Something about The Ottomans and The Turks
I wanna correct some mistakes that made by some Civ3 fans here.
First of all, I'm a Turk and I wanna tell you about my history. No one can know the Turks better than a Turk cos we all learn our history at school very deeply.
Turks first lived in the middle asia. They were named as 'Huns' then. When the Hun empire collapsed, The Turks emigrated to the west. They came over the Anatolia and formed a big empire: Seljuk Empire. After that when the Seljuk empire collapsed there were many tiny govermental states formed all over Anatolia.(But there was also the Byzantine). And among them there was a powerful one: The Ottomans. They were founded in 1299. Their first Capital was Sogut which is a village in Turkey now. The man who founded the Ottoman empire was Sultan Osman. In Turkish language Ottomans are called 'Osmanli' which means 'founded by Osman'. They got bigger and bigger having many cities as their capital such as: Izmit, Bursa, Edirne and the last: Istanbul. When Fatih Sultan Mehmet (The conqueror) conquered Istanbul, The Byzantine Empire was collapsed in 1453.
And about Janisseries, In Turkish they are 'YeniCeri' which means 'New Troops'. They were the soldiers in the Ottoman army. But in the 16. Century they got worse and made some rebellion so their army was collapsed by Sultan Mahmut and he formed a new army.
And in the First World War Ottoman Empire was with Germany and Austria-Hungary. At the end of the war they lost and the winner countries came over the Ottoman to share it. They(English,French and Italians) captured Istanbul and forced The Ottomans to make a pact. The last Sultan of The Ottomans 'Vahdettin' agreed the pact and gave his country to the occupiers. Only a little land was left for the Ottomans: Ankara and its surroundings. Then there was a man named Mustafa Kemal Ataturk who visited most of the cities near Ankara and encouraged the people that they can defeat the enemy and take their land back. They founded a state in Ankara in 1923 and Ankara became the capital. And there started a Independence War for the Turks. After 2 years they defeated all of the enemies and took their land back. Now they are still living in their lands.
That's all. This is the shortest history of the Turks that I can tell. I wrote this because some people didn't know about The Turks and The Ottomans well. I hope I'm helpful and if you're interested I can tell more and even scan some maps of the Ottoman Empire or something else.
Thanks for reading this. Sorry for my English.