August 18, 2002, 09:36
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President Ming How looked at the paper placed in front of him. This was a sheet that listed the casualties of his army.
"Damn, we lost 400,000 men in two weeks, this is insane, it will end now"
Missles are launced at Russia, bombs are dropped over Moscow and other major cities.
The chinese governement has come up with a very intellligent plan. They will begin instructing news organizations to say that the missles were filled with bio-chemical weapons, even though they were just regular missles and bombs. Hopefully this word will reach the Russian news stations. They will brodcast the same thing, and hopefully, the Russian people will begin to panick, causing riots, and fircing some Russian troops to be sent home to keep the peace.
August 18, 2002, 10:03
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Suleiman Khomeini Al Quatar to Ottomans and Russians:
Please have your deal on Kazakhstan faster, the terrorism moratorium won't last forever.
Al Quatar taken the last formerly controlled by Russia mid-eastern culture land. He also asked Abdul-Khadafi to join his lands, but Khadaffi refused to do so again.
In Turkmenistan, government is not far from total anarchy. Abdul-Khadaffi released constitution and new code of laws, which alows killing/robbing/raping non-Turkmenistani citizens, also allows aquiring weapons for private persons, allows enslaving women, bans TV, internet and radio, legalises tortuing. All crimes will from now on be punished by either tortuing or capital sentence. Both will be done at the main square of Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. Abdul-Khadaffi also released a statmen in which he promised 50 virgins for everyone, who will hijack an airliner and fly it to Ashgabat (most of these virgins are taken from Russian families and most of them are still 8-12 years old). 2 Ilyushin Il-86 were already hijacked in Moscow and flown to Turkmenistan. Because Turkmenistan has many explosives (because there were many mines there), Abdul-Khadaffi planned to create an air force of those civilian airliners, filled with explosives. This will be called "Martyr Air Force of Allah" (MAFA). They would ram buildings and ground, causing huge explotions. Abdul-Khadaffi also declared himself a second messiah after Mahomet. He now quickly searches possibilities to create a nuclear bomb, which he calls "a sword of Islam". However, without some help from other countries it isn't likely Turkmenistan would be able to complete Manhetten project.
European culture people (mostly Russians, but also other Europeans) in Turkmenistan asks immidiate help to destroy this despotic government from Russia and Europeans. But Europeans are in war themselves and Russia can't attack Turkmens without wiping off Al Quatar's forces first. Although Al Quatar condemned Abdul-Khadaffi's actions, he claimed he won't let Russian troops through Kazakhstan without fight.
Turkmen territory is still officially part of Russia, so Khadaffi released a following statement:
To every country - recognise our government now or face the power of our martyrs
Current Turkmen statistics:
Small army
No navy
Tiny air force (only MAFA; will grow as more airliners are hijacked if major countries won't upgrade security in the airports)
Islamic despotic fundamentalism (Khanate)
Current map of the area:
August 18, 2002, 10:21
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Abdul-Khadaffi to China - we could help you to develop real chemical weaponry because we've taken control of Russian chemical lab in Ashgabat. For this help you should recognise Turkmenistan as independent country and give 2 billion dollars to us.
August 18, 2002, 10:25
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Abdul-Khadaffi, from China,
My friend, i have no time to waste. In exchange for some bio-chemical weapons, and the training to make them, i will give you my full support, and 2 billion dollars.
August 18, 2002, 10:39
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Abdul-Khadafi sent one of his Il-86 planes to Beijing. A plane was loaded with several examples on chemical weapons (from the lab) and 5 scientists, who were the only scientists of mid-east origin to work at that lab. Scientists sais they will help collegues in China to master the secrets of chemical weapons.
Abdul-Khadafi planned to invest these two billions into expanding army and getting some uranium from the black market. He also thanked China for recognising independence of Turkmenistan.
August 18, 2002, 12:47
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Troops on the Chinese border regroup and stop their offensive, establishing strong defensive positions at their current locations.
To China: We propose an immediate peace treaty now that we have the blessing of our Ottoman allies.
To Kazakhstan: You are now a part of the Ottoman Empire. We urge you to oppose Turkmenistan militarily and use all necessary force to retake that territory.
To Turkmenistan: We do not recognize your territory as a sovereign nation. You are a part of Kazakhstan and the Ottoman Empire. We urge you to cease your terrorist activities immediately.
August 18, 2002, 14:18
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Al Quatar and former Kazakhstani resistance welcomes Ottoman forces taking Kazakhstan.
Suleiman Khomeini Al Quatar to Russia:
Thank you for allowing us to join the Ottoman Empire. I will try to stop Turkmens and I hope Ottomans will help me on that.
