July 11, 2002, 05:29
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Check the reviews on amazon
check the 1-2 star reviews for Civ3 on amazon.com...
Very funny comments, like: ..."stupid game the AI has always better army bigger civ"..."you don't have all the resources"..."can not trade"..."unable to win even on lowest level"...
So next time, Mr. Game-Developers, develop a game, with nice graphics, great sound effects, nice animations and movies and only one button: "WIN" - so you can really enjoy the game.
----- discusting
July 11, 2002, 05:44
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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you might want to give a link
btw, here is a complaint on the fact that civ3 is a new game not civ2 with better graphics
in Civ II, I finally learned to be the infrastructure dynamo. I learned the best ways to connect my cities and improve the landscape so that I could out-produce, out-research, and just plain out-muscle my competition up to at least Emperor level. Unlike the original, where I just conquered like mad. But playing Civ III made me feel like I was learning all over again. Why in the world should an experienced Civ player have trouble connecting his oldest and most powerful cities with railroad well until the 1900's on Chieftain level?!
July 11, 2002, 05:46
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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This game is an order of magnitude more frustrating than Civ II.
It is nearly impossible to win at the Chieftain level without replaying moves. And that is ridiculous.
i cant win. i have to learn new rules. the game sucks.
July 11, 2002, 05:52
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Diddn't know Coracle did reviews too
#There’s a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right #
July 11, 2002, 06:21
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
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Re: Check the reviews on amazon
The lack of game options the player has is indicative of the dictatorial manner of Sid Meiers.
but I was soon to find out that this was but another AOE clone with a Alpha Cetauri engine.
I, Have to Admit, Infogrames did a great job with civilization 3. But you should keep you money, there is no multiplayer feature in this game, save your money and buy the multiplayer addition when it comes out.
On the other hand, the aerial units are very much improved - and the bombing runs are simply fantastic.
Even on Warlord, I was fighting for my Civilation's life every moment.
July 11, 2002, 06:22
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It's interesting that out of a total of 358 the avg. rating is 3 1/2 stars. I am not suer what conclusion one can draw from it or even what conclusions Firaxis will draw from it but it's interesting nonetheless. I'd till give the game a solid 4 stars, I would go for 4 1/2 if there were more options on the Diplomacy screen and I never would give a 5 to any game out of principle.
Excellence can be attained if you Care more than other think is wise, Risk more than others think is safe, Dream more than others think is practical and Expect more than others think is possible.
Ask a Question and you're a fool for 3 minutes; don't ask a question and you're a fool for the rest of your life! Chinese Proverb
Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. Warren Buffet
July 11, 2002, 07:59
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Re: Check the reviews on amazon
Originally posted by cumi
check the 1-2 star reviews for Civ3 on amazon.com...
Very funny comments, like: ..."stupid game the AI has always better army bigger civ"..."you don't have all the resources"..."can not trade"..."unable to win even on lowest level"...
So next time, Mr. Game-Developers, develop a game, with nice graphics, great sound effects, nice animations and movies and only one button: "WIN" - so you can really enjoy the game.
----- discusting
Quite frankly I believe that people are allowed to complain about a game's level of difficulty. Some people enjoy sitting for hours trying to learn how to play a game but others do not. Perhaps the people who frequent Apolyton Civilization consider such opinons Philistine, but for the average, casual gamer who doesn't really spend that much time playing games, it is perfectly valid to state one's opinon that Civilization 3 is a very difficult game.
July 11, 2002, 08:10
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Re: Re: Check the reviews on amazon
Originally posted by David Murray
Quite frankly I believe that people are allowed to complain about a game's level of difficulty. Some people enjoy sitting for hours trying to learn how to play a game but others do not. Perhaps the people who frequent Apolyton Civilization consider such opinons Philistine, but for the average, casual gamer who doesn't really spend that much time playing games, it is perfectly valid to state one's opinon that Civilization 3 is a very difficult game.
Problem is, Firaxis simplified the game for the casual gamer! I know that this might be from a veteran civ player's point of view, but reading the posts around here you'll notice how a lot of people think that Civ3 was dumbed down for the mass market. I agree with them to a certain extent, but the game is not so difficult to learn, especially when you play on Chieftain level. My first Civ3 game was on Chieftain and I managed to win automating most things, the game was almost playing by itself!
