October 10, 2002, 01:34
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The major structural part of their education (lower, middle, and high school) is based on the tried and true American system.
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October 10, 2002, 09:24
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Originally posted by Drake Tungsten
This thread is a disgrace to the original Korea thread. You should all be ashamed.
why? just because KoR said some idiotic stuff? Alright chill, not evryone says smart things all the time! I'm sure you find yourself saying stupid retarded things once in your life.
And why the hell is it a disgrace? KoR has questions, I'm giving him answers about what I know about my country.
October 10, 2002, 09:27
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[QUOTE] Originally posted by King of Rasslin
[quote] As for matial arts: I finally settled on a mix of Brazilian Ju-jitsu and ground fighting. Tae-kwon-do relies too heavily on acrobatics ... which are great if they hit just right, but not so great when the guy simply tackles you and starts a choke-hold ...
Well, Yin agrees with me, so I don't think we need to argue any further. As for Korean spending on education, they want to learn a lot because there is a lot of competition for good jobs there. I wouldn't want to be stuck carrying those water jugs on my back, either! Education is like a long term investment to them. I did notice that they have a lot of respect to their senior students, and the seniors like to help the younger students. They also tend to study (and date!) in large groups, and they study in strange places, like bars, sometimes. Alcohol is a serious problem in Seoul, apparently.
yin agrees with you on wat? that brazilian jujitsu is the best? I havent even heard the word brazilian from you in pages! Besides he said he settled on brazilian style because its his preference and feels its his personal best. He didn't simply declare that the form itself is superior.
Competition is fierce because evryone studies hard, there are very little window of opportunity for highest prestigious education and socially judgement is passed on how successful you are. So if your slacking, you would quickly fall behind, well unless you were a genius I guess.
Seniors supposedly take care of juniors and juniors are supposed to look up to them. Idea of communal living is very strong in any asian country and certainly school lifestyle does reflect that. but nowadays, the modern seniors often have misunderstanding of their position and think of themselves superior and go on about abusing juniors. there was alot of news about seniors abusing juniors that went to far and kids getting hospitalized and suc. What I wanna ask is, how much would they crap on their pants if their seniors came back to teach them a lesson?  In addition the whole idea of seniority has degenerated alot. Most people respect elders far less than korea has years ago. That is a good thing since you shouldnt repect people just because they are older, but also a bad thing cause you know those goddamn teenagers just want to rebel!
Studying and dating in large group is once again more reflection of how community like korea is. Most people have group date since they are quite shy around their first date. It's like double date here inflated with few more numbers. But then kids these days aren't shy of anything really either.
Last edited by Zero; October 10, 2002 at 09:54.
October 11, 2002, 03:47
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I'm sure you find yourself saying stupid retarded things once in your life.
All the time.
I was just playing. Don't get upset.
October 11, 2002, 14:10
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Originally posted by Drake Tungsten
I'm sure you find yourself saying stupid retarded things once in your life.
All the time. 
I was just playing. Don't get upset.
not upset, im asking. mad would be this~~>
Ok, so u were being sarcastic I didn't get the sarcasm in the beginning.
October 11, 2002, 14:52
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D. T. - Love your signature.
N.M.- You have to ask? BTW, Gee, thanks for your support. With friends like that, who needs enemies?
Molly Bloom- Golly, you sure know some big words. You must be real smart!
KoR- You are my hero! Go get'em tiger!
October 11, 2002, 22:49
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The guy who created BJJ was a little guy at about 120 pounds, but he supposedly retired undefeated. It's a shame, since Brazil is poor and most of his fights wouldn't have gotten recorded.
Regardless, being able to beat someone 50 pounds bigger than you is reason enough to learn BJJ. The UFC pros really do have a lot of BJJ experience, with some Muay Thai and wrestling too. But these martial arts focus heavily on fighting, not the lifestyle. It's just entertainment, but there isn't anything wrong with that.
Wolf, you should have seen some of my other threads.  I actually am interested in Korea. Not so much Korea today, but their history. A Korean student said that the spring and fall seasons in Korea are beautiful, but are getting shorter because of global warming or something. Calc, do you know anything about this?
