The basis of battle system is Combat Resolution Table (called CRT most often)
First column is die roll, (ten-sided die is used, AFAIK). This roll is made in each phase of battle, and is modified by leader relative value, and by terrain.
Which column marked by letters (A-E) will be used in battle is determined by two next tables. The numbers in those are moral loss (absolute value) and casaualties. (percentage of inflicting army power-power is explained in last table)
How often those numbers are applied remains mystery for me. I don't know if it's once per phase, once per day, or something else.
1 0 ;0.1 ;0 ;0.1 ;0 ;0.1 ;0 ;0.01 ;0 ;0.01
2 1 ;0.1 ;1 ;0.1 ;1 ;0.1 ;1 ;0.05 ;1 ;0.05
3 2 ;0.25 ;2 ;0.25 ;2 ;0.25 ;2 ;0.1 ;1 ;0.1
4 5 ;0.25 ;2 ;0.25 ;2 ;0.25 ;2 ;0.25 ;2 ;0.15
5 5 ;0.5 ;5 ;0.5 ;5 ;0.5 ;5 ;0.25 ;2 ;0.25
6 10 ;0.5 ;10 ;0.5 ;5 ;0.5 ;5 ;0.5 ;5 ;0.25
7 15 ;1 ;10 ;1 ;5 ;1 ;5 ;0.5 ;5 ;0.5
8 20 ;1 ;15 ;1 ;10 ;1 ;10 ;1 ;10 ;0.5
9 25 ;2 ;20 ;1 ;15 ;1 ;15 ;1 ;10 ;1
10 30 ;2 ;25 ;2 ;20 ;2 ;20 ;1 ;15 ;1
11 35 ;2 ;30 ;2 ;20 ;2 ;20 ;2 ;20 ;1
12 40 ;2 ;35 ;2 ;30 ;2 ;25 ;2 ;20 ;2
13 45 ;3 ;40 ;3 ;35 ;3 ;30 ;3 ;30 ;2
14 50 ;3 ;45 ;3 ;40 ;3 ;35 ;3 ;30 ;3
15 60 ;3 ;50 ;3 ;45 ;3 ;40 ;3 ;35 ;3
16 60 ;4 ;55 ;3 ;50 ;3 ;45 ;3 ;40 ;3
It seems that tech levels which give you new Era are quite important, as they can give you decent advanage in combat. Not overhelming, especially that you won't be often fighting will more than one column advantage, but still significant.
What is important is modifiers. Modifiers generally apply from leaders, but attacking mountains, and especially across body of water, very sigificantly reduces attacker roll. Also, marshes, forests and deserts lower general roll somewhat. (both sides, so it doesn't matter much-it's just battle will last longer).
It seems that leaders capabilities are relative, so 16 is very hard to attain, in EU II, you would need uber-leader with value six, facing max defensive and quantity leader, and also get a roll of 10. Not very probable, IMHO...(and if it will happen, you won't notice that battle anyway. Opposing side will be defeated and/or annihilated immediately...)
OTOH, since EU II introduced much higher leader values, i suppose on average they are about 2 points higher, without changing CRT, it explains the debated phenomen of much higher casaualties in EU II compared to EU I.
Also, contrary to popular knowledge, Huszics said in his FAQ that force outnumbered by shock power 10:1 BREAKS MORAL, not is annihilated. Though from my experience, it IS annihilated.
Actual CRT column is determined by tech era of the army participating in battle- the inflicting force on left(column), receiving on top(row). (i don't know what happens when there are allied armies of different techs. I suppose they are calculated separately, though use same die roll)
The letters indicate which CRT column will be used, first letter is for fire phase, second for shock-for example, rennaisance armies use C CRT column in fire phase, and A in shock phase.
