June 27, 2000, 01:10
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A Convoluted Explanation of Why the Pyramids Count as a Grainery in Each City
The pyramids were built in Egypt by the Pharaohs. At about the same time, a certain Biblical character, Joseph, was storing up grain in expectation of a famine.
The conclusion should be obvious.
June 27, 2000, 01:43
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Dude, Holy Bible speaks only about TWO CITIES - no pyramids references are made, sorry...
June 27, 2000, 03:38
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Speaking as one who is not well up on the pyramids I seem to recall that there are shafts previously thought to be aligned to various astral bodies but which now seem likely to be deigned to get the grain in after sealing up. How was it taken out again though, when needed?
June 27, 2000, 04:23
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Hmmm...here's an equally logical proof for the "Great Wall provides immunity to nuclear missles of Democratic ai-civs" argument.
1. Great Wall was built in China
2. The Chinese are adept at spying
3. The Chinese have infiltrated the nuclear labs of America, which holds the most sophisticated nuclear technology
4. Only a fool would start a war with China right now
5. China has fuel campaign donations to lead Democrats
Therefore, Chinese cities all gain immunity to Democrat missles when they hide behind the Great Wall.
Or, if you want, you could use the same faulty logic to prove that the world is, indeed, square.
Just because a Biblical story roughly (as in give or take 2000 years roughly) lines up with a Wonder doesn't meen the Pyramids stored grain. If it did, then what about the dinosaurs?
-KhanMan the LLSS
June 27, 2000, 05:04
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What? I thought everyone knew that the very first pyramid was formed by egg-laying dinasaurs. After she dug the nest hole and laid her eggs the female stacked them in a pyramid so that they would keep each other warm when she filled the nest back in.
When the very early Egyptians traveled above the 4th cataract of the Nile seeking the fabled land of Ophir they came across many of these petrified pyramids of eggs. One of the engineers on the exploration team realized that grains of barley looked a lot like microscopic dinasaur eggs. When they returned he convinced the Pharoah that if the eggs could fill a pyramid then barley could do it better and the Pharoah would never lack barley for his beer factories.
June 29, 2000, 05:20
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But Ken, why did the Egyptians drink Chinese beer, when they knew the Democrats wouldn't approve of the dinosaur-nuclear program?
June 29, 2000, 15:40
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whait a sec ?! do you mean that the dinosaurs were actually planned as pets for the piss-artist chinese nuclear research personell ? and that the democtrats arranged a secret nuclear base for the chinese? in a pyramid ? am I right ?
[This message has been edited by Dalgetti (edited June 29, 2000).]
June 30, 2000, 02:00
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No, all i'm saying is that Israeli beer sucks.
June 30, 2000, 09:37
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I'll just pretend to follow along:
Yes! I understand and agree!
June 30, 2000, 09:42
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The pyramids were built in Egypt by the Pharaohs. At about the same time, a certain Biblical character, Joseph, was storing up grain in expectation of a famine.
The pyramids were built in Egypt by the Pharaohs. At about the same time, a certain non-fictional character, Bill Clinton, had an extra-marital affair.
St. Leo
June 30, 2000, 20:31
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NO, NO, NO! You've all got it all wrong...
In my part of the world, the local government stores sand in pyramidal shaped structures for use on roads during ice-storms. Now, everyone knows that sand is referred to in grains, and grains are what is saved in the Pyramids. Furthermore, in medieval England, grains were called "corn", and everyone knows that corn is a grain.
Therefore, since sand is kept in modern pyramidal-shaped structures, it is only logical that pyramids are for the storing of grains!
Also therefore, Alia Est Granular, Cartago Delenda Est, and Disce Aut Morare! Habeus Corpus, too!
July 1, 2000, 23:24
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Mao-It's good to see an honest person here
Cavebear-No, you have it all wrong, it's:
1st, the 14th tribe of isrealites colonized New England
2nd, the Pyramids were built on an oil-rig off the English coast as advanced castles
3rd, the Egyptians built the Erie-Suez Canal out of left over sand
4th, the Israelites destroyed all these structures, and their beer was cursed with eternal mediocricy...
"in nominae abscondita, et spiritus bellum, veni!"
(or "the poster formerly know as Prince KhanMan"
July 3, 2000, 02:35
But how did the pyramids get to Egypt then? If the beer was cursed with mediocricy, then the Israelite oil-rig workers wouldn't be strong enough to rebuild the pyramids and drag them to their final locations!
July 3, 2000, 04:16
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Ah, but that's when an elite Corps of the Hodadian Invasionary Force, off course and drunk off of too much mediocre Isreali beer, was forced at yamaka-point to move the Pyramids/English oil rigs.
Then the crop circles were carved into Russian fields by bored former MiG-pilots, now employed by the Knesset to spy on Iranian exchange students near the vulnerable 14th tribe, in the southside of Boston.
Everything clear now?
