July 31, 2002, 02:49
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El Civ,
it's fine for me if we wait.
"Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver
July 31, 2002, 08:12
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When I bought Civ II classic a couple of years or so ago I found Apolyton and began visiting. I remember some of the people still here from that time. I stopped playing the game and ceased visiting here. I'd decided not to buy Civ 3 and began playing my Civ II again. When I came here I expected the Civ II forums to be inactive and was pleased to find that not only were they still very much active, some of the same people were still playing Civ II (and with the same fervor as before). Hence the inspiration for an Apolyton-based game with people from the forums included.
July 31, 2002, 10:59
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Originally posted by El Civ
I did not change any city names, aside from the change we make when they are built during the game. All I changed, aside from names (for wonders and a couple of units and city improvements) was to add the one extra unit and change the AI leader names. Those do not show up in the rules.txt (I looked) so I am assuming they are in the saved game. I used the cheat editor for that and the scenario editor for the rest.
You might need to include:
city.txt (city names)
labels.txt (various text changes)
pedia.txt (if you altered improvements and wonders there)
units.gif (the extra unit)
When editing using cheat mode, it can only be erased by 'saving as scenario.' Somebody should do this with the latest save and tell the next player which civ they need to select at startup. For ye who have taken a turn, has the game thus far included the changes it should?
The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)
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intelligence to few.
July 31, 2002, 14:14
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The city names are only changed by the player while playing (i.e. when Sparta came up I changed it to Mingatopia). I have saved the latest as a .scn file and will post it. The only thing in the scenario file, aside from the save itself, is the rules.txt. If the AI leader name changes do not work then it's no big loss. They were only meant to be funny anyway (Romans led by Caesar Salad, the Sioux by Sitting Down, etc.). The extra unit is included in the standard units.gif file that we all have anyway so there should be no need for a seperate d-load of that, right?
I noticed when viewing a save that Colossus of Rah remained (it was being built) in name, but Sun Tzu's had reverted back to it's default name. At any rate, here is the game, saved as a scenario. Play as the Apolyton tribe (led by V. Arious).
July 31, 2002, 14:14
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And the rules.txt
July 31, 2002, 19:57
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El Civ is told that the Apolyton nation needs a leader. He is chosen ahead of the village idiot, though debate over the matter was fierce.
1050 We discovery Masonry and research begins into Pottery. We need the Beer Gardens to grow and keep our serfs happy.
1000 Revolt in Mingatopia. How dare they! Production there changed to temple and rush built.
950 I've changed some city production from barracks to either temples or settlers. It is too early to begin irrigation, IMHO, so settlers are all put to work building roads to gain arrows and prepare for the coming caravans (we need them). Barb horse slain at Markosiospolis (whew, that's a long one).
925 Another barb horse slain at Markosiospolis and the barb leader disappears into black squares. Barbs appear near Apolyton!
850 Our brave and nobel warriors save Apolyton from three barb horsemen. Good work lads! Hut reveals Iron Working and the barb leader who escaped justice at Markosiospolis in the next square!
825 Apolyton builds Pyramids. In what will likely cause controversy, I switched production from Colossus of Rah to Pyramids. Some like lager, some ale. Still others drink wine (silly Gits). Our archer gets the barb leader and nets us 150g.
775 Rome builds Colossus of Rah. Oh well, it gives us something to go steal later.
725 The Vikings undertake the Beer Gardens! Hut yields legion by Marquiston.
700 We discover Pottery, and not a moment too soon. We begin researching currency so as to get us to trade ASAP. Apolyton begins work on the Beer Gardens.
625 Hoo-Rah founded east of Apolyton, a wine special within its radius.
600 The Sioux have begun building the Lighthouse and the Vikes have nearly completed the Beer Gardens! I check to see if we can rush build it but we are about 90 gold short.
575 Vikes build Beer Gardens! The scoundrels! They've no appreciation of good beer at all. Mere Bohemians. Apolyton changes production to library to boost it's beaker count.
