Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
Argument 1 should be clear there is something not ok with the first argument you used in the function. The symbol thing is a little bit more cryptic. As I don't know the function/event you tried to use I have no idea what the symbol could have a type.
I am using the following event.
Event:ImprovementComplete(TerrainImprovementDB(TIL EIMP_WATCH_TOWER));
Originally there were other arguements (the .xls file prepared by Locutus says that this event should take a location, the resulting location, the player, and the improvement) but CTP2 said there should only be one arguement, so I dropped all the others, that's when I started hearing about "symbols".
Actual Event: triggers the following event.
Yes, and actually you taught me that through your .slc that gives the AI the ability to build forts. But, it's not written anywhere that I have seen in the modifcation section. The best way I have found to figure this stuff out is "Monkey See, Monkey Do".