July 28, 2002, 15:00
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become ze leader of russia
July 29, 2002, 07:02
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Re: From Japan, To Italy
Originally posted by trickey
Hello my friend. I know we do not see eye to eye on most issuses, and we might not have the best history between our people, but we have a common goal. Destruction of the German Neo-nazis. This group poses a clear threat to the world, and cannot be allowed to expand and develop their evil plans. I am requesting that you let me use your land as foothold to attack the nazis. If not, i will take it by force.
Ah ah ah
We laugh at your proposal.
We don't like you just as much as we don't like nazis.
The new Italian Army, mainly composed of volunteer is now extremely numerous, and ready to take action to liberate northern Italy, and possibly Germany from the Nazis scum.
Tomorrow there will be the first strike.
Cinna: I think you can pick any role you want, you may continue your story as Contessa (Cinna's daughter)... that could be nice I think
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
July 29, 2002, 07:19
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This means war!!!!
Japan declares war on Italy
Japan begins bombing Italy. Rome is the main target. Many civilians killed, but the Japanese bombers fail to do any damage to major industrial or military sites. A few Japanese Bombers were shot down by the Italian army, but no severe losses.
July 29, 2002, 08:11
Local Time: 16:45
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at the news of Japan declaring war on Italy the people of Russia urge thier leader to do the same.They hold rallys, sign petitions, bribe people in high places (as well as threaten), and in the bad cities riot!
More Russians voulunteer to fight for the Communist cause in Europe. They also increase violence towards the european troops stationed on the boarder.
The seperatists in Siberia have started setting up thier own government regardless of the fact that Russia refuses to acknowledge them as a soveigrn state. They ask the countries in Europe for assistance in setting it up.
ooc:did I miss something in the reading?  also Im tired right now so if anything is confusing or whatever oh well
July 29, 2002, 14:52
Local Time: 05:45
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As the first Japanese bomber showed up in the sky, tha affluence of Italians volunteering in army, air force and navy doubled.
General Baldissero, commander in chief of the air force, set up an immense Radar line, in order to be acknowleged of any Japanese attack, and order the fighters to take off and hunt down the bombers.
The majority of the Navy, and Submarines is quickly moved to the straight of Gibraltar, and the Suez Canal, in order to close any access of any Japanese ship into the Mediterraneum.
The Army instead keep pushing north, deep into German lines, the Italians liberation force already liberated all of Northern Italy, Southern Switzerland and Wien (Austria).
Diplomatic Action:
To jdd2007:
About Germany: Our army is ready for the Invasion in southern Germany, we will attack as soon as you tell us to, we are also hoping you will attack Germany from the west.
About Japan: We hope you'll help us by sending some forces up from Australia, I'm sure this will take Japan completely unprepared.
About Italy: Even if we are right now acting as an independent nation, as soon as the control over Europe will be retaken, Italy will merge back again into the UNE.
To Japan:
We will give you a last chance of peace between our nations, please take it under consideration, or this may start one of the bloodiest world war.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
July 29, 2002, 20:09
Local Time: 16:45
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Posts: 2,709
 Indeed, thought the communist leader of Russia, There will be a very bloody war, very bloody......
July 29, 2002, 21:25
Local Time: 23:45
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"Comrade!!!", yelled Miguel, in a very loud, almost frantic voice.
Juan thought to himself. "Something big must be going on."
"What is it, Miguel?"
"Juan, we just got some new intel from the Intelligence Division. As you know, Japan has gone to war with Italy. The Russian people are urging their government to also declare war on Italy. Italy has sent a message urging Europe to counter-invade Japan from Australia."
"Hmmm. Well, we are allied with our Communist brothers in Japan, so I think the time has come to do what we have been somewhat reluctant to do in the past. Do you know what that is, Miguel?"
"Are we going to do some 'persuasion', Comrade?"
"Enough with that silly euphemism, Miguel. We are going to war."
We send in an invasion force to Sicily. We also send some forces to Australasia, in case Europe decides to send forces from there to Japan. We keep our Northern border heavily defended, in case North America decides to get involved.
July 29, 2002, 22:25
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With the world against their country, many Europeans give up their rebellions. General JDD finally succeeds in taking all of France and Spain. Morales is made 'governor' to make sure the people keep their support for the Government. With Europe virtually unified (Danish guerillas keep up the fight, and the Italians war against Germany is 90% complete) JDD must decide on a capital. If its Berlin, the French will be unhappy. Paris, the Germans. London is off the continent, Madrid, not loyal enough. The official capital of the United Nations of Europe, is Geneva. The advanteges are many. Switzerland is liked by most, the city is loyal, its more or less central, it has good natural protection, and it has a rich culture and history.
To the World: NO NUKES or everyone will lose...
To NAF: please, the world is against us. Mexico, Japan and Russia all are at war with us. Please keep Mexico out of the way, invade Japan if possible and continue aiding us. Your technology is the best in the world. Help the rid the world of communism!
To Mexico: Please, you and your people are a drain on thw world. We laugh at your attempts on Australia. It is far to well defended for your pathetic soldiers. Besides, the transports will have to turn around half way when the North Americans invade your homeland.
To the people of Europe: look! We are unified once again! We must work together to defeat Russia, and Japan. Mexico is but a a nuisance. Join the army, step up production, inform the police of rebels who would betray their nation. Do this, and we shall once again rise above the world, with our American allies!