After completing its barracks, Gitchester built a horseman. It and our archer have been exploring and each sits beside a hut just waiting to be tipped. Our settlers are busy building roads but any may be used to found new cities. One is near Apolyton to open up the black spaces around it, but proably too close to found a new city. I was sending the legion to the capital as additional protection from heathens, since we have a horse and archer out and about. The legion is just outside the limits of Apolyton.
Vlad, you are up. Rasbelin, although your first turn was abbreviated, you have still played two turns so you are up after Vlad. If anyone else joins the game and posts that they have the save, wait until they play and then jump in. Please remember to save it as a scenario and put the rules.txt in the folder with the save. Open by choosing the Apolyton tribe and deity difficulty level. Don't forget when you are done to open the cheat menu and save the game as a scenario. We will need to begin zipping the file so it isn't too large to download reasonably. Thanks.
August 1, 2002, 10:55
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When I downloaded the savegame, my MS Office toolbar crashed. Weird.
550 BC: Civil Disorder in Mingatopia! Changed worker there to entertainer. Found merc legion in hut. Currency discovered.
525 BC: Barb horseman appears near Hoo-Rah. Southern coastline found. Now researching Trade.
500 BC: Barb horseman suicide-attacks Hoo-Rah, dies. Markosiospolis renamed to something pronounceable.
475 BC: Oedonia founded NW of Markosgrad.
450 BC: Switches Apolyton to building Great Cell Wall.
425 BC: Sioux build Lighthouse.
400 BC: Trade discovered! Now working on Construction.
300 BC: Fedualism found in hut.
275 BC: Caravan finished in Mingatopia. Moving it to Apolyton to help with wonder.
Here's the scenario:
August 1, 2002, 11:17
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475 BC: Oedonia founded NW of Markosgrad.
Very nice touch. Do we wish to continue with the Great Cell Wall or shall we change to 4Ever's War Academy? Just curious.
August 1, 2002, 11:39
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Meh. I think, over the long run, the Academy would be of more use... I was just planning on starting on the Wall until another, more useful wonder popped up (in this case, almost literally, from a goody-hut)
August 1, 2002, 15:05
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I vote for the academy as well, but it's Rasbellin's game to play. BTW, I'll be out of town through Sunday night. If Rasbellin plays and you (Vlad) want to play again go ahead. I'll just pick up on Sunday night or Monday morning when I'm able. If anyone else wishes to join the game just fit them in.
August 2, 2002, 04:31
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Okay I'll play my turn soon, but I have some appointments to catch first.
"Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver
August 2, 2002, 18:08
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Sorry El Civ ... holidays prevent me joining you. If there are any internet cafes on tour be sure I (we) will monitor progress!
August 4, 2002, 01:33
Local Time: 07:11
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T.S. From now on limit your turns to 12 in-game turns.
250 - Viking Horsemen appears from the shroud and sends an envoy to the great people of Apolytoners. The envoy demands 450 gold in tribute, but as the vaults of us would be almost empty if paying such a large tribute, our emissary decided not to pay them. In exchange for that, the Vikings declared war. The Archer next to the Horsemen attacks it and with some good archery skills, they kills the Horsemen. Gitchester produces one Settler and starts building a Market Place.
225 - Viking Legion appears out of from the darkness. Oedonia under serious threat from the Vikings, so the production is switched after the Pikemen to Barracks.
200 - Barbarian Horsemen appear near Hoo-Rah, as a civil disoirder breaks out in Hoo-Rah. And according to the domestic advisor, our empire has exceeded 500 000 habitants. Extra food production in Hoo-Rah is removed to calm down the rioters.
175 - Barbarian Horsemen attacks Hoo-Rah, but fails. The riot in the town is also over as the problem is solved. The citizens of Markosgrad are going to be enlighted by a library, once it has been built.