I guess that the Amazon reviewers either are not so proficient with strategy games ("Where's my superturbochargegun? I want to frag someone!!!") or they are too lazy to think a little bit. Just a little bit.
'Yep, I've been drinking again.'
July 11, 2002, 08:10
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well, civ games have never been pick-up-&-play games. The learning curve is pretty steep initially, and the manual's rubbish, but the investment in time and effort is certainly worth it. Wouldn't you agree  ?
July 11, 2002, 08:19
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Re: Re: Check the reviews on amazon
Thats right! The only thing what I wanted to tell, is you can rate games as easy, easy to learn, difficult and so, and you can rate games as good or bad. I don't think that mixing these two arguments has a sense. It can be a very difficult game but it doesn't means that it is soooo bad.
In the beginning I was also loosing all the time on the easyest level. Even now I am playing sometimes on the easyest level, just because I want to enjoy and not to suck. Hardest level than warlord i didn't even tried.
Yes, this game is a bit difficult without hundreds of hours of playing and reading / learning strategies from this forum...
July 11, 2002, 08:35
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Another problem is that Chieftain probably isn´t the easiest level. The AI is so slow that you can´t trade with them for most of the game, which requires that you yourself need the skill to properly balance science/tax/happiness in order to win the game before 2050. On Regent, you can have your tax at 100%, buy all techs and just crank out units as fast as you can and eventually win a domination victory.
July 12, 2002, 03:02
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And let us not forget that the general buying public is, well, let's just say "ill-equipped" to properly comprehend the concept of a strategy game. Let's look at the top five selections at Amazon, shall we?
1. WarCraft 3: Reign Of Chaos (click, click, click, click, click and etc.)
2. WarCraft 3: Reign of Chaos Collector's Edition (same amount of clicking for more money  )
3. Neverwinter Nights (Ooh, I'm a mighty half-orc barbarian-sorceror!  Pssht, 3rd edition rules. Please!)
4. Grand Theft Auto 3 (Vroom, screech, crash! Oh, if only *I* were old enough to drive....)
5. The Sims (Ah, now *here's* a real brain-crusher; I hear even Stephen Hawking can't solve this game).
Note: I'm sure these are fun games and all, but thinking man's games they ain't.
Lastly, do you have *any* idea how many copies of "deer hunter" and "deer's revenge" and "big game trophy" and other inane hunting sims have sold? The mind, I assure you, boggles at the number, given the drek being peddled. Thus, I'm not at all surprised to hear limping halfwits complain "me no win game, me no like!" I like the idea of the "Win" button, but only if it causes the computer to explode and take the credit-card toting waste of oxygen that pressed the button along with it!
Whoops. Overstayed my welcome on the soapbox! Best get down now. Sorry all....
July 12, 2002, 03:46
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I have a difficult time understanding it. I played first game on Deity. Got stomped before 1000bc. Watched the replay with all the pretty coloured dots popping up. Bad thing was that only 1 of mine for every 4 to 6 of each of theirs popped up. Whispered, we're not in Kansas anymore Sid.
Turned it down to Regent and won then worked up from there.
I'm not trying to say, I am great... hear me roaaar. What I observed is something that anybody can do. Basic REXing worked in Civ. It worked in Civ2. It works in Civ3. Just have to be more disciplined about it with 3.
At any rate, the overall rating is 3.5. That's not bad for a controversial design that is very much more difficult than its predecessors at any given level.
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
July 12, 2002, 03:49
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3. Why can't workers gain experience and become more productive like the way soldiers become veteran and elite? This game unwittingly shows a bit of cynicism toward the "working class". They don't learn!
That guy actually liked the game, just one of his ideas on how to improve it.
