August 13, 2002, 18:44
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I think at this point I would try to keep peace with Egypt, France and the Babs and be contemplating the annihilation of the Greeks. It’s a small island close enough to your main continent that corruption won’t be too much of an issue. (Assuming you haven’t altered the rate.) Judging by the visible cultural level they should be fairly well developed. It will be necessary to attack with a very large force, as you will want to take the entire island-civ in three turns or less (to minimize the risk of a flip-back.) What are your most advanced units now?
You never did say who the dark green was; if you kill off the Greeks they would be the next target.
August 13, 2002, 20:36
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check it!
i filled in the old places with black!
August 14, 2002, 21:07
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iN the massive strech of coastline on the south of Verse alias (middle continent) between New Nottingham and Pithom Royal Navy Galleons droped off Cavalry to invade Egypt. This drastic moves comes just after Egypt turned its back on its closest allie Britain. We now go to our local corispondant on -HMS- AllAlias.
"tHIS morning the horses jumped out of the ships and strait onto the beaches and ran strait for their desegnated targets, all of which were towns. It has been reported that an unkown Egyption town was destroyed in a seige that cost the lives of 2 Egyption units. Even the newly formed Royal London Chapter got its share of the action, this Elite group of cavalry units managed to storm up the battlefield and seize and hold the town of Cherbourg then quickly moved out. The captain of the AllAlias is currently awaiting orders and his mourd just off the coast near Pithom!"
August 16, 2002, 18:05
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Okay, so you're not going to get the job with Pathe News,  but how goes the battle?
August 16, 2002, 18:34
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Its just going along like the normal 'i'm the only one who actualy can attack!' style war/battle! Cleo trys to make sure she can get riflemen to whatever citys i'm about to attack, and i just make sure their's enough cavalry heading towards her citys!
I've taken their capital, they're now using a captured American city as their capital! Hehe! I have more citys in the middle continent than Japan has on its two islands!
Oh and germans war on the north continent has taken a turn for the worst, they were holding off the enemys at a choke point. But then (when i was looking) India and maby china managed to break the lines and Germany only has 1 city! And Berlin was razed by the way!
August 16, 2002, 19:01
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So, do you think anyone will be left by the time you get tanks?
August 16, 2002, 20:18
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Northern continent, maby japan. But their mite be a small bit of France and Babylon left!
August 16, 2002, 21:08
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i'm just about to take a few screenies, and make 2 or 3 maps.
August 16, 2002, 21:23
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here's how the front line is, i did naval landings around all of Egypts coastal citys, to disables its ability to build ships that can attack and disrupt the small channel convayer!
August 16, 2002, 21:42
Local Time: 05:52
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Here is the default map with the Current operations!
Operation Savior - Yellow Status - is Naval units sent out to protect Japan who are now my close allies! Privateers have also about to be sent nto the chinese gulf in large numbers!
Operation SeaLion - Green status - Naval units preparing for the invasion of greece.
Operation Channel Convoyer - White status - Units being shipped from Mainland Britain to Verse Alias
Operation horseshoe - Red Status - Units being droped off around the naval sectors of egypt. Objectives:
1, seize and hold/seize and destroy all egyption citys next to water: complete
2, carry on the attack untill no more egyption citys remain: incomplete
Yellow: Units en route
Green: Units already there waiting for orders
Red : In progress
White: Old operation, been going for long time!
August 16, 2002, 21:58
Local Time: 01:52
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Location: The warmonger formerly known as rpodos. Gathering Storm!
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Well done... I am a big fan of taking out the coastal cities first.
That's a fascinating game you've got going, btw... have you given any thought to playing Machiavelli with the big continent to the NE?
The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
August 16, 2002, 22:26
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I really like the way you can see the results of continental drift. Evidently this is part of the "new, realistic map generator" that we were promised! Yay!
HazieDaVampire, you seem to be overusing the ol' exclamation marks just a tad. (You must be really excited about this game!  )
August 17, 2002, 09:01
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! <--- you mean this? Its some kind of habbit, it comes from 2 years of playing FPS on-line.
So i've begun to type like i talk. Somtimes you'll see a bit of maccum in my text!