"In nominae ephemera, et benedictus adscondita!"
-KhanMan the LLSS
July 4, 2000, 02:09
I thought it was the Illuminati who were responsible for the crop circles!
November 26, 2000, 10:47
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And now for a more serious and maybe even correct answer about why the pyramids count as graneries in CIV II. We all have commented on the Historical Nature of CIV II. While I don't know the thinking process used by either Sid or the design team for the Wonders, I did find this in the History of the Franks by Bishop Gregory of Tours.
In Book I, Chapter 10 of his history Gregory says in talking about the Nile: "Beside the river stands the city of Babylon, not the Babylon which I have described already, but the one where Joseph built granaries of wonderful workmanship made of square stones and cement. They are constructed in such a way that they are very broad at the base but narrow at the top, so that corn could be poured into them through a small aperture. These granaries are still to be seen to this day." The translator provides two notes to this passage. The first on the name Babylon, "Babylon, a fortress in Lower Egypt, opposite to the Pyramids." And, the second on the "Granaries". "What Gregory takes for granaries are the Pyramids."
In his preface Gregory states that what modern events and places he decribes are either something he has witnessed himself or had related to him by reliable witnesses. He wrote his History of the Franks during the latter portion of the 6th Century and it is my understanding that it wasn't until Neapolianic times that the true nature of the Pyramids was discovered. So the association of the Pyramids with granaries may be a long standing one, even though incorrect. The design team may have felt that all players would be well versed enough in Western History to understand that association. Then again they might have used Blue Sky pipe dreams that had no connection at all to reality.
November 26, 2000, 17:10
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Ken, your explanation is quite convincing. Have looked at what the Greeks (Herodote, Strabon) said about the Pyramids, I would like to know but cannot manage in the near future to go to a specialized library to find it out.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
November 26, 2000, 17:12
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Originally posted by KhanMan on 06-27-2000 04:23 AM
Hmmm...here's an equally logical proof for the "Great Wall provides immunity to nuclear missles of Democratic ai-civs" argument.
1. Great Wall was built in China
2. The Chinese are adept at spying
3. The Chinese have infiltrated the nuclear labs of America, which holds the most sophisticated nuclear technology
4. Only a fool would start a war with China right now
5. China has fuel campaign donations to lead Democrats
Therefore, Chinese cities all gain immunity to Democrat missles when they hide behind the Great Wall.
Or, if you want, you could use the same faulty logic to prove that the world is, indeed, square.
“All the Chinese bandits having chopped off all the foreign ears, we have time to consider not only the subject Atrocity, but the subjects Bandits, and the subject Missionaries, and the subject Foreigners, and the subject Chinese. All the politicians who are going to be elected have been elected; and all the artificial excitement in events which no one really regards as either very important or very interesting has been exhausted. All the historical events have happened.”
Laura Riding, Preminilaries to Epilogue I, 1927.
Good old Laura knew nothing about Civilization II, but she knew of the Chinese and of history. And your very bright text reminded me of her work.
I think this quote should puzzle you all a little bit, and that’s all it is intended for.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
November 27, 2000, 18:34
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I doubt Joseph had any reason the designers thought of the pyramids that way.
November 28, 2000, 04:31
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Wait aminute, didn't Sid get the inspiration for Civ in one of those wierd dreams where a silly AI is chasing you naked through the streets of Beijing?
My question, then: Why did he allow Disney to film a movie about Joseph, when he knew the Flood and Famine of CtP was coming?
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November 28, 2000, 08:45
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This thread is priceless!! There's a thread in the Off-Topic Forum about must read books. This is a must read thread!
BTW. Anyone know why fire engines are painted red?
Frodo lives!
November 28, 2000, 09:12
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Strange that you all missed the obvious importance of the fact that Pyramids can fly. How else could some of them end up in South America?
In times of famine, the Egyptians simply boarded the Pyramids and raided countries that had a more fortunate harvest. So although Pyramids aren't giant Granaries, they are equivalent, and counting as a Granary in every city makes perfect sense  .
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November 28, 2000, 09:35
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EVERYBODY knows that the pyramids can fly!
you don't need to say it, that's where the missing set of thrusters went during the Mars crisis...
November 28, 2000, 18:51
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No, I know the reason. It's because if you climb up them and jump, you can fly. Then you fly and land in the enemies irrigated farms and then dig under the ground with the food all the way back to the pyramids. That has to be the reason. Well if that is the reason why didn't they call it the "Foraging Flying Sorty Base"?
November 29, 2000, 12:14
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Originally posted by jcarkey on 11-28-2000 05:51 PM
Well if that is the reason why didn't they call it the "Foraging Flying Sorty Base"?
Er - they did, sorta: "Pyr-a-M'id".
Pyr = Fly
A = To, Towards
M'id = Wealth, Abundance
There! I knew those ancient-Egyptian lessons were good for something
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
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