July 22, 2002, 10:20
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Hex's new potential project - WOTR
Having more or less completed my work on Cradle (with the exception of the Visible Wonders coding, which willl be the last element that I will actively put in Cradle), I'm turning my attention to a possible new project...one that has been kicked around a lot on this forum, but never has been realized...
A War of the Ring Scenario, based on Tolkien's Middle Earth. I haven't decided if I want to concentrate on the First or Second War of the Ring. The First War would actually be an easier fit, but the Second War offers a greater depth in characters, and it is this one I am leaning towards.
It would be similar to the Alexander scenario - probably not as complex though, as I want greater control over what the AI can accomplish.
It will also be a war scenario - no tossing the Ring into Mt. Doom...and it will not be a Mod. The map will be premade - and units and cities will be in place already. Some SLIC files may be needed.
And I may need a playtester or two - I'm asking Ben as my first choice as tester as I know he is a Tolkien fan, and he can offer the help I will need in certain areas. Files will not be released until it is done. No betas as per my Cradle setup.
I was doing a lot of thinking this past weekend as to how I would go about doing this, and I have some definite ideas that might work. I'm not going to reveal much of them either at this point in time - at least not publically, because since this is a Scenario, many of those elements need to be discovered while playing.
My Cradle files will be the base from which I will work from.
I'm not going to make any promises that this will get done though, but it is something I think I can pull off.
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
July 22, 2002, 11:49
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What is War of the Rings?
July 22, 2002, 13:03
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Originally posted by HuangShang
What is War of the Rings?
It's another name for Lord of the rings, a trilogy of books by a guy named Tolkien. He is widely seen as the father of hi-fantasy.
could be good, nothing quite like a chance to slap down some orcs
On that note will we get a chance to play as the different powers within the story?
Oh yeah and you are going to need lots of new sprites no?
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July 22, 2002, 15:10
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Originally posted by child of Thor
On that note will we get a chance to play as the different powers within the story?
The one question that I've had in regards to this is whether I can get the AI to work with multiple civs in a coordinated way. Conceiveably you would have the following alliance as the most likely setup.
The trick is to get each of those civs to work against the rival 4 - something that I do not think can be done effectively. There needs to be no war between the allies. So my plan is to break it into a two-civ game, with the potential to play either Sauron and all who is allied with him against Gondor and all who are allied with them. I'm focusing on having the human player play Gondor.
If somebody with SLIC experience wants to chime in and say it is possible though, please do so...
This will be more along the lines of a game to play once or twice, especially since scenarios do not have the replay value of a Mod. But I will make every effort to make this a hard one to win...
Originally posted by child of Thor
Oh yeah and you are going to need lots of new sprites no?
Suprisingly, I think I have most everything I need to make this work - though I may make a call for some things.
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
July 22, 2002, 15:39
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The trick is to get each of those civs to work against the rival 4 - something that I do not think can be done effectively. There needs to be no war between the allies.
Getting the two groups of allies should be no problem. I doubt though that we'll ever see co-ordinated Allied attacks though.
July 22, 2002, 15:41
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Being a huge Tolkien fan I've also considered trying to make a LOTR scenarion but never really got round to it. I'd love to help out on this in anyway I can. I know some SLIC (and am learning it fast) and a bit about the AI etc. So if you need any help then just ask  .
And I also co-run a Tolkien forum *points to sig*.
I think the second WOTR would be better as it's more well know and would be more of a challenge to the player and certain events (if thats what you aim to do) during the Last Alliance may be difficult to do such as the 7 siege of Barad-dur.
Under what Civ would you class the Hobbits, Dunedan of the North, Ents etc?
So my plan is to break it into a two-civ game, with the potential to play either Sauron and all who is allied with him against Gondor and all who are allied with them.
If you did that then how would give only certain cities the ability to build units that only that race would have? Such as only having Mordor cities building Orcs or stopping Minas Tirith from building dwarves?
July 22, 2002, 16:08
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Thanks for the info - as you probably guessed, I would rather sacrifice some detail for a fun game, so getting the AI to act in a coordinated way is more important than detail.
Originally posted by Turambar
Under what Civ would you class the Hobbits, Dunedan of the North, Ents etc?
