July 25, 2002, 20:28
Firaxis Games Programmer/Designer
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How many AI civs have YOU fought off at a time?
My new game as Germany I started in a fairly fertile region of the planet. I have reason to believe the map is a pangea map after two 4,000 year travellers and a galley. I've started right in the middle of a continent shaped like an upside-down U, with the top part being pretty thick. I'm on the inside of the 'U' on the coast, and I started to get cramped. However, I was doing the best of any of the civs for quite a while so I was happy. All of the sudden the Russians (on the bottom of the right part of the 'U') demanded some tech, I declined. "They won't be around for a while anyways I thought". Next turn, England (who's just to the NE of me) demands a tech, I say no, they declare war. Next turn, Persia (who's just SE of me) does the same. About 5 turns after that, America (on the far NW side of the 'U') also declares war.
So now it's nearly AD, and I've been fighting for some 2000 odd years. Luckily right from the start I began working for a 'high-quality army', building Barracks in all cities, so I've been quite successful in the war. I fought off about a dozen Archers, a few Horsemen and some Warriors from all the eastern powers at one point with just a handful of Archers and Spearmen, a good road network, and a little help from the terrain.  That pretty much took the oomph out of their armies, so now it was my turn. I then mustered my all-veteran and elite force, advanced to the SE, and pounded Persia into surrender. My next target is England, so I can take a nice 'flood plains and mountains' valley which they have two cities in. Unfortunately, American units are now starting to trickle in from the west, while my army is all in the east...
It's been quite fun though, and I should come out victorious eventually. I just hate the AI demanding techs, even when I'm already at war with 3 other civs I'd rather fight to the end than swallow my pride, especially since I can always win if I really try (as long as I have more than Warriors  ). I suppose you could call it an oscillation war without the oscillation.
So how many civs have you guys successfully fought off at one time?
July 25, 2002, 20:52
Local Time: 14:58
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One game, I played as the Americans, standard map, large continent. I shared my continent with Egypt to the north, and Babylon further to the north. An early war with Egypt guaranteed my dominance of the south, as they controlled a bottleneck, and the south was the larger part of the landmass. Having sued for peace, I played peacefully right up until the start of the modern era.
I thought of conquering the Japanese, so as to gain a firm foothold on the other continent, where England, China, France and Zululand also lived. I took the port of Edo, and amassed my forces to take Kyoto and Osaka (the Chinese and French had nearly wiped them out earlier, and so they were reduced to few cities).
Then the Zulu, who were on the other continent demanded a territory map and a tech. I of course declined, and they declared war.
Two turns later, they bought England into an alliance. Another two turns and China were at their side (despite the fact that I helped them in a war against Japan). And it wasn't long before Egypt (itching for revenge) were also on their side.
Unfortunately, I hadn't built up enough of an army (and navy) to withstand the onslaught. I was however impressed with the way England's AI were using a massive fleet of destroyers, securing most of my territorial waters, bombarding my coast. The Zulu were also providing bombardment from their bombers. Unfortunately, I lacked Rocketry and as such the F-15 was out of reach, and since I had no oil, I couldn't build any anyway, nor could I build up my tanks to attack Egypt (even if my Infantry were doing fine in keeping them out).
"Corporation, n, An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility." -- Ambrose Bierce
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." -- Benjamin Franklin
"Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction." -- Thomas Jefferson
July 25, 2002, 21:20
Firaxis Games Programmer/Designer
Local Time: 00:58
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The question wasn't "how many AI civs have beat up on you at the same time?" you know.  Have you finished that game? If so how did it turn out?
July 25, 2002, 21:26
Local Time: 00:58
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At one point (Feb? Mar?) I was experimenting with the psychotic bastard religion, and had a series of games where I generated killer AI civs that were VERY mad with me.
The worst was the Egyptian Mess... at one point I had all six remaining AI civs at war with me, attacking with Tanks while I defended with Arty, Infantry and Cavs.
Veeeery ugly.
The SAVs are still waiting for me to return.
The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
July 26, 2002, 11:25
Local Time: 00:58
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One time way back when, i was playin on a standard map, with 8 civs. i was persia. My early war with babylon assured that i was going to be one of the top civ. I cotroled almost half of a HUGE continet. My neighbors were the Americans, Aztecs, and the iroquios. the iroquois swollowed the Aztecs very early. They stated there work on America next. Soon, persia, once the greatest land in the world, was far behind the Iroqois. yep, then the usual " we will refrain from crushing your worthy civilization if you give us the technologie of ______" ( i forget what the exaxct tech was).
"Ha, you can take the technologie of_____ and......." ( how many times have you wanted to say that)
anyway, the iroquois declred war on me. I was 5-6 techs ahead of all other nations ( france, germany, and england being the others), and i was about 2-3 techs ahead of the Iroquois. Within turns, every nation in the world was at war with me. Even though my huge empire was very far ahead in tech, it was poorly defended. ( i was going for a space race vitory, forgot all about military). within 10 turns, i was being bombarded from ever coast. Within 35-50 turns, Persia was crippled.
