August 12, 2002, 16:50
Local Time: 07:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Posts: 242
Three Superpowers
ATENTION: If you want, you can skip this and some following posts and start reading immidiatly from chapter 1. However, if you want to know more about world situation before a story, please read this.
This is my first story here but I hope you'll like it. This is just a prologue here now, presenting the situation of the world.
*based on a real civ3 game*
At a time, there were only three countries remaining in the world. In the world, which history was rich and full of wars and conflicts. Maybe those conflicts were the reason why the world scientifically was underdeveloped. It was about 2350 AD and people still didn't knew what the nuclear bomb is. In that world there were 2 major continents. One was in the form of Australia and the second one was of the horseshoe form and was bigger than the first one. The gulf in that horseshoe form continent was called Gulf of Taurage. The horseshoe continent was called Cordabe and the other one - Tronade. There was also a big island near Tronade (called Tronadia). And there were also many smaller islands all over the world -- several in the south of Cordabe (Southern Archipelago), one in the north between Cordabe and Tronade (Island of Palanga) and the last one in the open seas in the west of Cordabe (Island of Odessa). Distance between Cordabe and Tronade was quite small if travelling east from Cordabe and very big if travelling through the west.
All Tronade was occupied by Great Britain. So was Tronadia and southern archipelago. Queen's residence was in capital London, which was in the western part of Tranade. Other major cities included Warwick in northwestern part of continent and Hasting in the eastern part. Cities in islands weren't as large. Britain's government form was monarchy, ruled by Queen Elisabeth. Britain once had huge and glorious navy and that was the reason why it conquered all the small islands from small countries and barbarian tribes who occupied them before. Britain didn't had any other big nations on it's continent - Tronade - and that helped it to become the most powerful nation of the world, with having most of resources and ability to strike nearly anywhere with it's mighty navy. However navy was huge, but outdated. Based on old men-of-war, which once did a great job in conquering islands but now just weren't so good. However queen didn't wanted to change navy, since she was sure that Britain is biggest country in the world so would win any war with what it have.
The second nation was Lithuania. It controlled the northern part of Cordobe and the Southern part of it, which uncontrolled zone in teh middle, also Islands of Palanga and Odessa. Lithuanians descended from the northern Cordobe, they settled in the southern Cordobe later. Some cities in southern Cordobe are still called in Russian names, since this was the place where once glorious Russian Empire was based. Lithuanian capital was Klaipëda on the coast in the northern Cordobe. There were also cities of Kaunas (in the Northern Cape of Cordobe), Vilnius, Paneveþys (in the northern Cordobe to the east form Klaipëda) and Boston (Conquered from USA thousands of years ago; in the north of Gulf of Taurage) controlled by Lithuania in the Northern Cordobe. In the northern Cordobe infrastructure was very good with railroads and mines everywhere and with irigated lands. In souther Cordobe, where cities of Taurage (near the gulf), St. Petersburg, Moscow and other stood, infrastructure was still bad, because most of it was destroyed in the war against Russia 100 years ago, when Russia without reasons declared war on Lithuania and USA and was defeated. Since then, Souther Cordobe is controlled by both Lithuanian (western part) and American (eastern part) forces. Lithuania was technologically advanced, but it had small army and almost no navy (most of navy was sunken in war against Russia) and this made some spots, like Island of Odessa, almost undefendable in case of war. Lithuania was controlled by president's Aukstaitis fascistic regime.
The third and the smallest country was United States of America. It was smallest in size, but definitely not weak. It was culturally very strong in fact, also, it was the only democracy, which made it also strong economically. America was based in the middle part of Cordabe and had no islands. It's capital was Washington, where the White house with president Lincoln stood. USA was very well governed all over the time, s it remained almost untouched by wars. It helped Lithaunia in war against Russia, but taken only a small role in that war. But conquered much formerly Russian cities, which made it the third supernation. Since it was culturally strong when it put territorial claim on city of Siauliai formerly controlled by Lithuania, Siauliai joined the USA. It was a very tactical move since Siauliai had oil field near the city. It was the only available oil in all the Cordabe. So, by controlling it, USA not only got oil, but also Lithuania lost it. And because at a time it was a war against Russia, Lithuania had to buy oil from USA. Lithuania did never retaken Siauliai, because after war against Russia Lithuanian military was too weak to win against USA and it could not be expanded without oil. Later however oil deal between USA and Lithuania was abolished because oil costed too much for Lithuanian still weak economy. USA was small, but modern country.
All three superpowers had friendly relations between them since Russia was gone. However, all of them wanted more than they had. Both Lithuania and USA were annoyed by British massive yet old navy sailing around Cordobe and sometimes "incidentally" sailing into territorial waters. Britain wanted to conquer all the world because it already did conquered huge part of it. USA wanted more lands, since it was the smallest country. And Lithuania wanted oil, without which it couldn't rebuild military. However, all superpowers were friendly to each other and such situation already stood for more than 70 years. Until one day. And that day is the place, where this story offcially begins...
*To be continued*
Last edited by Sonic; August 13, 2002 at 15:41.
August 12, 2002, 17:29
Local Time: 23:59
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
 ...nice intro/teaser...I assume you were lithuania, given your location, flag, and the fact that it's a custom named civ
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
August 13, 2002, 08:14
Local Time: 07:59
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Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Posts: 242
Yes, I was Lithuania 
I will soon write the second part, now I am jsut posting a map I drawn in Paint, because true map is already lost  . Only major cities are in this map and capitols are underlined. Also, geographical objects like isles, gulfs, capes and straights are named. Lithuania is yello, USA is dark gray and Great Britain is green in this map.
August 13, 2002, 08:23
Local Time: 07:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
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Sorry for bad quality, this is because of limitations of image size. If you can't see names of the cities, I will say them. USA - capital Washington is underlined, Philadelphia is in the north of it and Ðiauliai is the northest USA city. One in the southwest is New York. Lithuania - capital is Klaipëda (underlined), the cape in the north of Cordabe is called Northcape and Kaunas is there. In southern part of Lithuania there is Moscow and tauragë, near gulf of Tauragë (big gulf iin Cordabe). Boston is near the gulf from the north and Vilnius and paneveþys are between Boston and Klaipëda. Islands in the south of Cordabe are called Southern Archipelago and are controlled by Great Britain as first post shows. Isle near Tronade is called Isle of Palanga and Palanga is there. Straights of Warwick are between Isle of Palanga and Tronade. Straights of palanga are between Isle of Palanga and Cordabe. Isle of Odessa is that small Isle in open seas. Sea in the west of Cordabe is called Western Sea and sea in the east - Eastern Sea. Great Britain - Capital London is underlined, Newcastle is in south of London and Warwick is in North, near straights of Warwick. York is in the east of Warwick, near Gulf of York. Coventry is in the east of Newcastle. The most eastern city controlled by Britain shown here is Hastings.
If you don't understand something please ask me, I will explain  . And, wait for the first chapter of story which I will post this evening.
August 13, 2002, 09:15
Local Time: 23:59
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: of the Martian Empire
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good map...larger text would've been easier to read but your clarifications are helpful.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
August 13, 2002, 15:33
Local Time: 07:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Posts: 242
Chapter 1: Tomorrow something big will happen
OK, I am starting the story.
Last edited by Sonic; August 13, 2002 at 15:38.
August 13, 2002, 15:35
Local Time: 07:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Posts: 242
Chapter 1: Tommorow something big will happen
Well, this is official start of the story. All comments are welcome.
*New characters in this chapter:
*Donas Aukstaitis - President of Lithuania
*Jonas Jonaitis - Lithuanian minister of defense
*Admiral Povilas Vanauskas - Commander of the Lithunian navy
*Abraham Lincoln - President of USA
*Queen Elisabeth - Queen of Great Britain
Donas Aukstaitis sit in his high chair at the top floor of palace in Klaipeda. A palace, from which whole country was controlled. He looked throw the window to city. From here he was able to see present colliding with future. Huge glass office skyscrapers and big statue in the port, called colossus - one of the Lithuanian nation major symbols. Second largest airport in the world and old pyramid, under which first Lithuanian leaders were buried. Everything was in this city. From a runway military aircraft taken off one after another - it was an airshow. Quite rare sight now, when nation lacks oil. It was morning, and the sun was rising from peacefully calm eastern sea. President was just driven back to his palace after sunday, which he spent in Boston, near one of the best beaches in all the world. He was thinking about peace, which stood in the world for more than fifty years. All three superpowers were too different to be friendly in his opinion. Conservative Great Britain still lived in the middle ages style. Rich people there had palaces with much gold, diamonds and crystal used for interior. Cars still were very rarely used - rich people ussually had many horses, which there also the symbol of prestige. Modern USA was already very scientifically advanced. President lived in a skyscraper, not a palace. Computers were widely used everywhere and the army was also very modern. Lithuania was somewhere in between. Due to authoritarian regime's politics, war was quite popular. People were quite militaristic, they commonly used military SUVs as their personal cars and most of people had guns. President of Lithuania also used a military SUV to ride around Lithuania and 2-seat multirole fighter to reach farther places.