ARQUEBUS ;B/A ;B/A ;[C/B] ;D/C ;E/D ;E/E ;E/E
MUSKETS ;A/A ;B/A ;B/B ;[C/B] ;D/D ;E/E ;E/E
BAROQUE ;A/A ;B/A ;B/A ;B/B ;[B/B] ;D/C ;D/D
MOVEMENT ;A/A ;A/A ;A/A ;B/A ;B/B ;[C/C] ;C/C
DENTELLES ;A/A ;A/A ;A/A ;A/A ;A/A ;B/B ;[B/B]
Now, why there isn't any for Medieval? Artillery got fire value in medieval...
Also, notice that fire uses rather bad CRT column till Baroque... and is very vulnerable to tech differences. Shock is generally better when fighting opponent who has tech advantage over you. Because of a) better CRT column b) shock develops slower, so his advantage is not that big c) cavalry has mostly shock, and stays very stable during whole game, so yours will be comparable to his. On the other hand, when fighting tech low opponent, opposite is more true, fire is very useful even before Baroque.
Also, there is one strange thing, Medieval vs Baroque is better than Renaissance versus Baroque...Same goes with Movement. Movement era generally is strange, it's CRT default column is the worst. If actul casaualties are lower in than in Baraoque is debatable, as Baroque tech combat power is relatively stagnant, and Movement experiences increase of 50% (infantry and artillery)
This table, similar to previous, is used when assaulting fortresses
MEDIEVAL ;[C/B]-A ;C/B-B ;D/C-B ;E/C-B ;E/D-B ;E/D-B ;E/D-B
ARQUEBUS ;B/A-A ;B/B-A ;[C/B]-A ;D/B-A ;D/C-A ;E/C-A ;E/D-B
MUSKETS ;B/A-A ;B/B-A ;B/B-A ;[D/B]-A ;D/C-A ;D/C-A ;E/D-A
BAROQUE ;B/A-A ;B/B-A ;B/B-A ;C/B-A ;[C/C]-A ;D/C-A ;D/C-A
MOVEMENT ;B/A-A ;B/B-A ;B/B-A ;C/B-A ;C/C-A ;[D/C]-A ;D/C-A
DENTELLES ;A/A-A ;A/A-A ;B/B-A ;B/B-A ;C/B-A ;C/C-A ;[D/C]-A
First two letters decide which CRT column will be used for assulter (fire phase before slash, shock after the slash). Defender will use third letter in both phases.
It really doesn't matter which column will you use, defender always will use better. The most important thing is: Do not assault untouched fortress unless you have HUGE numerical superiority, and even then it's doubtful if you will take it, and your casaualties will be horrible if fortress is big. Modifiers will heavily influence die roll on CRT table, so bring the best leader you have(battle leader, not siege one).
The only thing that will help you is if you have huge tech advantage (due to CRT column and power difference). Also, notice that assaults generally use better CRT in the beginnig of the game, especially when you are just one step higher than your enemy. This might help you much.
Here we have army power and morale values (power is used with CRT, to determine losses-CRT states that army inflicts part of it's power as actual number of casaualties)
InF, CvF and ArF are fire values of 1000 infantry and cavalry, and 10 cannons.
InS, CvS, ArS are values for Shock, while InT, CvT and ArT are both values added, useful for determining overall lethaliness of type of troop.
