July 9, 2002, 00:27
Local Time: 23:00
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 1,782
The Macky
At the beginning, humanity was mainly comprise of tribes and barbarians scattered throughout the world. Most were constantly moving and fighting among themselves while the rest found peaceful lands to settle, atleast temporrally. It as been like this for centuries, until the emergence of immortals.
Somewhere in humanity's evolution, it as produce new special breed of humans, who unlike their brethen, they acquired immunity to all diseases and poisons, improved senses, good health, high endurance, quicker healing, harden bones and so on. But what makes them distinct is the fact that they can live for quite an long time without aging beyond their 30s. Some of these immortals took advantage of that fact by gaining power in their tribes. In turn, their tribes settles some land and founds the first cities. The rest is pretty much history, but...
There was one unique tribe, who for some reason, had an higher percentage of immortals. What is most interesting is the fact that they can continue operate as an tribe without killing other for power like the res of the immortals in other tribes. Of course, for obvious reasons, they weren't well liked by other tribes who are lead by immortals, mainly because they fear that they would lose their power, their uniqueness. The tribe are called the Macky.
The Macky are always on the move, to avoid the new found civilizations and various barbarians. A long the away, they occasionally integrate other immortals and tribes into their own. This represents the first most cultural and diverse tribe during the ancient times. They been nomadic for centuries, while facing constant hostilities. The Macky are quite an phenomenon within another. It is because of that they are feared...but eventually, the Macky will flourish...
Okay, this is my first civ3 fiction...actually, my first real fiction that i ever posted at Apoltyons :P what i am going with this is mainly telling the story of the Macky civilization throughout the ages. Will post piece by piece, as i currently don't a lot of comp/net time. hope you enjoy!
one more thing, please don't give your comments here...create a comment thread if you like, but not in this thread.
edit: okay, i just read proof the intro and made some edits. so make sure to read it again I may do that occasionally to fix up my bad writing skills or/and to change some details.
Last edited by Mellian; July 9, 2002 at 22:28.
July 9, 2002, 22:33
Local Time: 23:00
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,782
The Exodus: Part One
circa 3000-2900BC
The Macky first came to be in the English peninsula, where they usually migrated from north to south and back every year. The tribe was formed from various people of other tribes, outcasts and the unwanted. It because of this that they never judged another, and accepted everybody, despite one's difference. Females were considered as equals and can do whatever the males can, and vice versa. It was a taboo to discriminate another fellow human being. To do so, you discriminate yourself. Uniqueness was to be proud of.
It was only in the dawn of civilizations they have realized that many of their elders weren't aging, and others was able to survive serious injuries in the matter of days. The rest of the tribe felt like the minority, but the immortals weren't going to change their accepting and tolerant ways because of it. In time, other neighbouring tribes have learned about it, especially the English who as recently founded London on the east coast. So eventually, the Macky became unwelcomed as the mere mortals and other immortals in power started to fear them. The Macky had to start defending themselves against various attacks by other tribes who want to see them dead, requiring them to start maintening more warriors then they usually do. Yet, they continued to stay around despite the hostilities.
It was only after major attack by the English, which slaughtered a third of the tribe, that they decided to leave the peninsula. They started moving south towards the land bridge connected to the mainland, which would require them to cross lands claimed by the English. It wasn't an easy task, but they have succeeded. They only ended up fighting the English once more they reach the land bridge. Of course, their exodus doesn't end there.
For many centuries, the land bridge as been use by barbarians to raid the peninsula. So when the Macky reached the mainland, they bump into a barbarian encampment. They had no choise to attack it, as it is in their way. Besides, the barbarians are aware that they are there. After several days of skirmishs, the Macky defeated the barbarians, leaving the rest of their people vulnerable. So for an entire day, some Macky elders debated as to what to do with them. If they let them go, they may warn other barbarians in the region. One suggested they could slaughter them, but was quickly was put down by the others, arguing that they will not succomb to barbarism themselves. It was also suggested that they should be taken as slaves, but that was put down as well, especially by some who once been slaves under the English who were liberated by the Macky. Eventually, they relunctly agreed to give the barbarians, later known as Goths, the option to join their tribe and their exodus for more peaceful lands. They suspiciously agreed, surprised by the Macky's mercy. So the following day, they were on the move again a long with the Goths who the Macky Warriors have to keep an eye on for the next while.
