August 16, 2002, 09:18
Local Time: 07:58
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OK, i am now the people of mideast cultural group...
People in Kazakhstan, Russia, protests against the war with China because the front is close to them. Governments popularity became real low and people officially asked the rulers of Ottoman Empire about the possibility to join the empire. People would like that Ottomans would take all the current Russian-controlled territories of mid-eastern culture. Mass demonstration in Almaty turned violent and this damaged many buildings there.
August 16, 2002, 09:25
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Ok, ill join, but civman, can you please update the first post so i know exactly who is open.
August 16, 2002, 09:58
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To the Ottomans: nows the time to strike take South Africa its yours, afterwards attack Russia and shoot straight for Moscow.
The NAF forces that were sent to China a few months ago now retaliate againts the Russian forces that are atacking China. They manage to take back a chunk of land in the north and start pressing towards the Kamchatka peninsula.
Sea forces are sent to sink the Russian Subs.
The NAF continues its advance in South America, taking the rest of Columbia and and all of Ecuador
OOC: thats as far as I'll go in SA until I get a reply to the advances or I wll wait 5 days. which ever comes first 
also Welcome Trickey. take the place as Ruler of China
August 16, 2002, 11:45
Local Time: 23:58
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Question to space: are you openly at war with Russia or jsut secretly helping China? Since you didnt say anything about declaring war I'll assume you're officially at peace
Countries (color; cultural groups in country):
NAF (blue; N AMerican, L American):
Huge Army
Medium Navy
Medium Airforce
Leader: Space05us
ARistocracy: ??
NAPs: Ottomans
War: None official, secretly Russia
The Empire of Brazil (green; L American, S African):
Large Army
Medium Navy
Small Airforce
Leader: Jonny
ARistocracy: ??
MPPs: None
NAPs: None
War: None, but periodic conflicts with the NAF
New Ottoman Empire (yellow; European, N African, Mideastern, Indochinese):
Huge Army
Small Navy
No Airforce
Leader: jdd2007
ARistocracy: ??
MPPs: None
NAPs: NAF, Russia
War: China
Hispano-German Empire (green; European):
Large Army
Small Navy
Medium Airforce
Democratic Federation
Leader: ?? (civman2000 controlling it for now)
ARistocracy: ??
NAPs: Russia, offered to Ottomans with no response so far
War: None
Russia (gray; European, Siberian, Mideastern, Indochinese):
Huge Army
Medium Navy
Medium Airforce
Leader: TheGuitarist
ARistocracy: ??
MPPs: none
NAPs: Ottomans, HGE
War: China
Chinese Empire (maroon; IndoChinese, Japanese, Pacifican, Siberian):
Huge Army
Large Navy
Small Airforce
Leader: ??
ARistocracy: ??
MPPs: none, secretly aided by NAF though
NAPs: none
War: Russia, Ottomans
If any of the army/navy/airforce or MPP/NAP/War info is incorrect, please let me know.
Cultural groups (color; nations included): Leaders
North American (blue; NAF): ??
Latin American (bright green; NAF, Brazil): ??
European (pink; EU, Russia, Ottomans): civman2000
North African (red; Ottomans): ??
South African (dark green; Brazil): ??
Mideastern (yellow; Ottomans, Russia): Sonic
Siberian (gray; Russia, China): ??
Indochinese (maroon; China, Ottomans, Russia): ??
Japanese (green; China): ??
Pacifican (orange; CHina): ??
Map of countries (with NAF advances):
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
Last edited by civman2000; August 16, 2002 at 18:17.
August 16, 2002, 11:52
Local Time: 23:58
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trickey, the following country positions are open:
Aristocracy of anyone
Leader of China or HGE
Cultural groups: N American, L American, N African, S African, Siberian, Japanese, Indochinese, Pacifican
THe top few in order of what would be the best to be in my opinion:
1. Leader of China
2. Japanese people (if they revolt things get very interesting)
3. Indochinese people
4. L American people
5. Russian Aristocracy
6. S African people
map of culture groups:
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
August 16, 2002, 18:04
Local Time: 00:58
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Russia cancels its outdated MPP with the NAF.
