July 19, 2002, 15:06
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I am also interested in being a judge. I beleive firmly that the justices should all be independent of political affiliation. They should also take a straight forward interpretation of the constitution.
July 19, 2002, 15:08
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I apply for a Judge Duty, but Im almost sure that President will not choose me because of my complains about the elections.
July 19, 2002, 15:27
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I believe in following the law regardless of personal prejudice.
I also believe in the need to explain when a decision is reached. Esp. by all justices, whether it is just we concur with justice X's reasoning, or if it is more detailed. This would help hold each justice accountable to the people.
I also have a reputation to uphold, that of being an honest, fair, impartial man. I would maintain that, even if it resulted in an interpretation of the law that went against public opinion. It is not the justice's job to be popular, but to interpret the law, based on what it currently says. Justice is supposed to be blind. I also agree that a straight interpretation of the law is important. I also see all sides of an issue: the glass is half full and half empty, but it is also all full (half full of water, half full of air = all full); something most people haven't considered.
I don't have strong feelings towards/against any citizens or current/past elected officials. I am willing to speak my mind, even when it is not popular to do so, even if I not in the majority.
Whether or not I am chosen, I hope our elected officials may good choices since the results may be with us for a long time.
July 19, 2002, 15:29
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Luk: Ninot is a fair man. He'll pick the best people.
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July 19, 2002, 16:10
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Originally posted by Luk
I apply for a Judge Duty, but Im almost sure that President will not choose me because of my complains about the elections.
I promiss to be the most fair I possibly can about this, and Luk, I wouldn't deny you a chance at all. I hold absolutely nothing against you in any way shape or form. I felt bad that you didn't have what could exactly be considered praise for me, but that isn't exactly an insult that would force me to hold a grudge.
but like i posted in the ammendment thread, this is going to be a VERY hard process. Ive already eliminated some people on the list mentally, because.. i have to choose 2 of 25.. and most of the 25 are highly competent and worthy, and im quite sure you are yourself.
This is gonna be hard.. anyone got a 25 sided dice?
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July 19, 2002, 16:39
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I gotta 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and a 20. No.... no I dont see a 25 ... damn wizards of the coast ....
No wait, heres a 25 sided dice, let me roll it. Oh look, what do you know ... It says I should be a judge, well how do you like that
July 19, 2002, 17:23
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I know there could be many better candidates from me, so I won't be dissapointed if I will not be choosen...
I personally have nothing against Ninot - he is a president, and he is a president according to Apolytonia Law, and as a Judge I would have nothing to procedures of election of president., because of bad law written in Apolytonia Code of Laws
But Im very strongly at a moral side of this election and good manners. I think this elections were not correct if I look from this side to this elections. It was not a clean race to the presidenture, and as citizen of Apolytonia I feel obligated to say my opinion, that is all. And I admit personally that I wanted Trip to be a president. But it is my political opinion, and my own, personal view of this matter, which should not interfere on the decisions when I will do my job in futher, if I will be (maybe) a real Judge in Republic of Poland
July 19, 2002, 17:45
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I wouldn't mind
Overworked and underpaid C/LTJG in the NJROTC
If you try to fail and succeed which have you done?
If fail to plan, then you plan to fail
July 19, 2002, 18:16
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Sorry Ninot, but I do have a 30 and a 100.
(OK I am one of those geeks that still plays D&D - I've been playing it since 1982 and don't intend to quit now.) Guess that makes me both a geek and an adict....sigh. Oh well - I enjoy it. And it wont kill you as fast as smoking.
Try peace first. If that does not work, then killing them is often a good solution. :evil:
As long as I could figure a way to hump myself, I would be OK with that
July 19, 2002, 20:03
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well, who knows, maybe it will
so.. anyone have ideas on who i should nominate? Lets see some campaigning!