150 - The white AI player attacks with a Trireme to Marquiston, but is doomed to fail and get sunk. Hoo-Rah completes a Settler and starts building Barracks as there's a need for them. A new hides-wool trade route has been established between Mingatopia and Hoo-Rah.
125 - FYI: the Vikings are now building The Oracle. A new bead-wine trade route has been established between Markosgrad and Hoo-Rah.
100 - Barbarians attack Hoo-Rah, but the defense is good enough to keep them away. Markosgrad suffers a upprise of the locals, but the problem is solved be removing some extra food production as a temporary solution. Mingatopia switches to MPE as there seems to be need for it. Mingatopia will later on build that Market Place.
75 - The men of wisdom have invented Construction and the next goal to be achieved is Mysticism. The riot is Markosgrad has been solved.
50 - Barbarians near Hoo-Rah. Legion destroyed as the whorde of barbarians rage over it.
25 - More barbarians near Hoo-Rah. Growing concern about the defense in the town, so City Wall are finished for 130 Mings (FYI: 1 Ming is the official currency of the Apolytoner empire  ). Riots in Apolyton and Gitchester; extra food partially removed.
I suggest that my successor builds Barracks in Hoo-Rah, as we do have an annoying barbarian trouble in that area. And could someone tell me what/who the name Oedonia is based on?
"Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver
August 4, 2002, 07:20
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Oedo, discoverer of the "Oedo years". For a full explanation, search the Great Library in the Civ2-Strategy forum.
August 4, 2002, 07:59
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Ok, thanks for the note!
"Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver
August 4, 2002, 17:50
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El Civ, thanks for naming a wonder after me. Although if you had heard me playing music you would have chosen another one
Unfortunately I cannot join in this one, I can already hardly cope with the succession games I am already engaged in.
But I will follow with interest what happens in this one
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
August 4, 2002, 17:52
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Julius, you are welcome. I understand that you cannot join, being the King of Succession Games (currently still at 5).
I'll take a turn at this game Monday morning. If anyone wants to play a turn before then feel free.
August 5, 2002, 08:24
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I have downloaded the last save twice (to make sure) and found it begins at 550 BC. I'm guessing you uploaded the game you began with by mistake. Can you please check for the file of your played turn and let me know?
August 7, 2002, 04:31
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I don't know what happened with the game save but when I tried it again it was the right game this time. Sorry but I lost track and played more than 12 turns. At any rate, here is the log.
25 B.C. I’ve decided to change Apolyton from the Great Cell Wall to 4Ever’s War Academy. I’ve also changed production in a few cities to caravans.
1 A.D. Minatopia revolts and Elvis soothes the masses. I notice that there are 2 barb leaders in the group approaching Hoo-Rah.
40 A.D. Aztecs complete Great Cell Wall in Tenochtitlan. Our phalanx in Hoo-Rah is fighting off the barb attackers and I’m hoping to position our horseman to pick off the barb leaders. 300g is at stake. The Romans have completed Marko’s Embassy in Rome.
100 Barb attackers slain and the leaders are on separate squares. Our horseman drools with delight and gets the first of two.
120 Apolyton builds 4Ever’s War Academy after food vans speed things up. SidMeier is founded northeast of Marquiston. More barbs appear near Hoo-Rah.
140 Second barb leader gotten and we are 300g richer. Viking horseman spotted advancing toward SidMeier, which is undefended. Barb horse martyrs our horseman outside Hoo-Rah.
160 Stinking Viking horse plunders SidMeier! Vikes want to talk and I decline, so it’s war. Our archer is nearby but too late to save poor Sid.
180 Second (and until now unseen) Vike horse attacks our archer and dies. First Vike horse attacks out settler and martyrs him.