The Manhattan Project is canceled late in production in favor of the SETI Program. Science enjoyes a large boost and Synthetic Fibers is discovered. Research begins on Stealth.
Troops are pulled from the HGE and Ottoman borders to reinforce the Chinese border.
Excess obselete units are disbanded, making room in the economy to beef up the Navy. Our Tanks are upgraded to Modern Armor, and a few companies of these excellent units (along with some Mech Infantry) are sent to punch through a weak spot in the Chinese line in the east, right above China.
This task force succeeds in reaching the Pacific coastline, isolating a large pocket of Chinese troops, along with the island of Japan.
Russian subs retreat from NAF waters to Chinese territory and begin picking off Chinese ships.
To the Ottomans: We offer Fission and Synthetic Fibers (along with India) in exchange for a permanent alliance.
August 16, 2002, 18:18
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Edits to post above:
1. Russia-NAF MPP removed.
2. Map updated
3. Russian navy -> medium
4. HGE airforce -> medium (they've been building up)
5. HGE-Russia NAP added (it was part of the deal in Europe)
6. Chinese army -> huge (Ottoman intelligence report said "10-20 million")
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
August 16, 2002, 18:39
Local Time: 23:58
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The Fuhrer sat in his private office in his palace in Berlin, and read the new intelligence report. Apperently the Caudillo had sent an enciphered message to the NAF President without telling him! German cryptanalysts were unable to deciver it, so its content was still entirely unknown. But whatever it was, it was something the Caudillo didn't want him to know about.
Fine, he thought. Two can play this game. And he began writing a secret message to the Russians...
Der Fuhrer to Russia (very secret): I have reason to believe that high-ranking SPanish officials, including the Caudillo himself, are conspiring with the NAF. and it is quite likely that they are conspiring against me and my government. I will tell you now: the HGE never had any intention of keeping the NAP with you, and we plotted with the NAF to attack you quite soon. Indeed, I would not be surprised if NAF troops are aiding the CHinese against you this very moment!
A few issues have come to divide me and El Caudillo, one of which being the plot to attack you. I wished to wait and build up for awhile before attacking, as well as using the tiem to try and get Ottoman support. The Caudillo wanted to attack almost immediately while you are distracted in China. I fear that if the German government is sabotaged by Spain he may get his way.
Why am I telling you this? First, in the case that our government is sabotaged, I want to make sure the Caudillo does not get away with it and that he is defeated by you. Second, I wish to have your assistance. I know you have little reason to trust me--I was planning to betray you. However, I beg that you forgive me. If you help me overthrow the Spanish, together we could destroy the NAF after the CHinese war ends. I'm sure BRazil will gladly aid us as well. The only problem there might be the Ottomans. A conflict between them and Brazil could ruin everything. Hopefully though, BRazil will sell S. Africa and all will be well for us.
OOC: I see a civil war in Europe future?
IC: Riots explode throughout France as historic buildings, including an old secret hideout palace of Napoleon near Lyons (sort of like Camp David in the US), are destroyed due to suspicion that dissidents were using them as bases. Armored divisions are sent to quell them
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
August 16, 2002, 18:56
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Ok. ill be the leader of China. Im gonna go catch up on the story, then ill post again.
August 16, 2002, 19:16
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OOC: sorry, I've been too busy to be here the past few days.
To Ottomans: We accept your offer to sell South Africa to you. Our forces are withdrawing to South America.
To Russia: We are being beaten by the NAF. We know that you are using your forces in China, but we need some help in South America.
A large counter attack against the NAF occured recently. We were able to take back Ecuador with minimal cost, but Coulmbia is much stronger, and both countries forces are in a deadlock there. Also, Brazillian ships are blocading the Columbian coasts, making it harder for supplies to get there.
