August 1, 2002, 14:53
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How about adding a new era
I'd like to see a new era in Civ3 after Modern time.
It could be named the nano age or something.
In this age it should be possible to colonize the sea just like in Alpha Centauri.
Anyone has more ideas about new things this era would bring?
Sorry if something like this has already been discussed in another thread.
August 1, 2002, 15:42
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I like the idea of a Future Age, youd just need to bump the Spaceship up to the end of the future age so you could play this new age.
August 1, 2002, 17:15
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I have long been a proponent of merging the Industrial and Modern Ages together and creating a Future Age.
August 1, 2002, 19:12
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Environment would be a lot more important and you might want to make trees a viable option for terrain other than tundra. Move the longevity and cure for cancer wonders to future techs, or just move genetics. You would have to somehow make ocean city impossible in all but the future age, add a government where computers do everything and humans just have fun and maybe a"matrix" type government where people live in a computer generated world, and add empaths and transendi as citizens. A nanotechnology tech could lead to empaths (and maybe psychic attack unit), longevity, and a "nanometal" that leads to better units. Also add the fusion power plant. Anti-gravity in there somewhere.
August 1, 2002, 19:47
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Actually, I'd like to add an era between Middle and Industrial Age. Currently, the jump is too much.
August 1, 2002, 19:54
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Originally posted by zulu9812
Actually, I'd like to add an era between Middle and Industrial Age. Currently, the jump is too much.
How about the Industrial Dark Ages.....
August 1, 2002, 23:51
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Or maybe a Renaissance.
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
August 1, 2002, 23:58
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I prefer calling the Civ 3 "Middle Ages" the Renaissance.
The difference between industrial society and information society:
In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.
August 2, 2002, 04:43
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Originally posted by GhengisFarb
I have long been a proponent of merging the Industrial and Modern Ages together and creating a Future Age.
 Good idea some people say we are currently still in the industrial age some say we are in the digital age.
And some techs at the end of the Modern age would be more appropriate in some kind of Future age
The Middle Ages in civ 3 should acctually be named Middle Ages + Rennaisscance (how original) because some things in that age were only just invented in the Rennaisssance.
These changes would make the game more historicly accurate.
August 2, 2002, 04:44
Local Time: 07:18
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And something else sea colonies or cities in the future age would make naval warfare much more important.
August 2, 2002, 07:15
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Nah, sea colonies are no good.
I never liked that in AC. There's place anough to build cities. The seas are just a good thing, it's not fun anymore if there are cities everywhere.
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August 2, 2002, 07:41
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There even has been a poll (With 122 voters) about this. Take a look:
The future era won the poll, but we could start coming with some ideas for a future era
Oh, and btw, if sea colonies are going to be in the game, there needs to be done something, to avoid those cities to be all over the sea...maybe by making them more expensive to keep
Here's some ideas on what can be good/bad about a Sea colonie:
+ They are necesary to invent certain underwater abilities**/units/structures*
- Sea colonies are expensive (Has a high upkeep on structures)
+ Sea colonies are the only cities that can build the special underwater units/structures, and are the only ones that can use the special underwater abilities
+ Sea colonies are hidden for Civs that haven't entered the (near) future era yet
+ It's harder to attack Sea colonies (Can't use land units)
* e.g. sea settler, "waver" (a structure that can only be built in sea colonies) they "make waves" that "drags" (or kills) enemy ships out of the area of the city
**Underwater abilites could be e.g. the using of underwater farms (That can only be built by the sea settlers)
This space is empty... or is it?
Last edited by Adagio; August 2, 2002 at 08:01.
August 2, 2002, 09:52
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The problem with adding eras is that you also need to add city graphics, era splashes, leaderheads and era-specific unit graphics. That's probably why Firaxis haven't put it in.
August 2, 2002, 11:18
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and the game ends in 2050
August 2, 2002, 11:30
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I think it would have to be a scenario, and then change the leader flics, etc to correspond. The Amazons I did for BlueO's AmazonMod had futuristic looks for the fourth age because his mod had cyborg amazons, robotic infantry, MechaGodzillas, and amazon infantry with jet packs.
August 3, 2002, 08:46
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Originally posted by zulu9812
The problem with adding eras is that you also need to add city graphics, era splashes, leaderheads and era-specific unit graphics. That's probably why Firaxis haven't put it in.