Suddenly telephone started ringing and Donas pressed the button, which let's talk. Caller was Jonas Jonaitis, minister of defense. He started speaking, his voice was a bit angry:
"Hello mister president".
"Hello Jonaitis" Aukstaitis answered "what's new?".
"Mister president, we have English man-of-war in our waters near westcape as our coastline guards reported"
"Again? So the third time this year..."
"Yes, the third. It seems queen collects information about troops and SAM turrets positions on the coast this way"
"OK, please notify their minister of navy that they should remove their fleets from our waters"
"I could, they will remove their ships for this time and after some time sail here again. I wouldn't tolerate that mister president. We are not some small nation. We are one of three superpowers, we can't be treated like that..."
"Yes, you are right Jonaitis... Something must be done about that"
"But what? We can't put navy to observe the borders of our zone. Simply we don't have enough ships to guard all the coasts"
"You know, today the Lithuanian second fleet will be officially given to the navy from the factories. Talk with admiral Vanauskas, maybe he would be able to plan defense with what we have?"
"I already talked with him. Maybe we could cover all the territorial waters with what we have and the second fleet. But we don't have enough fuel to power ships. Tanks near Vilnius are almost empty. We are not receiving new fuel since the deal with America ended half a year ago. If such situation will continue, we will have to keep the navy at the docks"
"I know, I know. But what I had to do? Pay Lincoln that much money per barrel?"
"But you must do something, president. If you won't, we'll soon have to ride on horses"
Aukstaitis thinked a bit and told:
"OK, I will talk with Lincoln today"
"Thank you. We must get back all the power we once had"
Aukstaitis stopped talking and put the telephone down. He come to the window and looked once again to Klaipeda. At the airport he again seen the airshow. Maybe the last one if he won't do something quickly. So, he went near his desk again. There were two telephones on it, one for direct call to the white house and second - to buckingham palace. Aukstaitis used the one with word "Washington" written on it. President Lincoln immidietly started talking:
"United States of America"
"Good morning, mister president" -- Aukstaitis said politely.
"Good morning. Why are you calling?" -- Lincoln asked
"This is because of the oil deal we cancelled in the April..." -- Aukstaitis wasn't very happy that he has to talk about that again.
"So you now agree with our proposal?" -- Lincoln seemed to be happy.
"I... I think we have something to talk about. Do you have spare time?"
"Presidents never have spare time, you know"
"Oh yes, I know, but this is something very important, I really don't want to talk about that on phone"
"I understand... OK, I could fly to Klaipeda tomorrow" - Lincoln thought he would make profitable oil deal again, so budget will receive more money.
"No, no, no... Not tommorow... This evening, OK?"
Lincoln thinked for some time and then told:
"OK. But why not tommorow? I'd have more time and maybe even spend a night in Klaipeda..."
"Because tomorrow... tommorow, mister president" Aukstaitis waited a bit "tomorow something big is going to happen"
"What "big"?" - Lincoln asked
"Again, not on telephone" - Aukstaitis started to talk faster
"I understand. So I will be in Klaipeda International Airport after... 4 hours"
"I will meat you myself. I will prepare everything now so we could talk in the port... Today our second fleet will be officially given to the navy... I will show you the Lithuanian high tech"
"Sorry, I don't have enough time"
"OK, I will meet you" Aukstaitis looked to a clock "this evening 17 o'clock, in the airport"
"Yes. Goodbye mister Aukstaitis"
"Goodbye mister Lincoln"
President Aukstaitis went to the elevator and started going down from his office, which was on the top of the palace. When he was outside, he went to his car - huge SUV in military colors. Driver was inside as he allways was. He sleeped, so the president came to his window and silently told into his ear:
"Please get me to the docks. I have to prepare there something"
*to be continued*
August 13, 2002, 17:56
Local Time: 23:59
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
good so far!!
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
August 13, 2002, 22:46
Local Time: 01:59
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Location: United States
Posts: 73
-Civ3King, author of the stories- "Of Freindship and War", "The Struggle for Power", and Crossing the Rubicon".
Civ3King is currently working on: The story "Hidden Agenda" and "The Rising Moon"
"Too many ties with too many people will get you in a knot."- Me
August 14, 2002, 15:38
Local Time: 07:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Posts: 242
Chapter 2: Three envelopes
Thank you for the comments, I really appreciate them
*New characters in this chapter
*General Petras Kairys - Commander of the Lithuanian Air Force
*Colonel Kristupas Paulauskas - Vice-commander of the Lithuanian Air Force
*Eugenijus Rugelis - Man, responsible for the civil disorder in Siauliai which later led Lithuania into losing the city to the USA
President's SUV stopped near the entrance to military docks and Aukstaitis stepped away. He put on sunglasses, which he always weared in public places. This is because he didn't liked someone to look to his eyes while speaking to him. Aukstaitis, in fact, was quite a strange person - he didn't had any friends. As he once claimed to one interview, "friends always betrays. It's just a matter of time when they will do so, but they will. However, you can die before that time comes, but that doesn't means you had friends, who wouldn't betrayed you in any situation". Closest people to him were his ministers and major military commanders. But even they ussually weren't able to understand what actually the president thinks and plans to do. Aukstaitis liked to be alone and didn't had bodyguards for this and safety reason (in his opinion, situation where bodyguards are bribed and shoots person they are guarding is much more common when they actually saves life for him). Donas almost always was alone in his office, where he spent most of time by looking through huge panoramic windows to the always busy city. This view was the one he liked the most. Donas never was very cold person - he never smiled, showed angriness or fear. At least when other people seen him.
Aukstaitis went to the huge hangar. Dock director, who was preparing for the ceremony, met him:
"Good morning, president. Do you want to look at the ships?"
"No, I... I don't have time. Are admiral Vanauskas and general Kairys already here?"
"No" director looked to the clock "It is still an hour before the start of the ceremony. I believe they will come soon, mister president"
"OK, I understand. Is here any place I could wait them"
"Yes, you could go to my office... Follow me"
Dock director started going fastly through narrow and dark corridor, full of various boxes and barrels. Soon enough, they reached the door. They led to a small but just repaired cabinet. Dock director said:
"You can wait here. When admiral Vanauskas or general Kairys will come, I will tell them go here, mister president"
President looked to the dock director until he left the room. Immidietly after that, Aukstaitis started searching through shelves. After several minutes, he found a pen and three sheets of paper. Then he started writing something on each sheet of paper. When he completed what he was writing, he taken three envelopes, which were put on desk, and put each sheet of paper into different envelope. Later glued all the envelopes. At the very same time, doors opened and dock director came in along with admiral Vanauskas and genral Kairys. Director immidietly closed door and Vanauskas said:
"Good afternoon, mister president. So you wanted to talk with us before ceremony?"
"Yes. Now listen, this is very important and I don't have much time. Please hear every word, OK?" Aukstaitis stood up.
"Yes, president"
"OK. Here are three envelopes" Aukstaitis showed all the envelopes to Vanauskas and Kairys "I am giving one to you..." Donas gave one envelope to Vanauskas "...and two to you..." Donas gave other two envelopes to Kairys "You must not look what's inside until I will give the sign. If you will, I'll have to shoot you. Now listen very carefully. You, admiral, will now have to sail to the Western sea in the westcape with the second fleet immidietly after the ceremony. Then you will search for that British man-of-war which "incidentally" sailed into our waters. Jonaitis tell you about that yes?"
"Yes, mister president" Vanauskas seemed to be confused
"So OK. Tomorow our ambassador to Great Britain will give the official note to their defense minister. They will have to remove the ship from our territory. Then you will have to follow it, best with rafts so they won't see you. If a ship will just sail to such a distance from the coast that our coastguards won't see it, but will not completely leave our territorial waters, you will have to call me. Understood?"
"Errr... Yes"
"OK, now I am talking to you, general. You will have to tell pilots of the air force to fly to Palanga tomorow morning. Take 3 groups of bombers there. Also tell colonel Paulauskas to take the remaining group of bombers and to fly to Boston with it. Understood?"
"Yes, president" Kairys also seemed to be confused
"Now about the envelopes. General, please give the smaller one to colonel Paulauskas and tell him what I will tell you now. Again, don't open up the envelope until I will give you a sign. That sign will be mentioning the name of Eugenijus Rugelis. Tomorow I will have to give much interviews to many radio and TV stations about the today's ceremony and meeting with Lincoln. Listen to them all. If I will tell the name of Eugenijus Rugelis at one of the interviews, immidietly open the envelopes and do whatever is written as fast as possible even if you'd think that is an absurd. i am repeating the major things if you did not listened because it is very important. Don't give the envelopes to anyone and don't open them until the sign. You, general, give the smaller one to colonel Paulauskas. If I won't mention the name of Rugelis until tomorow's midnight, burn the envelopes and throw the ashes to sea. Not just throw them out because someone could find them. Burn and throw to sea. Did you understood now?"