IMPORTANT LEVELS:5-Assaults.7-Artillery fire.9-Infantry Fire.21-Cavalry Fire
Lv ;Date ;InF ;CvF ;ArF ;InS ;CvS ;ArS InTP CvTP ArTP ;Size ;Morale ;nSprite;Era;Name;Effect
0 ;1419 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;50 ;500 ;4,4 ;50 ;500 ;4,4 ;1.5 ;1.5 ;0;0;Medieval (0);Allows for infantry, cavalry, and level 1 Fortresses
1 ;1429 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;50 ;500 ;4,5 ;50 ;500 ;4,5 ;1.5 ;1.60 ;0;0;Late Medieval (1);
2 ;1450 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;70 ;500 ;4,6 ;70 ;500 ;4,6 ;1.25 ;1.75 ;0;0;Late Medieval (2);Allows for level 2 Fortresses
3 ;1465 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;80 ;475 ;4,8 ;80 ;475 ;4,8 ;1 ;1.75 ;0;0;Late Medieval (3);
4 ;1475 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;90 ;450 ;5 ;90 ;450 ;5 ;1 ;2 ;0;0;Late Medieval (4);
5 ;1485 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;90 ;450 ;5 ;90 ;450 ;5 ;1 ;2 ;0;0;Late Medieval (5);Allows Assault
6 ;1495 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;100 ;450 ;5 ;100 ;450 ;5 ;1 ;2 ;0;0;Late Medieval (6);
7 ;1497 ;0 ;0 ;5 ;100 ;420 ;5 ;100 ;420 ;10 ;1 ;2.25 ;0;0;Late Medieval (7);Allows Artillery
8 ;1498 ;0 ;0 ;10 ;100 ;420 ;5 ;100 ;420 ;15 ;1 ;2.25 ;0;0;Late Medieval (8);
9 ;1502 ;1 ;0 ;50 ;100 ;400 ;10 ;101 ;400 ;60 ;1 ;2.75 ;0;1;Late Medieval (9);Arquebus Armament ( Improved CRT )
10 ;1508 ;2 ;0 ;100 ;100 ;400 ;15 ;102 ;400 ;115 ;1 ;2.75 ;0;1;Late Medieval (10);
11 ;1518 ;5 ;0 ;100 ;100 ;400 ;15 ;105 ;400 ;115 ;1 ;3 ;1;1;Renaissance (11);Allows for level 3 Fortresses
12 ;1530 ;10 ;0 ;100 ;100 ;400 ;15 ;110 ;400 ;115 ;1 ;3 ;1;1;Renaissance (12);
13 ;1540 ;20 ;0 ;100 ;100 ;400 ;15 ;120 ;400 ;115 ;1 ;3 ;1;1;Renaissance (13);
14 ;1545 ;50 ;0 ;100 ;100 ;400 ;15 ;150 ;400 ;115 ;1 ;3.5 ;1;2;Renaissance (14);Musket Armament ( Improved CRT )
15 ;1550 ;60 ;0 ;100 ;100 ;400 ;15 ;160 ;400 ;115 ;1 ;3.5 ;1;2;Renaissance (15);
16 ;1565 ;75 ;0 ;100 ;100 ;400 ;15 ;175 ;400 ;115 ;1 ;3.5 ;1;2;Renaissance (16);
17 ;1585 ;80 ;0 ;100 ;100 ;400 ;15 ;180 ;400 ;115 ;1 ;3.5 ;1;2;Renaissance (17);
18 ;1600 ;90 ;0 ;125 ;100 ;400 ;17,5 ;190 ;400 ;142,5 ;1 ;3.75 ;1;3;Renaissance (18);Military-Industrial Complex (Allows Weapon Manufactories and Improved CRT )
19 ;1610 ;100 ;0 ;125 ;100 ;400 ;17,5 ;200 ;400 ;142,5 ;1 ;3.75 ;1;3;Renaissance (19);
20 ;1620 ;100 ;0 ;125 ;100 ;400 ;17,5 ;200 ;400 ;142,5 ;1 ;3.75 ;1;3;Renaissance (20);
21 ;1625 ;110 ;1 ;150 ;110 ;400 ;20 ;220 ;401 ;170 ;1 ;4 ;1;3;Baroque (21);The Military Revolution ( Allows level 4 Fortresses )
22 ;1636 ;110 ;2 ;150 ;110 ;400 ;20 ;220 ;402 ;170 ;1 ;4 ;1;3;Baroque (22);