There will be a lot of Leader type units in the game...Many of the main characters would be classified as such.
The Dunedan and Ents could be handled as Leader units (similar to the Wonderunits in Cradle) Hobbits would have several cities on the map, but they would be a non-factor in most other ways. The focus is more or less on a war via military might. Hence the reason why I considered the First War as more viable from that standpoint.
Originally posted by Turambar
If you did that then how would give only certain cities the ability to build units that only that race would have? Such as only having Mordor cities building Orcs or stopping Minas Tirith from building dwarves?
I would love to be able to pull this off - it is similar in concept to the use of goods to create particular units but this has not been pulled off yet though. Again, a question to the SLICers if cities can be limited in the type of unit it can create.
Again the basic units wold probably have to be generic in nature - swordsmen, axemen(dwarves), archers and the like.
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
July 22, 2002, 16:25
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Originally posted by hexagonian
I would love to be able to pull this off - it is similar in concept to the use of goods to create particular units but this has not been pulled off yet though. Again, a question to the SLICers if cities can be limited in the type of unit it can create.
Perhaps units could be linked to the buildings in a city in some way? That would make the units available to each city unique within a civ and the buildings could then be made obsolete through tech. I'm not sure if this would be possible though.
Would you also have character units such as Aragorn etc?
July 22, 2002, 19:03
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Originally posted by child of Thor
It's another name for Lord of the rings, a trilogy of books by a guy named Tolkien. He is widely seen as the father of hi-fantasy.
Technically, the war is the main topic of the books, rather than the books themselves, but I won't quibble too much  .
Sounds like a great idea if you can pull it off - I'm something of a significant Tolkien fan myself, and I'm eager to assist if possible - just don't get distracted by changes in the films (Not that many are significant, but I can think of one that is - Saramun being the creator of the Uruk-hai (which he wasn't in the books)).
July 22, 2002, 19:19
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I would love to be able to pull this off - it is similar in concept to the use of goods to create particular units but this has not been pulled off yet though. Again, a question to the SLICers if cities can be limited in the type of unit it can create.
IIRC, in the WW2 scenario they used some mod_XXX functions so that only German cities could build German tanks and likewise for the French.
Didn't IW start a LOTR scenario? He's probably put some thought into this.
July 23, 2002, 08:13
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*Great* idea, Dave
Yes, the Alexander scenario also extensively makes use of mod_CanCityBuild* functions (Greek/Ionian cities can build Hoplites, Indian cities Elephants, cities in Persia proper Mounted Archers, etc), quite useful.
July 23, 2002, 08:22
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Originally posted by hexagonian
The one question that I've had in regards to this is whether I can get the AI to work with multiple civs in a coordinated way.
There is another problem with having multiple civs in the game, and that is, for the sake of accuracy, it will be hard to come up with 10-20 cities per civ. For instance, are there actually 10 cities of Rohan (or Rhun, Harad, Isengard, Dwarves, Elves) that can be named? Limiting it to a two-civ game will allow for me to place plenty of cities per civ. And the focus would still be the same - the forces of Sauron against all those who are resisting him.
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
July 23, 2002, 19:11
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It's still not that easy to place many cities - large regions of Middle Earth are deserted - I presume this is going to be a short term scenario with no settling possibility. But then again, most of Sauron's human troops came from beyond the borders of the map in the book, so the map you use might need to cover more and thus have less detail so the scarcity of cities is not a problem. Of course, OTOH again, CTP2 does allow huge maps...
Have you got a map already, or a plan to obtain one?
July 23, 2002, 23:35
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Yes, there is not going to be any settling - all the cities will have to be pre-set. The timeframe is going to be a period of several years, so tech is going to be based more on the concept of unit training. I'm still debating the concept of unit upgrading, like I have in Cradle, as I want to maintain a large variety of units during course of the game.
The map is something I want to do - its probably the main reason why I started this in the first place. I also have some unusual concepts worked out regarding the map - many of which I'm not going to reveal, because they will tie into gameplay issues. I do want to get the basic data entry done before doing the map. It will be a gigantic map though.