Ok, so in eager anticipation of the release of the third installment of the best, and most time consuming, game in computing history, I went ahead and did the logical thing: I dumped my girlfriend. It would have happened eventually I figured, the choice being the game or her and I figured I might as well make a clean break of it-lest it interfere with the countless months of fun that lay ahead. I eagerly installed the game. A short while later I watched breathlessly as a warrior with a stone axe defeated my conscripted infantryman armed with a modern firearm. Then he defeated a second infantryman and then a third and a fourth. Later on still, I tried to exhale slowly as my hardwon accumulation of ironclads were ambushed and sunk to their last rivet by a lessor fleet of aggressive wooden galleons. Appealing to my neighbors for aid I discovered that it was too late, if only I had accepted their earlier diplomatic proposals-but I had foolishly found their requests for the entirety of my treasury and the secrets of Engineering, Masonry, Conscription, Physics, Combustion, Communism, Democracy, Chivalry, Flight and Gunpowder to great a price to pay.
Now my long empty nights are not filled with the chirpy soundtrack of civ 3 but of the lonely ghostly ballads of Roy Orbison as I cry myself to sleep.
I thought this guy was pretty funny, though i've never heard of barb warriors beating anything more then ancient age units. Who knows, I guess.
Here is what for me has become a typical scenario: After several hours of play, I've finally gotten my empire really expanding and taking shape. The other factions have made their entrances and negotiations are under way! And THEN...Persia rudely demands a map of my territory. I refuse, and Persia declares WAR! and steals a bunch of my land with only token resistance from my forces (what are these guys doing)!? My national treasury is suddenly empty and units are being disbanded. Half my cities are aflame because, dammit, the people need CLOWNS. Every wonder I was constructing gets built by somebody else and my production has been switched--at a significant loss--to something that I don't have the gold to support after it's completed. My advisors each have a separate agenda, but nobody's agenda appears to pertain whatsoever to the game I am currently playing. And, of course, the Babylonians, English, French and Egyptians have all signed a trade embargo against me because I so gravely wronged their dear friends, the Persians. About this time I decide the game's entertainment value has dropped to just below watching that woman on TV who pretends to read dogs' minds, or maybe searching the phone book for people with funny or unusual names.
This guy liked the game too, just some of his complaints about it. I think the part about the people needing clowns outta be added to the Apolyton quotes.
Reviewer: A 9-year old gamer
Civilivation 3 is fun game because you can fight in wars,trade and build citys.You can also build buildings and collect resources.Workers can build roads, clear forests or jungles and irrigate land.You can pick from tons of worlds or create your own on Civ 3 edit...
Now surely this will prove to Coracle that Civ3 is a great game.
Heh, and thats only out of 40 reviews, i'm sure there is more. Quite funny, never considered what the average gamer might think of Civ3, just figured strategy people played it.
Oh and Barchan have you ever played Warcraft 3? I'll give you that it doesn't take as much work as Civ3, but its much more then just clicking.
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July 12, 2002, 07:44
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Originally posted by ChaotikVisions
Oh and Barchan have you ever played Warcraft 3? I'll give you that it doesn't take as much work as Civ3, but its much more then just clicking.
No, I've played the others, but not Warcraft 3. I know it's more involved than just clicking; I was just being facetious to make a point. The hunting games, though, *are* totally inane.
July 12, 2002, 10:36
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Originally posted by Barchan
And let us not forget that the general buying public is, well, let's just say "ill-equipped" to properly comprehend the concept of a strategy game. Let's look at the top five selections at Amazon, shall we?
1. WarCraft 3: Reign Of Chaos (click, click, click, click, click and etc.)
2. WarCraft 3: Reign of Chaos Collector's Edition (same amount of clicking for more money )
3. Neverwinter Nights (Ooh, I'm a mighty half-orc barbarian-sorceror! Pssht, 3rd edition rules. Please!)
4. Grand Theft Auto 3 (Vroom, screech, crash! Oh, if only *I* were old enough to drive....)
5. The Sims (Ah, now *here's* a real brain-crusher; I hear even Stephen Hawking can't solve this game).
Note: I'm sure these are fun games and all, but thinking man's games they ain't.
Lastly, do you have *any* idea how many copies of "deer hunter" and "deer's revenge" and "big game trophy" and other inane hunting sims have sold? The mind, I assure you, boggles at the number, given the drek being peddled. Thus, I'm not at all surprised to hear limping halfwits complain "me no win game, me no like!" I like the idea of the "Win" button, but only if it causes the computer to explode and take the credit-card toting waste of oxygen that pressed the button along with it! 
