Building a Better Civ2 AI
I've never seen a revised improved Civ2 AI to download.
It sounds like many people have tweaked things to try to improve their games tho. Would anyone be interested in a joint effort to create an improved AI by tweaking game file, AI interests in advancements, etc.?
At the very least I'm curious what tweaks & adjustments everyone feels has made their enemy AI better. Such as...
1>Switching carrier slot with battleship/destroyer - did that work? What about altering other units to make the AI better?
2>What government do you feel helps barbarians out the most (Civtweak allows you to change their government & give them gold)?
3>Enemy AI interest in Monarchy is only a 5 (4 for military minds) tied with the alphabet, leadership, & ironworking. Monarchy is HUGE, I feel an 8 is more appropriate. Your thoughts?
4>What other AI value changes for advancements (if any) have you done?
5>There are some AI minds possible which are not available unless you tweak. Some are: 0,0,0 = 100% neutral; -1,-1,-1 = rational, perfectionist, militaristic; -1,1,1 = rational, expansionist, civilized; Has anyone played against these or others?