OOC again: Dont Russia and I have a MPP?
August 16, 2002, 20:15
Local Time: 07:58
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Because Russia did not reacted to the protests in Almaty, Kazakhstani people became more angry. Local police forces aren't able to deal with violent demonstrations and requires help from Moscow (maybe dispatching army to Kazakhstan). Radical groups in Kazakhstan claimed responsibility for a terror act in Astana, in which 50 people were killed. One of casualties was citizen of HGE, other - Russian citizens.
Some protests in Saudi Arabia also took place. People there are requesting the leader of Ottoman Empire to help mid-eastern culture people in Russian controlled territories. However, those protests are peaceful.
August 16, 2002, 21:38
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Jonny: sorry, forgot to put that in. however, that post is getting buried and everyone currently in the NES knows the situation, I will not make a new post.
Letter from Ottoman citizen Ataturk Lenin to the Supreme Sultan jdd2007:
Your majesty, recently, as you know, there have been riots in various parts of your Empire demanding that Russia give us Kazakhstan. I humbly advise you to arrest these protesters for treason. They are bringing tension to our glorious friendship with Russia, thus endangering our war with China. If you act immediately, the problem will not grow.
In Syria, Ethnic Turks and Arabs have skirmishes in the street. The Turks are supporters of Ataturk Lenin, whereas the Arabs are supporters of the Kazakhstani rebels.
In the HGE, both the Fuhrer and the Caudillo secretly have agents in each other's Palaces.
The janitor of the Spanish High Command Intelligence Headquarters accidentally triggers the button sending orders to Berlin to execute Top Secret Operation "Conquistador". He then accidentally hits it a second time, confirming the order.
In Berlin, a Policia del Caudillo agent entered the Fuhrer's bedroom holding a silenced machine gun, waking him up. The Fuhrer only had seconds to see the PdC emblem on his killer's cap before darkness engulfed him.
At the German Intelligence Headquarters, the order was sent: the Fuhrer was dead. Reason to believe Spanish are involved. Kill El Caudillo.
The next morning, total chaos reigned in Europe. The Caudillo's right hand man claimed that both killings were done by Russian agents in an attempt to destabilize the HGE. Claiming to be the new Caudillo, he declared war on Russia, though few accepted that he was the leader...
map with S Africa Ottoman and Brazilian S American advances
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
August 16, 2002, 22:21
Local Time: 01:58
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Another day at the office, another stack of papers.
To Brazil: NAP then? Thank you for peacefully handing over South Africa. That saved everyone a lot of blood, seat, sorrow and time.
*A few infantry divisions occupy S. Africa, while many thousand tanks move up Africa and Arabia to India. There they turn the tide and the Ottomans make progress into India. They are still not doing well overall there.*
*Convoys go between Africa and S. Africa, carrying various goods and resources.*
To NAF: NAP agreed to, but we wont attack Russia or Brazil [secret addition: anytime soon]
To China: End the war now, or face a dismemberment of your empire.
August 16, 2002, 23:15
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Russian troops have fully surrounded the pocket of Chinese territory cut off from the rest of the country. Fighters are making strafing runs on Chinese armored divisions, and our subs pound the Japanese coast with cruise missiles. Troops are pulled from the front lines and sent via rail to the European border posthaste.
China: We offer your troops in Japan and North China free passage back to your country in exchange for the territory we have surrounded. If you agree to these terms we will discuss a cease-fire agreement. If you do not agree, your troops will be destroyed.
To the Ottomans: The recent events in Europe threaten to escalate into a massive invasion from the west. Russia cannot fight a war on two fronts. China cannot refuse our peace offer - that country is yours to conquer if you wish, but we must end our efforts in that region. We must reinforce the European lines. Do not misunderstand our actions - we still wish to establish an alliance and our offer of Fission and Synthetic Fibers stands.
