Scenarios and 1.29f? Problems?
Greetings All,
Just finished playing the 'Promised Land' scenario.
Started in the 'promised land' instead of on the outlying islands AND there were no HORSES or OIL anywhere on the map... Made for a peculiar, but enjoyable game.
2/3 of the way through the 'Gandagoosta Harbor' scenario. Great map... But... all the civs are on the northern continent (I think...) AND I cannot build ANY sea going units... nor Harbors... So... this means I can't (nor can any other Civ) get to the southern continent. I should be able to build ships by now (I'm way past the Seti improvement already.)
Is anyone else having problems with scenarios and 1.29f? I'll admit that these make for very interesting, and frustrating games.