Suleiman Khomeini Al Quatar to Ottomans:
I am still remaining an economical leader of Kazakhstani region, however I am stopping any military activities and allowing you to march to Kazakhstan with your army.
Abdul-Khadafi started using funds he got from Chinese. 1 billion of these funds will go to new military troop and tank complex near Kizyl-Arvat, Turkmenistan. For other dollars Khadafi has bought some uranium and appointed several scientists to researching nuclear weapons. Turkmen troops already came to defensive positions at mountains near all the borders. Fight against Turkmens would be really hard because the area is mountainous and Ottomans doesn't have air force. Turkmen terrorists hijacked two more planes and flown them to Ashgabat - Boeing 757 in Istambul, Ottoman Empire and Boeing 747 in Teheran, Ottoman Empire. Both aircraft will be added to MAFA. Abdul-Khadafi threatened Russia with terror acts and also threatened Ottomans. Soon enogh after those threats one of older MAFA aircraft, Ilyushin Il-86, filled with explosives rammed the biggest Russian oil platform in Caspian sea, causing loss of many billion dollars and huge damage to economy and nature. Caspian Sea became very contaminated. Russian intelligence also knows Abdul-Khadafi could be preparing poisoned gas attack in Kremlin.
August 18, 2002, 14:19
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All European nations except Ireland and Germany condemn Turkmenistan. None of them recognize it as a nation.
Order is back to Europe! The FF won in Spain and it joined the UDE. In France, the FF, while better equipped, ran out of new recruits as their popularity dropped, and the nationalists won.
New nations of Europe:
Ireland (green)
Small army
Small navy
No airforce
Caudillist fascism
Leader: ??
Aristocracy: ??
UDE (blue-green)
Medium army
Small navy
Small airforce
Democratic Federation
Leader: ??
Aristocracy: ??
France (pink)
Medium army
Small navy
No airforce
Leader: ??
Aristocracy: ??
Greater GErmany (blue)
Large army
No navy
Small airforce
Fuhrerist Fascism
Leader: ??
Aristocracy: ??
Scandinavia (purple)
Medium army
Medium navy
Small airforce
Leader: ??
Aristocracy: ??
FEMTN (red)
Large army
Small navy
Small airforce
Communist Federation
Leader: ??
Aristocracy: ??
Republic of Poland (pale yellow)
Medium army
Small navy
No airforce
Leader: ??
Aristocracy: ??
Until someone becomes leader of one of them, I will at least contorl internal conflict; I doubt any will be daring enough to attack a superpower (NAF, Ottomans, Russia) anyways.
FEaring an attack from either the FEMTN, GErmany, or both, the Polsih government orders a draft and begins building an airforce, though it will be slow with their limited reasources.
Map. European separate countries are now shown. Kazakhstan is Ottoman. I assume peace is being made with China without changing the borders establsihed by the conquests. If this is the case, Russia will be in change of negotiating giving independence to Japan.
Ham grass chocolate.
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August 18, 2002, 14:20
Local Time: 07:58
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This is the current map of territory...
August 18, 2002, 14:26
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Abdul-Khadafi to the Ottomans:
I still have 500 millions money we've got to from CHina. How about selling us Iran for that money?
August 18, 2002, 16:24
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Russia condemns the terrorist attack on the Caspian Platform and ask for international aid to cope with the catastrophe.
Russia recognizes the sovereignty of all the new European nations.
To the Ottomans: We request that you retake Turkmenistan and stop future terrorist attacks on our nation. We would aid you militarily if you elect to take our advice.
August 18, 2002, 16:24
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Holy cow! Three pages! This is massive!
August 18, 2002, 17:32
Local Time: 01:58
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OOC: 5 now.
Action must be taken immediately!!!
JDs Orders:
Secure Kazakhstan, the Russians have handed it over.
Invade Turkmenstein, and take control of the area.
Shoot down or capture the plane with biological experts.
Condemn China for its bombing of civilians.
Keep up the war in India.
Announce Ottoman support for the UDE.
To NAF: Declare war on China, and share in the spoils!
To Russia: Keep up the fight! You are winning!
To Brazil: Help us fight the Chinese monsters. We need 100 destroyers.
To Europe: UDE will triumph with our aid!
*Kazakhstan is secured, Turkmenstein is invaded, the plane is fired at, but is not shot down, an announcement is made to the people of world telling Chinas biological warfare plans, Ottoman armor keeps advancing in India, and has taken almost all the sub-continent, much aid is sent to Britain and Portugal…*
August 18, 2002, 19:01
Local Time: 17:58
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ooc:  I just finished writing a REALLY long response but my computer.....  ......RRRRRR!!!!
any who I'll just edit this post and include what I had covered in what was lost
The current leader of the NAF is assassinated and a new guy takes his place  < New Guy.Old Guy>
to all nations with whom I am at war: Peace man lets, like, kiss and make up man
The NAF calls for peace around the world. We offer NAPs with all nations, alliances can be discussed after all wars are settled.