General Kairys and admiral Vanauskas looked to each other and said both at the same time:
"Yes, president"
Aukstaitis taken breath and answered:
"Good. Now I have to go to meat Lincoln at the airport"
Aukstaitis opened the door and went out to street were his driver waited him. He sit in the SUV and just said:
"To the airport"
*to be continued*
August 15, 2002, 17:21
Local Time: 07:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Posts: 242
Chapter 3: Presidential meeting
This is the third chapter. Please note if I do any gramatical mistakes and please also say what you like and dislike. I will be able to write even better story if you'd do so. BTW, should I write military titles like admiral or general starting from capital leter maybe?
*New characters in this chapter
*Tomas Lingys - Lithuanian ambassador to Great Britain
Aukstaitis wited in the VIP hall of the airport, which was specially reserved for the meeting. Windows of the hall came to the military section of the airport. In this section American air force one was parked immidietly after landing. Lincoln and his bodyguards already left the airliner. It was already dark outside.
Soon enough, someone from airport personell opened the door to VIP hall and Lincoln came in. Aukstaitis showed him where to sit and said:
"Good evening, mister Lincoln. Welcome to Lithuania"
"Good evening" Lincoln said politely "I am sorry, I will have to get back to Washington today. But I have an hour now, I believe it will be enough..." Lincoln sat on chair
"Oh yes" Aukstaitis sat on chair infront Lincoln.
"So about the oil deal..." Lincoln taken a sheet of paper from his portfolio and read what was written "...We propose you to sell you oil for 1 gold unit per barrel. Sorry, we can't sell it any cheaper"
"I understand, mister Lincoln. However, I have a counter proposal..."
"I am listening"
"I offer you a deal where no money are involved"
Lincoln seemed confused and said:
"No, we won't give you oil for free. If I'd sign such a deal, I'd never get re-elected"
"No, no, no... Not for free. How about if Lithuania would help you to reorganise your outdated air force... Look at those fighters outside..." Aukstaitis showed the widows "..Your prop fighters are no match for these ones. So I am offering the following - ability for your engineers and scientists to come and look at our plane factories here in Klaipeda. We will help you rebuild your airforce into something powerful"
"Interesting... And what do you want from us for that"
"Oil very obviously. You'd have to give us oil for 20 months"
Lincoln thinked for a bit and said:
"OK. Deal. We'll send the first train with oil from Siauliai to Klaipeda next week"
"No. We will need it tomorow's morning"
"We can't do that this fast..."
"If you want the jet technology, you should"
"OK. I will talk with minister of infrastructure. Maybe we will be able to re-direct one of our oil trains to Klaipeda... By the way, what did you talked this morning about something big going to happen?"
"Can't say this to you now, sorry. It's classified. But you will know when it will happen, I ensure you. You see, world won't be as it was for the last 50 years after that"
Lincoln thinked for a bit and said:
"OK, I have to go now. So, I will manage to send you a train tomorow" Lincoln gived hand to Aukstaitis, and Aukstaitis shaked it. At the very same time tons of fireworks started shooting to the air near docks, because the symbolic keys of flagman battleship of the second fleet were officially given to admiral Vanauskas. Lincoln looked to the fireworks for a bit and then went to the air force one.
Aukstaitis immidietly after that went to his SUV and told driver to get him to his palace, because it was already quite late. When Donas was finally in his apartaments, which are near office, on the top floor of the palace tower, he immidietly sit down on coach. Coach was directed to a huge window to the city. City was already lit up and near the docks Aukstaitis was able to see five massive battleships with very strong lights projected to the sea. Those battleships were leaving Klaipeda, just as Aukstaitis ordered in afternoon. After seeing that, president came to a huge board full of holes, which was on bedroom wall. Board represented map of the world and holes - sections. There were also many pins, representing fleets, armies and air force groups. So president Aukstaitis put away a pin representing the second fleet from hole representing Klaipeda and pushed it into a hole in the western sea in the north of Boston, just where the British man-of-war was seen last time. After that, Aukstaitis looked again to the city and started calling from his cellphone. He called to Tomas Lingys - Lithuanian ambassador to the Great Britain. Ambassador answered:
"Good evening, mister Lingys"
"Oh... President..." Tomas didn't expected president to call this late "How can I help?"
"You will have to tell British minister of navy to remove man-of-war from our territorial waters near Boston and never sail there again. Immidietly after that, please call me and tell what did he answered"
"OK. When will I have to do so? Now?"
"No, not now. Tomorow morning, 10 o'clock, when all offices starts to work"
"I understood. I will tell him that. Should I tell him just that or will there be more orders?"
"No, this time you will just have to tell what I said. By the way, please don't turn off your cellphone tomorow. I might have to give you some very important orders"
"OK. I won't go anywhere from my office tomorow except to the ministry of navy at morning"
"This will be the best. Goodnight"
"Goodnight, president"
Aukstaitis clicked a button to stop call. After that, he layed on his king-size bed, which faced panoramic windows. Before falling asleep, Aukstaitis looked to the city. Battleships were almost on the horizon. Many cars were going on the highways. Huge plane toutched down on runway at the airport. On the top of colossus huge light was turned on. Skyscrapers were already got empty, because working hours ended. This view always helped president to fall asleep. This time wasn't an exeption.
*to be continued*
August 15, 2002, 18:10
Local Time: 06:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Hi Sonic this is very good so carry on.You are making some mistakes in your translation but it is still readable so I dont think you should worry to much,just keep writng after all practice makes perfect.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
August 16, 2002, 20:00
Local Time: 07:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Posts: 242
Chapter 4: The sign
Chrisius - itt is not translation, I am writing it directly in English  . This helps me sometimes (because I could change words I don't know to ones I know), but sometimes not.
*New characters in ths chapter
*Alisa Toraite - President's represantative for press
In the morning president Aukstaitis got up from the bed. First thing he done was to look through the window. In the airport, he was able to see bombers taking off one after another. This ment they finally got fuel and are flying to Palanga and Boston. President then looked to a clock. It was 12 o'clock. He came near the board with holes and put pins representing first, second and third squadrons to Palanga and a pin representing fourth squadron - to Boston. Squadrons should reach their destinations in about two hours. Until then, Donas had some free time. He sat on his chair and started looking to the city. Soon enough telephone rang. Aukstaitis answered:
"Good morning"
"Good morning, mister president" Alisa Toraite spoke "I have here collected calls from various newspapers, radio and TV stations this morning. They all wants you to give them interviews... I will name them all so you could choose where to go, because there are real many..."
"No, you don't need to do that. I will say it now. I will refuse to all the newspapers at least today and from radio and TV stations I'll choose ones which calls me to live shows"
"Really? There would be four interviews then... I think however I should still name the stations..."
"No, I accept all proposals for live interviews"
"OK then... Now the only question remains - what time is the best for you for all the interviews?"
"I would like to give interviews in the following times..." president counted something in his head "14 o'clock, 17 o'clock, 20 o'clock and 23 o'clock"
"Really? I could try to talk with stations so they would take interviews from you one after another and you could do something else in other time of the day"
"No, please do as I said"
"OK" Alisa seemed to be quite confused and she wasn't able to understand president "Goodbye then"
Immidietly after president put down the telephone it rang again. This time Tomas Lingys was calling. President answered:
"Good morning, mister president. So I did as you ordered in the evening. I told minister of navy what you said me to told"
"OK. And what did he answered?"
"He said that they will remove ship from our waters"
"And that's all? How about request not to enter the waters again?"
"He said nothing about that. He just claimed they will remove ship from our waters and immidietly after that he went somewhere. To some meeting as far as I understood. However, I believe he just went somewhere else because he didn't wanted to talk with me anymore"
"Yes... Very arrogant man" - even Aukstaitis didn't expected such a short answer, because last times when British were told to remove fleets from Lithuanian waters, they at least excused "It seems they started to think that it is a simple thing that they moves ships to our territory... OK, thank you for the info, goodbye for now"
After president stopped talking, he turned on the radio to hear the 13:00 news. Reporter said:
"Lithuanian president Donas Aukstaitis yesterday signed a deal with US president Abraham Lincoln, in which USA agreed to give oil for Lithuania for 20 months. For that Lithuania proposed to help USA reorganise it's airforce. Because of the meeting with US president, Aukstaitis wasn't able to talk to people in yesterday's ceremony, in which the second fleet of Lithuania was officially given to the navy. We tried to contact commander of navy admiral Vanauskas to speak on this question, but we weren't able to find him. Unconfirmed sources says that admiral sailed with the second fleet to the Western Sea. The British ship, which invaded Lithuanian territorial waters near the Western Sea is still there. In the morning, a small group of radicals protested near ministry of defense in Klaipeda about that ship and Lithuanian tolerance to Great Britain. Now world news - in Warwick each year's festival of peace started. Queen promised to visit the city because of that. Festivals are being held in Warwick since war against Russia, the last war in human history. In these festivals all the military forces, soldiers and navy are being removed from the city. Normal life will get back to Warwick tomorow. Thank you for listening our news. Next news will be 15 hours and 15 minutes o'clock"
Aukstaitis turned off the radio. He then looked to clock and decided to nap on sofa until the first interview. Time ran quickly and soonly enough two cameramans and a reporter came to president's cabinet. President put on the sunglasses and said:
"Hello. I believe security already checked you..."
