the decisions for yourself, and not consult with the people.
However, if you could clarify....I'd be more than happy to listen.
And remember: Nothing perosnal, it's just a game
July 6, 2002, 08:53
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Here's a question for the candidates:
Is this your first experience with demo games? (It is mine, btw.)
I ask because it seems to me we are all learning here how to structure this project so that
a) it's democratic
b) it's playable as a Civ game
c) it's fun.
It turns out to be a complicated thing to pull off. We've probably made some mistakes. We've been learning, we're still tweaking. What we've needed most of all from our leaders is good humor, public spiritedness, dedication, imagination, and a willingness to work together.
Think about it, voters. Speak to it, candidates. This is our lifeblood. This is our foundation we're all building.
aka, Unique Unit
Wielder of Weapons of Mass Distraction
July 6, 2002, 10:44
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Originally posted by Robber Baron
Here's a question for the candidates:
Is this your first experience with demo games? (It is mine, btw.)
I ask because it seems to me we are all learning here how to structure this project so that
a) it's democratic
b) it's playable as a Civ game
c) it's fun.
It turns out to be a complicated thing to pull off. We've probably made some mistakes. We've been learning, we're still tweaking. What we've needed most of all from our leaders is good humor, public spiritedness, dedication, imagination, and a willingness to work together.
Think about it, voters. Speak to it, candidates. This is our lifeblood. This is our foundation we're all building.
Yes, it's my first time with either Demo Game. However, I feel that this is an advantage to me and my platform. The people in the Civ 3 Demo Game and the Civ 2 Demo Game have different views on things, and things are conducted in a much different manner. During my first term, I felt I have successfully helped shape the way things are done, and if reelected I'm confident that progressive tendancy will continue until we've established a firm base for the rest of the game to continue on. At this point in the game, that is what is necassary from our President more than anything else. Through my earlier progressive conduct in various areas regarding the Constitution, elections, turnchats, and other official matters, I feel I have proven that I can do many great things for the Demo Game if I'm allowed to stay in office, and I hope I get the chance to do so.
July 6, 2002, 13:20
Local Time: 05:51
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hi ,
may the best one get the job , ....
, maybe a small unofficial poll could bring some light , ....
have a nice day
July 6, 2002, 13:23
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are we allowed to hold unofficial polls?
'if the election was held today, who would u vote for, x or y?'
July 6, 2002, 13:26
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Originally posted by jdd2007
are we allowed to hold unofficial polls?
'if the election was held today, who would u vote for, x or y?'
There's nothing saying you can't do it, that I'm aware of at least.
July 6, 2002, 14:27
Local Time: 05:51
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Originally posted by Trip
There's nothing saying you can't do it, that I'm aware of at least.
hi ,
maybe we could put that in the constitution , ....
have a nice day
July 6, 2002, 20:44
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I'm going to vote for whoever can summerize their campaign into one paragraph.
Are we having fun yet?
July 6, 2002, 20:48
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Alright. Since I'm first you have to vote for me.
Why I feel I should be President of Apolytonia:
I have the definite experience of the job, and I know how things have been run. I helped create the system we have currently, I know it inside and out. I'm a dedicated, hard-working individual who puts hours every day into making this game a better place. Basically: I know what's going on, what the problems are, and how to fix them. If I'm reelected, then that's what I will have the chance to do.
July 6, 2002, 20:53
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Sorry Ninot but he's got my vote through a technicality.
Are we having fun yet?
July 6, 2002, 23:45
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I have one question. Answer honestly and you'll have my vote.
"How much wood could a woodchu...."
oops, wrong question.
But seriously now,
"If you had to point out your own major flaw, what would it be?"
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."
July 6, 2002, 23:54
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I'm not sure if you would exactly call it a 'flaw', but my most apparent personality trait that people dislike the most is my incredibly sarcastic and humorous nature, which can sometimes make people find me objectionable, if they don't understand what I'm trying to say *cough*Tass*uncough*.
July 6, 2002, 23:56
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
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Originally posted by Trip
July 7, 2002, 02:40
Local Time: 05:51
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I have a question for both candidates : What do you think about turnthreads idea ?
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July 7, 2002, 07:07
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Originally posted by Trip
I'm not sure if you would exactly call it a 'flaw', but my most apparent personality trait that people dislike the most is my incredibly sarcastic and humorous nature, which can sometimes make people find me objectionable, if they don't understand what I'm trying to say *cough*Tass*uncough*.
The game's supposed to be fun. Some people seem to be taking it too seriously.
If in doubt, people should always vote for the person with a sense of humour IMHO.
That's what I'll do.
July 7, 2002, 08:17
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Ninot - it may be just me, but as far as this thread is concerned, you are turning out the weaker.
This is not a reflection on your abilities, but on what you are saying in reply to posts. Let me see if I can help (I have not decided yet on where my support will go, I am trying to level the playing field).
Ninot, you manage a good argument why what Trip has done is not unique to him, and that you are capable of all of it. To be blunt, so what? I'm afraid that doesn't really cut it as a campaign speech goes. Trip has the enormous benefit of, for all the hassles, trials and errors made, having the game go well so far with him as Prez, and this is in no small way due to his efforts. Your tenure in the Foreign Office has been absolutely impeccable as far as I can tell, and I believe you are right - you CAN do the Prez's job.