23 ;1644 ;110 ;2 ;175 ;110 ;400 ;22,5 ;220 ;402 ;197,5 ;1 ;4 ;1;3;Baroque (23);
24 ;1655 ;110 ;5 ;175 ;110 ;400 ;25 ;220 ;405 ;200 ;1 ;4 ;1;3;Baroque (24);
25 ;1660 ;110 ;5 ;200 ;110 ;400 ;30 ;220 ;405 ;230 ;1 ;4 ;1;3;Baroque (25);
26 ;1675 ;120 ;5 ;250 ;125 ;400 ;35 ;245 ;405 ;285 ;1 ;4.1 ;1;4;Baroque (26);Professional Armies ( Allows level 5 Fortresses and Improved CRT )
27 ;1690 ;120 ;5 ;300 ;125 ;400 ;35 ;245 ;405 ;335 ;1 ;4.1 ;1;4;Baroque (27);
28 ;1700 ;125 ;5 ;300 ;125 ;400 ;37,5 ;250 ;405 ;337,5 ;1 ;4.1 ;1;4;Baroque (28);
29 ;1709 ;125 ;5 ;350 ;125 ;400 ;40 ;250 ;405 ;390 ;1 ;4.1 ;1;4;Baroque (29);
30 ;1714 ;125 ;5 ;350 ;125 ;400 ;40 ;250 ;405 ;390 ;1 ;4.1 ;1;4;Baroque (30);
31 ;1719 ;125 ;5 ;400 ;130 ;420 ;45 ;255 ;425 ;445 ;1 ;4.25 ;2;4;War of Maneuver (31);Military Entrepreneurs (Exploration with all armies)
32 ;1723 ;125 ;5 ;400 ;130 ;420 ;45 ;255 ;425 ;445 ;1 ;4.25 ;2;4;War of Maneuver (32);
33 ;1725 ;125 ;5 ;400 ;130 ;420 ;45 ;255 ;425 ;445 ;1 ;4.25 ;2;4;War of Maneuver (33);
34 ;1727 ;125 ;5 ;400 ;130 ;420 ;45 ;255 ;425 ;445 ;1 ;4.25 ;2;4;War of Maneuver (34);
35 ;1730 ;130 ;5 ;400 ;140 ;420 ;47,5 ;270 ;425 ;447,5 ;0.5 ;4.5 ;2;5;War of Maneuver (35);Maneuver Operations ( Improved CRT )
36 ;1732 ;130 ;5 ;400 ;140 ;420 ;47,5 ;270 ;425 ;447,5 ;0.5 ;4.5 ;2;5;War of Maneuver (36);
37 ;1735 ;130 ;5 ;400 ;140 ;420 ;47,5 ;270 ;425 ;447,5 ;0.5 ;4.5 ;2;5;War of Maneuver (37);
38 ;1737 ;130 ;5 ;400 ;140 ;420 ;47,5 ;270 ;425 ;447,5 ;0.5 ;4.5 ;2;5;War of Maneuver (38);
39 ;1743 ;140 ;5 ;400 ;140 ;420 ;47,5 ;280 ;425 ;447,5 ;0.5 ;4.5 ;2;5;War of Maneuver (39);
40 ;1747 ;140 ;5 ;450 ;140 ;420 ;52,5 ;280 ;425 ;502,5 ;0.5 ;4.5 ;2;5;War of Maneuver (40);
41 ;1750 ;145 ;5 ;450 ;145 ;450 ;52,5 ;290 ;455 ;502,5 ;0.5 ;5 ;2;5;War in Laces (41);The Demographic Expansion (Allow Conscription Centers, and level 6 Fortresses )
42 ;1755 ;145 ;5 ;450 ;145 ;450 ;52,5 ;290 ;455 ;502,5 ;0.5 ;5 ;2;5;War in Laces (42);
43 ;1760 ;145 ;5 ;450 ;150 ;450 ;52,5 ;295 ;455 ;502,5 ;0.5 ;5 ;2;5;War in Laces (43);
44 ;1765 ;145 ;5 ;500 ;150 ;450 ;57,5 ;295 ;455 ;557,5 ;0.5 ;5 ;2;5;War in Laces (44);
45 ;1770 ;150 ;5 ;550 ;150 ;450 ;62,5 ;300 ;455 ;612,5 ;0.5 ;5 ;2;5;War in Laces (45);
46 ;1775 ;150 ;7 ;550 ;150 ;450 ;62,5 ;300 ;457 ;612,5 ;0.3 ;5 ;2;5;War in Laces (46);
47 ;1780 ;150 ;7 ;550 ;150 ;450 ;62,5 ;300 ;457 ;612,5 ;0.3 ;5 ;2;5;War in Laces (47);
48 ;1785 ;150 ;7 ;550 ;175 ;450 ;62,5 ;325 ;457 ;612,5 ;0.3 ;5 ;2;5;War in Laces (48);
49 ;1790 ;175 ;7 ;550 ;175 ;450 ;65 ;350 ;457 ;615 ;0.3 ;5 ;2;5;War in Laces (49);
50 ;1791 ;190 ;7 ;550 ;175 ;450 ;65 ;365 ;457 ;615 ;0.3 ;5 ;2;5;War in Laces (50);
51 ;1792 ;200 ;7 ;600 ;175 ;400 ;65 ;375 ;407 ;665 ;0.3 ;5.5 ;3;6;Revolutionary (51);Levée en Masse ( Improved CRT )