"Yes" said the reporter "could we begin?"
"Wait a bit. I have to change my clothes" Aukstaitis answered and changed his black shirt to dark green one, also taken a sub-machinegun from desk's drawer and put it on desktop. This was his ussual style in interviews "OK, now we could begin"
Reporter sit in front of Aukstaitis and when red light on camera was on, asked:
"In yesterday's ceremony the second fleet was given to the navy. What impact will this have for Lithuania?"
"The major impact is obviously that Lithuanian naval strenght is now much bigger" Aukstaitis started answering "we will now be able to control our coastilines even better"
"If you'd have to compare our navy with British one, what pros and cons would you note?"
"I'd say that British navy is big, but outdated. With putting the second fleet to water our navy now became 1/8 of British navy instead of former 1/16. But because our navy is formed primely of modern battleships and British one - of old men-of-war, I'd say that if comparing strenghts of both navys, it would be completely equal"
At a time president's cellphone rang and reporter immidietly said:
"Time for commercials now, we will be back soon"
Aukstaitis started talking and went to bedroom so reporter and cameramen wouldn't be able to hear what he is talking. Admiral Vanauskas called. His voice seemed to be quite nervous. He said:
"Hello. That British man of war didn't completely sailed out of our territories. It just moved enough out from coast that it wouldn't be seeable by coastguards. But this is not the major news. Our raftmen followed the ship and they claimed that whole British fleet is there in Western sea near westcape. So now it seems that British aren't just periodically sending ships to our waters, but they have whole fleet, most likely used to collect intelligence, in our territorial waters and some ships of that fleet just sometimes incidently sails into the zone where coastguards can see it"
President didn't seemed to be quite surprised. He just said:
"Just as I expected. Ok, goodbye for now"
President turned off cellphone and sit back near desk again. Commercial pause on television was just ended and reporter asked another question:
"Yesterday you signed the deal to get oil. This will save nation from fuel shortage and won't raise fuel prices as much as last deal did, but this is just a temporary solution. Or will you after those 20 months give another technology for fuel?"
"No, I won't. I really have what to comment on this issue. The oil problem won't be permanent. Since the times when Eugenijus Rugelis helped Siauliai to submit to USA, we lost the supply of oil. But now everything will change very soon" Aukstaitis started to talk louder "Eugenijus Rugelis taken the oil from us but that isn't the only place where this resource can be gathered! I want to say to Lithuanian people that we'll soon have the permanent supply of oil we lost because of Rugelis's actions! We'll have the oil!
"What does that means?" reporter was confused.
"You'll understand really soon, in a matter of minutes in fact"
*to be continued*
August 16, 2002, 20:26
Local Time: 01:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: United States
Posts: 73
It has my attention *nods*.....keep going.
-Civ3King, author of the stories- "Of Freindship and War", "The Struggle for Power", and Crossing the Rubicon".
Civ3King is currently working on: The story "Hidden Agenda" and "The Rising Moon"
"Too many ties with too many people will get you in a knot."- Me
August 17, 2002, 17:19
Local Time: 07:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Posts: 242
Chapter 5: Pirmyn! Pirmyn! Pirmyn!
Civ3king, thank you for reading the strory  . I know it could become not so interesting now but this is the cost of realism (I am trying to make the story so taht everything what happens in the story would follow the line of events in real game I played. After story I will write details on that game (level, world size, etc.)). I think soon it should become more interesting again as it will include more action soon.
*No new characters in this chapter
Interview ended and president sat on sofa infront a TV set waiting for news. Television at a time showed some soap opera and there weren't any sheduled news at a time, but it was obvious that a special news show will be added to the program. Before that, Aukstaitis called his representative for press Alisa Toraite. Alisa answered:
"Hello miss Toraite, I'd like to go to live air in about" Aukstaitis looked to clock "20 minutes since now"
"But you just given an interview" Alisa hardly understood president today.
"Yes, I know. I would like to talk to people on TV because I have something important to say. Could you please organise a live transmitting directly from my office?"
"Your office isn't prepared for that. We'd have either to send cameramen again to you either you'd have to go to studio"
"No, I would like to remain here and I wouldn't like someone to come here again... Could you do a live transmitting from a security camera?"
"Well... Quality won't be the best, but yes, we could"
"Quality isn't important here. OK, so contact LTV and call me when I will be on the air, OK?"
"OK. I will try to get you on air in 20 minutes"
"OK. Goodbye"
President turned off the phone and started preparing for live transmitting from a security camera. He put flag near the camera, also put on every medal he ever got. After that he started watching TV again and waited until everything will be prepared to go on the air. TV showed nothing important for about 15 minutes, but after that the following scrolling marquee appeared at the bottom of screen: "Unconfirmed sources says there was some unknown attack on two railway bridges near Warwick, Great Britain. Wait for more news". After the same marquee runned through the screen again, a telephone ranged. Alisa called and she said president that now he was on the air, so Aukstaitis immidietly turned off TV, looked to the security camera and started talking:
"Hello, people of Lithuania. As I claimed not long ago on a live interview to this television, we are about to get the permanent source of oil back. I believe now everybody of you would like to ask me "how". No, we won't pay that much money for oil as we should if we'd agree to the American deal. Deal we signed yesterday is just a temporary solution. Many people thinks that USA is the only country we can get oil from. This is untrue in fact. Although our relations with the USA are better than ones with Great Britain, Great Britain also do have oil. Oil field near Warwick..." president taken some document to his hands and looked to it "...Has much bigger capacity when one we lost near Siauliai. Great Britain is not willing to sell us that oil however. But this does not means we are not able to take it. Not selling oil is not the only insult done by Great Britain against Lithuania. As you maybe know, in the yesterday's morning a British man-of-war was dispatched to the Lithuanian territorial waters. I am not incidentally saying "dispatched". As our intelligence noted, Britain not only used ships to collect info on strictly confidential information about troop placements, but also have a fleet in western sea at the north of Boston. We must stop the insults from Great Britain to Lithuania, which is also a supernation. So, today, October 12th of 2350, I, as a president of Lithuania, do proudly declare a war against the empire of the Great Britain!" President stopped speaking and live transmitting was ended. most likely, most of people in whole world were shocked because of what president did. This was because the last war - war against Russia - ended more than 70 years ago, so, most of world people didn't seen a war in their whole lifetime. In schools ussually childs were told that war is very bad thing, so most of people under 50 years had very negative opinion on it. And even more shocking was that now a war will be between two huge superpowers. Russia was also a superpower, but it wasn't very strong even for it's times. It lacked resources and this was the reason it declared war on Lithuania.
Immidietly minister of defense Jonas Jonaitis came into president's office. He was also schocked and quickly said:
"When we talked about that ship yesterday and I said that we shouldn't tolerate that... I... Well, I didn't ment we should go to war... We destroyed the peace now"
"Jonaitis" President started to talk "what else could we have done? British minister of navy almost insulted Lingys. They thought that they are able to sail into our waters. Also, as you said yourself yesterday, we can't be a superpower with no oil. We of course could buy oil from USA, but with such prices our economy would be put on strain."
"But president... Why didn't you called me at least to discuss before you did a final decition... i am your minister of defense after all..."
"I know, I know" Aukstaitis looked to the city while talking with Jonaitis "But these days we can't be sure of anyone. You know, British intelligence is huge... OK, now I will try to say you how I plan to do this war. Now, as you probably already heard, our bombers bombed railways from Warwick. Because of the festival of peace in Warwick all forces are moved out. And they won't get back soon because of destroyed railways. Our first fleet will be put back to water tommorow after the repairs, so army will be loaded on these ships and we will try to seize control of Warwick. Invasion will be supported from the air, since I relocated 3 air force squadrons to Palanga. Bombers will bomb barracks, factories and other military buildings and army will take city. Then bingo - we have the oil, we have one more city and we have our forces in Tronade, with which we can threat Britain the same as they threats us with the navy"
"I understand..." Jonaitis seemed to be calmed down a bit "But what about their navy? The fleets in western sea?"