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July 19, 2002, 20:20
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Ninot I have an idea, Since people really shouldn't campaign for a nonpolitical job, I think people should suggest others, for starters I would like to suggest trip and captain. I believe they would both be very knowledgeable and neutral in their interpretation of the laws. Many times they have shown the ability to see both sides of an issue and that is a must in a judge.
The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.
July 19, 2002, 20:59
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Aggie, i completely agree with your suggestions
I know that Trip would be an amazing guy to hold down the job, but he can't stay 3 months.....
Captain, on the other hand, I dont see any downside to. He would just be amazing
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July 19, 2002, 21:00
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What is the schedule for the justices? Do all of them have to spend 3 month terms?
July 19, 2002, 21:03
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The ones the President appoints must stick around 3 months
the Vp chooses 1 person for a 2 month term
two minister (i never remember which exactly) elect two 1 month termers.
So, if anyone was to nominate Trip, it wouldnt be me Im guessing (cuz of Trip leaving before 3 months are up)
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July 19, 2002, 21:33
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Togas is an attorney in real life, and he was one of many driving forces behind the judicial bill's creation. I think he would be a good choice. Captain is also a good choice. Godking, wervdon, apocolypse and many more all seem like good choices as well. Jeez, this is gonna be hard Ninot, i dunno how you are gonna do it. I'm sure just about everyone whos mentioned interest are all more than capable of the job.
July 19, 2002, 21:37
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Originally posted by GodKing
Sorry Ninot, but I do have a 30 and a 100.
(OK I am one of those geeks that still plays D&D - I've been playing it since 1982 and don't intend to quit now.) Guess that makes me both a geek and an adict....sigh. Oh well - I enjoy it. And it wont kill you as fast as smoking.
I've been playing awhile now, but you've been playing since before I was born  . What a nerd!  Just joking ... its fun, sad that its been stereotyped as it has been. Though Its been awhile since I've played pen&paper, mostly play video games now cause I can't ever get my friends together. Damn our busy lives....
July 19, 2002, 22:01
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Originally posted by Ninot
The ones the President appoints must stick around 3 months
the Vp chooses 1 person for a 2 month term
two minister (i never remember which exactly) elect two 1 month termers.
So, if anyone was to nominate Trip, it wouldnt be me Im guessing (cuz of Trip leaving before 3 months are up)
Well, I'm good for one month. I guess I'll have to depend on the good graces of our Ministerial body.
July 20, 2002, 02:08
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Originally posted by Kramerman
I gotta 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and a 20. No.... no I dont see a 25 ... damn wizards of the coast ....
No wait, heres a 25 sided dice, let me roll it. Oh look, what do you know ... It says I should be a judge, well how do you like that
You roll either a 100 sided die (they do make them) or %dice. Divide by 4. Count down that many slots. Example 88 would yield the 22nd person down the list.
July 20, 2002, 03:12
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Originally posted by kring
You roll either a 100 sided die (they do make them) or %dice. Divide by 4. Count down that many slots. Example 88 would yield the 22nd person down the list.
Do they seriously make 100 sided dice? Those succers gatta be the size of tennis balls  . I would just use %dice.
July 20, 2002, 03:17
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Yes, Lou Zocchi made one several years back. It looks like a small tennis ball. It looks round, but it has 100 flat surfaces, really small surfaces. I will see if I can find one.
July 20, 2002, 03:20
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The elusive 100-sided die, perfect for percentage rolls. Includes more than 350 uses and a history of the die. Random colors.
Hopefully that worked. Lou Zocchi used to own Gamescience in south Mississippi. There is a picture on the site.
I have played pen and paper since the mid 70's myself, from Melee and Wizard to D&D/AD&D/C&S/ICE RM.
Anyway, BOT, sorry for OT, I don't envy Ninot and co. their choices.
Last edited by kring; July 20, 2002 at 03:26.
