July 7, 2002, 05:29
Local Time: 15:55
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1820: The Year of the Beginning of the End of Everyone But Us!
Ok Guys, only 4 full turns this time around, but quite frankly I thought things went a little TOO well.
This was where a lot of the work was, City Planner atawa had many detailed and highly useful suggestions for optimizing our production of both resources and money. First, I followed shade's highly specific and effective orders. You can find them in his planning thread. Basically this involved changing production to spies and rushing both them and Cavalry near Babylon. Dortmund changed from a Cavalry to a spy so that the approaching Barbarians could be civilized by us.
The Science rate was dropped from 70% to 30% - we have changed from 159 income and techs in 4 turns to 432 income, discoveries in 9 turns.
There were countless little adjustments to city workers to be made - city Planner atawa should be highly commended for all the details. Unless otherwise demanded from me (does it really matter  ) , I will summarize the changes by saying that a lot of cities changed to maximize gold, since they are too far away from any action to be of much use. Scientists were also changed to taxmen.
Now to the action: as in shade's plan, Cavalry from Ashur killed a Bab settler just out of the city. A second Cavalry from Ashur moved towards Nineveh to investigate unknown terrain and found a Musketeer(!) Not wanting it to reinforce any city, I attacked and the Musketeer went down. The Cavalry had to stop there. A third Cavalry joined another one stationed W of Nineveh, preparing for an attack on Ur, the capital. A whole series of spies, Cavalry and Riflemen moved out of India towards Ashur also. A spy investigates Ur and finds two Musketeers, two Phalanx and an Archer. Easy pickings, once the Walls are down.
The Carths decide to "impress" our people with their catault movements near the Cavalry in the fortress E of Watership Downs.  The Barbarians between Dortmund and Babar split up  and head for BOTH cities. Typical.
As per shade's excellent plan, the spies attack Ur's Walls. The first is captured before finishing the sabotage, but the second both kills the Walls and escapes with her life! Spymaster Hydey must handpick these brave young ladies and thoroughly examine their "suitability" himself  Ur is attacked with a host of Cavalry and Ur (plus the Colossus and 176g) fall to us. A spy starts travelling NE of Ur in the hopes of finding Uruk, the unknown Bab city. It finds a square of irrigation and roading - a tell-tale sign. Yet another spy seduces the Governor of Nineveh - he gives her the keys to the city for 288g, and she promptly recovers 82g back by handing him to his enemies. The spy disappears with the Governor's wife's shoe collection...
Engineers start to cris-cross India with roads, promoting trade for the good of the people. Ironclads kill 2 Carth Elephants and 2 Catapults near Gades.
A whole tonne of Freight in our home island rushbuilds the Eiffel Tower in Sodaq (why not?)
The Carths discover Literacy, and there is much echoing laughter throughout the streets of the Peoples' Republic - finally they can read what we say about them! Angered, they attack the Cavalry E of Watership Downs (henceforth known as "Rocky"  ) with three elephants, losing all of them. A catapult emerges along the coast of the island N of Carthage that Oea was placed on before its destruction (suggesting that there may be more cities there - there are 4 we do not yet know the locations of). The people design a mahogany desk for the Premier in his residence - the records of Apolytonia must be stored in quaity furniture!
We bribe some of the Barbarians nearing Dortmund, and prepare for the others to attack them (at least most of our terrain will be untouched). A spy discovers the final Bab city of Uruk where it is expected - N of Nineveh. It is tiny.  Seeing little resistance (nothing that a spy couldn't appropriate for us), I send the Cavalries near Babylon North, to waiting Caravels that will ferry them to Carthage. Lepis Magna is emptied of troops and taken. Utica is emptied and a Carth Catapult is eliminated along the coast.
Oh, the Eiffel Tower is built and the Carths for some reason not even they can explain feel strangely less against us. Like it matters.
Utica is reinforced by the Carths, and they demand a reception. I accept (well, my computer did whilst I was writing all this down  ), they demand Gunpowder, and the laughing in our streets intensifies. The Carths are impotent in their fury, however, as another Elephant dies against Rocky. The Barbarians at Dortmund kill one of the bribed Musketeers
Uruk is bribed for 87g, we recover 165g with the Spy  , and the knowledge that the backward Babylonian administration is out of commision forever. In other words THE BABYLONIANS ARE HISTORY!
The Barbarian Musketeer approaching Babar is bribed by a roving Spy for 93g, It is assigned to protect the Engineer building a gold mine there.
Utica is cleared again, and some Cavalry from the Leptis Magna liberation force take this city - 215g. A Hydey Shcool of SpyMastery is established in Leptis Magna (rushing spies there). Clads rack up 11 Carth kills, and empty 4 cities: Rusicade, Carthago Nova, Panormus and the capital Carthage. Tingis (undefended) is taken - 81g - and the Caravel plus units head for Carthago Nova.
More Carthage reinforcements fail to impress shade enough for him to listen to Carth pleas for an audience, and another Elephant is thus killed attacking Rocky. We discover Theology, and the Oracle is cancelled (but no happiness worries)  The scientists profess a mental block to Refining, thus they decide on an esoteric Theory of Gravity, as opposed to Magnetism and the abhorrent Fundamentalism.
A Cavalry disembarks directly into Rusicade (92g), Carthage loses its last reinforcement and we burn their now useless Palace, yet they reestablish it in Leptis Parva (we don't yet know where that is  ) - we also find 174g. Panormus too is emptied and taken wth Cavalry (28g), and the conquest of the empty Carthago Nova (20g) ensures we control all of the Carth cities off of their main continent (that we know of). The Barbarian leader near Dortmund is finally captured (150g), and finally the Premier thinks about some sleep....