I just finished the basic data entry for the units - no stats (attack/defend/movement) yet though. I also want to get all of the basic data entry in for everything else - for governments/wonders/tile improvements.
I will post the unit list soon, and it will be open for suggestions, especially along the lines of stats. There are about 66 total units, of which half are leader-type.
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
July 24, 2002, 02:39
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Damn, you beat me to it... I was waiting on some of the fantasy units to come out of Civ3.
ents, trolls and others are on the list still. I have a roughed out list of units and sprites to use of you want to see it.
Are you not working with Omni's ME map? Is it too small?>
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
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July 24, 2002, 05:22
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Can i playtest it
I hardly now any SLIC but i am a ultra-gigantic-super-extra fan of Tolkien i have read all of his books 4-5 times
and you could get up to 5 cities in Rohan:
Edoras, Dunharrow, Eastfold, Westfold, Helms Deep
and 7 cities in Gondor:
Minas Tirith, Dol Amroth, Linthir, Tarnost, Pelargir, Edhellond, Calembel.
at least 7 cities in Mordor:
Barad Dúr, Durthang, Minas Morgul, Morannon, Tower of Cirith Ungol, Morgai
But other Cities of the Darkness are:
Gundebad, Dol Guldur and Isengard
only one city in Near Harad:
Umbar the City of the Corsairs
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July 24, 2002, 10:24
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Well, here's my tentative list of units - these have been entered into the database. There are notations as to what sprites I'm planning on using. I havent worked up the stats yet either.
Spearmen (Janissary)
Axemen (Man-At-Arms)
Pikemen (CTP2 Pikeman)
Citadel Guard (CTP2 Hypaspist)
Warriors (CTP2 Hoplite)
Macemen (CTP2 Pezheteroi)
Swordsmen (CTP2 Praetorian)
Dunedain (CTP2 Legion)
Horsemen (Javelin Cavalry)
Riders (Horseman)
Heavy Cavalry (CTP1 Knight)
Knights (CTP2 Knight)
Archers (CTP1 Archer)
Composite Archers (CTP2 Archer)
Crossbowmen (Crossbow)
Mounted Archers (CTP2 Mounted Archer)
Catapults (Blue Catapult)
Siegeworks (CTP2 Catapult)
Dromunds (CTP1 Red Trireme)
Longboats (CTP2 Longship)
Transports (t5) (CTP1 Longship)
Gandalf (CTP2 Cleric)
Legolas (CTP2 Mounted Archer)
Aragorn (CTP2 Knight)
Gimli (Man-at-Arms)
Boromir (CTP2 Praetorians)
Frodo (CTP2 Hoplite)
Sam (CTP1 Hoplite)
Merry (CTP1 Hoplite)
Pippen (CTP1 Hoplite)
Theoden (CTP2 Knight)
Eowyn (CTP2 Mounted Archer)
Eomir (CTP2 Mounted Archer)
Galandrial (CTP2 Empath Diplomat)
Elrond (CTP2 Diplomat)
Denethor (CTP2 Diplomat)
Faramir (CTP2 Praetorians)
Treebeard (CTP1 Cleric)
Spearmen (Janissary)
Axemen (Man-At-Arms)
Pikemen (CTP2 Pikeman)
????? (CTP2 Hypaspist)
Goblins (CTP1 Warrior)
Orcs (CTP2 Zulu Warrior)
Uruks (CTP2 Samauri)
Trolls (CTP2 Slavemaster)
Horsemen (Javelin Cavalry)
Riders (Horseman)
Heavy Cavalry (CTP1 Knight)
Oliphaunts (CTP2 Elephant)
Orc Archers (CTP1 Archer)
Uruk-hai Archers (CTP2 Archer)
Morgul Archers (Crossbow)
Uruk Archers (CTP2 Mounted Archer)
Morder Catapults (Blue Catapult)
Mordor Siegeworks (CTP2 Catapult)
Dromunds (CTP1 Red Trireme)
Longboats (CTP2 Longship)
Transports (t5) (CTP1 Longship)
Black Rider I (Cataphract)
Black Rider II (Cataphract)
Nazgul I (CTP2 Stealth Bomber)
Nazgul II (CTP2 Stealth Bomber)
Watcher (CTP2 Moray Striker)
Balrog (CTP1 Crawler)
Shelob (CTP2 War Walker)
Sauron (CTP2 Cyber Ninja)
Mouth of Sauron (CTP2 Slavemaster)
Saruman (CTP2 Cleric)
Grima (CTP1 Slaver)
Gollum (CTP1 Eco-Terrorist)
As far as the sprites go, the only ones I would like to improve upon are
Orc Archers - somehow, the Robin Hood look does not fit too well, and there isn't enough Archer units to go around. I may use the CTP1 Muskie sprite
As for the names, I would like to have a name for the top Mordor defensive unit, and a different name for the human warrior unit.