July 20, 2002, 03:25
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Thanks Kring, you definately didn't need to go through all that trouble, I appreciate it. I'll check out those links tomarrow afternoon when I wake up. Im tired ...*mumble*... and desire ... *mumble*... sleee....
July 20, 2002, 11:32
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Originally posted by Ninot
Aggie, i completely agree with your suggestions
I know that Trip would be an amazing guy to hold down the job, but he can't stay 3 months.....
Captain, on the other hand, I dont see any downside to. He would just be amazing
why thank you, Ninot!
and to all other Judicial candidates, no bribery was involved!  You may, of course, feel free to investigate but I assure you, you will find nothing. And even if you found any evidence of wrongdoing, no laws exist concerning bribery!
seriously, I am honoured and I think I do have a good sense of the law (since I've been very involved in most of the discussions) and a balanced view, but on the downside, I cannot guarantee to be here 24/7. Occasionally I will be away for 1-2 days, or sometimes even longer. But I suppose that's why we have 5 Judges...
whatever happens, I have faith that our leaders will make good choices.
July 20, 2002, 11:49
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the list has been updated
sorry for the delay or whatever weirdness just happened...I got some strange Apoly technical error messages when trying to edit it just a few minutes ago.
July 20, 2002, 13:26
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Not to complain, Captain, but my name is on there twice. Since I would suppose the people picking would know that there is only one of me, I thought it was only fair to point that out. About 14th down, and then near the bottom. Or, maybe I get two chances to get picked.
With that many names, it would be easy to miss.
July 22, 2002, 14:37
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Posts: 14
Why I should be a Justice For the Civ 3 Demo Game's High Court
With the Ratification of the Apolyton Court a sure thing on this 23rd of July, I would like to explain to you why I should be nominated as one of the justices.
1. I am a independent, therefor not biased to wither the UFC nor the DIA. However i am not against party politics like some of the other would-be justices. I beleive a anti-party court and party-ful goverment would be detrimental to Apolytonia. A court that works with the current constitution, Code of Laws, and Goverment would be successful in solving our nations problems.
2. Each Ruling would be followed by a brief, clearly explaining my ruling and why i ruled that way. I would push for this to be the standard for each justice
3. I would be rarely unavailable for rulings. At most i am away from my computer for a day.
4. I would read the various documents of law litteraly. I would not "read into" the documents and try to claim that they imply something. If it does not clearly state it; it is not there.
5. I would not "legislate from the bench", meaning, I would not interject my personal political beleifs into my rulings. The law is the law and is not a elected position.
6. In the event that neither of our document of law make statements on a particular issue, I will try my very best to make a ruling based on the will of the people. Not on my political beleifs.
7. I would devote my Apolytonian life to this court. With the sacrifice of my hard work.
Thank you for your consideration of my nomination;
July 22, 2002, 17:24
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Kman - I do have one of those 100 d. It is huge relative to the rest of the ones I have. And I dont think I ever used it. (2d10 works fine for me).
I don't think I will campain for the position. I would like it, and I would do a good job. But so many people up for it. Ouch - tough decision for all those involved. Good luck one and all.
Try peace first. If that does not work, then killing them is often a good solution. :evil:
As long as I could figure a way to hump myself, I would be OK with that
July 22, 2002, 19:30
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kring, fixed. sorry, would've done it sooner, but apoly was laggy at lunch...or maybe it was just the network.
btw, 1 or 2 syllables? is it pronounced "kay-ring" or "kring"?
July 23, 2002, 00:29
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One syllable; it's German, my grandfather's last name, rhymes with ring, so kring.
And that's okay, I just happened to notice it when I was looking at the list. I thought it was probably unintentional. It didn't seem fair to have it there twice.
Last edited by kring; July 23, 2002 at 00:36.
July 23, 2002, 03:49
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My congratulations to all the other judicial nominees, and my condolences to those who were not picked. There are people here at Apolytonia who could have filled the job well. Do not be sour, comrades, there is always another month, another term...
'Til then...
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