"We'll sink them with the second fleet. Also, I dispatched one bombers squadron to Boston. It will support our second fleet in destroying British navy. So will artillery. Sunking of that British fleet will also help us - British navy won't be far more superior over ours in size anymore"
"I understand"
At the same time as Jonaitis said these words, telephone ranged. And not a simple one, but one which was labeled "Washington". Aukstaitis told Jonaitis to go and politely answered:
"President of Lithuania"
"Good morning, this is Lincoln..." Abraham wasn't able to hide frustation from his voice "What do you think by declaring a war? Do you want to bring a world to economic disastaer? Don't think we will support you"
Aukstaitis did predicted that Lincoln won't like war because American budget got big part of money by exporting mostly civilian goods to Great Britain and Lithuania and if both nations would go to war, interest for those goods would be much lower. However, Aukstaitis didn't predicted Lincoln would be that angry. Donas said:
"Well, the war was the only solution"
"Only solution??? Whatever president, but I have to say, we won't tolerate this!"
*to be continued*
August 20, 2002, 21:23
Local Time: 07:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Posts: 242
Chapter 6: Intelligence and Counter-intelligence
I am really sorry I didn’t wrote a chapter for so long, this was because I had not good connection and once I lost chapter after I written whole (I clicked submit and “cannot be displayed” message shown)
*New characters in this chapter
*Joris Banevicius - Lithuanian minister of intelligence
*General Domantas Gaudliauskas – Lithuanian commander of land army
*Antanas Ruda – Lithuanian minister of safety
Immidietly after stopping talk with US president, Aukstaitis started calling to Joris Banevicius - Lithuanian minister of intelligence. Joris answered in quite scaried voice, because Aukstaitis previously threated to fire him if counter-intelligence will work bad:
"Hello, president. I improved our training for agents..."
"So you will then have a possibility to show that. I want that your agents follow one of my people..."
"I am listening, our agents obviously could do that" Joris wasn't so scared anymore
"But please send only agents you truly know are not some kind of double-agents, OK?"
"Obviously, I have some men I can trust"
"OK. So I want you to follow Jonaitis, our minister of defense"
"Minister of defense? But why?"
"This is none of your bussines but I have a bad feeling that he has something to do with British itelligence structures"
"OK, we will send man to follow him..."
"Yes. Then please report where he goes directly to me. Remember, ones who knows about the operation are only you, me and agents you will appoint to do it. Don't tell anyone what I ordered you, OK?"
Aukstaitis stopped talking and sit down. If Jonaitis really was a British spy, he now should be caught. It was really important to remove spies out of top positions in government.
Then Aukstaitis turned on TV. News on bombardings were already being shown. It seemed bombardings were succesful and made great damage – 3 bridges were destroyed and Warwick became unreachable from other cities by land. Later also protests in London were shown, in which people requests queen to destroy Lithuania. And at the end of news it was claimed that British navy in the Western Sea was seriously damaged by Lithuanian second fleet. After news ended, president looked through window. Klaipeda, unlike Warwick, was undamaged and this showed that most of worlds people were wrong about thinking that Britain is the strongest power in the world. Yes, British had huge navy and a big army. But they had no air force and their ships were of the same style as Lithuanians and Americans used 100 years ago. What British did not understood is that time passes. They thought because they conquered the most 100 years ago that this means that technic of that time is also the best. They thought that the size of army was the most important. And this was the major reason why British were loosing the war. Lithuanian military was much different than British. It was small in size, but very modern. Air force was based on jet fighters. Stealth technologies were already on project. Army itself was based on tanks and mororised infrantry, not riflemans or cavalry like British one. For years British had a supremacy in sea, but this also wasn’t going to last forever. Although Americans didn’t needed to be a maritime power, because they had no islands and their coastlines length was relatively short, Lithuanians had wishes and possibility to once overpower Brits in seas. This plan, called “New poseidon” was put into action only when Zemaitis became president. This plan had several goals, first – to build a “second fleet”, a fleet made of modern battleships, already was acomplished. Second goal was to renew the first fleet and add new type of ship – carrier – to it. Carriers would drag the possibilities of Lithuanian Air Force even more. Now the major reason queen argued why air force is bad was lack of range. In reality, the only place in Britain LAF could have attacked was Warwick, and this only from Palanga. If the plan to build carrier would be acomplished, every part of Britain would have to fear LAF presence. The third and the last goal of Lithuanian navy renewing was very secret. People didn’t knew when is it going to be acomplished. The only thing they knew was that this plan was about third fleet, made of submarine ships.
However, all these plans were created before the war against Britain and now might be changed. But, yet again, no one of people in government except president himself could guess did Aukstaitis planned to declare war or did he thought to declare it fastly? If he planned, then since when? Maybe he already planned to declare that war half a year ago. Or maybe two years ago. If so, all presidential ammendments to navy expanding programs were done knowing about the possibility of war in future. If it was really so, Lithuanian forces had an advantage against British ones. Because nobody in Britain (and anywhere in the world) was able to imagine upcoming war.
President started calling to Domantas Gaudliauskas, commander of land army. Domantas answered:
“Good evening, president. Do you have any new orders for me?” Gaudliauskas seemed to be expecting president to call (probably because of war).
“Yes. Tomorrow morning you will have to get half of troops sationed here in Klaipeda to transport ships…” Aukstaitis talked fastly “…and then sail to English coast. Unload near Warwick. You will have to attempt to take city at the evening”
“OK… Will there be any info on troops stationed in Warwick area?”
“Contact Banevicius about exact numbers, but I will say that because air force bombed railways today British troops shouldn’t reach city tomorrow. If you will be on time, you’ll just have to take an empty city”
“OK, I will talk with Banevicius…”
“By the way” Aukstaitis talked fast before Gaudliauskas hanged telephone “don’t tell about the operation to our minister of defense, OK?”
“To mister Jonaitis? But why?”
“This is not your bussines. Goodbye for now”
Aukstaitis stopped talking. He sit down on his chair. His face didn’t shown any sign of emotions and was as cold as always. Donas sat on that chair looking through the window for about an hour until Banevicius called. President answered:
“Hello. Did your agents found out anything about Jonaitis?”
“Oh yes!” Banevicius voice was quite shocked “You won’t believe what they found out…”
“So, he was a British spy after all… Well, I expected that. He asked me too many questions nowadays…”
“No, he wasn’t British spy” Banevicius still seemed shocked
“So who he was then?”
“He was an American spy! We also have info that he was not only used to investigate troop bases, but also steal technologies!”
Aukstaitis waited a bit and then answered:
“I really didn’t expected this from Lincoln”
“So didn’t I. But the major question is, what should we do now?”
“Please follow him even more. Also tell Ruda about that. He will start listening his telephone. When we will have enough evidence, Ruda will send secret police on him and he will be arrested. I at the same time will call Lincoln and tell him the evidence”
“We already have some evidence. We could arrest him now”
“No… I want more evidence. Also, I want to tell Lincoln that we found out his spy later, when we will take the upper hand in war against Britain. So you’ll have to tell the agents who collects info on Jonaitis don’t tell anyone about what they are doing…”
“Obviously they won’t tell. We have very good agents”
“OK then. We’ll talk tomorrow maybe. Goodbye”
*to be continued*
Last edited by Sonic; August 21, 2002 at 08:04.
August 21, 2002, 07:06
Local Time: 23:59
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
don't give up, this is good!
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
August 23, 2002, 21:17
Local Time: 07:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Posts: 242
Chapter 7: Bad news
I won’t give up this civman… I’ll just have to post chapters not so frequently – you know, school is starting, etc.
*No new characters in this chapter
Next morning Aukstaitis awakened about seven o’clock. He wanted to view to transport ships leaving Klaipeda and sailing to coasts of Britain. However, he was too late – transports were already beyond horizon. That was good – the sooner transports reaches Tronade, the sooner troops will invade Warwick. After the invasion Lithuania should gain source of oil again. This means it will no longer depend on USA. And that would let to deal with spy problem. However, that problem itself was quite strange. When British ship sailed into Lithuanian waters, Jonaitis himself said to Aukstaitis “I wouldn’t tolerate this”… Was this really Jonaitis’s opinion as human? Or was he ordered by US intelligence structures to pure hot oil into Lithuanian/British relations? If so, then why? Why USA would need a war between Lithuania and Britain? In all cases such a war is bad for USA. If Lithuania would win it would get source of oil and that means USA wouldn’t be able to sell oil anymore. If Britain would win it most likely would get a land boundary with USA. This wouldn’t be good for USA – currently Britain, self-proclaimed “most powerful state in the world”, can only threat USA with it’s navy. And, the most importantly, whatever would be the end of war, the winning side would become much bigger. This means current balance between three superpowers would be broken. USA is even now the smallest country and if some country, no matter Great Britain or Lithuania, would take all other world, USA wouldn’t be able to resist if that country would also decide to attack it’s positions. The only possible ending of war profitable for the USA would be if Lithuania would only take some obscure cities, for example Southern Archipelago ar some cities in Tronadia island and then have a peace with Britain. This would be good for USA because Lithuania still would have to buy oil and balance between sizes of three superpowers would get more equal – Britain would no longer be much bigger than USA and Lithuania. However, such ending of the war was highly unlikely. Lithuanian prime target was Warwick and Jonaitis should have already told that to Lincoln.