200 Vike horse disappears. Marquiston now building settler to redeem the name of Sid Meier.
220 We discover Mysticism and begin research into Literacy.
260 Our archer finds the Vike horse and is attacked. Vike horse dies. Road to Oedonia completed.
300 Northbound caravan reveals a Vike horse and legion on the map. Oedonia builds settlers and production of a dip begins there. The newly built settler from Marquiston is at the old SidMeier site, but with Vikes running around any new city would have to rush a defender, unless you move our nearby archer into the city (and he’s in the red). The Vike units scurried away but I’m sure we’ll be seeing them again. I got tired of revolts so I changed the tax rates to 3-5-2, which gives us only two gold more than expenses per turn and discoveries every 26 turns (ugh). Turning Elvises into Eins in Apolyton, Mingatopia and Markosgrad improved discoveries to every 14 turns, but keep your eye on those cities for future revolts.
We need to address our newfound Viking problem and expand. We need more than 7 cities, IMHO. We have 3 settlers who can found cities any time. There are two good spots available. One is west of Oedonia (coal and fish) and the other southeast of Hoo-Rah (two whales).
August 7, 2002, 05:52
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Good to see that you have solved the problem with the mysterious saving!
And I also agree that we should continue the expansion.
So it's Antlerkov's turn next.
"Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver
August 7, 2002, 23:37
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Go west young Vlad! Expand our horizons. And kill some evil Vikings while you're at it. I'm not sure how big the Vike tribe has gotten but we may be in for a good fight.
August 8, 2002, 05:09
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Don't worry about the Cheat menu not being grayed out in MGE—it does that whenever the current instance of MGE has at any time had cheat mode activated and sometimes when a scn is loaded. As long as the CHEAT MODE warning doesn't appear in the Civ Score Window it's OK.
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August 8, 2002, 06:32
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One problem. No savegame.  The most recent save is Rasbelin's from 25 BC.
August 8, 2002, 15:19
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That's true. El Civ, are you trying to say that you have perhaps even deleted it?
Next 3 turns
El Civ
"Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver
August 8, 2002, 22:33
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I didn't delete it but I did forget to post the save. Duh. I'm at work now so I'll post the save in the morning when I get home (if I remember). Sorry.
August 9, 2002, 06:41
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El Civ, I noticed that you're from Ohio. Where in Ohio, exactly?
August 9, 2002, 08:00
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I am an idiot having a bad day
Vlad, I'm having computer problems (work wasn't so great either--I forgot something and had to scurry around at the end of the shift to get it done). Sorry but can you play from Rasbelin's last game save (i.e. play the turn I already took and ignore mine). If you want to play to 300 A.D. go ahead (I did). I'll jump back in after Rasbelin plays (following your turn). This will sort of allow for a cheat, since you'll know there are Vikes coming north of us. Personally, I don't care if you use it to your advantage.
I live in NW Ohio. I'm originally from around Findlay and still live in that general region. If you are unfamiliar with that it is about 30 minutes or so south of Toledo (straight down I-75). Are you from Ohio also?
August 9, 2002, 11:05
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Actually, no, but around once a year, I head out to Akron for the Soap Box Derby (family's involved with it). I live in New Hampshire.
I also have a friend that lives in Willoughby.
August 9, 2002, 11:54
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Right, playing 12 turns from 25 BC...
25 BC: Switched GW to Sun Tzu's (now War4Ever's).
AD 40: Aztecs build GW.
AD 60: Romand build Embassy. Hoo-Rah in Civil Disorder, can't turn citizens to entertainers without causing starvation.
AD 100: Barb leader killed. 150 GP!
AD 120: Academy rushed.
AD 140: Academy complete!
AD 200: Archers attacked in the north by the Vikes. Vike horsemen killed.
AD 240: Archers killed by Vike horseman. Horse stack sighted NW of Oedonia.
August 9, 2002, 14:13
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I see Vlad has found a suitable battle-cry. El Civ, I would join but I'm about to head out of town. Will return Sat eve and may be able to play Sat night on my shift if work is slow (heh, heh). And if I remember my MGE disc… btw, anybody have a no-CD hack for MGE??
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