I consider abstains to be countable; even though I support the intent of this amendment, it didn't get 2/3 yes votes. To discount the abstains is to say they were yes votes, which I don't believe they were. Captain made some good points. I just posted the following in the court thread:
This is a great case because we need to know how abstains are to be handled in all elections, not just ones where they prevent a majority. Check out the thread about abstain voting. I have always voted abstain as supporting neither side or saying that you didn't like the options presented. If you say that abstain votes don't count for the majority issue (in other words whether or not a majority is reached), then there is no point in having an abstain. What happens if you have a situation where the abstains win with 2/3 vote (or whatever is needed in that poll if different). Do we discount those 2/3 votes and just go with the yes/no votes? Same principle applies, whether it is only 1 abstain vote, or a 2/3 majority vote.
For the record, I support that amendment, but I don't see it getting 2/3 of the vote.
What is the point of abstain voting if it is not to be counted in the vote totals?