Aukstaitis came to board and moved pins representing sixth and seventh brigades of troops and second batallion of artillery from hole of Klaipeda to hole near Warwick. He then looked to a clock. It was half past seven and that means only half an hour remaining to a start of Warwick city bombarding if commander of air force general Petras Kairys will follow orders, which president given in the envelope. In that bombarding all means to defend the city will be completely destroyed – bombers will attack police stations and barracks, also naval port and other buildings which could cause some trouble for the invasion.
President also knew today most of world newspapers and broadcasting stations will want to interview him, call to various shows, etc. This didn’t happened yesterday because yesterday was day of shock. Nobody expected what happened and everyone was plain shocked. Press and broadcasting stations also didn’t prepared to that and didn’t had any plan, which are ussually prepared for every critical situation, like major earthquakes, riots, terror acts, etc. Today it was quite different – shock was ended and now most of people wanted to know explaination. And who could give a better explaination if not one who was “responsible” for the situation. However, Alisa Toraite still did not called – maybe she thought that president is still sleeping.
Aukstaitis turned on radio – morning news should had started soon. Reporter on radio speaked:
”Hello people, October 13th’s news. People in London made a huge protest demonstration against Lithuania. They required queen immidietly attack Lithuanian coasts with British fleet. Queen did not commented the protes at a time – it seems she doesn’t feels quite well after yesterday events. However later she released the following statement” reporter stopped talking and recorded queen’s voice was played – voice wasn’t as strong as it ussually was before “I, as queen of Great Britain officially condemn the actions of president Aukstaitis. I want to say to every British that strenght and god are with us. We will defeat Lithuania. Barbaric bombardments of railroads, in which at least 3 people were killed, won’t be tolerated. They wants war, they will get a war” the recording ended. It seemed queen, unlike ussually, didn’t created these words on her own – she just said what advisors told her to say. Reporter continued to report news “Bombardments on railroads and roads to Warwick ended and they made city completely isolated. Currently all bombers are in Palanga, as Lithuanian offical who didn’t wanted his name to be publically said confirmed. British ministry of navy also confirmed British lost three vessels in Western Sea, near Lithuanian coast. More news on the war after an hour, thank you for listening…”
Aukstaitis turned off radio and started calling admiral Vanauskas to ask about recent wins. Vanauskas answered:
“Hello, president” Vanauskas seemed to be happy
“Good morning, admiral Vanauskas.Please give me some report on battles at sea…”
“News are all-good – we sunken most of their men of war in the location. I contacted Banevicius, if his calculations are correct, that should be about quarter of their whole navy”
“A quarter? Well, this must broke the morale of British even more… What is damage on our side?”
“Almost no – several vessels damaged, but only a bit. And about morale you are very right, mister president. Remember, they thought navy is their strongest side…”
“Maybe it is… But as we shown now, our navy is stronger”
“Yes, but remember this time colonel Paulauskas helped for us with bombers based at Boston. I seriously don’t know who will win such battle if it would be near British coasts”
“I think we would win such war also. Well, I wish you luck, goodbye for now”
Immidietly after Aukstaitis stopped talking, telephone rang again. This time it was minister of defense Jonaitis. He said:
“Good morning, president, I am afraid I have some bad news here…”
Aukstaitis didn’t wanted to let Jonaitis to know that his work for American intelligence is known. So he politely said:
“OK. What happened?”
“Part of British navy started attacking our infrastructure in southern Cordabe, near Moscow and a bit norther. Possibly some roads are already destroyed, I am trying to get in touch with the governor of region”
“I understand. Please call me later when you will have more info”
Aukstaitis didn’t liked to talk with traitors. This time wasn’t an exeption.
Now situation changed a bit – it seems Lithuanian intelligence didn’t got info about British fleet based near Lithuanian coasts near Moscow fastly enough. Now all the southern Lithuania, that means all the Lithuania in the south of gulf of Taurage, was threatened. Because almost no resources were available in southern Lithuania (except near Taurage), infrastructure was never rebuilt there after war against Russia. Currently only several roads are available in those places. They shouldn’t be let to get destroyed, because then all the southern Lithuania would become completely undefendable. Currently almost no troops are based there – most of brigades are guarding key cities like Klaipeda, Boston, Vilnius or Kaunas. However now situation was quite bad and the weakest spot of Lithuania was hit – Lithuania had only one useble fleet in these times (first fleet was being repaired in Klaipeda). And that fleet had to guard coasts near Boston. But the situation required immidiete solution. Aukstaitis started to walk around the room and thinking what decition to do.
*to be continued*
August 24, 2002, 08:32
Local Time: 23:59
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
August 25, 2002, 14:59
Local Time: 06:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 958
August 27, 2002, 19:08
Local Time: 07:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Posts: 242
Chapter 8: Operation 'Awaken Giant'
Thank you for your comments  . I will continue this obviously and will end this story. Though this is now already getting very long  and the end is still far.
*New characters in this chapter
*Jacob Walker – US ambassador to Lithuania
Aukstaitis taken his cellphone into hands and started calling commander of army general Domantas Gaudliauskas. He was supposed to be somewhere near isle of Palanga if everything was going all right. General answered:
“Good afternoon, mister president”
“Good afternoon, general. Everything is all right?”
“Yes. We are now already near straights. We will be able to start after about… 3 hours” it was obvious Gaudliauskas tried not to say anything which would be useful for British intelligence “Since then we will have to spend an hour to prepare for operation and would be able to execute after four hours”
“OK. I understood. Because of changing of landowner of land you are in you will have not to contact me anymore. I will say all useful information now. The operation you are doing from now on will be reffered as operation ‘Awaken Giant’”
“Yes. Please note that vessels are attacking the southwestern coast” president no longer said everything secretly because this was what British knew themselves “Contact artilery batallions stationed in Moscow and other former Russian cities and order them to shot to the vessels. We won’t sink all of them this way but at least this will keep them busy until we will decide what to do”
“OK, I will contact”
“Mhm… but please do it before the change of landowner”
President stopped talking and set the alarm in his cellphone to beep exacly after 4 hours. Then he sat on coach and started looking TV. It seems it was special news show for the war on program. Burning city was showed and reporter said:
“Today about an hour ago Lithuanian bombers dropped bombs on the city of Warwick. This was first bombing of the city itself. Number of casualties is still unknown and this footage you are seeing now is the only news we’ve got from Warwick. It was taped by some fishermen from ship near the coast. As it seems from this footage, historical city center was heavily bombed and bombs created a firestorm there possibly damaging many buildings. Also, in this footage we don’t see Warwick cathedral, so there is a probability that this historical building built hundreds of years ago was destyroyed, but it could also be unseeable beyond the smoke. What happened to other great historcial landmarks such as Leonardo’s workshop is also unknown. We still weren’t able to contact general Petras Kairys, commander of Lithuanian Air Force to confirm that Warwick was being bombarded. However, this tape speaks for itself” reported stopped talking and more of the tape was shown. Tape was hard to understand because it was filmed far from the coast. It however showed much smoke over the city and some fires, also bombers flying to and from city just over cameraman’s head. Sounds of explotions were also heard. Reporter later continued the comments “we will report more after half an hour in the next special news show dedicated for this war. We will also try to interview Lithuanian president Donas Aukstaitis and queen of Britain Elisabeth about the current attacks on Warwick. Thank you for watching International News Television”
Aukstaitis turned TV off and soon enough, just as he expected, Alisa Toraite called him. He answered:
“Hello, mis Toraite”
“Hello president. Some International News Television reporter wants to talk with you. It seems they didn’t heard what you said a month ago that you won’t give interviews to foreign TV or radio stations and newspapers. Should I say you don’t have time for an interview?”
“No, I am ready for that interview – a time have came to enlight the international community about the war”
“OK. So I am now connecting your phone with that reporter”
“Yes, I do agree”
For about thirty seconds it was silent in the phone, but later some man started asking questions:
“Good afternoon”
“Good afternoon” Aukstaitis, although nobody actually seen him, tried to be as serious as possible during the interview.
“We would like to ask you a few questions about the current war…”
“I know. Ask them”
“First would be… How would you comment recent bombardings on Warwick, which most likely killed many people and destroyed many historic buildings?”
“This was not my order to do so. Firestorm was incidentally created very possibly because of high amount of AA turrets fire. Bombers had to bombard those turrets, which most likely were placed in the downtown” Aukstaitis in fact didn’t knew the reasons of firestorm, cause he only ordered to bombard few military buildings not the center in envelope he gave to general Kairys. But he, as politician, also wasn’t able to admit he was not right.