But what will distinguish you from Trip? You say you get flashes of inspiration - give us some examples. Tell us specifically how you could exceed a second Trip term and then you will be presenting yourself to look as strong a candidate as you are. We all know Trip's Presidential character here, what about yours?
Hope this helps.
July 7, 2002, 10:48
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Sorry Ive been nonresponsive, had a friend over yesterday.
Thankyou especially MWIA for the observations, they may prove usefull.
I cannot deny that Trip is a well proven specimen. I know for a fact that If i were to lose, I should not worry about the state of the nation for the next month. It WOULD be in capable hands, no doubt.
But, if I were elected President, I can assure anyone, that as I have proven in my job as FM, I can maintain the duties Trip has held most assuredly. But that is not what you are clamboring to listen to, i know.
If I were to take the place of a second term of Trip in office, all I can assure the people is a different president, and a different person who listens to the people throughout the term. As Trip himself noted, he may sometimes come across in a bad way, simply because his humor may differ from others. I know for a fact that I myself had trouble dealing with his humor one night past. I am well assured now that Trip is indeed a funny and respectable man, but to member 200 of the citizens, who does not stick around for explanations and excuses, it is much more pleasant to have a president who will aways seem open to ideas, serious about the job, and very straightforward.
That is not to say I can't be funny, it is just to say that in this office, I will most assuredly try to make things simpler. Even with the topped threads we have, the websites, and the very well marked out official polls and minister threads, it can still be a pain to find what you want on certain occasions. I wish to change that.
Even though it may be argued, a simple fact is that a regular vote may never get more than 60 votes. This is plain evidence that most of the populace just can't get around to voting for any reason, and that may be because they find the entire forum process too cluttered to their liking. As president, I would hope to raise the voting populace, with more simplicity to the task.
How can things be more simple? Not all the topped threads need currently be topped, if you ask me. Government reports has only one up to date report, which happen to be the only other topped report as well.
the citizen consesus poll is almost useless, yet it is topped. And the official polls list is outdated. All of these threads need not truly be topped, and because they are, some threads that may have information of interest are hitting page 2 much quicker than need be.
And, polls which have been biased and yet are official do not need be around. With some simple thought, these official polls, which will decide one aspect or another of our civ for a long time, these polls can be much more simple, direct, and correct.
You want to know how I can better Trip? I say I can do it with a more organized forum, a more appealing forum to the more demanding citizens, and simplicity and refined use of everything at hand.
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July 7, 2002, 10:54
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My campaign in one paragraph (as requested too much earlier)
I can do everything trip can do ( ), but I will do it with more refined thought, and I will appeal myself more to the citizen thinking of leaving, with a better organized forum.Oh, and I did an exelent job in my previous position, so thats my history.
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July 7, 2002, 10:55
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Oh, and my flaw:
I get slightly explosive in the head at spam (especially in turnchats). Thankgod for the ministers room
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July 7, 2002, 11:06
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This question may not seem important to most people but it is to me so I am going to ask it.
How do you guys feel about unofficial polls?
July 7, 2002, 18:27
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Unofficial polls are on the whole, a good thing. They give information to the public about exactly how everyone else is thinking at any given time.
they can be used in a dirty fassion. I dont agree with unofficial polls that are used solely for the intent of getting info in a certain detrimental mannor:
if a party were to, halfway threw a term, put up an unnofficial poll about "Would you vote for Canadidate 27 if he ran for VP" and then used that info the decide whether or not to have that candidate run in the next elections, that kind of polling seems not only to be unfair, but a waste of space on the boards. this kind of info need not be known, and its only propagandic in a certain way. I would not agree with this kind of polling.
But otherwise, unofficials about the game can be very usefull and I see a great place for them.
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July 7, 2002, 18:46
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I didn't read everyones post but so far this is a heavy thread.
I have four important questions.
1. Will you have affairs with people named Monica?
2. If either of you are made president before the foreign advisor elections, will you give me the position and make jdd my secretary whom handles my phone calls and orders my pizza?
3. How serious will you take the ministers and the citizens?
4. Will you have a website and will it be up to date?
be free
July 7, 2002, 18:50
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what toppings do u want sir?
trip and ninot, do u support ambassadors?
July 7, 2002, 19:21
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Originally posted by Sn00py
I didn't read everyones post but so far this is a heavy thread.
I have four important questions.
1. Will you have affairs with people named Monica?
2. If either of you are made president before the foreign advisor elections, will you give me the position and make jdd my secretary whom handles my phone calls and orders my pizza?
3. How serious will you take the ministers and the citizens?
Shouldn't I be asking you this question?
Although I'm a very humorous-natured person, but I definitely feel that this is something important. I feel the ministers have been elected for a reason (to represent the public), and the public has a right to vote on serious issues, and give input on things that are going on.
4. Will you have a website and will it be up to date?
Isn't that your job?
But seriously, yes I will always keep the site updated when possible (e.g. when I'm not on vacation, which will be the entire month of July and early August), and always with the most current and inclusive information possible.
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