Cheat codes
Courtesy of VKV
Note, to enter a cheat code do the following:
1) Press F12 to open the cheat window.
2) Key the cheat code and press Enter.
3) Press ctrl-F12 to exit the cheat window.
dagama = 6 traders
pocahontas = 6 colonists
vatican = 6 diplomats
loyola = 6 missionaries (new!)
montezuma = +50000 ducats
swift = adds 10.000 population to capital province
oranje = sets Stability to +3
russianhordes = no manpower limits
difrules = You'll never lose a battle.
columbus = make whole map visible (Warning. This persists in a save file. If you only want to look at the map. Save the game first. Then use that save game for future play after looking around.)
pappenheim = toggles Fog of War (toggle ON/OFF)
richelieu = allows you to control all military units (toggle ON/OFF)
wallenstein = allows you to review the status of all provinces (toggle ON/OFF)
robespierre = Change domestic policy freely (Note, robespierre will still be on if you load a new game)
ney = game does not pause when events occur (Warning: one should validate them once in a while anyway)
gustavus = Add 100 ducats to land tech investment.
drake = Add 100 ducats to naval tech investment.
cromwell = Add 100 ducats to infra tech investment.
polo = Add 100 ducats to trade tech investment.
cortez = eliminates all natives (toggle ON/OFF)
alba = there will be no more revolts (toggle ON/OFF)
tilly = the A.I. will not declare war (toggle ON/OFF)
shift + D = Explore province under cursor (does this work?)
shift + U = "Unexplore" province under cursor (does this work?)
tordesillas = triggers the effects of the Treaty of Tordesillas (allows Spain and Portugal to attack anyone outside of Europe) (toggle ON/OFF)
luther = triggers the effects of the Reformation (allows nations to convert to protestantism) (toggle ON/OFF)
calvin = triggers the effects of John Calvin (allows nations to convert to reformed christian) (toggle ON/OFF)
trent = triggers the effects of the Council of Trent (cancels effects of Johan Calvin and Treaty of Tordesillas) (toggle ON/OFF)
event event# : Trigger event (see list below). Example: event 1000.
1000 - English Pirates
1001 - Random Revolt
1002 - Religious Turmoil
1003 - Heretics
1004 - Gift to the State
1005 - Temporary Insanity
1006 - Excellent Minister
1007 - Scandal at Court
1008 - Wave of Obscurantism
1009 - Exceptional Year
1010 - Rush of Colonists
1011 - Diplomatic Move
1012 - Diplomatic Fame
1013 - Colonial Dynamism
1014 - Unexpected Invention
1015 - Rush of Merchants
1016 - Plague
1017 - Reformation of the Army
1018 - Reformation of the Navy
1019 - Enthusiasm for Army
1020 - Enthusiasm for Navy
1021 - Agricultural Revolution
1022 - Devastating Fire
1023 - Good Government Policies
1024 - Bad Government Policies
1025 - Unhappiness with Clergy
1026 - Unhappiness among Artisans
1027 - Unhappiness among Peasants
1028 - Unhappiness among Merchants
1029 - New Mineral
1030 - Political Crisis
1031 - Corruption
1032 - Deflation
1033 - Diplomatic Insult
1034 - Forfication Efforts
1035 - Bank
1036 - Stock Exchange
1037 - Company of Trade
1038 - Colonial Uprising
1039 - Heretic Uprising
1040 - Explorer
1041 - Conquistador
1042 - Nobles (-2 stab)
1043 - Trading Company Disaster
1044 - Internal Trade
1045 - Meteor Sighted
1046 - Fire Ordinance
1047 - Saint Performs Miracle
1048 - Medical
1049 - Noble Feud
1050 - Nobles ally with Foreign Power
1051 - Assassination
1052 - Cessation of Church Functions to Nobility
1053 - Sale of Offices
1054 - Monopoly Company Formed
1055 - Nobles Demand Increased Pensions
1056 - Grant Export Licenses
1057 - New Land Claimed
1058 - Establish Cantonments
1059 - Nobles Demand Old Rights
1060 - Cities Demand Old Rights
1061 - Non-enforcemnts of Ordinances
1062 - Bourgeoisie Request Privileges
1063 - Italian Engineer Available
1064 - Foreign Drill Instructor Available
1065 - Build a Great Palace
1066 - Indulgence Peddler
1067 - Uncooperative Philosopher
1068 - Regional Heresy
1069 - Boundary Dispute
1070 - Merchants Harassed
1071 - Regional Population Boom
1072 - Petition for Redress
1073 - Grant Nobles Aid
1074 - Support for Dissidents Abroad
1075 - Foreign Trade Competition Rises
1076 - Exceptional Court Painter Available
Two notes on "event nnnn".
1) Some events have constraints such as not working before a certain year. If you enter this event, and the conditions for the event working do not exist, then nothing will happen.
2)You can trigger any event in the game this way. However, it is not generally a good idea. In particular, entering an event that belongs to another country can cause wierd or very bad results (like effectively freezing the game).
Christianity is the belief in a cosmic Jewish zombie who can give us eternal life if we symbolically eat his flesh and blood and telepathically tell him that we accept him as our lord and master so he can remove an evil force present in all humanity because a woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from an apple tree.