Wrestling is real!
October 11, 2002, 22:56
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Interesting site on Korean martial arts weapons. I can't see how you could use a fan as a weapon! I remember that girl in Mortal Combat that used a fan as a weapon, but I doubt if they are as effective in real life.
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October 13, 2002, 20:00
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Originally posted by King of Rasslin
The guy who created BJJ was a little guy at about 120 pounds, but he supposedly retired undefeated. It's a shame, since Brazil is poor and most of his fights wouldn't have gotten recorded.
Brazil is not poor. At least not entirely. I think you should think before you open your mouth a little more often and you wouldn't get yourself into so much flames you always seems to get into. Whether Brazil is poor or not wouldn't effect whether it is "recorded" or not would it anyway. Next time youre considering a vacation, try learning a little more about Brazil before you picture some poor hispanic country which you seem to be doing.
Regardless, being able to beat someone 50 pounds bigger than you is reason enough to learn BJJ. The UFC pros really do have a lot of BJJ experience, with some Muay Thai and wrestling too. But these martial arts focus heavily on fighting, not the lifestyle. It's just entertainment, but there isn't anything wrong with that.
Correction that is a BAD reason to learn BJJ. Just because someone lost 30 lb using X exercise program is not gonna guarantee your success. I think you have some learning problem.
There's nothing wrong w/ emphasizing on fighting. I think I told you this when I was talking about how martial arts is in away like sports.
Wolf, you should have seen some of my other threads. I actually am interested in Korea. Not so much Korea today, but their history. A Korean student said that the spring and fall seasons in Korea are beautiful, but are getting shorter because of global warming or something. Calc, do you know anything about this?
No, Global warming is a whole-can-of -worm topic. I believe Neither you nor Me have real in depth knowledge about the topic. It's not just korea that seems to get shorter spring/fall season. That seems to be true everywhere. Just this season in NY was like "where the hell was fall?" It went straight from sumemr to winter!
People jump too much into 'global warming' when they don't even know anything. FACT: Earth has been historically been on a "warming stage'.... Geologically we have just recently got out of an ice age. You could make a very strong arguement that Earth will warm itself even without human intervention.
BTW Isn't that something High school was supposed to cover? Geology? (well at least up in NY, its a H.S req.) Then why doesnt everybody know that earth goes from cooling-warming stage cycle? And since Earth last had its ice age in tens and thousands years ago (which is like nothing in geologic time). Where were these blame all on "global warming" freaks when geology was taught? Of course exclude people from the freak list that are scraming "warming" for reason other than "It's too hot, I can't get a good tan...". They probably know something, but I wouldn't figure cause I'm no expert on the topic.
Last edited by Zero; October 13, 2002 at 20:12.
October 13, 2002, 20:19
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Coming from a military family myself and recently now being civilian, I am frequently surprised at the ignorance of many US civilians on what the military does for people. It's astonishing how dumb people are.
October 14, 2002, 06:38
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Drake Tungsten: re yr sug.
What the wussier countries - i.e. just about everybody - love about the good 'ol US of A: you (perhaps I should your govmint's) willingness to back up your position with rational argument.
Diderot was right!
Our weapons are backed with UNCLEAR WORDS!
Please don't go, the drones need you.
October 15, 2002, 00:50
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Ok, more accurately, Brazil was very poor 50 or so years ago, when that BJJ guy fought. Brazil is better today, but my friend visited it on a mission trip and he said that it is very poor compared to the US. Since everyone is poor compared to us, I can see why people hate us so much! Here, Brazil is portrayed as a bunch of ignorant third-world natives that have nothing else to do but destroy the rain forest and ruin our planet. Besides that, nope, we don't learn anything about Brazil.
As for global warming, I do think that it's getting hotter. You can't feel a difference, but we are in a very bad drought here. Let's just ignore the arguement on martial arts and try to think of something else to fight over.
Wrestling is real!
