August 10, 2002, 17:50
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Originally posted by Shiber
How do you suggest we do that? Cover all their food-producing tiles with units so they can't use those tiles? Even if we had enough swordsmen for the job, it would still take a while before they starve back to 5 population. This is not a very good idea at all.
Epistax: using imeediate withdrawal in our favor is a very bright idea! I'm somewhat worried about its diplomatic effects though. I just hope we don't annoy the other civs too much...
hi ,
of course we can not do that , but we can place 6 around the place , .....
they shall try to break out , it wont work , we keep the mountains , and start to go from there , ....
we should place units on the road(s) that go out of Paris , and any other town , ....
if they have nearby mines , we should blow them , so they can build fast , and we can buy time if needed , ....
have a nice night
August 10, 2002, 18:11
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If we leave the mountain ridge we'd be more vulnerable to counter-attacks. Also, this would take too long and we should stay in a state of war for as few turns as possible so less AIs join the fight at France's side and so the costs of the war would be minimal.
I'd rather just attack Paris when we get there, all according to the SMC's current plan.
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August 10, 2002, 18:14
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Maybe we should provide a little bit more protection for the archers.
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August 10, 2002, 18:17
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Originally posted by Trevman
Maybe we should provide a little bit more protection for the archers.
hi ,
 , we could even get a couple units more , just in case , and if they are not needed there , we can use them somewhere else , ....
have a nice day
August 10, 2002, 18:19
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Originally posted by Shiber
If we leave the mountain ridge we'd be more vulnerable to counter-attacks. Also, this would take too long and we should stay in a state of war for as few turns as possible so less AIs join the fight at France's side and so the costs of the war would be minimal.
I'd rather just attack Paris when we get there, all according to the SMC's current plan.
hi ,
its a good plan , but , we could use a couple units more , and we should look at it again , one last time , just to make sure , .....
every time we looked at it we found something , ....
the real Q , are we ready for it , ....Uber , what ya say
have a nice night
August 10, 2002, 20:27
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you have 7 turns to get another spearman to the archers. It could be done.
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August 10, 2002, 20:32
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Originally posted by UberKruX
you have 7 turns to get another spearman to the archers. It could be done.
hi ,
only one , ...?
huh , would it be possible to get a couple more , or is that out of the Q , ...?
and for the rest , is the plan okay ?
have a nice day
France , here comes Uber , .....héhéh
August 10, 2002, 21:34
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we could get more, but 2 would be sufficient i believe.
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
August 11, 2002, 15:31
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Originally posted by UberKruX
we could get more, but 2 would be sufficient i believe.
hi ,
just in case , just in case , ....
and since our borders shall get bigger , we shall need more troops to guard those borders , .....
we could always disband them in a city , to build a courthouse faster or so , ...
have a nice day
August 11, 2002, 18:56
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more troops! more troops!
I like you're style
as an update, we are on the end of turn 3 of the plan.
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
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August 11, 2002, 21:26
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I doubt the French will have much of an army by turn 14, they appear to be very busy building stuff. If we are worried about their force just go the the foreign minister screen- they tell you the best enemy unit- right now it says spearmen for french- which means they hardly have made anything else. Also, we should get an embassy in Paris- that way we get a free peek inside!
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August 12, 2002, 00:50
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Originally posted by GePap
I doubt the French will have much of an army by turn 14, they appear to be very busy building stuff. If we are worried about their force just go the the foreign minister screen- they tell you the best enemy unit- right now it says spearmen for french- which means they hardly have made anything else. Also, we should get an embassy in Paris- that way we get a free peek inside!
why bother wasting the money? standard AI strategy on emperor dictates 3 Spearmen as a garrison.
I'm also fairly sure they have a few swordsmen roaming about, we just havent SEEN them.
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
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August 12, 2002, 02:49
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On the best unit by the other civs, I have had my ministers tell me the AI's best unit (according to those morons anyway) and when I look at the map, the other civ has better units than that. I had the minister tell me that the other civ was scared of my warriors when I had swordsmen.
August 12, 2002, 19:56
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Hmm question??
I have not been able to keep up with the game but do we havw access to horses?? the abillity to hold some roads to soften a counter attack would be helpfull and once paris is taken use them to pillage and resource squares the french own...
August 13, 2002, 08:45
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Yes, we have horses. You can find the latest save in the executive reports thread. Download it and load it, if you can (you'll need version 1.21 to play properly).
I have a question for the SMC: do we have any clear goals for the French invasion?
I mean, it's obvious that we want wines and French cities and dames, as well as to cripple the French, but what exactly are our goals? Have you decided yet or are you still waiting to see how it all develops?
I'd like to suggest a list of general goals:
Primary Goals:
* Get Paris.
* Ensure a safe trade route between Paris and the rest of our territory (for trading wines), e.g. by sea through Rouen.
Secondary Goals:
* Get France's iron resource to cripple their military production (no iron = no medieval military units).
* Get France's most productive towns commerce-wise to cripple their entire economy.
Tertiary Goals:
* Get any other towns we can conquer quickly.
* Gain safe access to Abananaba Minor.
Comments please.
"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
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August 13, 2002, 10:44
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That is a good point - we might take Paris straight away and have the French immediately offer terms. In this case we might achieve our objectives with the capture of only one or two cities -whatever those objectives are. It would suck if, whilst playing, I had to consult the citizens/Ministers about possible terms, and rely only on my own reported info, since probably few others would be playing at any turnchat, and furthermore I needed to leave my comp on until I got a response (but it could be done).