“Second question is maybe the major – why at all Great Britain was attacked? You tried to explain this but you never did that…”
“I would like to remind you that I explained most of the reasons in my declaration of war message, which I said live to Lithuanian Television. More than that I don’t have what to comment”
“OK. We could talk forever but maybe we will do that latyer in studio, not on phoneline. So this is the last question: what ending of the war do you predict and how do you think the war will change the world?”
“It is very hard to say… It is obvious that we will win, but about the consequesnes… I believe there wouldn’t be many, except that Lithuania will gain source for oil and Britain will lose size”
“Thank you for the interview”
Aukstaitis stopped talking and started watching through the window. It didn’t seemed Klaipeda was at least a bit changed because of war. People were riding in cars, flying in planes. It couldn’t be even compared with Warwick, at least with what was shown on TV about Warwick. Soon enough president’s cellphone beeped. That means four hours had passed since his chat with commander of army general Gaudliauskas. And that also meant invasion force was prepared and soon would start attacking Warwick. So president started callin minister of intelligence Joris Banevicius. He answered:
“Good afternoon, mister president”
“Good afternoon. Did you agents collected more info on Jonaitis affairs?”
“Yes, yes. We’ve got much of valuable info. We recorded his phone chat with US ambassador to Lithuania Jacob Walker. It seems Jonaitis told Walker almost everything you told him about the war. I think it is also a good risk that USA cooperates with Great Britain and is sharing intelligence”
“OK. Please tell Antanas Ruda to issue order to arrest Jonaitis. I will also soon officially ask his resignation”
“But what about Lincoln?”
“I will talk to him immidietly telling this info. We will also play that recorded tape on TV so we will give yet another reason for our people to hate the foreigners”
*to be continued*
August 28, 2002, 20:28
Local Time: 01:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: United States
Posts: 73
Hmmm....very those Americans though, they have been a bit quiet lately
-Civ3King, author of the stories- "Of Freindship and War", "The Struggle for Power", and Crossing the Rubicon".
Civ3King is currently working on: The story "Hidden Agenda" and "The Rising Moon"
"Too many ties with too many people will get you in a knot."- Me
August 29, 2002, 06:22
Local Time: 06:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Zoetermeer
Posts: 96
Great story! I can hardly wait till next chapter....
It is I Le Clerk! ;-) Quote from Allo allo.
August 30, 2002, 11:40
Local Time: 06:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Zoetermeer
Posts: 96
Hm, too bad, still not another chapter....
It is I Le Clerk! ;-) Quote from Allo allo.
August 30, 2002, 15:54
Local Time: 07:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Posts: 242
Chapter 9: Invasion starts
Thanks for your comments... This is a new chapter Kampus majore  . Also civ3king, as you can see now Americans really are pain in the butt  .
*No new characters in this chapter
After live transmitting to Lithuanian television, in which Aukstaitis told Jonaitis immidietly resign and also played the recorded tape in which Jonaitis gives info about the war to Jacob Walker (some places of tape with most secret info were obviously cutted), president taken the phone with “Washington” written on it. Now it was the time to tell Lincoln about everything – army already invaded Warwick, so oil won’t be a problem, even if Lincoln would stop trading. Lincoln possibly still didn’t knew about the arrest of Jonaitis, so he politely answered:
“United States of America”
“Good evening. I want to just tell you that your spy is no longer in our government…”
“Our spy? What spy?” Lincoln either still didn’t understood either tried to pretend that he still didn’t understood.
“Don’t pretend as you wouldn’t know. Mister Jonaitis is no longer our minister of defense. Now he is in jail”
For several seconds there was silence. Maybe Lincoln didn’t knew what to say and do. Later he said:
“He wasn’t our spy…”
“Oh yes. We have an audiotape, in which his phonetalk with Jacob Walker is recorded. In that call he said almost everything I let him knew. I want to say now very clear – we won’t tolerate this”
“OK. It is after all your decition. I am now ordering to return our trains, so you won’t get any oil from us anymore”
“We will take Warwick tonight, so we won’t even need your oil anymore”
Lincoln seemed to be already stopped talking. Aukstaitis also put down the phone. Now he was to decide who to appoint as the new minister of defense. This position was extremely important, especially at the times of war. Also it was extremely important not to appoint other spy to that position. And there weren’t many people, which were almost surely not spies. Maybe only four people – commander of navy admiral Povilas Vanauskas, commander of air force general Petras Kairys, commander of land army general Domantas Gaudliauskas and vice-commander of air force Kristupas Paulauskas. Admiral Vanauskas had to control the navy, later also defent southwestern coast – artillery won’t destroy whole fleet of men-of-war and navy still will be needed for that purpose. General Petras Kairys was in palanga and had a job of bombing Warwick to help land army to take the city. General Domantas Gaudliauskas was busy with the invasion. So, colonel Paulauskas was maybe the only one choice. Aukstaitis started calling him. He answered:
“Hello, president”
“I would like to ask you what is the situation in the sea battles near Boston? What did your pilots reported after last fly-over?” Aukstaitis tried to understand werether Paulauskas is busy or not.
“It seems situation is quite good. As far as I know most of British ships sunk, several are still remaining on water but have taken a great damage and probably will sink soon. I’ve talked with admiral Vanauskas an hour ago, he told he and his fleet is ready to board enemy ships and take their sailors, possibly captains knows some info which could be useful to us… Maybe they would say us that ino if we will tortue them enough…” Paulauskas said nothing for a bit and then fastly told “But this is job of Jonaitis, not me”
“It is no longer job of Jonaitis”
Paulauskas didn’t understood what president meant and just asked:
“Because he is no longer minister of defense. He was a spy in fact”
“Oh…” Paulauskas seemed to be quite shocked with that, because he always taken Jonaitis as his ideal.
“So I would like to appoint you as the new minister of defense…”
“Really?” Paulauskas still didn’t believed what Jonaitis said.
“Yes. Tomorrow morning fly with your squadron to Klaipeda. This is your first mission. Also tell admiral Vanauskas to sail with the second fleet to the south, near Moscow. This is where British fleet of men-of-war is attacking our coastline”
“Shouldn’t I fly to Moscow and help admiral Vanauskas to sink that fleet also?”
“No, you shouldn’t. That fleet is quite small if comparing to the one we sunk near Boston. Also, we need to conserve oil, there is a slight problem with it, however we’ll soon regain source. Anyway, fly tomorrow morning to Klaipeda, I will tell you everything you need to know as minister of defense and officially give you that position”
“OK president. And… Thank you…”
Aukstaitis didn’t answered and just stopped talking. Later he turned on TV again to get more news on what is happening in Warwick. News showed much rubble, destroyed building which were still burning at some places. Reporter commented:
“What you see is what left of Warwick after bloody air raid several hours ago by Lithuanian air force. Our newsteam along with several doctors and aid packages already got to the city with helicopter, but it seems much more doctors and aid is needed. The tape which you are seeing now was taped in Warwick about an hour ago, currently we lost contact with our group in the city, but we hope technical dificulties will be eliminated soon and we’ll show you more. As we can see from the tape you are now watching, most of the city, including cathedral, university, historic temple and Leonardo’s workshop was destroyed. This is obviously great damage to world culture” TV showed what was remaining out of once the biggest cathedral in the world, Warwick cathedral – only one tower stood and it was still burning. Instead of three others there were only piles of ruble “although casualties are still unknown, it is obviously they will be huge. As our reporter who is in the city currently claimed, he himself already seen over hundred dead bodies. Most of bodies however are under rubble. There is a possibility that some people under the rubble survived the bombing, but they will also die if aid won’t arive soon. However, city still remains unreachable because of yesterday’s bombings of roads and reailways leading to Warwick. British air force, consisting of only few helicopters, said it is impossible for them to transport adequeite ammount of aid to Warwick in time. Queen refused to comment that. As unconfirmed sources says, she is now in Washington, probably talking with president Lincoln about lending some transport planes and helicopters from American air force to deliver aid to Warwick” reported stopped talking and leveled Warwick was still being shown. Streets were full of rubbles. Buildings were destroyed. All landmarsks were levelled. Some people were getting out from shelters after the bombing and looking around, probably not understanding where to go. Also a women with bloody face was shown, crying near burned corpse. Probably it was her husband or son.
