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Old August 16, 2002, 23:03   #31
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I would like to personally thank Togas for being a worthy opponent. It has been quite a pleasure to debate with someone of your intelligence and grace.

In reguards to you first statement, however, did you really think I was going to argue that the CoL could not be reworded? Or is that something Timeline told you to prepare against? That matter was discussed at length and polled on. It was over long ago.
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Old August 17, 2002, 03:57   #32
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Unorthodox, you did a very good job as well. I'm pleased with the professional mannor this was handled. You put together a very compelling argument. We'll see what the judges think of all this.

Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
In reguards to you first statement, however, did you really think I was going to argue that the CoL could not be reworded? Or is that something Timeline told you to prepare against? That matter was discussed at length and polled on. It was over long ago.
When I wrote that I was just trying to anticipate all the possible arguments against and cover each one. Didn't know what your argument was until the day before ... and I had submitted that opening argument a day or two before that.

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Old August 21, 2002, 22:01   #33
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The Court decision has been posted in the topped Court thread.

Thank you again to all participants!

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