If somebody can make a strong argument for any additional leader units, I will consider it, though I am happy with the list as it stands.
I thought about Eagles/Wargs too but unless I can get workable sprites, those will not be in.
No Tom Bombadil either...
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
July 24, 2002, 10:39
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I think you need someething to respresent the ram (I can't remember its name) used on Minas Tirith.
Uruk archers and Uruk Hai archers are surely the same thing.
Any ents apart from Treebeard?
I can see why you're short of defense units for Mordor, but they weren't big on defense so perhaps you could get away with 5 offense/3 defense if anyone can think of another offense unit (perhaps two varieties of troll - hill and cave).
I'm glad there's no Tom Bombadil. I'm not sure I would have included Shelob or Gollum either since they weren't really fighting for one side or the other...
July 24, 2002, 14:50
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Saramun being the creator of the Uruk-hai (which he wasn't in the books)).
He did create them in the books.
Why do you have Black riders and Nazgul listed seperately?
Are you going to have riders from Rohan for example better than riders from Gondor in attack etc?
The big Mordor Trolls were called Olog-Hai BTW.
I think you need someething to respresent the ram (I can't remember its name) used on Minas Tirith.
And Goblins are the same thing as Orcs in Middle Earth Tolkien just used that name in the Hobbit as it was aimed at a younger audience. There is a variety of Orc however that you could use instead called Snaga (I think) that were smaller and used for tracking/scouting (if I remember correctly).
The population of cities would need to be decided. Rivendell for example probably had only 300 people living there where as Gondor in total had about 1 million people (probably a bit less).
Saruman and the Witch King should be on the list somewhere.
are there actually 10 cities of Rohan (or Rhun, Harad, Isengard, Dwarves, Elves) that can be named?
Not cities as such but there are plenty of settled regions that could be used as city names.
I'd love to help with the GL entries BTW.
I hope most of the post made sense  .
July 24, 2002, 18:38
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Originally posted by Turambar
He did create them in the books.
No, he created orc-human crossbreeds. The Uruk-hai were already around and were purebred orcs. That is what it says here:
(Penultimate bullet point in 'Major changes from the book to the film')
I trust that source, and with a little more research I found this quote from the same website:
In Appendix A (iv) of The Lord of the Rings, in the section recounting the history of the Stewards, we find an account of the first appearance of the uruks. 'In the last years of Denethor I the race of uruks, black orcs of great strength, first appeared out of Mordor, and in 2475 they swept across Ithilien and took Osgiliath.' This passage seems to imply that the uruks actually appeared shortly before Gondor's great defeat of III 2475.
The creatures that Saruman created should also be represented in the scenario, perhaps.
And Goblins are the same thing as Orcs in Middle Earth Tolkien just used that name in the Hobbit as it was aimed at a younger audience. There is a variety of Orc however that you could use instead called Snaga (I think) that were smaller and used for tracking/scouting (if I remember correctly).
From the same site again (it's a great Tolkien reference) Snaga is:
A contemptuous term for the lesser Orcs of Mordor and Isengard, used especially among the larger and stronger Uruk-hai. It comes from a word in the Black Speech meaning 'slave'.
There is some marginal suggestion that goblins referred to the smaller kinds of orc, from the foreword of the hobbit:
[The word 'Orc'] occurs in one or two places but is usually translated goblin (or hobgoblin for the larger kinds).
But I would rather that reference to goblins be avoided if possible because such arguments are tenuous at best. Better just to have orcs and uruks.
