Has anyone else noticed that when you allow the governor to manage production, it will not build an ICBM until you create one manually, or is it just me? As an example, I have taken over three civs and have myself isolated on two islands. Initially the cities’ build orders are by a queue and now that I have filled out both islands I am turning production over to the “gov.” I set my often/sometimes/never for each attribute, break out my book and settle in for the big build-up. (Offence, Artillery Air and Sea are set to often.) Seven turns later, I have yet to produce one single nuke.
So I take two cities and give them a queue of ten nukes each, when the next turn starts I see a few other cities building nukes. I don’t know, maybe I was having to much fun trading with and spying on the other civs,

but then I notice all my cities that had finished building all the improvements they could build were building ICBMs. Very cool!

Until I consult my military advisor and discover I have over 400 of them.

(Don’t worry I can afford it.)
My question is: To stop the “gov” from building nukes, do I stop it from building Offence, Artillery or Air units?