Originally posted by Pedrunn
The sprite (wich are the most dificult to get) are exacly the same in ctp2 as it in ctp1.
Actually, this is not true.
The CtP1 sprites were created using a slightly different compression method than the CtP2 sprites. CtP2 can handle sprites of both formats, so all CtP1 sprites will work fine on CtP2. CtP1, however, obviously can't handle the CtP2 sprite format, since this format is newer than the game itself. So CtP2 sprites will not work in CtP1. (And AFAIK there's no way to convert CtP2 sprites to CtP1 format.) Fan-made sprites were/are all created with the CtP1 Sprite Tool and therefore in CtP1 format, so they can be used by both games.
So as long as you're playing CtP2, you use all available sprites. In fact, as Pedrunn implied, all CtP1 sprites are included in the CtP2 files but they are not used by the game. You can find the list with sprite numbers
here. If you want to use CtP2 sprites in CtP1 though, you're out of luck (but fortunately you
can use the fan-made sprites that were intended for CtP2)...