July 25, 2002, 00:13
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Thanks for the imput so far. Because this is most likely to be a two-civ game, the basic units will have to be somewhat generic in nature, as all cities will be producing the units. Somehow, I do not think there is a way to have city-specific units in this type of setup. I do think that the AI will be more focused if it is limited to a single civ, and based on the fact that there are not a whole lot of cities to work with in the first place, limiting the human to a single civ might be for the best. Too bad CTP2 does not have hotseat...
Anyhow, if I start off with this format, I can expand it later to include multiple civs.
-Snaga will be replacing Goblins
-Uruk-Hai will be changed to Uruks (more encompassing)
I actually have 4 classes of Black Riders/Nazguls. There will be the full Nine in the game, and they will be in at the start, although, the Witch King might be a wonder unit created by a branch that only Mordor can research.
2 lower class Black Riders
2 upper class Black Riders
4 Nazgul
1 Witch King
I'm thinking of doing the same for Gandalf the White, but there may be 2 Gandalfs in the game then...
Grond is something that may make its way in, but since it is siege-specific, having it either on the front lines of a non-city battle or operating as a ranged unit might be out of character. Still, I'm leaning to include it.
The whole city size issue has already been worked out - I ran some tests tonight...
Turamber - I might take you up on the GL entries. Let me finish the basic Modded files that I need to do, and I'll send them to you to implement. It may be a few more weeks though, as there is a lot of stuff to do.
My main goal is to get all of the basic files set up with all of the additions, and then make sure its all stable. Tweaking numbers is the easy part.
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
July 25, 2002, 09:03
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Originally posted by hexagonian
Too bad CTP2 does not have hotseat...
I thought it did but the diplomacy didn't work - and that shouldn't be a problem in this scenario, should it?
July 25, 2002, 15:15
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No, he created orc-human crossbreeds. The Uruk-hai were already around and were purebred orcs.
Someone at my board is actually working a Tolkien encyclopedia so I'm sure he and some others there would help me out with the GL entries.
hex, have you played the LOTR scen for Civ2? In that they had it so that when Gandalf died he was automatically replaced by Gandalf the White. The Nazgul also had two lives.
July 25, 2002, 17:09
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Originally posted by hexagonian
Somehow, I do not think there is a way to have city-specific units in this type of setup.
Why not? There have been numerous scenarios that did it already. Alexander, WWII, Frederick the Great, and I've helped several other people set up a similar thing. If you have cities, you can have city-specific units, it's really easy to do. And I think you *should* do it as well, get the advantages of both: playing with 2 civs gives better AI results, playing with more than 2 civs adds greatly to the atmosphere of fighting in an alliance. If the city and unit sprites of the Elves are different from those of the Humans and Dwarfs, that will greatly add to the atmosphere of the game.
Also, I think you may want to consider using some more fantasy sprites. You're using all regular-game sprites while there are some quite nice looking dragons, elves (use amazons!  ), goblins, etc out there. IW's website has a bunch but I think I could even find more if I went through my archive. Such sprites would greatly add to the atmosphere as well, even if they are of a slightly lower standard than Activision's/Morgoth's sprites.
Too bad CTP2 does not have hotseat...
Actually, it does. What John said...
July 25, 2002, 17:30
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I think multiple civs would be better and reflect what happened better. If you have one civ controlling Gondor, Elves and Dwarves then you could end up with Cirden sending a fleet of Elven ships packed with dwarves from the Ered Luin down to fight in Gondor.
July 26, 2002, 09:40
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Originally posted by Locutus
Why not? There have been numerous scenarios that did it already. Alexander, WWII, Frederick the Great, and I've helped several other people set up a similar thing. If you have cities, you can have city-specific units, it's really easy to do. And I think you *should* do it as well, get the advantages of both: playing with 2 civs gives better AI results, playing with more than 2 civs adds greatly to the atmosphere of fighting in an alliance. If the city and unit sprites of the Elves are different from those of the Humans and Dwarfs, that will greatly add to the atmosphere of the game.