Once they entered the mainland, they decided to follow the coast towards the south, hoping for warmer climate. Actually, it took them nearly another day to decide collectively to go that way, especially after the Goth's suggested that they should go northwards. After several months of taking their sweet time southwards, they encountered some Warriors belonging to a tribe known as the French. The French was in the process of attacking a barbarian encampment along with coast. The Macky observe the battle from a hill in the distance, which lasted until night fall. The following day, the French left the encampment, a long with the surviving males and females barbarians obviously taken as slaves. So the Macky followed them from an distance, having their warriors to scout ahead and keep tract of the French. Eventually, the warriors surpriseling bump into their french counter parts sent to find out who was following them. Despite the initial aggressive behaviour, there wasn't any fight, yet, there was communication problems as the Macky speaks ancient english, not ancient french. After some agreement that the Macky may follow the French back to their city of Paris further in land, it was discovered that some Goth elders knew a bit of ancient french due to past excursions into French lands. Some had problems with the fact that the French are slaver types, and worried that they may face problems. The elders (some of the older immortals), were aware of the fact, and told them not to worry. Something will be done to free them...
After a couple of weeks of travel, the Macky camp out several miles from Paris while the French continued to their city to drop off their new slaves and inform their leader, Joan of Arc, of the Macky. They later invited the Macky leader to Paris to meet their her, which the Macky had to discuss who to send, as they don't seriously have a single leader. They eventually agreed to send Mellian, one of the elders, as she was able to learn the basics of the French language in the past weeks. Once in Paris, along with some warriors as escorts, she met the French leader in her small rough looking palace. It will become the first civilized meeting between two civilized tribes, for the both of them anyway. After spending several hours introductions and talking about each other's tribes, they somehow discovered that the other is an immortal as well. That sure change the mood of the first meeting, which became more interesting and friendly. Mellian told Joan about where the Macky are from, and about the English they had problems with, as well as being the reason for their exodus. Later, the Joan agreed to allow the Macky to cross their territory. She even suggested they should go towards the mountains east from Paris known as the Rim. Of course, that wasn't the last meeting. The Macky ended up staying for several months, interacting with the French people, trading supplies and exchanging knowledge. The only problems they had was some arguments with some French concerning them taking slaves, and how they were treating them. This eventually lead Mellian to meet Joan again concerning the subject, yet no improvement. So, some Macky took the initiave to do something about it, by sneaking into Paris one night to release the slaves, in which they were successful. Obviously, the French weren't to pleased and surely blames the Macky. The Macky didn't wait around to find out what the French will do, so they quickly packed up and left towards the Rim Mountains in the east.
Okay, i didn't originally planned to be to long with the Exodus part , but oh well. May as well start up the initial relations with the French, giving another reason why the Macky are not welcomed at some region other then the fact they are mostly comprise of immortals. Another thing, no i am not trying to turn this into a Highlander thing. Just sort of explaining why some people in the civ multiverse can live for quite an long time, like the leaders anyway, hope people likes it. if not, oh well, i am doing this for the fun of it
Last edited by Mellian; July 10, 2002 at 22:24.
July 12, 2002, 16:56
Local Time: 23:00
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,782
The Exodus: Part Two
circa 3000-2900BC
Just before the Macky crossed the French frontier, three French Warrior units catched to them. This quickly lead to an battle which both sides didn't seriously want. The Macky Warriors, lead by Mellian, stayed behind to fight the french while their settlers and workers continued east. The battle was more of an skirmish then anything else, only causing the death of few dozen warriors on both sides a long with many injuries. When the battle started to slow down, Mellian called for a cease fire which the french accepted. Mellian went to meet the French commander, soon discovering it was Joan of Arc. As they both met, there weren't any witnesses. So no one knew what they have discussed, but do know that the French allowed the Macky go and later used a different approach concerning slavery. The Macky Warriors left to catch up with the rest of their tribe, so they can continue their exodus.
The Macky slowly progressed towards the Rim Mountains the French told them about, taking several months of travel until discovered a village belonging to an tribe known as the Razanians. When they arrived there, the Razanians gave them a big welcomed, like as if they were expecting them. Was later discovered that there was some French explorers who visited them a year ago, and have mentioned some tribe known as the Macky that were moving east. So, the Macky eventually chose to settle there, starting up their first city in which they called Razan, which was only 100 or so miles the Rim. Soon afterwards, there was an culture and technological boom as the Macky combined their knowledge with the Razanians, and finally havign a chance to apply some knowledge gain from the french. Razan made a lot of progress until it first started getting problems several years later, when the barbarians known as the Gauls started raiding the area from the north. At first, the Macky Warriors were able to dispatch the Gauls, until they started coming in greater numbers, which led to actual attacks to Razan. The Macky quickly started fortifying the city, but still wasn't enough to keep the barbarians at bay. After the barbarians succeeded in raiding the city a couple of times, Razan started to die. The Macky quickly realized that, so they made the decision to continue their Exodus for better lands. After a few months, the Macky, a long with many Razanians, left their city and started to move in the south-east direction to avoid the barbarians. After a month the Macky left, Razan was overunned and taken by the Gauls, enslaving the few who stayed behind. Of course, the Gauls didn't last all that long either. A few years later, the French came into the area and took the city so they can stop eliminate the Gauls and their raids into french territory. Joan later learned from the few orginal occupants that survived all this time that the Macky use to be there....