To Russia: no peace? then DIE
To Japan: please, lets try to work this out! What could you gain? Your people will lose, either way...
To Giovanni: Reunify Europe now? I offer you joint presidency of the United Nations of Europe.
*Italy rejoices*
To Australia: Increase size of armed forces. Prepare yourselves!
A large, hidden submarine 'wolf pack' in the Atlantic devestates a Mexican fleet. Australia invades South-East Asia, all the while preparing back in Oceania for a war that might be on their home soil soon. UNE forces take Japan completely by surprise, and take a large area, mainly of former jungle in Siam, but also different Pacific islands.
To Japan: End the war now, and have the SE Asian land back, no strings attached
To Giovanni: Success!!!
To NAF: Invade Mexico...
July 29, 2002, 22:32
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Siberia sets up a government, declaring its independence! they train an army, and send ambassadors to washington and geneva...
To Siberia: thank you for not supporting this soon to be bloody war. have, some money, here, shiny new american and british war equipment, and some advisors.
July 29, 2002, 22:41
Local Time: 16:45
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ooc: Siberia is under my control. the people of Europe and its rebellions under civman's.
and saying that you unified europe in a snap of your fingers is just dumb, you didnt even bother making a story out of it.
July 29, 2002, 22:42
Local Time: 23:45
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To Europe: Why must you continue to underestimate us?
After the Communist Revolution in the 1960's, our Communist brothers in Russia and Japan supplied us with a myriad of technologies. Our armed forces are almost as advanced as yours.
Your underestimation of us infuriates me. It would be in your best interest to learn more about your enemies.
July 29, 2002, 23:58
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all i hear is blah blah blah. russia and japan are my only -real- enemies. i have a great deal of respect for them.
July 30, 2002, 08:30
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Japan gives technology to Mexico. The Japanese Military has devoted a small portion of its troops to begin training the Mexican militay. The Mexican military should be world class within a few years.
When External Affair minister Trickey was asked what he expects in return from the Mexicans he stated
" I expect nothing except their loyalness to my country and our people. Their aid in our conflict we be enough."
July 30, 2002, 08:38
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I think ya jumped the gun a little bit there Jdd2007. Unified europe? Took out a mexican fleet? Took the bottom half of Japan? Ummm, did you ever think that you would of had to cross all Europe and Asia to attack me. And if you noticed that in my attack, i tried to make it realistic by saying that i didnt do much damage.
Now if i didnt do much damage against a nation that was not expecting a war. How did ya takle some alot of my territory when my nation would have been fully guarding its borders.
Ohhh, dont even get me started on Europe  just think about what you wrote. Europe is all ready in a total disorder, and now the threat of a bloody world war is very possible, you think they will suddenly reunite. Hell no.
Hope ya dont take this the wrong way or anything. I dont mean it to sound as bad as it might. Im just saying that i dont think your post was very realistic. But o well
July 30, 2002, 12:19
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ok. JDD dies as well. reolts break out all over europe, except italy. japan retakes the land it had lost (not even close to half) when an australian army landed in Thailand. mexico manages to *steal* a large european fleet from UNE, making up for the losses the subs had done. Gio is in charge now. JDD is not coming back...
July 30, 2002, 12:26
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(((OO*dead*C: what is so unrealistic about having a large wolf pack in the atlantic, and having them sink a third of the fleet? in europe, JDD had almost completed reunification when japan bombed. that was the final straw for the rebels. france and spain were *almost* reunified. not even that many rebels gave up, just enough civilians to tip the balance. on the other side of the world, australia had been creating an army for some time. they landed an army in thailand (with a few ships sunk along the way) and the army marched northward largely unopposed. yes, your country in general had been preparing for war, but not on your home turf. once you had gathered an army, you would have decimated my forces. )))
July 30, 2002, 12:30
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continued (rant)
europe was not totally in disorder. the general used his military to make sure that the land under his control was just that: 100% in his control. he had been making progress against the rebels for some time. this wasnt just some. one second, its out of control, next second tranquility, it was the culmination of a long campaign against the disorganized rebel groups...
July 30, 2002, 12:35
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im sorry for all the 'impossible' things that occurred. this was my first NES, and it wont happen again.
[end rant]
July 30, 2002, 13:29
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(( no problem jdd. i hope you didnt take it the wrong way. I just thought that the whole europe thing was kinda crazy. And ont worry, ive done some things twice as crazy as that in my previous nes'. Ok so, japan has most of its land back, you can have just a little incy wincy bit  and europe is getting more civil, but not near being unified. your not quitting, are you?? please dont.))
July 30, 2002, 15:01
Local Time: 05:45
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So...please explain me.... is Jdd still in charge of UNE?
Mexico: How did you land forces in Sicily if I'm protecting with my navy the straight of Gibraltar and the Suez Canal... there is no way you can come into the Mediterraneum without having to fight against my fleet?
Europe: Is it unified or not?
Russia: Are you at war againt me or not? Is it Siberia an independent nation or not?
Japan: have you being inveded by Australia or not?
NAF: Did you join our side or not?
Italy: do I still exist or am I part of Europe?
I don't know what to write if I don't have all those questions answered....
Hint for jdd2007: Don't quit the nes just cause you did something against the reality police, remember, if you go against it you have, at least, to make up a good story for it
So.... can I have a little briefing of the situation couse I'm completely confused
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
July 30, 2002, 16:54
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Posts: 2,015
JDD is dead. Giovanni takes over Europe. Do whatever you want with the italy...
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