Soonly telephone rang. Aukstaitis silenced TV and answered:
“Good evening”
Joris Banevicus was the men who called. He seemed a bit nervous and fastly said:
“I have some bad news… Our intelligence always listens what is going on at the oval cabinet in White house. This time it seems Lincoln met Elisabeth there…”
“I know that”
“Please let me end… I know you maybe heard on INT that they probably talks about humanitarian aid to Warwick. I also listened that program. However, the truth is different. They signed a mutual protection pact, effective from tomorrow 6 AM. This means USA will declare a war on us if we will do any agression against Britain after that”
President didn’t expected this. He was silent for maybe ten seconds. Then just said:
“OK. Continue to do your job. Goodnight”
After he stopped talking, he again started thinking and looking through the windows. There were several possibilities why USA signed the pact. First would be that they signed it just to scare Lithuania from further attacks. USA obviously wanted to save it’s influence to Lithuanian market by being the sole source of oil at all costs. If this possibility was true, then USA wouldn’t dare to declare a war even if Lithuania would attack Great Britain. However, it could be so that USA is more serious and they would declare war. And waging a war in two fronts is always very hard, especially because big part of Lithuanian army was transported to Tronade. The best for Lithuania however was that Americans and British still didn’t knew about the invasion to Warwick. And because the pact was to be effective only since 6 o’clock, Warwick should be already taken by then. And that means Lithuania would get source of oil. And that also means Americans would have much less reasons to enter the war.
Later Aukstaitis moved piece, representing 4th squadron from boston to Klaipeda in the board and peace, representing second fleet, from waters near Boston to waters near Moscow and went to bed. Tomorrow was probably going to be a day when the most important decition of this war was to be made.
*to be continued*
September 2, 2002, 06:30
Local Time: 06:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Zoetermeer
Posts: 96
Yes! Another chapter!
Great story Sonic.
It is I Le Clerk! ;-) Quote from Allo allo.
September 2, 2002, 06:35
Local Time: 06:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Zoetermeer, The Netherlands
Posts: 306
Hey Kampus majore! Long time no see!
It is indeed a nice story sonic!
September 2, 2002, 13:26
Local Time: 06:59
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Great stuff Sonic keep going.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
September 4, 2002, 12:16
Local Time: 06:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 958
come on! you can't quit now!
September 4, 2002, 16:06
Local Time: 07:59
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Posts: 242
Chapter 10: The decition
I know I can't quit and I am not going to  . Well, this is a new chapter:
*New characters in this chapter
*General Ted Williams – British general
Next morning Aukstaitis risen from bed quite early. He eagered to know the news on the invasion, also US and British reaction to that. Also, he wanted to have more time to think on a major dection – to keep the war after Warwick will be taken or to seek peace. Although war would lose it’s primary objective (to get oil) when Warwick will be taken (and big part of British fleet sunk), but still keeping the war going would raise people morale and also gain more lands. These more lands would help Lithuania to surpass Britain by size and also maybe USA by technology. On the other hand, most of newly taken cities would need massive reconstruction after bombings and that would cost loads of money. And not using air force would be to risky – although Lithuanian modern tanks and motorised infrantry would maybe still overpower British riflemen, many more Lithuanian troops would die in the war against undamaged army than in the war against almost destroyed by air raids army. Loosing many troops would hit severly war and president popularity. Also, American reaction was still unknown. Although it wasn’t likely USA would enter the war after Lithuania will get oil source, that still could have happened. And fighting modern and effective US army wasn’t the same as fighting against huge but outdated British army, which weven didn’t had air force. Britain also was in another continent while USA had a land boundary with Lithuania.
Decition on what to do had to be done fastly, because if it was be decided to continue the war, president would have to tell general Gaudliauskas to order all citizens of Warwick to immidietly start construction of a landing side, where Lithuanian air force bombers would land. Many people would be killed in that construction, but it would be completed quickly. And after the completion, general Kairys would fly there to continue bombardings on British lands. Because of lack of the range, bombers from Palanga can only reach Warwick and surrounding areas. From Warwick they would be able to reach York and capital London.
Aukstaitis decided to first watch news on INT before taking decition. He turned on TV. News were already started and reported talked (burning and damaged ships were shown on screen):
“…British minister of navy claimed that seven fleets of men-of-war were lost in the battles near Boston and about half as much returned damaged to ports in Tronadia and eastern Tronade. British lost about one fourth of their fleet. Several thousands of sailors are dissapeared after these battles, some are killed and some are probably imprisoned. Lithuanian minister of justice Antanas Ruda refused to comment how much of sailors were captured. Damage on Lithuanian side was much smaller – none ships sunk and only a few were damaged. As unconfirmed sources claims, currently second fleet of Lithuania is probably sailing to the south, where several British men-of-war attacks coasts. In these attacks several railways and roads became unusable, also two mines near Moscow were destroyed. Currently artillery batallion tries to shoot back to ships, but no British ship sunked because of these attacks. As sea battle near Boston showed, Lithuanian mix of modern artillery, battleships and air force does a much better job than huge British navy. Queen refused to comment the terrible losses, unconfirmed sources says she is still at Washington currently. This severly damaged her popularity in Britain, as one member of British government, who didn’t wanted his name to be publically said, claimed, “Queen runs away from the nation when it needs her the most” a musical theme, which meant that news from somewhere else will be told, was played and TV started showing view of totally destroyed city from helicopter. At the bottom of screen message “Breaking news: Lithuania invaded Warwick” started flashing. Reporter commented more “As officials of British government currently reported, Warwick was invaded last evening by Lithuanian forces. It isn’t known why Britain didn’t said that info to public before. Currently some minor battles are still being fought, but the winner is almost already known – it’s Great Britain, which crushed almost all invading forces. Not much details are known, but it seems British general Williams did some fly-overs with helicopter lended from Americans over Warwick yesterday, in which he told people to revenge for the bombing of their homes and killing their loved ones. Many people agreed to do a revenge. Then several more helicopers came and started dropping rifles, later general Williams himself paradropped to the city and started ordering people what to do. Lithuanian troops were already entered the city when they were ambushed by Warwick citizens. Most didn’t expected that and were killed. General Domantas Gaudliauskas, commander of Lithuanian land army, is also very possibly killed in action. The only luck for Lithuania was that an invasion started before 6 AM, when mutual protection pact we told you about before was sheduled to begin”
Aukstaitis turned off TV. His face was quite frustated. What was he supposed to do now? Ending the war would simply crash Lithuanian morale and also wouldn’t be profitable. Although many British ships were destroyed, but this doesn’t even comes in line with loses – American sanctions and still not oil source gained, many troops lost at invasion to Warwick and also the loss of general Gaudliauskas, who was one of the major members of the ruling junta. So, the only good decition was probably to continue the war – but how to do it efficiently without oil? Also, what if Americans would join the war, which was quite possible? Fighting on two fronts without the oil was really hard.
Later automatic system told president that the new minister of defense, colonel Kristupas Paulauskas, wants to come in. Aukstaitis clicked a button to open the door. Paulauskas came into the office. He also seemed to be nervous, but also didn’t wanted to show that to president. He said:
“Good morning, mister president”
“Good morning. I don’t have time so let’s go to the situation immidietly”
“OK. What am I supposed to tell general Kairys and the others? Also who to appoint as new commander of land army?”
“This place could be listened by British or American intelligence. I know however a place which is surely not being listened. Follow me”
Aukstaitis came near the elevator. Number on small screen showed that elevator cabin was on a floor below. So president inserted a master keycard, which allowed him to open door to the elevator shaft and lock elevator cabin from moving. Then he stepped on the top of cabin and when Paulauskas also done that started talking:
“OK. So there is what you need to know and do. Please tell general Kairys that he needs to continue bombardings on Warwick. Also tell him to bomb not only the city itself, but also irrigation systems and mines near it. This will damage the possibility of producing something in Warwick even more and also will start povetry there.”
“But… The Americans claimed they will declare war on us if Britain will be attacked again” – Paulauskas was quite scaried but also tried not to show that to the president.
“So let’s order some of remaining troops in Klaipeda and Panevezys to march near the border with USA. And of course, tell them not to do anything until I will say otherwise”
“Understand. Are there any more invasions to Warwick planned?”
“This is none of your bussines. I now decided not to let anyone except me to know military secrets until the time comes. Anymore questions?”
“Yes sir. Who should I appoint as a new commander of the land army?”
“No one. We still don’t have any confirmation of death of general Gaudliauskas. Also, even if we would, I doubt we would find anyone who would be surely non-related with enemy intelligence structures. Wartime isn’t the best time for testing people. So, until we’ll receive anymore news on Gaudliauskas, you will take the position of commander of land army. Also, you’ll have to give the control of batallions to smaller military leaders. However, don’t tell them everything at a time. Act with them like I do act with you”
“OK, goodbye for now”
Paulauskas went down and Aukstaitis immidietly went back into his office. He started to calling the director of Klaipeda’s docks. Director answered:
“Good morning”
“Oh, president…”
“Yes. When will the first fleet be repaired and the 3rd fleet put down to water?”
“As for the first fleet, it should be soon – only some cosmetic repairs are needed, carriers are already completed. However you’ll have to wait until you’ll be able to use the third fleet”
“I do understand. I need first fleet tomorrow. Call every dockworker to job and order them to do those “cosmetic repairs”
“We’ll need to pay them huge increases…”
“Money is not a factor to us. Do as I said”
*to be continued*
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