To the European Nations: Russia denies any involvement in the assassinations that have taken place in the HGE. Further, we do NOT support the "new Caudillo" and urge the nations of Europe to oppose him. We offer protection from his unstable rule, just as we offered protection from the La Falange rebels.
August 17, 2002, 01:10
Local Time: 01:58
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OOC: Civman, you can act for China here, cant you? Also, why are *top-secret* messages always discovered by the country being discussed? thats not very realistic...
*The world awaits Chinas response to Ottoman and Russian demands. Meanwhile, Russia uses air superiority to bomb the Chinese army to hell. Ottoman troops continue advancing into India, its whole might going into the war. In a partially secret move, aid is sent to Japanese, Indonesian and Australian rebel groups, with promises of a nation if they fight against their Chinese overlords. In Africa, a huge effort is made to give the Ottoman armed forces a modern air force. Employing Russian, Brazilian and N. American technology, factories begin production of fighters and bombers designed by an international team comprising members from 5 continents. The enormous cost of this project eats the treasury up like pringles, but it is funded in part by the trade to the Americas. It is semi-secret, but other nations soon learn about the small Ottoman AirKorp (OAK) which begins training pilots.*
Dear Mr Lenin: I would hardly call the demonstrating treason, but we are trying to work out the situation with Russia in a diplomatic fashion.
To Europe: You did not heed Ottoman advice, and look at your situation.
To Brazil: a NAP? That would be best.
To Russia: Alliance accepted. We want air force technology as well. Keep up the attack on China until they surrender.
August 17, 2002, 01:18
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an Aide yells to JD as he walks to his copter: "What about the Kazakhstan situation?"
"Damn, I will be right back, keep her runnin'..."
To Russia: What do you want to do with Kazakhstan? We have three options: 1) Crack down on the rebels, leaving it in Russian possession. 2) Make it an independant contry or 3) The Ottoman Empire takes it off your hands. Note, we can buy it from you if you are getting rid of the province anyway...
*Runs back to the copter...*
August 17, 2002, 06:15
Local Time: 07:58
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Beause Russia did nothing to help police in Kazakhstan, terrorists became really powerful there and they overpowered the police. Terrorists then killed many policemen and taken weaponry from police arsenal. They did also organised a huge terror act in Russian airbase. Many fighters were destroyed, but Russian air force still remained medium (however, terror act damaged Russian ability to bomb Chinese targets for a bit). Suleiman Khomeini Al Quatar claimed responsibility. However, if nothing will be done and terrorists will continue to get power and weapons, next terror acts might be not so lucky for Russia. Russians are already running away from Kazakhstan, because they could be killed only because of nationality there.
In the Ottoman empire, protests against Russian ignorance to Kazakhstan becomes wider and wider also. Some Ottoman millionaires were caught giving money to buy weapons for Kazakhstani resistance, led by Suleiman Khomeini Al Quatar. It now depends only on Ottoman leader werether these people will be arrested or not. In Cairo Russian flag was burned.
August 17, 2002, 06:16
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BTW, I do offer to send top secret messages as PMs instead of posting here.
August 17, 2002, 06:40
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This is map of Kazakhstan
August 17, 2002, 06:47
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This is one in jpeg format.
August 17, 2002, 07:46
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Surrender, me!!! I think not my friend. Chinese armies begin regrouping for a counter attack.
Inspired by the recent suicide bombing in France, the Chinese army has come up with a new tactic they believe will work very well. Enourmous amounts of Chinese citizens ( weather forced, or volounteerd) will be sent to swarm the invading forces. They will be unarmed, except for a huge amount of explosives strapped to thier back, so the other army cannot see them. They will get as close to the other army as possible. Then, the regular troops will shoot 1 single rocket at them, causing a huge explosion, whiping out all the bombers and, (hopefully) the invading army. Then the infantry wil charge the weakend and disoriented (sp?) forces.