October 15, 2002, 11:03
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Posts: 189
 I think there is a conspiracy afoot. People are posing as Americans trying to make us look bad in front of the world  . George W. is one of em but there are others. Must be Al Qaida.
October 15, 2002, 15:28
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Originally posted by King of Rasslin
I do see those ads for giving money to charity, and they show poor people digging up garbage to eat. They had a kid from Korea talk about how his 55 cents a day pays for his education, health care, etc. I doubt if they could spend so much money on soccer. It might have been North Korea, so I will have to consider that.
God, King of Rasslin, you are so stupid. You think like an old man from the 50's or something with racist and backward ideas. The only thing saving you is your curiosity and willingness to learn about another culture.
Primary and secondary education in South Korea is virtually free. South Korea is a member of the OECD, aka "rich nations club" which also includes nearly all of Western Europe, the U.S., Japan, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Its standard of living rivals that of many European Union countries. Almost every adult and even teenager has modern amenities such as cell phones, computers, dvd players, and such, probably at a higher rate than in Western Europe or the U.S.
I'm not sure if 55 cents would even buy you a subway ticket these days in Seoul. Try buying a beer at a trendy cafe in the downtown area and it could cost you $10 or more.
Two recommendations for you, King of Rasslin:
1. Get an education.
2. Go visit Korea.
You keep on blabbing without rhyme or reason.
"I've spent more time posting than playing."
Last edited by siredgar; October 15, 2002 at 15:45.
October 15, 2002, 15:34
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Originally posted by Drake Tungsten
This thread is a disgrace to the original Korea thread. You should all be ashamed.
For once, I agree 100% with Drake Tungsten. This thread is insulting to the overall integrity and intellectual depth of the original thread.
"I've spent more time posting than playing."
Last edited by siredgar; October 15, 2002 at 15:50.
October 15, 2002, 15:39
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Originally posted by gsmoove23
I think there is a conspiracy afoot. People are posing as Americans trying to make us look bad in front of the world . George W. is one of em but there are others. Must be Al Qaida.
I agree. I am suspecting King of Rasslin is actually a highly intelligent Yankee-hating British spy rather than the American hamburger-loving moron he appears to be.
"I've spent more time posting than playing."
Last edited by siredgar; October 15, 2002 at 15:48.
October 15, 2002, 16:09
Local Time: 05:55
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Ok, so it's wrong to say "I hate this bland Asian food!" And it's perfectly acceptable to say "I hate bland American food?"
I guess there is some cultural mystique that pulls us to Asian culture, because we are all relatively ignorant about it compared to how much Asians know about their history. I bet that Koreans hate kimchi and wish they were eating hamburgers and a ton of meat everyday like we do! I'm not a hamburger eating moron, I'm an American.
Ok, coming straight from the 1998 World Almanac, South Korea had a trade deficit of $10 billion, and their total GDP is $591 billion. Japan had a trade surplus of $106.7 billion, and a total GDP of $2.68 trillion. Economically, Korea doesn't seem to be a very sound country, at least compared to Japan or China.
Is the technology in Korea (cell phones, broadband, cyber cafes, etc) a result of a strong economy or simply because so many Koreans live in Seoul and its surronding cities?
Wrestling is real!
October 15, 2002, 16:15
Local Time: 05:55
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Ssirum=Korean wrestling  Those guys look much more muscular and stronger than sumo wrestlers!
Wrestling is real!
October 15, 2002, 23:36
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Originally posted by King of Rasslin
Ok, so it's wrong to say "I hate this bland Asian food!" And it's perfectly acceptable to say "I hate bland American food?" 
I guess there is some cultural mystique that pulls us to Asian culture, because we are all relatively ignorant about it compared to how much Asians know about their history. I bet that Koreans hate kimchi and wish they were eating hamburgers and a ton of meat everyday like we do! I'm not a hamburger eating moron, I'm an American.
No I love the stuff, so F--k off if you dont like it, I wouldnt give a damn if you didn't, there's just more for me.
Saying I hate bland Asian food and I hate bland americna bland food is a same thing. Its an opinion.
I guess there is some cultural mystique that pulls us to Asian culture, because we are all relatively ignorant about it compared to how much Asians know about their history.
