At first I can assure you that it's alive. Nonetheless, I'm pretty much working alone at the moment.
The last update I gave didn't receive too much attention

It's here:
I'm getting on quite well with everything. I'm currently working MYSELF on a unit, I hope it doesn't get too amateurish, it's the Ethiopian Sarwe.
I've collected all leaderheads and made some flics myself. They lamentably aren't animated nor do they have changing expressions of mood, I could only do the leader graphics with the kisses and the hearts, not beaten up grpahics or anything. If someone wants to do this, I'd appreciate it very much.
I'm also already working on the mod-BIC file and it seems that I do everything right (at least my little bit of gametesting shows that).
Also, I'm doing the entries for the Civilopedia, or better said, I'm taking the texts written here by some people, reread them critically, shorten them and paste them into the Civilopedia.
I still lack a few unit graphics (as you can also see on my homepage) and unit civilopedia entries, but that's about it.
When using some placeholder graphics ofr the meanwhile, the ExtraPack should be available for playtesting in a few days. I won't release it though, before not all units are properly done and there#s been a bit playtesting.
So much for now, Wernazuma