Oil is struck in the arctic and drilling is started immeadiatly.
stations to refine hydrogen are being constructed all over Canada. Windmills are being built all over the frickin' place, Solar plants are being built in sunny places.
Spending on education is being increased, and more troops are getting special forces training as the budget for the military is planned to be cut back in the next few years.
To The Ottomans: Cease your advances into China and India, and give back at least 3/4 of the land you have captured thus far.
OOC: Ive missed a lot and to be honest Im really frickin' lazy so can one of you guys sum up whats happend in the last 2 pages? ((oh and If im wrong about something than just ignore the mistake  ))
Last edited by Space05us; August 18, 2002 at 19:19.
August 18, 2002, 19:22
Local Time: 07:58
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Turkmen official claims Il-86 succesfully landed in Beijing
Ottoman army invades Turkmenistan, however because of mountains it advances extremely slowly. Turkmen army is organising ambushes in the mountains. Ottoman army doesn't knows patches through mountains and Turkmens do. Air force would really help here to scout Turkmen positions and bomb them out, however Ottomans still doesn't has powerful air force. In the first day of war Ottomans lost three times more soldiers than Turkmenistan.
Suleiman Khomeini Al Quatar offered maps of the area for Ottomans, however even with them fighting would be hard - air force is extremely needed.
Abdul-Khadafi put a territorial claim on both Ottoman and Russian empires. However, his project on nuclear bomb research advances very slowly. Also, Abdul-Khadafi rebased MAFA to Kizyl-Arvat, since Ottoman troops are already near Ashgabat. Because of improved security in most of the world airports terrorists weren't able to hijack more airliners to MAFA. MAFA currently consists of three airliners:
Ilyushin Il-86 (now in Beijing, unprepared for terrorist operations)
Boeing 757 (Intelligence has evidence that this one is already prepared for terror acts and is based in Kizyl-Arvat)
Boeing 747 (This one is unprepared for use, but is being prepared and is based in Kizyl-Arvat)
If Boeing 747 (one of the biggest planes in the world) would be filled with explosives and ram some place of town, probably whole town would get very serious damage. Abdul-Khadafi also threated Ottomans that he will not only fill the 747 with bombs, but also poisoned chemicals to cause great damage to nature and people around the place of crash. However, 747 is still unprepared. Building of military complex in Kizyl-Arvat stopped because of war. Also, because of war Abdul-Khadafi isn't able currently host terror acts in Russia. However, Abdul-Khadafi released the following statement:
to Russia - don't think we will stop terror forever. We will do it again once we will defeat Ottoman Empire.
However, currently even in Turkmenistan itself Abdul-Khadafi started to lose popularity. Some citizens rebelled against his regime and they asks help from Ottomans. Currently Khadafi's troops controls situation and kills all rebelions. A secretly filmed tape was delivered to Istambul, where Abdul-Khadafi rapes 3 year old girl infront of her parents eyes because parents were rebellions. Later Abdul-Khadafi forced her father to do the same and then burned them all on fire in the center of Ashgabat. Since this tape was publically shown, almost every Arab now also wants death of Abdul-Khadafi. People requests Ottoman leader better to kill Abdul-Khadafi instead of fighting in China.
Current map of territory after Ottoman advances and also areas, controlled by rebels, is available bellow
Yellow - Ottoman Empire
Dark yellow - former Turkmen territories, now taken by Ottomans
Red dots - Terrotries, where most of rebels hides
Colors between dark yellow and orange - places, where currently battles are fought between Ottomans and Turkmens.
August 18, 2002, 19:23
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Abdul-Khadafi to NAF:
Please also ask Ottomans to stop aggression on Turkmenistan. Also, do you propose NAP for us? If so, we agree to it. And please recognise our independence.
Last edited by Sonic; August 18, 2002 at 19:34.
August 18, 2002, 19:27
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Sorry, forgot to add the map last time
August 18, 2002, 19:30
Local Time: 17:58
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oh yeah I forgot to say: all forces in China are sent from the Russia-China Boarder to the Ottoman-China Boarder and the NAF flag flies under every Chinese flag so there is no mistake about whats happening
also: more ground forces and airforces are sent to the front
August 18, 2002, 19:38
Local Time: 17:58
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ooc: Sonic NO NUKES!! N-O N-U-K-E-S
they kill NES's as thrusters among other people have shown.
ic: The NAF will not support Turkmenistan as they are rebels who fight against a former ally and a good friend, The Ottoman Empire.
