Originally posted by Coracle
Give me back those Civ 2 spies.
Whereas, of course, the AI never ever got mad at you for having your wicked way with them in Civ 2....

Of course, that might relate to me poisoning water supplies and slipping the odd suitcase nuke into town and stuff.
The mission costs are way too high though. Any improvement you can make to the cost of the missions is a good one. I've been trying to find the "sweet spot" myself, so I'll give the 75%--my goodness, just typing that seems stratospheric

--and see what it does.
And Coracle, while I yell and scream at you a lot, I'm going to leave you alone this time, because I'm
not sure which system is better for espianoge. I lean toward this approach, though--my spies know where things are, they don't need me nudging them along each turn. But I'm open about that.