Using this tactic, China has taken back some of the southern land that was invaded. But the operation hit a brick wall whenthe military ran out of, uhhhh, "volouteers".
ooc: anyone think this is starting to look alot like my rpnes? Except this one is better organized.
August 17, 2002, 08:33
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Also, why are *top-secret* messages always discovered by the country being discussed?
That happened only twice that I knwo of. The first time was the EU discovering NAF involvement in Europe. THis is because they discovered weapons with NAF markings beign used by La Falange. The reason hteir message was intercepted was that they were desperate and had to use an insecure connection.
The second time, the GErmans intercepting secret Spanish communications, was because the two countrioes are so close. They share Europe and to the outside world are (well I guess they arent anymore  )one government. Thus it is not very hard for one to spy on the other and intercept any messages they send.
IC: Ataturk Lenin is a very rich man; the great uncle he did not know he had just died and left him about $3 billion. He is spending this money on aiding Marxist rebels in Europe
European groups:
1. Loyal to the "new Caudillo": at war with Russia (green)
2. Loyal to the "new Fuhrer" who claims the right to be the GErman leader: at war with the new Caudillo supporters (blue)
3. Communist rebels: at war with both of the above (red)
4. Scandinavia: peaceful democracy (purple)
5. Freedom Fighters: at war with communists and fascists, want to unite Europe democratically (brown)
6. Nationalist groups: these hate the communists and fascists and dislike the freedom fighters. Their goal is to make Europe many separate countries; they have given up on the idea of a united europe. There are groups in France (pink), Italy (bright green), and Poland (pale yellow). Each individual group just wants to unite its own country.
7. Highly contested (orange)
In Yugoslavia, different ethnic groups are slaughtering others...
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
August 17, 2002, 12:19
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To Ottomans: We accept your NAP. Also, since we are both allied with the Russians, how about we sign an alliance as well?
August 17, 2002, 12:23
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Russian Modern Armor, Radar Artillery, and Bomber air support pound the trapped Chinese troops and are making slow progress. A small detachment of marines lands on Japan and forms a beachhead at the north end. Subs and Battleships continue to pound the coastlines.
To the Ottomans: The Chinese border is faltering. Troops are spread too thin - Europe has collapsed into massive chaos and Russia must protect its western border. We MUST end the Chinese offensive, especially since the civilian bombers have entered the picutre - casualties are mounting faster than we can replace them. We will sell you Kazakhstan and Stealth (as soon as we discover it) in exchange for your permission to pull out of the war.
Russia sends roughly $450m in aid to the Communist rebels and German supporters in Europe.
August 17, 2002, 12:25
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Update on War in S. America:
The people of Columbia have revolted against their would-be conquerors, the NAF. With their help, and a well-timed strike against Columbia by Brazillian forces, Brazil was able to take back Columbia. However, the NAF forces are using the "bottleneck" of Central America to their advantage, they have stationed many forces in Panama, bringing Brazillian advances to a halt (for now, anyways.)
August 17, 2002, 14:00
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Suleiman Khomeini Al Quatar agreed to stop terrorism because of decition done by Russian government to sell Kazakhstan to Ottomans. However, he promised suicide attacks if this deal won't go well.
At the very same time leader of territories near Caspian Sea, who was appointed by Al Quatar after resistance trashed police there, Mohamet Abdul-Khadaffi, declared independence of his lands, Turkmenistan. Al Quatar asked him to stay loyal, but he refused. Al Quatar and Kazakhstani resistance still wants to join Ottoman Empire, but Abdul-Khadafi doesn't.
Remaining police forces in now enclaved Tajikistan wants help from Russia, which cannot send that help because to do so it would have to first defeat Al Quatar's forces, which blocks the way, or go through China. It is estimated that about three millions European and Siberian people were killed in the genocide organised by Al Quatar and that made Russian mid-east territories almost ethnically clean.