Whoops. Overstayed my welcome on the soapbox! Best get down now. Sorry all....
wow! aren't we the condescending little *****! I love Civ 3 and think it has about a 2 game learning curve. But GTA3 is a classic! Have you played it? The game is also pretty challenging if you don't use the well publicized cheats. Diffrent genre's of game so don't even try to compare, but a good game is a good game no matter what and to me what makes a good a game includes some sort of challenge.
July 12, 2002, 12:07
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Here is what for me has become a typical scenario: After several hours of play, I've finally gotten my empire really expanding and taking shape. The other factions have made their entrances and negotiations are under way! And THEN...Persia rudely demands a map of my territory. I refuse, and Persia declares WAR! and steals a bunch of my land with only token resistance from my forces (what are these guys doing)!? My national treasury is suddenly empty and units are being disbanded. Half my cities are aflame because, dammit, the people need CLOWNS. Every wonder I was constructing gets built by somebody else and my production has been switched--at a significant loss--to something that I don't have the gold to support after it's completed. My advisors each have a separate agenda, but nobody's agenda appears to pertain whatsoever to the game I am currently playing. And, of course, the Babylonians, English, French and Egyptians have all signed a trade embargo against me because I so gravely wronged their dear friends, the Persians. About this time I decide the game's entertainment value has dropped to just below watching that woman on TV who pretends to read dogs' minds, or maybe searching the phone book for people with funny or unusual names.
This guy liked the game too, just some of his complaints about it. I think the part about the people needing clowns outta be added to the Apolyton quotes.
Hey, imagine what the guy would write if he had hated the game...
'Yep, I've been drinking again.'
July 12, 2002, 13:11
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On almost all of the review sites that accept input from the general public, you have to just read the reviews and make your own interpretations.
The star ratings are frequently worthless and they get more worthless with an increasing number of comments and reviews from the novice type users. It seems that the same type of an idiot that can't figure out how to play the game on Warlord and Cheiftain levels is also the same type of an idiot that can't figure out how to select the one star or zero star ratings as being bad.
It is not uncommon to see someone just hammer the game or book in a review and then give the same game or book a 5 star rating.
The opposite case is rarely true however. When you see a game rated as 1 star out of 5 then you can be fairly certain that the product is worthless.
July 12, 2002, 13:28
Local Time: 00:07
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Location: Philadelphia, PA
Posts: 978
Reviewer: A 9-year old gamer
Civilivation 3 is fun game because you can fight in wars,trade and build citys.You can also build buildings and collect resources.Workers can build roads, clear forests or jungles and irrigate land.You can pick from tons of worlds or create your own on Civ 3 edit...
This is probably the best review out of the bunch. This is exactly how I felt when I was about 13 or so and first played Civ I.
I also liked the "The people need CLOWNS!!!"
July 12, 2002, 14:11
Local Time: 23:07
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I, Have to Admit, Infogrames did a great job with civilization 3. But you should keep you money, there is no multiplayer feature in this game, save your money and buy the multiplayer addition when it comes out.
i see nothing wrong with this statement, and i have told several freinds this exact thing.
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
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July 12, 2002, 14:42
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I agree. The lack of MP in the shipped version is a legitimite complaint
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July 13, 2002, 00:30
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I don't understand complaints about the difficulty and learning curve. Who on earth would want an epic strategy game wherein you didn't have to THINK and have strategy?
Isn't that the frickin' point? Sheesh...
Tutto nel mondo è burla
July 13, 2002, 00:34
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Stop talking sense Boris. It might be contagious.
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July 13, 2002, 03:10
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
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Originally posted by UberKruX
i see nothing wrong with this statement, and i have told several freinds this exact thing.
Well at least for me personally, multiplayer (or lack thereof) is not enough of a reason NOT to buy a game, unless the game is obviously designed for multiplayer (which Civ III is not)
July 14, 2002, 00:56
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I propose a new difficultly level for the next patch. Invalid, where the AI can't build settlers or military units until the year 1900, and the maximum research time for every tech is 4 years for the human player, and the minimum for the AI is 40. Even then, I bet you'll find someone who can't win.