Thats it. (150 more posts 4 a custom avatar, whoohoo)
July 26, 2002, 11:43
Local Time: 04:58
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Posts: 35
I've played games where after you make first contact, negotiate what you can with the other civ (no per turn deals though), see what can be gotten, and then declare war. Repeat with each civ as you meet them. And you never make peace.
So seven civs for me on a standard map.
If you're wondering why I'm not posting at CivFanatics, I received a 3 day ban on September 10th.
July 26, 2002, 12:52
Local Time: 22:58
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I once was playing a huge map with 16 civs. The map was basically 1 huge continent (8 civ including me, the americans), and 2 more half sized ones (4 and 3 civs respectively), and the poor babs on a tiny island. As usual, the russians started demanding techs and declared war when I refused (seems to happen every game). However, in this game everyone immediately jumped on the war wagon and after a few turns the entire world was at war with me. Luckily i was on fairly defendable terrain and held off the initial assaults and by the time large masses of enemy troops arrived, I was dug in and well armed. Eventually the losses mounted for the other civs and a few asked for peace with favorable terms to me. I then bribed them to my side and we had a full fledged world war most of the game. after awhile I managed to make peace with everyone, but they all continued fighting with a little encouragement from me. I'd let them fight it out then move in and finish off any weakened civ, thus expanding my empire with minimal cost. it was a very fun game to play. yes, eventually i won by culture.
July 26, 2002, 13:11
Local Time: 10:28
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well I was playing on a standard map with 9 civs including me... I had a really bad rep... after breaking treaties and stuff... but hten I was playin in chieftan well I had the whole of africa and the middle east and a bit of india. I had the romans in russia, eygptians in europe, germans on australia, english on north america, zulus in central america and aztecs in south america. (I conqured the chinese and iroquies)the romans were the second most strongest civ after me... they took 3 of my cities before I could recover and move on the offesive. by which time the whole world was at war with me... I vanquished the romans and egyptians... was able to blockade the civs in the other continents and started nuking them...  I haven't finished the game... but all those poor bastards have in a radioactive waste of a country....
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rocking on everest
July 26, 2002, 13:12
Local Time: 07:58
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Fought 4 civs at the same time, just into modern, them haveing much better army and tech. Hillarious events there...
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July 27, 2002, 07:39
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12. But that was because I nuked the Persians  (yeah well it felt good). The whole world then went to war with me, I defended by A) being on an island and B) building a whole heap of cruise missiles to wipe out incoming invasion fleets. Thing was, it only took about 6 turns to get peace with most of them again, and it was a pointless war, no territory gained
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July 27, 2002, 07:52
Local Time: 20:58
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My first game was the tutorial. I wound at war with everyone. For the whole rest of the game. Standard map and seven civs were at war with me with interlocking aliances and MPPs. I couldn't get peace with anyone for more than one turn. That was at least 2000 years of war against six to seven civs the whole time.
No I didn't win. Lost on points in 2050. But I did fight them off since I made it to 2050 and was actually growing at the time. We were still stuck in the industrial age at the time since I couldn't spend much on research and the AI was too handicapped on Chieftan level.
I my only excuse is that it was my first game of Civ III and it was the first week the game came out so I hadn't seen anything yet on how to avoid that kind of mess. Losing on Chieftan. Embarrasing.
July 27, 2002, 16:01
Local Time: 04:58
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Posts: 47
I don't know if this counts because I wasn't "solo" when I was defending.
I was playing on a Huge world with all 16 Civs.
My grand Egyptian empire had been man-handling the Zulus and Babylonians for a couple of centuries (through the ancient times) until I discovered Astronomy and set about exploring off "my" island (the zulu and babylonians surely refer to it as "our island").
A couple of centuries later (after Nationalism), I found myself in a three-way Mutal protection Pact with the Germans and the Chinese (NOT the safest of bed-fellows, but they were willing to help protect my shores from the predatory fleets of Russia and England, so I said O.K.).
I turned my attention back to conquering my home island (ridding my self of those pesky Impis is annoying). When I declared war on the Zulu and Babylonions again, I didn't check to see that they each had Mutual Protection Pacts with about a half dozen other Civs...
I a series of events that is reminiscent of the being of WWI, all sorts of MPP are set off and World War starts ... My Egypt/ German/ Chinese Axis Versus All Thirteen other Civs.
I mananged to crush my nemeses the Zulu and Babylonians (Cavalry versus Impis and Bowman), and eventaully settled for a negotiated peace with most of the other nations ... I was saved mostly by the fact that the Germans and Chinese took most of the beatings ... and the small fleet I could muster was D*MN Lucky in picking off the Galleons of enemy troops headed to assist the Zulus/ Babylonians or smack me.
It wasn't a solo win, but 13 to 3 against me and pulling off a "win" isn't a bad showing.
EDIT : Corrected some spelling errors.
Thank god, there are no KENDER in Civ3.
July 27, 2002, 16:34
Local Time: 23:58
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7 at once, with 1 ally, playing as Germany, modern era. panzers.
i was the most advanced civ, i had mech infs and modern tanks (i actually have a thing for panzers over modern tanks though), and it wasnt too hard.
oh, my ally was in front of me, and most of the immediate battles took place on their soil, then we moved in on our enemies
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