Abdul-Khadaffi declared himself the Great Khan of Turkmenistan. Turkmenistan is still unrecognised by any other nation, but Abdul-Khadaffi already sent messages to every nation in which he demands to recognise his country, which is called "Glorious Islam Khanate of Turkmenistan". The following are his country stats:
Small army
No navy (obviously  )
No air force
Despotism (Khanate)
Abdul-Khadaffi also wants military help from other nations to improve army and build up air force.
The following is the current map of area's control
August 17, 2002, 17:18
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update on Europe:
Scotland and Portugal are now completely controlled by the Freedom Fighters (FF). The have formed a new nation which hopes to bring a unified democratic govt to Europe: The United Democracies of Europe (UDE).
In Spain, the "new Caudillo" and his supporters have been defeated. All that remains for the Caudillist fascists is Ireland, which has officially created a new fascist government. Spain is now contested between the FF and the communists. Despite foreign communist aid, the FF seems bound to win having found the secret La Falange treasury gaining approx. $1.2 billion.
In England, Freedom fighters and Fuhrerists (German fascists) are still fighting.
In France, the communists lost popularity, and the FF as well as French nationalists together defeated them. However, now the democratic nationalists and the FF, both wanting a democracy, have to fight or resolve their differences.
Germany, Switzerland, and the Low COuntries have been dominated by Fuhrerists. The "new Fuhrer" has created a new nation: Greater Germany.
In Italy, Communists have pushed northward. It seems like the nationalist movement is doomed.
In Austria, Hungary, and Yugoslavia, communists have taken over. THese three countries and the Italian communists are proposing to merge.
Last but not least, Polish nationalists have driven out Fuhrerists and established the Republic of Poland.
In sum, the new groups/nations are:
1. UDE (Nations controlled by FF): nation, Scotland and Portugal and parts of England, Spain, and France, blue green on map
2. Ireland (Caudillist): nation, green on map
3. Communists: group, Yugoslavia, Austria, Hungary, some of Italy, red on map
4. GReater GErmany (Nations controlled by Fuhrerists): nation, Germany, low countries, Switzerland, support in some parts of England, blue on map.
5. French nationalists: group, some of France, pink on map
6. Italian nationalists: group, some of Italy, bright green on map.
7. Scandinavia: nation, purple on map.
8. Republic of Poland: nation, pale yellow on map.
Contested areas:
1. Spain (FF and communists)
2. France (nationalists and FF)
3. England (Fuhrerists and FF)
4. Italy (nationalists and communists)
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
August 17, 2002, 17:25
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world map with Brazil and China changes
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
August 17, 2002, 21:39
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*Ottoman forces conquered much of India and are still advancing
The Ottoman Empire has so far stayed out of conflicts in Europe, but for the first time, they make their intentions known by openly supplying aid to Scottish and Portugese Freedom Fighters.
Ottoman Air Korps continues production of the J-21 Zulu Fighter/Bomber
The situation with Turkmenstein and Kazakhstan is very confusing, even to the top Brass*
To Russia: We agree to buy Kazakhstan for your techs. What will you do about Turkmenstein?
To China: Every day, more of your people die, more of you land is lost and more revolts break out. Surrender!
*Japanese rebels overrun the weakened garrison, armed and supported by the Ottomans and Russians
Similar revolutions break out in Australia and New Zealand. They arent as succesful as the fanatical Japanese rebels were, but they still manage to do extensive damage.*
To Japan: We support your efforts for independence.
August 18, 2002, 08:19
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The communists have finally conquered Italy. THey merge with the other three communist nations to form the Federation of European Marxo-Trotskyist Nations (FEMTN).
In England, the FF has defeated the Fuhrerists and England has joined the UDE.
Fighting still rages in Spain and France.
Note on the map: There are separate colors for countries that have already joined a larger empire (Greater Germany, UDE, or FEMTN) and their supporters in disputed countries.
The UDE is blue green, but the FF (their supporters in nations that haven't joined yet) is brown. The FEMTN is red, but the communists in Spain are maroon.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
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