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July 14, 2002, 01:22
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Originally posted by Tassadar5000
Well at least for me personally, multiplayer (or lack thereof) is not enough of a reason NOT to buy a game, unless the game is obviously designed for multiplayer (which Civ III is not)
so you consider the artificial ingnorance a major challenge? you like playing a STRATEGY game with a mind that cannot comprehend STRATEGY?
come on, it can't even use artillery effectively. all strategy games are meant to be multiplayer in this day and age.
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
July 14, 2002, 02:01
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Barchan , WarCraft III is a twitch game?
News to me. The game is so intricate is feels like a martial arts match. Every move, and every unit has a counter, and the player who pulls off a strategy his or her oppenent fails to counter wins.
If its click click click click, then I suppose Civ III is the same.
July 14, 2002, 06:07
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too much to read, but this, grrr
Originally posted by Barchan
And let us not forget that the general buying public is, well, let's just say "ill-equipped" to properly comprehend the concept of a strategy game. Let's look at the top five selections at Amazon, shall we?
1. WarCraft 3: Reign Of Chaos (click, click, click, click, click and etc.)
2. WarCraft 3: Reign of Chaos Collector's Edition (same amount of clicking for more money )
3. Neverwinter Nights (Ooh, I'm a mighty half-orc barbarian-sorceror! Pssht, 3rd edition rules. Please!)
4. Grand Theft Auto 3 (Vroom, screech, crash! Oh, if only *I* were old enough to drive....)
5. The Sims (Ah, now *here's* a real brain-crusher; I hear even Stephen Hawking can't solve this game).
Note: I'm sure these are fun games and all, but thinking man's games they ain't.
bla bla bla
Sorry all....
warcraft was one of the PIONEERS in RTS. So what if it's click click click. In civ3, if I play on my laptop, guess what? I GOTA CLICK CLICK CLICK~!!!!!!
And what else, oh ya, warcraft is a thinking man's game@! You need to plan your stuff..sure if you played once in multiplayer and got your but kicked I can see why you have that point of view: boohoo hoo i got rushed and now I'm dead because I tried to build up alaciv, but these guys are cheaters how else could they have 20,000 soldiers and me only 1
Warcraft collectors edition - redundant argument even though you tried to be "  "
Neverwinter nights .... okay 3rd edition rules might throw you off, and I havent played htis game... However this thing looks AMAZING. Imagine building your own RPG world??? Linking it up on your server and your friends?
I guess you need some EXP from the pen and paper world to enjoy such a thing, however Neverwinter nights is yet another thinking mans game.
GTA3 ??? YOU DARE TO DISS IT!!!! GTA3 is superb! You have access to a virtual city, and an avatar which you can use to do close to anything (within limits..). So what if its criminally orientated, are you one of those thats going to say everyones mind will be turned to violent mush after playing this? HAH! I had fun with the game, and damn did I ever have to think my way out of it at many points. Try to remember the map of a virtual city in your head. Remember all the nice places to visit, the gang spots, the parks, etc etc.
And the Sims?
im tired of making valid points for these games, but regardless they all require thinking, even stuff like deer hunter and quake.
Deer hunter - think were to find the deers (same can be applied to fishing games right?)
Quake - think quick or else your gona get FRAGGED.
I'm so sick of people making such broad statements just because its a game genre that you dont like. What are you soooo holier than thou because you can play civ and you have all this super strategy thing going on?
OKAY congrats you like CIV and ONLY CIV. Right? Your stuck in a TBS GENRE ONLY.
Its a shame then that you limit your mind to a secluded type of gaming.
Cant wait for multiplayer civ3 to come out. I'll be laughing all the way to the game store at all the people complaining "BUT I HAVE TO CLICK SO MUCH HUUUH IM LOOSING AND MULTIPLAYER IS SO QUAKE IM GOING TO PLAY CIV2 NOW BYE"
my rant, plz dont take offense cuz I LOVE YOU AND YOU AND YOU!!!
now excuse me everyone but i will be going back to reading this cool thread (about amazon.com reviews ??? omg what am i doing... i should go play civ or some quake hmm so many choices! ITS GREAT TO BE A WIDE LOVING GAMER HAHA!  )
July 14, 2002, 06:10
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PBEM anyone?
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July 14, 2002, 06:23
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PBEM: it is going to be included isnt it?
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