Aha, I was trying to create an army from the city build que... How simple it all seems now. It never occured to me to look for an order button. Wow, my first army, and I got to build the here epic, and I stacked 3 elite legionarys on a hill and had these pretty green greek armored horsies pound it into the ground
(What were those things, Knights, Cavarly?)
I'm not bitter though cause once again Apolyton has helped a ton! Now, what can I do with the elite than created the leader? I named him something and he has an asterik by his name. Once I use the leader can he spawn another leader? Seems like I read that I would have to upgrade him, which lower his rank and lets him respawn again. Is that correct?
Man, I had so many elites splayed about the field of battle (and enough cities for at least 2 armies) that I might have ruled the world in short order instead of getting my arse spanked by those nasty green uppity greeks.