Originally posted by Wernazuma III
It's not a city, but a small village near Moscow famous for Borodino battle of 1812. Since that time Moscow grow a little and place where HQ of Russian army was located during this battle in 1812 is one of the station of Moscow's subway today.

So, I guess it's not neccesary to include it.
It's nice to see name of my home city in your list.

Ekaterinburg... Sverdlovsk
It's the same city. Ekaterinburg is original name. It was renamed during soviet times and today it's Ekaterinburg again.
The same as "Samara". Original name Samara, it was renamed to Kuibyshev by communists, but today it's Samara again.
I guess it should be "Sakhalinsk". "kh" like "H" in english words 'horse', 'home'.
Khabarovsk ... Chabaraovsk
It's the same city, but with different spelling of this "H" letter

It should be Khabarovsk.
I guess "Penza" is more accurate.
It should be- Dnepropetrovsk
It's former Kenigsberg. So it could be problem, because Germans have such city in their list of city names.
I guess Novokuznetsk is more accurate.
It's not actually a city, but name for territory, like Siberia for example.
I guess it should be "Komsomolsk na Amure". Long name, isn't it?
I don't know, perhaps Barrnaul. "R" has sound too, like in words "red", "rose"
I guess there should be such old cities as Bryansk, and Smolensk. And perhaps Kerrch and Sochi.
The rest of your list is OK.
Ivan the Terrible
Ivan III
Peter the Great
Vladimir, not Volodymyr

I also offer: Alexander Nevsky -kicked Swedish knights in 1240 and German knights in 1242. The legendary prince of Novgorod.
Dmitry Donskoy- kicked Mongols in 1380. A legendary character for us too.
Yuri Dolgorooky- considered as founder of Moscow. First mention about Moscow in documents was in 1147 IIRC. Pretty famous person too.
Trotsky could be removed as well as Khrushev IMHO.
The rest of the list is OK

except, Zhukov is more accurate spelling.
But also this list should contain such names as: Alexander Suvorov- the most famous Russian feildmarshal, famous for his campaign in Italy and wars vs. Turkey at the end of XVIII century. He didn't lost a single battle.
Mikhail Kutuzov- (Mikhail is Russian version of Mike or Michele). Legendary feild marshal who lead Russian forces in war vs. Napoleon.
If you need more leaders I could give you a dozen of names. The guys in your list are the most famous leaders, so it's ok.