August 17, 2002, 17:41
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Originally posted by HazieDaVampire
So i've begun to type like i talk.
You mean you actually shout stuff all the time?
Originally posted by HazieDaVampire
Somtimes you'll see a bit of maccum in my text!
What the heck is "maccum"? Or, for that matter, "FPS"? Pardon my ignorance.
August 17, 2002, 17:43
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Maccum is the acsent for where i live, and FPs means first person shooter!
Update - only 8 citys left!
August 17, 2002, 18:13
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It apears the further into Enemy the harder it is to defend, they have a few cavalry, but i'm not sure if they have saltpeter so i think their numbers are limited! It apears i didn't bring over enough riflemen, so i drafted 2 and i've begun to pick out some in Britain and sent them over the channel to the citys that are only defended by Cavalry, this allows me to attack more rapidly and in greater number each turn!
Any tips?
August 17, 2002, 18:23
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Only the obvious, build more units! Research more techs! Kill more Egyptians!
August 17, 2002, 18:29
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ok, i've just had one whole turn without taking a city! No wait! 2, this is going realy bad! i'll probubly takeo ne next turn! I got a mass of cavalry, oh and i just got a leader! Should i use it to rush a wonder, or build army? The woner is universal sufferage, what however its spelt!
August 17, 2002, 18:35
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Universal Sufferage reduces war weariness in all your cities. Unless ww is a problem I'd build the Army and make it victorious so I could build the Military Academy to build more armies.
August 17, 2002, 18:37
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the army then, what type of units?
August 17, 2002, 18:47
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Two cavalry, one rifleman (unless you have some obsolete units wasting space close by.)
August 17, 2002, 21:50
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Unless you really need a strong defensive unit, I would recommend 3 cavalry. An all-cavalry army could move 3 spaces/turn, and I've read that all armies have the blitz ability (can attack multiple times per turn, given enough movement points).
August 18, 2002, 00:17
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Originally posted by miccofl
Two cavalry, one rifleman (unless you have some obsolete units wasting space close by.)
Arrggh!! Gasp??!!
Sorry, not giving you grief miccofl, but this is an issue very close to my heart!
Hazie, please do not mix slow and fastmovers in an Army, as it travels at the speed of the slowest unit. miccofl is on target in recommending a mixed-unit, multi-purpose Army, but there are better combos.
Given your status, I'd go with the previously recommended Cav Army, but I'd stick with just 2. Save the third slot for a Tank down the road, and then, if you build the Pentagon, an MI or MA, depending on circumstance.
The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
August 18, 2002, 11:28
Local Time: 07:52
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Posts: 186
Its smarter to use the two cav for now , you can always trow more cav in later .
BTW , is there a save  .
August 18, 2002, 18:33
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Originally posted by: Theseus
Sorry, not giving you grief miccofl, but this is an issue very close to my heart!
A disagreement on tactics could hardly be construed as giving one grief, it just illustrates the fact that we all employ different tactics and playing styles. If we all thought alike and played alike, what would be the point of PTW?  Besides I think Hazie is looking for options, as in more than one.
August 19, 2002, 12:36
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i won't get to play on civ3 much this week, cuz i've got more course work that i've been holding back, and this is my last chance, and after this week i go on holiday for another 2 weeks! I mite see if its possible for my to just take the course work with me on holiday, since i'll be board out of my mind!
August 19, 2002, 19:22
Local Time: 00:52
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Bummer! I've been using you for my game fix while I finish my mod. Where are you going? I just ask because I'm going to New Orleans next month for a vacation. (Lots of civ there - culture  , warmongering  , CF  , etc. - I also expect to gain 10 lb.
August 20, 2002, 07:00
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I'm going to Florida in America, oh god i better pack my strait jacket, don't want to kill anybody for pronouncing Adidas in a strange fashion!
EDIT: I said dog instead of god! Probubly cuz the godmode cheat for mohaa is dog.
August 20, 2002, 19:37
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Forget the overcoat! The heat will get you long before the IIS (idiot induced stress) just hold on until you get to the mouse and then let it all out...
August 20, 2002, 19:43
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where is micco? If its near the coast its not where i'm going!
i'm like 70miles from the coast or somthing like that!
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