After leaving Razan, the Macky continued their exodus until they reached the south-west edge of the Rim mountains. After some short scouting expeditions into the mountains, the Macky decided to not enter the mountains, thinking it would be to dangerous for their tribe. So they continued following along the Rim until they reach the south side, where they also see the Alps further south. After resting for several weeks, they decided to move south. After a few weeks in that direction, scouts ahead of the rest of the tribe spotted an horde of barbarians, later known as Italians, moving north. So, they Macky made the decision to go back north and once at the Rim Mountains again, they decided to go through mainly so they can hide from the approaching barbarians who were only a day away.
While crossing the mountains, they encountered some Warriors belonging to a small tribe known as the Swiss. Luckily, they were friendly and knew a bit of ancient french. The Swiss Warriors agreed to bring the Macky tribe to safety, into the middle of the Rim mountains. Once there, the Macky couldn't believe their eyes. The lands they entered was completly surrounded by the Rim Mountains, meaning there was an complete different ecosystem there. There was also plenty of food, resources and other things. They finally found the lands they were seeking for. Of course, the elder knew better and stayed open to the possibility that they may not stay around as well. Eventually, they arrived at unamed Swiss city, which was thriving like crazy. Like the Razanians, the Swiss accepted them with open arms, despite some suspicions. Apparently, they weren't the first tribe to seek refuge in the Rim Center from the rest of the world. The Macky made the decision to settle here, and this time, they will stay. Even if it would cost their lives. The Exodus was tiresome one, and after Razan, they do not want to continue.
The Macky merge with the multi-tribe city pretty well, and gradually gained a lot of influence in the city because of their knowledge and experience. To avoid future problems due the various ethinicy, which the Macky elders predicts , they founded an Council, where representives from all the tribes and various advisors responsible for different things in the city can meet at a neutral location to make decisions concerning their city and surrounding areas. The city was later named as Metropolis, because of the size and diversity of the place. Metropolis continued to thrived, having very few problems which she cannot resolve. Despite the protection the Rim provides the city and valley, there is still the occasional band of barbarians who dares to enter the Center. So they have Warriors to patrol the mountains, to keep an eye out for barbarians and other tribes to come to seek refuge. This continues for a few centuries until war comes to their new home...
July 13, 2002, 14:11
Local Time: 23:00
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Ohio
Posts: 33
 Mellian, I think the story so far is great especially because no one else (to my knowledge) has done a story like this. Keep it up!
July 15, 2002, 23:46
Local Time: 23:00
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,782
Thanks for the feedback which i can write more often, and can't wait to be done and over with the early ancients too
The beginning of the Macky Civilization: Part One
Metropolis wasn't what really started the macky civilization, was just the foundation of it. What really started it was an tragedy which lead to the first real leader of the Macky. About fifty years after the Macky settled at Metropolis, the Italian barbarians started penetrating the Rim, discovering the paradise within. The Warriors who were patrolling the mountains quickly returned to the city to warn the people and the Council. Would be about a week before they arrive, to most likely attack their great city. The was in a panic, as it is the first time the barbarians broke through. Under the leadership of Mellian and few others, defences were quickly erected while almost of the Warriors in the Rim were to return to Metropolis. Make shift barricades were quickly created while an band of Warriors were sent to meet the barbarians half way, to hold them off as long as possible in the form of an ambush. While the Council waited, they prepared the populace for the evacuation of the city, despite how many people disliking the idea, especially the Macky. They lost one city before, they won't do so again.
When the band of Warriors that was sent ahead saw the barbarians in the distance, they prepared their ambush within a small forest. They attacked as soon as the Italians was about to bypass them. About a hundred barbarians were killed as soon as the Macky sprung from their hiding spots. The Italians quickly turned around to face them, turning the battle into the biggest battle the Macky as ever fought. Despite being outnumbered and gradually losing warriors, they were winning. At least until their numbers became to small to effectively hold the barbarians, which lead their slaughter. Once the Italians finished, they started moving towards Metropolis again, where they will about to face the defence line around the city lead by Mellian.
The defence line was comprised of a total of three Macky Warrior units, which will soon fight 5 Barbarian Warrior units. Metropolis was still waiting for another three Warrior units, but it is doubtful they will arrive in time to help defend the city. The odds are pretty low, but that doesn't stop the Macky from being determined to protect their home with their lives. Eventually, the Italians could be seen in the distance and when they got closer, they stopped to regroup before charging the defence line. The Macky warriors stayed behind their make shift barricades as the barbarians charged it. As soon as some got through, they were quickly killed by the defenders behind them. Eventually, the barbarians caught on and started moving around to flank both sides of the defence lines, as it was expected.
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