 Question: Here's the situation;
I take one or two French cities, and we aren't over yet, but France offers a peace. If I refused, saved, and posted the save, would that then mean that a resumption of talks with them shows the same deals as before I refused? Or does the simple act of refusing peace invalidate that in some way? Otherwise I have to leave the game running and ask for adivce.
August 14, 2002, 05:33
Local Time: 07:48
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Originally posted by Shiber
Yes, we have horses. You can find the latest save in the executive reports thread. Download it and load it, if you can (you'll need version 1.21 to play properly).
I have a question for the SMC: do we have any clear goals for the French invasion?
I mean, it's obvious that we want wines and French cities and dames, as well as to cripple the French, but what exactly are our goals? Have you decided yet or are you still waiting to see how it all develops?
I'd like to suggest a list of general goals:
Primary Goals:
* Get Paris.
* Ensure a safe trade route between Paris and the rest of our territory (for trading wines), e.g. by sea through Rouen.
Secondary Goals:
* Get France's iron resource to cripple their military production (no iron = no medieval military units).
* Get France's most productive towns commerce-wise to cripple their entire economy.
Tertiary Goals:
* Get any other towns we can conquer quickly.
* Gain safe access to Abananaba Minor.
Comments please.
hi ,
good plan
have a nice day
August 14, 2002, 07:31
Local Time: 07:48
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Thanks. Any comments Uber?
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August 14, 2002, 07:58
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I think we don't need access to Abanaba minor for now. We could access it with our navy already (if we get French coastal cities), and this would be a tad faster than by road.
We can't get too many cities from this war (it's a rush, and we can't allow this war to be long). When suing for peace, we'd rather choose coastal cities + Notylopan cities, for the sake of territory cohesion.
We must not push ourselves too much, or we'd face a French counterattack (and probably French allies attacking us). We can't afford this if we want our swordsmen to attack America soon.
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August 14, 2002, 08:30
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So basically Shiber's priorities are great, and the need to end the war quickly occurs just after the top priorities.
How much time can we afford to use in taking Paris? In the unlikely event it takes multiple terms to fall, how long do we think it will be safe to continue the war with a full-strength France?
August 14, 2002, 08:35
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Originally posted by UberKruX
here are the "in border" manuevers.
The Paris stack (8 swordsmen) is moving on mountains. 100% bonus for defense makes them have a defense of 4, basically making any enemy swordsmen / horsemen pre-emptive attack nothing to worry about. The stack approaches Paris from the south, bypassing any river near Paris, taking the smallest amount of "in border" turns.
Ok this is clear to me!
BUT what happens if the French move any units south of Paris after we declare war but before we get the swordmen in place ( turn 12? ) ?
As then they block our way to Paris and are also standing on mountiains.
Should we just wait to them to attack or what?
So many pedestrians, so little time
August 14, 2002, 10:07
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I guess we'll have to "step on the grass" then.
We'll be forced to move off the ridge and attack from a grass tile. That would really screw us up IMHO.
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August 15, 2002, 01:52
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Originally posted by Shiber
I guess we'll have to "step on the grass" then.
We'll be forced to move off the ridge and attack from a grass tile. That would really screw us up IMHO.
Exactly. Thats why we need a good backup plan for this. Maybe we could take another city instead? I haven't really looked into this so much that I don't know any alternatives.
So many pedestrians, so little time
August 15, 2002, 14:21
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Paris is a very important goal. We'll get wines and we'll cripple France's economy and production significantly. We can't just give it up.
I think we should take the risk.
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- Phantom of the Opera
August 15, 2002, 14:27
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Originally posted by Shiber
I guess we'll have to "step on the grass" then.
We'll be forced to move off the ridge and attack from a grass tile. That would really screw us up IMHO.
hi ,
 , more troops could do the trick
have a nice day
August 15, 2002, 14:44
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It's a tad late to ask for more soldiers. We're on turn 7 of the war-prep plan now.
Then again, once we take Orleans, we can rush a couple of warriors, upgrade 'em, and schlepp 'em to Orleans via galley as reinforcements.
And I'd like to see if we can take Marseilles.
August 15, 2002, 15:18
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Originally posted by panag
hi ,
, more troops could do the trick
have a nice day
That's undoable. We're already in turn 7 of the SMC's plan and if we send more swordsmen we'll delay the plan considerably. In the mean time the French could get Feudalism and upgrade their spearmen to pikemen and THEN we'll be screwed.
Besides, there are certain risks we must take. If we wanted to be absolutely sure about this we could have built a hundred swordsmen over time but this would completely cripple our economy and production.
Vlad: we'll probably have a resistor in Orleans meaning that we'll only be able to rush a warrior in the 2nd turn after taking Orleans, plus we'll need to connect Orleans to a trade network to have iron there and build barracks too so we could upgrade the warriors.
That doesn't really fit with our time frame...
"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
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August 15, 2002, 15:31
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What about rushing in Termina now, then sending them to Orleans via galley after the preparations are done(actually what I proposed in the post you replied to-- I worded it wrong)?
Or does Termina not have barracks?
August 15, 2002, 15:57
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Yes, that's possible. We're missing 22 shields for a swordsman. We could rush a swordsman next turn for the price of one citizen.
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Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
- Phantom of the Opera
August 15, 2002, 16:03
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Originally posted by Shiber
Yes, that's possible. We're missing 22 shields for a swordsman. We could rush a swordsman next turn for the price of one citizen.
hi ,
 , that is the kind of stuff we need to find more
say , what about intel , what are they building in their places , .....
still a good plan , but a couple more troops would do good , we could get a couple more , just in case , .....
have a nice day
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