Originally posted by ixnay37
Was stack movement that allowed for different unit types to be in a stack mentioned as an improvement in PTW? If so, I believe that would help some...
No, that's a different beast.
An Army (as is in CivIII) share hit points during combat, while a stack simply move all units stacked as a single unit, but doesn't affect combat AFAIK.
Enhancing the Civ III concept, an army should become a mixed unit, where if you mix an artillery, an infantry and a tank, you automatically obtain that artillery fire to soften up the target, the default attacking unit is the main firepower against the enemy and the default defensive unit absorbe the most of the counterfire. (Ok, there are many combat models out there, I simply suggest an example of coordinated Army).
In a Sea Group/Navy you can have a Combat Group (Carrier, Battleship, Destroyer) or a Convoy (Transport, Destroyer) mix, that automatically manage combat priorities defending or attacking.
In Air Wing you have a Bomber/Figther mix, where Fighter dogfight against defending (scrambled) enemy planes while bomber try to bomb as required
As Coracle mentioned, it's not a new suggestion, may be in PTW we can have them (Firaxis tried the concept in Civ III ground units, then can extend them to Sea and Air).
There is a know coding trouble: Army is a kind of "Never Unloadable transport", and current code have problem managing transport of transport, as an Army (Fleet) of Galleons.
I suppose Firaxis can solve this trouble, but I'm not sure they put it high on their priority list...