Now you see what I mean about getting sick of taking cities!  That's 10 in the turns played.  I haven't mentioned all of my rushbuilds here, but they are more than balanced by our gains, I hope you agree.
A few things to come out of this: we might consider which Wonder to build next in our first few cities (Apolyton et al.), as there is almost enough Freight there for a 600 res Wonder like the UN, Women's Suffrage or the 500 res JS Bach's. We may as well - not much point trying to either build something else, or trying to get the Freight overseas before we win!
We also now need to think about what to do to maximise our score - the best way I always used was to crank the luxuries to the max in the final few turns - we are hardly needing the money much at the moment. We could also change to Demo - or would that cause too much unhappiness? It would allow us 100% lux, and this might well be worth it - tell me what you think.
It should be all downhill from here - taking cities with force, using spies to find Leptis Parva and taking it, and now they are broke enough not to move palaces again, a spy raid could net us the whole Carthaginian landmass easily. All we need think about in this area is where to find the missing Carth cities...
Premier of Apolytonia
Last edited by MrWhereItsAt; July 7, 2002 at 05:54.
July 7, 2002, 05:45
Local Time: 15:55
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The sorry state of Carthaginia Part I.
July 7, 2002, 05:47
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The sorry state of Carthaginia Part II.
July 7, 2002, 05:48
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The (infinitely improved  ) Babylon.
July 7, 2002, 05:51
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Our score.
July 7, 2002, 05:52
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July 7, 2002, 05:53
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The final proof that we kick too much ass.
July 7, 2002, 06:25
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democracy, and probably republic would be a mistake. the senate could force us into siging a peace treaty, and that would be kinda stupid of them wouldn't it?
July 7, 2002, 07:38
Local Time: 05:55
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In republic we should still be able to attack, only thing is that we have so much units wondering about this would lead to major unhappyness.
Btw, whats that Chartagian settler doing building a fortress east of Chartage
July 7, 2002, 07:45
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I figured I could leave him to it. He looked happy, being busy and all. It's probably therapy, seeing as his entire Civilization is crumbling around him.
Premier of Apolytonia
July 7, 2002, 08:23
Local Time: 05:55
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When I open the save Chartage starts to move.
Mind sending it again?
July 7, 2002, 08:36
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Make sure you have the game option "Wait at end of turn" checked before opening it. All the units have moved, so there's no way around unless I activate something and resend it.
Let me know how this is.
Premier of Apolytonia
July 7, 2002, 09:21
Local Time: 05:55
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Yup, that seems to do it
July 7, 2002, 10:18
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Outstanding play, President MWIA!
From the first pebble thrown at Elephantine, a mighty avalanche has developed, sweeping away all before us!
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July 7, 2002, 15:55
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50 bananas saids we rule the world at the end of the next 2 session
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July 7, 2002, 16:03
Local Time: 04:55
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Woeps...slight miscalculation...I thought this would have taken 2 turns longer
Nice play...all went beter then expected...
I think the orders will be easy to give...
ex-president of Apolytonia former King of the Apolytonian Imperium
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
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Last edited by shade; July 8, 2002 at 04:03.
July 7, 2002, 21:29
Local Time: 21:55
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Regarding endgame happiness considerations:
JS Bach's cathedral is the wonder we should build to increase our score. We have no happy citizens!  While a mass of content workers is our ideal, this hampers our score. The cathedral will ensure more happy faces, which translate into a better final score. Also, we will need to boost the luxury rate before sacking the final Carthaginian city!
The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)
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July 8, 2002, 00:33
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I considerd buidling JS Bach's this last set of turns, but it claims to affect only one continent. Is this true, or does it apply for the whole world? And if it IS true, where would we best build it?
Premier of Apolytonia
July 8, 2002, 00:38
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It applies Civ-wide. All of those "continent-wide" Wonders do.
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July 8, 2002, 00:51
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Good job on this turn. 123John321 - I'll take you up on that banana bet - I think it'll take one more session, unless of course MrWIA decides to draw it out.
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July 8, 2002, 02:09
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Good job all! Those four turns were great!
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July 8, 2002, 02:33
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Congrats! The end is most certainly nigh...
July 8, 2002, 04:33
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Originally posted by cavebear
It applies Civ-wide. All of those "continent-wide" Wonders do.
Marvellous. This may well be the next rushed WoW then...
Unless someone has a reason for the UN or Women's Suffrage?
Premier of Apolytonia
July 8, 2002, 07:22
Local Time: 05:55
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Good and fast campaign !
The only uncertainty is where is their new capital hiden?
About our last WoW to build, a poll would be usefull, ...as not many ones remain to be posted !
July 8, 2002, 09:11
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Originally posted by JCP
About our last WoW to build, a poll would be usefull, ...as not many ones remain to be posted !
Yes! Poll!  The people demand a vote!
(mob chanting "JS Bach! JS Bach! JS Bach!"
The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)
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July 8, 2002, 13:17
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I agree........(Hey, wait, I CAN MAKE THE POLL)
Former President, Vice-president and Foreign Minister of the Apolyton Civ2-Democracy Games as 123john321
July 9, 2002, 07:45
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Well done, MrWhereItsAt and the great high council for this great session, I think it would take three more turns to win, first game session find all of carths remaining cities and the next two take them.
We demand JS Bach!
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