Is that so difficult?
August 3, 2002, 08:50
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And to ADG about those sea colonies, they can also be restricted to sea and coastal squares + coastal squares should yield more resources, that way you wont be having sea colonies all over the place.
August 3, 2002, 08:59
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Originally posted by Mattaba
Is that so difficult?
Not really, all you'd have to do is make a future looking outfit and pasted it over the current modern one in the flics and just leave the head alone.
I plan on making a future age flc (XX_E01 and XX_E02 where XX is the two letter code for the leader)) for all my leadersets later just so people have the option.
August 3, 2002, 09:29
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Which program do you use to edit those leaderheads GhengisFarb?
August 3, 2002, 14:30
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Originally posted by Mattaba
Which program do you use to edit those leaderheads GhengisFarb?
If you want to edit them, that is paste a future body in all the frames and leave the head, I used to use JASC animation shop. Just "paste in all frames".
I currently make my leaderheads from scratch with Poser 4.
August 3, 2002, 14:56
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For me, the future ages were one reason to hate CTP.
I always liked the "realism" of Civ in terms of development of technologies, governments and warfare.
Future ages would destroy this reflection of human history. Nobody knows what furure will bring... (you can't disagree on that)
August 3, 2002, 17:43
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The following advances are IMHO forseeable in the nearby future:
Cargo Pipeline
Fusion Power
Artificial Intelligence
Hydrogen Engine
Virtual Reality
Unified Field Theory
Global Marketing
A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
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August 3, 2002, 18:25
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I dont really understand why the game should have eras at all. It makes the development so deterministic!
The difference between industrial society and information society:
In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.
August 3, 2002, 23:08
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Originally posted by Optimizer
I dont really understand why the game should have eras at all. It makes the development so deterministic!
But then we wouldn't have an excuse to make Leaderheads!
August 4, 2002, 05:08
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Originally posted by GhengisFarb
If you want to edit them, that is paste a future body in all the frames and leave the head, I used to use JASC animation shop. Just "paste in all frames".
I currently make my leaderheads from scratch with Poser 4.
Thanks I wanted to make some leaderheads myself but didnt know the program
Originally posted by Optimizer
I dont really understand why the game should have eras at all. It makes the development so determenistic
I think it makes the gameplay better, in AC you could be very advanced in weapons techs, while you didnt even have some techs to build basic facilities, without eras it would be much easier to be far ahead in weapons techs and this would make warmongering easier and it's already so easy.
Last edited by Mattaba; August 4, 2002 at 05:16.
August 4, 2002, 05:29
Local Time: 05:18
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Originally posted by GhengisFarb
I have long been a proponent of merging the Industrial and Modern Ages together
Did you ever make a tech tree that could go with it?
August 4, 2002, 11:46
Local Time: 07:18
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hi ,
they should put more then one era in , there is room for at least 3 more , ....
have a nice day
August 4, 2002, 12:18
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I said: I dont really understand why the game should have eras at all. It makes the development so deterministic!
Originally posted by Mattaba
I think it makes the gameplay better, in AC you could be very advanced in weapons techs, while you didnt even have some techs to build basic facilities, without eras it would be much easier to be far ahead in weapons techs and this would make warmongering easier and it's already so easy.
I think it would make the game more interesting, because you can choose between different strategies. Of course it is harder to balance a game without eras, but it is still possible. You should make non-military techs essential in other ways so that you punish yourself by skipping them.
Might be getting a bit off topic.
The difference between industrial society and information society:
In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.
August 5, 2002, 06:37
Local Time: 07:18
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Posts: 81
Originally posted by Optimizer
I said: I dont really understand why the game should have eras at all. It makes the development so deterministic!
I think it would make the game more interesting, because you can choose between different strategies. Of course it is harder to balance a game without eras, but it is still possible. You should make non-military techs essential in other ways so that you punish yourself by skipping them.
Might be getting a bit off topic.
I get your point but I didnt know exactly that 'determenistic' meant  , I know now ,but eras are there for realism and they make the gameplay better IMO, and yes they are very determenistic  for the gameplay.
Last edited by Mattaba; August 5, 2002 at 06:43.
August 5, 2002, 07:19
Local Time: 05:18
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I think the games needs two more eras. One at the beginning of the game and one at the end
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