Do you know what the word exotic means? Don't you think Japanese tourist feel the same way when they walk down 32nd st. wearing I love NY shirt?
Ssirum=Korean wrestling Those guys look much more muscular and stronger than sumo wrestlers!
Well Sumo guys are Real strong AND Fast AND Flexible! I bet they can stretch far better than you can.
Korean wrestling is more toward technique and burst power, though I don't want to downplay technique involved in Sumo, Greco-Roman wrestling nor any other Im not aware of.
I'm not a hamburger eating moron, I'm an American.
You're gonna have to prove that to us, right now your credential is more toward the hamburger gauge if you ask anyone.
Last edited by Zero; October 15, 2002 at 23:43.
October 15, 2002, 23:52
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Originally posted by siredgar
God, King of Rasslin, you are so stupid. You think like an old man from the 50's or something with racist and backward ideas. The only thing saving you is your curiosity and willingness to learn about another culture.
Two recommendations for you, King of Rasslin:
1. Get an education.
2. Go visit Korea.
Agreed, though he's only in High school, so his childish like manners are expectable, just about the only reason I put up with him... Though he seems to lack what I've learned in H.S, must be education quality difference between the states. I can't help it, but KOR just encourages this northeners view of southerners as ya know... I try not to treat him that way nor generalize the entire population of georgia based on him, but eh, I too am flawed and can't help stereotyping to get the better of me..
You keep on blabbing without rhyme or reason.
True and false. He does seem like he genuinely is asking for answers about Korea. It would not be fair to call someone stupid if he didn't no any better. Thats just about the only reaosn I put up with him. Wait I said that again! So I guess theres two reason afterall. One should not badger him because he doesn't know much about a country that he's never been to.
Though many times he does seem like blabbering without rhyme or reason.
For once, I agree 100% with Drake Tungsten. This thread is insulting to the overall integrity and intellectual depth of the original thread.
I already replied to Drake Tungsten. And if you mean it because of Rasselin, the explanation above should reflect my view.
Last edited by Zero; October 16, 2002 at 00:01.
October 15, 2002, 23:56
Local Time: 15:55
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Originally posted by King of Rasslin
I bet that Koreans hate kimchi and wish they were eating hamburgers and a ton of meat everyday like we do!
I'm not a hamburger eating moron, I'm an American.
Does the first sentence chime well with the second? I don't think so ...
K. o. R. is proof that Gomer Pyle married a female Beverly Hillbilly and produced offspring....
Cherish your youth. Mark Foley, 2002
I don't know what you're talking about by international law. G.W. Bush, 12/03
October 16, 2002, 10:06
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Originally posted by molly bloom
Does the first sentence chime well with the second? I don't think so ...
K. o. R. is proof that Gomer Pyle married a female Beverly Hillbilly and produced offspring....
Sigh I meant to bring up stereo typing to state that we shouldn't be using it, but i guess I just encouraged it.
One would be no better than K.o.R if you say such things.
October 16, 2002, 20:04
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Originally posted by Calc II
Sigh I meant to bring up stereo typing to state that we shouldn't be using it, but i guess I just encouraged it.
One would be no better than K.o.R if you say such things.
Sense of humour by-pass?
If I took K. o. R.'s posts at face value I might be offended... I suggest you watch some 'Gomer Pyle' shows to see where I'm coming from.
Cherish your youth. Mark Foley, 2002
I don't know what you're talking about by international law. G.W. Bush, 12/03
October 16, 2002, 22:44
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Posts: 24
Now you're on to something, molly bloom. Jim Nabors was a talented and intelligent man.
October 17, 2002, 12:56
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By the way, Lone Wolf, I think you should apologize to Molly Bloom. While she has also put me down in the past, she is very educated and brings a lot of knowledge to the discussion. I always read her posts and find them very interesting.
"I've spent more time posting than playing."
October 17, 2002, 13:23
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Originally posted by King of Rasslin
Ok, so it's wrong to say "I hate this bland Asian food!" And it's perfectly acceptable to say "I hate bland American food?" 
