China in World War Scenarios...
How to represent it? How to represent it accurately?
In 1941 Japan held Manchuria, Peking, Shanghai, Canton, Nanking, and Tientsin.
Most scenarios don't simulate this because it's too easy for the human Jap player to quickly conquer all of China and turn it to bomber production.
Ways I have seen to cope with the real 1941 situation on the China front:
1.Give the chinese a "fanatic" type unit (no support) and lots of fortresses. Have literally dozens and dozens of these units in fortresses around Chungking (1941 capital) with events creating more randomly.
2. Make "flying tiger" fighters really high defense units.
3. Make the remaining Chinese cities super industry cities, with the chinese able to make tanks, ect. Not accurate though, to have Ulaanbaator pumping out heavy armour...
4. Mountain fortresses defended by multiple high defense NON units surround Chungking.
Any other ideas?
Also, another world war scenario inconsistency: Ethiopia was Italian in 1939 and British by mid-1940.