Boy, I thought I would be able to knock this out in a few weeks...But it looks like this will become one of those projects that will evolve over time. (sort of like Cradle did!!!) The nice thing about this is once I get the pieces in place concerning the foundation files (units, advances, buildings and so forth) these additional things probably can be added in easily, or at least tried.
Still, having multiple civs will make it harder for a player to beat the game, because he will have less control over what the other allied civs are doing.
My one thought on all of this is that since this will be a scenario instead of a random map setup, players will have a feel for how to beat it after playing it, so I do want to limit public releases - and as such, I want to limit who I have testing the setup too.
Will the SLIC file that enables allied situations conflict with the current Diplomod/Frenzy files, as those files have a tendency to foster war between all civs in the game (one of the main reasons whyI wanted to limit it to a 2 civ game)
And I will need someone to give me the relevant SLIC code for civ-specific units, but I will not need it for a few weeks, I'm guessing.
Originally posted by Locutus
Also, I think you may want to consider using some more fantasy sprites. You're using all regular-game sprites while there are some quite nice looking dragons, elves (use amazons! ), goblins, etc out there. IW's website has a bunch but I think I could even find more if I went through my archive. Such sprites would greatly add to the atmosphere as well, even if they are of a slightly lower standard than Activision's/Morgoth's sprites.
I will have to take a look at the units that are available, but to be honest, I am happy with 95% of the units that I do have now - from a purely graphics standpoint too. Some of the futuristic CTP1/CTP2 units actually look good in this setup (for instance, the CTP2 War Walker makes an excellent Shelob)
And the CTP2 Zulu/CTP1 Warrior/Samauri/CTP2 Slaver are very good for the orcs/trolls
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
July 26, 2002, 14:53
Local Time: 23:46
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Smemperor
Posts: 3,405
Straight from the gl_str.txt file, here is the tech tree. It will have 2 separate trees - one for Mordor and one for the rest of Middle Earth...
ADVANCE_MORDOR_INTRO "The Shadow of the Past"
ADVANCE_MORDOR_DEFENSE_I "Mordor Garrison Upgrade I"
ADVANCE_MORDOR_DEFENSE_II "Mordor Garrison Upgrade II"
ADVANCE_MORDOR_RANGE_I "Composite Bow Barracks"
ADVANCE_MORDOR_MOUNT_I "Mordor Mounted Upgrade I"
ADVANCE_MORDOR_MOUNT_II "Mordor Mounted Upgrade II"
ADVANCE_MORDOR_INFRA_I "Mordor Infrastructure Upgrade I"
ADVANCE_MORDOR_INFRA_II "Mordor Infrastructure Upgrade II"
ADVANCE_MORDOR_INFRA_III "Mordor Infrastructure Upgrade III"
ADVANCE_MORDOR_INFRA_IV "Mordor Infrastructure Upgrade IV"
ADVANCE_MORDOR_GOV_I "The Eye Takes Power"
ADVANCE_MORDOR_GOV_II "The Rule of the Eye"
ADVANCE_MORDOR_GOV_III "The Lordship of the Eye"
ADVANCE_MORDOR_WONDER_I "Secrets of the Palantir"
ADVANCE_MORDOR_WONDER_II "The Forges of Barad-Dur"
ADVANCE_MORDOR_WONDER_III "The Breeding of the Uruk-hai"
ADVANCE_MORDOR_WONDER_IV "The Creation of Grond"
ADVANCE_MORDOR_END "The War to Rule Middle Earth"
ADVANCE_HUMAN_INTRO "Rumors from the East"
ADVANCE_HUMAN_RANGE_I "Composite Bow Training"
ADVANCE_HUMAN_RANGE_IV "Mounted Archery Training"
ADVANCE_HUMAN_MOUNT_I "Equestrian Stables"
ADVANCE_HUMAN_MOUNT_II "The Code of Chivalry"
ADVANCE_HUMAN_INFRA_I "Infrastructure Upgrade I"
ADVANCE_HUMAN_INFRA_II "Infrastructure Upgrade II"
ADVANCE_HUMAN_INFRA_III "Infrastructure Upgrade III"
ADVANCE_HUMAN_INFRA_IV "Infrastructure Upgrade IV"
ADVANCE_HUMAN_GOV_III "The Return of the King"
ADVANCE_HUMAN_WONDER_I "The Mirror of Galandriel"
ADVANCE_HUMAN_WONDER_II "The Return of Gandalf"
ADVANCE_HUMAN_WONDER_III "The Discovery of the Palantir"
ADVANCE_HUMAN_END "The War to Destroy Sauron"
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
July 26, 2002, 17:56
Local Time: 05:46
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: in perpetuity
Posts: 4,962
I thought about Eagles/Wargs too but unless I can get workable sprites, those will not be in.
