July 16, 2002, 15:37
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How much DPA and OPA should I have OOP? I think I'll have 215-225 acres.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
July 16, 2002, 15:40
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20-30 dpa
and an as high opa as you can get, when growing raise your dpa to 40 while below 500, and just let it get higher and higher, generally about 10dpa per 500acres you gain, up to a maximum of 70
<Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!
July 16, 2002, 15:48
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In my time(  ) 10-13 DPA OOP was more than enough to stop 99.99% of the random grabs.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
July 16, 2002, 16:10
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ah, i'm just being idealistic here
i think i had 21 last age, didn't get grabbed.
<Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!
July 16, 2002, 18:05
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I decided to get Hospitals. I lose two out of the three bonuses, but the growth rate bonus is well worth it, at least while in protection.
7% Stables
10% Guilds
13% Towers
20% Barracks
20% Armories
20% Banks
10% Hospitals
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
July 17, 2002, 02:12
Local Time: 06:18
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Armories??? For specs???
I'm going with this for starters:
10% Farms
10% Guilds
05% Towers
65% Banks
10% Hospitals
towards OOP:
10% Farms
10% Guilds
05% Towers
40% Banks
15% Barracks
05% Stables
15% Hospitals
July 17, 2002, 05:05
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Armouries Decrease Military Training Costs by % * 1.5 (50% Max)
Train % * 1.5 more Elites in Combat (30% Max)
<Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!
July 17, 2002, 06:14
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I'm an idiot. I forgot to rush the hospitals, thus losing 11 hours of double growth.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
July 17, 2002, 06:27
Local Time: 15:18
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My kingdom:
** Races **
Faery: 10 (40%)
Undead: 10 (40%)
Human: 4 (16%) - all unclaimed
Halfling: 1 (4%)
I'm an Undead Rogue.
None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?
July 17, 2002, 12:38
Local Time: 06:18
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Originally posted by Lemmy
Armouries Decrease Military Training Costs by % * 1.5 (50% Max)
Train % * 1.5 more Elites in Combat (30% Max)
Define "in combat"...
Anyway, I think you're nuts to use Armories now to train Elites. I'm gonna find out what the conversion rate of specs to Elites are. If it sucks, I'm exploring to 2,000 acres and Elite-pump then.
July 17, 2002, 13:17
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"in combat"
for now it is only when attacking another province with traditional or conquest
* For now, elites will be gained from Traditional Marches and Conquest only - not on defense. This is one of those things that could change later in the round.
<Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!
July 17, 2002, 19:46
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mystic elf in zoppers kd , finally a whole age together...
opening with
%7 farms
%18 mines
%25 banks
%15 guilds
%25 towers
%10 hospitals....
just to open....alot of training and alot of paradising early
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July 18, 2002, 02:03
Local Time: 15:18
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When I exit protection, I will have:
Undead Rogue attacker (we are an evil kingdom!)
220 acres
1200 zombies
~900 skeletons
1000 horses
some extra thieves
barracks 25% (55)
armories 20% (44)
guilds ~12% (26)
towers ~8% (18)
stables ~9% (20)
homes 15% (33)
mines 10% (22)
dungeons ~1% (2)
My "exploration" policy will involve other people exploring for me, muhahaha, then me taking their land if they are weakly defended. In other words, I will attack anyone I find OOP who is weak and landfat. With 25% barracks, I can attack near my own island twice a day...
None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?
July 18, 2002, 07:03
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hospitals seem invaluable in the beginning... i've hit my max pop in no time
btw i do think util is still active, check your civilian advisor..
if ye don't like it just behead your advisor (a very nice feature i dare say  )
"An archaeologist is the best husband a women can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie
"Non mortem timemus, sed cogitationem mortis." - Seneca
July 18, 2002, 11:14
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Originally posted by Trajanus
hospitals seem invaluable in the beginning... i've hit my max pop in no time
Next you're gonna tell us you're playing Dwarf, right?
July 18, 2002, 11:56
Local Time: 07:18
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Originally posted by Zopperoni
I'm exploring to 2,000 acres and Elite-pump then.
On 2000 acres you'll have aproximately 23000 troops. Converting 1 out of 4 troops with max armouries will cost you almost 13 million gc. Converting them all will cost more than 51 million.
July 18, 2002, 20:09
Local Time: 15:18
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damn Undead wizards, they fizzled a Patriotism ...
as for my evil kingdom, we have about 23 provinces able to cast Nightmares, and 15 provinces able to kill def specs with Night Strike.
People are gonna hate us ...
None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?
July 19, 2002, 02:28
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Originally posted by Eli
On 2000 acres you'll have aproximately 23000 troops. Converting 1 out of 4 troops with max armouries will cost you almost 13 million gc. Converting them all will cost more than 51 million.
Guess I'm gonna find out what the conversion rate in combat is then, gonna try and attack someone right OOP...should be doable on WoL
July 19, 2002, 12:25
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YES!!! I succesfully casted Patriotism and Inspire Army as an Orc
July 19, 2002, 15:39
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whats the max % of chance of a wizzie being trained...currently i am at 4% with 15% base guilds *mystic personality
BTW why does he swear not ever playing elf again??
Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!
July 20, 2002, 06:35
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Grab one - 34 acres.
Grab two(he had only 500 dp) - 19.
Elites from grab one, 25(sent 650 specs, 18% armouries).
Elites from grab two, 7(sent 140 specs).
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
July 20, 2002, 15:55
Local Time: 06:18
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Day 1: Four grabs made, 107 acres gained, 37 specs converted into Elites...happiness level up to "Excited".
July 20, 2002, 16:03
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My troops return in 1.4 hours, so i'll make a grab or two more.
Zopper, how many DP and OP do you have?
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
July 20, 2002, 17:37
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I just found a GREAT farm, with 2000 dp and 350 acres and conquered 62 acres.
Thanks to war spoils I got them immediately, but this leaves me with 16 DPA, since in the last two hours I got 115 more acres. Hopefully I wont get grabbed by the time more specs are trained.
And Patriotism failed, bad bad bad.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
July 21, 2002, 03:51
Local Time: 06:18
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Eli, I currently have 1200 off specs and 1900 def specs @ 320 acres, but I'll be training def specs only the coming hours, because of all the acres coming in.
July 21, 2002, 06:05
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Originally posted by Zopperoni
Eli, I currently have 1200 off specs and 1900 def specs @ 320 acres, but I'll be training def specs only the coming hours, because of all the acres coming in.
I currently have 1200 def specs and 1000 off specs on 350 acres!  But in 24 hours I expect the situation to improve, unless I was grabbed in the last 12 hours(I cant check yet, waiting for the bonus).
July 21, 2002, 12:02
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If anyone here has a kingdom mate who's leaving the kingdom and is willing to give his province, tell me. I'm stuck in a newbie kingdom, with 15 attackers who never attack, get their build strat from the idiot monarch and... and... just read this.
In response for my request for war :
May 9th, YR0
Eh?, wait til everyone at least has 1000 of each unit type
When i say unit type i mean 1000 arhers or archer equivilant and 1000 warriors or warrior equivalent
so 1000 of each */4 - 4/* type
- The Great Mr. Man with no Hope
He said it a few hours ago... 36 hours OOP and we still need to wait for people to have 2000 trained specs! Grrrrrr.
Help. Please. I cant take it anymore.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
July 21, 2002, 13:43
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Ignore the previous post.  I defected to a great kingdom.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
July 21, 2002, 13:48
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HOLY ****!
I defected to Zoppers and War4Ever's kingdom!
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
July 21, 2002, 14:09
Local Time: 06:18
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Yeamans...real bizarre
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