52 ;1795 ;200 ;7 ;600 ;190 ;400 ;65 ;390 ;407 ;665 ;0.3 ;5.5 ;3;6;Revolutionary (52);
53 ;1798 ;225 ;7 ;800 ;200 ;400 ;67,5 ;425 ;407 ;867,5 ;0.3 ;5.5 ;3;6;Revolutionary (53);
54 ;1801 ;225 ;10 ;800 ;200 ;400 ;67,5 ;425 ;410 ;867,5 ;0.3 ;5.5 ;3;6;Revolutionary (54);
55 ;1805 ;250 ;10 ;800 ;200 ;400 ;67,5 ;450 ;410 ;867,5 ;0.3 ;5.5 ;3;6;Revolutionary (55);
56 ;1809 ;250 ;10 ;800 ;200 ;400 ;70 ;450 ;410 ;870 ;0.3 ;5.5 ;3;6;Revolutionary (56);
57 ;1812 ;250 ;10 ;800 ;200 ;400 ;90 ;450 ;410 ;890 ;0.3 ;5.5 ;3;6;Revolutionary (57);
58 ;1813 ;250 ;10 ;800 ;200 ;400 ;92,5 ;450 ;410 ;892,5 ;0.3 ;5.5 ;3;6;Revolutionary (58);
59 ;1815 ;250 ;10 ;800 ;200 ;400 ;92,5 ;450 ;410 ;892,5 ;0.3 ;5.5 ;3;6;Revolutionary (59);
60 ;9999 ;250 ;10 ;800 ;200 ;400 ;92,5 ;450 ;410 ;892,5 ;0.25 ;6 ;3;6;Revolutionary (60);
Power values are per unit ie:1000 infantry or cavalry, 10 cannons. TP column is my own, added shock and fire power.
Somwetime during Arquebus era, cavalry loses it's superiority in difficult terrain, but retains it on plains until
Dentelles era. Artillery is generally useless in battles until Baroque, and only very late in the game it's power is
significant enough to put it on battlefield. Nevertheless, it never becomes more cost-effective than infantry. But, if
you want to defend some important province, and have lots of cash (example, only one border mountaint province, while you
retain naval superiority, i'm speaking of MP of course), you might want to put lots of artillery there. I'm not sure if it's
size is smaller when calculating attrition, as it seemed it was the case in EU I.
Notice that cavalry power DECLINES when you develop tech. So, unless you want to have it seriously developed, don't develop
land tech at all, if you're going to war in the beginning... You will catch up later, and get years of research with
high neigbours bonus. Also, notice that morale values are very low in the beginning, which means that sliders morale modifiers
are more important than in late game (they stay important during whole period, though). With 1.5 morale in the beginning, you
can get as much as .75 bonus (offensive, quality and free subjects). And when you're playing Hindu, Buddhist or Shia nation...
And because medieval tech levels are very expensive, morale don't rise as quickly as it would seem to be.
Also, notice that Musket and Baroque eras don't see much development of infantry, mainly artillery, which you probably won't
use on battlefield yet. So, it's another period when you can relax a bit, and research something else for a while. Though CRT
is still important... |