August 18, 2002, 19:51
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ooc: true, sonic please dont nuke. i dotn think your the phsyco that thrusters was, but ya never know  just please, if you can, avoid them.
August 18, 2002, 19:58
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I won't nuke anyone, I seriously doubt Turkmenistan would even get nukes if everything will go this way.
And yes, I am not the guy of ones who nukes everyone. I think however nukes should be allowed, but so should various anti-missle weaponry. Also, nuke wouldn't destroy all country but only a some territory where it was launched. And it would be a limit of nuking, that means you could launch a nuke per two days for example, etc.
August 18, 2002, 20:48
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Russia accepts the NAF NAP and wishes to put past events behind us and continue as friends.
OOC: Jeez, it seems like years ago that NAF was supporting La Falange. Whatever happened to them, anyway?
August 19, 2002, 00:01
Local Time: 17:58
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ooc: when I was looking at the European map it looked like a billion different things, but I didnt read anything since my last post so I have no clue whats going on
August 19, 2002, 00:20
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To Russia: We are sending aid to cope with the terrorist attacks. It's not a large amount, though. Most of Brazil's resources are being used in the war against the NAF.
To Ottomans: We will let you have use of part of our navy if you sign a official alliance with us.
To NAF: I don't think we'll sign a cease-fire or NAP at the time, unless you can offer a good deal. Until then, we shall continue to fight.
To China: Please stop your inhumane actions, such as the use of "suicide bomber armies," or we will be forced to take action.
Concerning Europe: We recognize all of the new nations, but we will not be taking sides in the various European conflicts.
Concerning Turkmenistan: We are not recognising Turkmenistan's independence at the time.
August 19, 2002, 00:40
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In Panama the NAF send more troops to the boarder as well as engineers to build more permanent structures there as it seems as though they will be there for awhile.
To South America: We dont want this fight anymore, the former leader was a Dictator and a Tyrant. He wouldnt let any news pass in or out of the country, our people were being slaughtered in our own country. We ask you out of kindness to end this war, it means nothing to us.
Investigators are being sent to Europe to makes sure no genocide and etc is going on.
To Russia and The Ottomans: CEASE your advances into the China.
To China: dude, stop the stupid killing. keep it in the army or you'll find yourself the victim of many things worse. ((not a threat, just letting you know))
August 19, 2002, 00:51
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NAF: OK, I'll give you a deal: Give us Panama, we'll sign cease fire and NAP.
August 19, 2002, 10:15
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South America: We refuse to give you a deal, you either cease being a nusance or we will continue to fight. Even though we want peace we will not come out losing anything.
Bobmbers are sent over the front line to bomb SA airforces that are on the ground. Missles are launched at military structures throughout SA, casualties are expected to be low, but theres no way of telling the true number until SA publishes the official one.
August 19, 2002, 11:56
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Abdul-Khadafi given Il-86 as a present for China, since it was almost impossible to fly it back to Turkmenistan without being shot down by Ottomans.
Abdul-Khadafi to China - You might use the plane we gave by putting various chemicals and also dynamite to it and crashing it into Ottoman army.
Turkmen army almost wiped off rebels in the north. Remaining ones still waits answer from Ottoman's about helping them. Abdul-Khadafi condemned Russia (for not allowing to get independent), Ottomans (for attacking), NAF (for not wanting peace), most of European nation (for condemning Turkmenistan).
August 19, 2002, 12:10
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i had a long post but i lost power right before posting, so here is a shorter version:
Germany invades poland and takes most of it, but they get slowed by guerrillas. The FEMTN got an alliance with Poland and sent an ultimatum to GErmany demanding that they withdraw. THey have also asked for Russia to support them.
Panic broke out when the news came that the Chinese bombs in russia had biological and chemical agents. 8 million refugees have fled to Europe so far. After a quick influx of refugees Scandinavia closed the border. Some went to Poland only to be taken as POWs or be forced to fight for one side or another when the Germans invaded. Most refugees, though, went to the FEMTN where they were given a warm welcome
Ham grass chocolate.
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August 19, 2002, 18:48
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The deadline has passed, and Germany has not withdrawn! The FEMTN declares war! GErmany finally finished defeating the guerrillas, Poland is no more.
In France, isolationists have come to power. Alsace-Lorraine has cchosen to join France by plebiscite. Germany demands that France not allow them to join, but this is an idle threat when facing a war with the FEMTN and possibly Russia as well.
In Greece, the people have voted to leave the Ottomans and join the UDE. The UDE accepts if the Ottomans do not protest.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
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