I guess there is some cultural mystique that pulls us to Asian culture, because we are all relatively ignorant about it compared to how much Asians know about their history. I bet that Koreans hate kimchi and wish they were eating hamburgers and a ton of meat everyday like we do! I'm not a hamburger eating moron, I'm an American.
Ok, coming straight from the 1998 World Almanac, South Korea had a trade deficit of $10 billion, and their total GDP is $591 billion. Japan had a trade surplus of $106.7 billion, and a total GDP of $2.68 trillion. Economically, Korea doesn't seem to be a very sound country, at least compared to Japan or China.
Is the technology in Korea (cell phones, broadband, cyber cafes, etc) a result of a strong economy or simply because so many Koreans live in Seoul and its surronding cities?
Well, I have to give credit to King of Rasslin for his resilience and ability to not take things too offensively. I'm just not entirely sure if he is deliberately trying to be a troll or sincerely interested in learning.
Anyhow, Korean food would never be described as bland. It is generally spicy and flavorful. And no, I don't like it when Europeans make fun of American food. I like American food. Although sometimes I think a "hamburger eating moron" = "an American" when I see posts like these from King of Rasslin.
Those statistics are from 1998 during the Asian financial crisis. South Korea generally racks up a trade surplus these days. However, it does not do this as much as Japan. For the past 30 years or so, I would say, Japan has had a huge trade surplus (esp. with the U.S.) mostly because of the nature of its closed market. South Korea's market is much more open and the people are more likely to buy foreign goods than the Japanese are.
Regardless, South Korea is in better financial shape than China because they don't have tens of millions of people wandering from city to city for work and thousands of outdated state-owned factories. Also, a GDP of $600 billion is more than that of Spain, isn't it? South Korea's population is only one-third that of Japan but around the same as Spain, so that's a better comparison.
Wow! King of Rasslin actually made a logical deduction here. Yes, cell phones and internet cafes are very popular and advanced in South Korea partly because so many Koreans live in Seoul and the surrounding metropolitan area. They spend more time outside of their homes commuting and socializing that they need proper communication. Also, most young people in their 20's live at home until they get married (more so than in Italy) and so they like to meet their friends outside of the home. Thus, they need a cell phone and internet access to keep in touch and arrange plans.
As for broadband technology, that's primarily because the companies and government thought it would be a good idea to have an advanced communication system and invested the money to be one step ahead of the world.
"I've spent more time posting than playing."
October 17, 2002, 17:28
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Originally posted by molly bloom
Sense of humour by-pass?
If I took K. o. R.'s posts at face value I might be offended... I suggest you watch some 'Gomer Pyle' shows to see where I'm coming from.
ah well I dunno wat Gomer Pyle show is... Well sarcasm doesnt really convert well online, next time add a smiley face or something. I might stab you to death when all you meant was a friendly joke!
October 18, 2002, 00:10
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Posts: 24
Originally posted by siredgar
By the way, Lone Wolf, I think you should apologize to Molly Bloom. While she has also put me down in the past, she is very educated and brings a lot of knowledge to the discussion. I always read her posts and find them very interesting.
Apologize for what? As for being educated and intelligent, yes, many people are.
October 18, 2002, 00:37
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Originally posted by LoneWolf
Now you're on to something, molly bloom. Jim Nabors was a talented and intelligent man.
Aw shucks! What a pity for your 'theory', then, that I referenced Gomer Pyle the character, and not Jim Nabors the actor. Gomer Pyle being a klutz and a rube, if a well-intentioned one.
Siredgar- thank you for the attention and the compliment. I also read your posts with due care and interest. 'She' is a 'he', by the way- my love for James Joyce's oeuvre inspired my non-de-plume.
Cherish your youth. Mark Foley, 2002
I don't know what you're talking about by international law. G.W. Bush, 12/03
October 18, 2002, 01:52
Local Time: 23:55
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Posts: 24
Ah, well, too bad for you, then. I don't know what "theory" you are referring to.
BTW, what is the significance of a hairy rabbit turd, with a car drawn on it?
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