*cough* You made the targas for me... the warg is not good, because it doesn't animate, but an eagle needs no flapping wings does it?
Boy, I thought I would be able to knock this out in a few weeks...

Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
July 26, 2002, 18:21
Local Time: 05:46
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: in perpetuity
Posts: 4,962
Originally posted by hexagoniaI'm asking Ben as my first choice as tester as I know he is a Tolkien fan, and he can offer the help I will need in certain areas.
Thankyou. I'm honoured
I'm focusing on having the human player play Gondor
 I guess from a warfare standpoint that would be better, but the potential for a Samurai-style RPG-esque scenario is there if you don't mind some heavy SLICing.
Nazgul I (CTP2 Stealth Bomber)
Nazgul II (CTP2 Stealth Bomber)
 What about Jerome Lux' 'demon' sprite?
Here is the list of sprites I had drawn up.
| Attack | Defense | Ranged | Horse |
Gondor | CtP Legion | CtP2 Pikeman | Robin Hood Archer | CtP Knight |
Rohan | CtP2 Hoplite | CtP Pikeman | CtP2 Archer | CtP2 Mounted Archer |
Dale | CtP2 Warrior | Man At Arms | Robin Hood Archer | CtP Knight |
Dunland | -- | Tom D Pikeman | -- | CtP Mounted Archer |
Harad/Easterlings | EB Warrior & CtP Warrior | EB hypastist | Murmakil |
Rhun | 3 Samurai Units | CtP Archer | |
Mordor | TD Swordsman | CtP Phalanx | Jerome Lux Archer | Black Rider/Bandit/Cataphract & TD Chariot (wainriders) |
Boromir/Faramir | JL Swordsman |
Wizards | CtP2 Cleric |
Aragorn | Alexander |
There is a (basic) troll sprite available, and the werewolf could be a stand-in goblin. Jerome Lux made a dwarf sprite, and the should be a "knight" sprite which might do for hobbits, its quite small. I think elves should be the bowmen in green. I'm dubious about that balrog sprite, but other than doing it myslef (shudder), all I can suggest is waiting until someone makes one for Civ3.
Did you need a battering ram sprite? Or a ring sprite?
Ooh, and check out the cities.
edit: Why the big gap?
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
Last edited by Immortal Wombat; July 26, 2002 at 18:40.
July 29, 2002, 14:23
Local Time: 23:46
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Smemperor
Posts: 3,405
Well, here is the status report so far
Files done
- govern.txt
- tileimpr.txt
- Advances.txt *(except for cost - dependent on setup issues)
- Wonders.txt
- terrain.txt
Still to do
- all the AI files, but this will not take long
- The raw data for the units is in - I have a working chart of unit specs for all of the non-leader units, so that data needs to be entered. I still have to work out the leader specs.
- Many graphic tgas
Now for some requests in order of importance...
1. I need a SLIC file that will disband an existing unit and replace it with another unit when a Wonder is completed. Thus Gandalf the Grey would become Gandalf the White, Black Riders become Nazgul and so forth.
2. A SLIC file that would establish alliances between civs that would carry throughout the game.
3. A SLIC file that limits construction of certain units to certain civs or cities.
4. Some SLIC message files that would be triggered when a unit reaches a city for the first time (not necessary, but more for atmosphere)
5. If anyone could provide me with a complete city list, along with civs, that would be appreciated, and it would save me some time (even better if the data is entered into the civ.str.txt file - having Gondor first after the Barbarians. BTW, Barbarians will now be labeled Morgul Raiders...)
6. Also a good scan on Middle Earth with city placement - the copy I have (100 year edition of LOTR) is very poor quality.
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
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