Coastal Millitary Forts/Defences
I think PTW should have a new worker function -
The Coastal Defence Fortification, which could be built anywhere along the coast and would be like the City coastal fortress except it would be an INFRASTRUCTURE like a fortress/road, it would bombard passing ships and defend units from sea bombardment that are fortified in its walls. It wouldn't give any advantages for land combat - maybe you cant have land and sea forts together.
Invaders would want to bombard the forts to destroy them.
It could need Saltpetre and Iron as requirements to build one.
Tactical USE: you could put two Coastal Defences either side of a harbour bay entrance, so any enemies entering would be bombarded twice. Would be useful for Multiplayer, to stop enemies spying on your cities with ships.. just put lots of Defences along all your coast. To defeat lots of defences, send in landing parties to pillage them (ideally explorers with defensive units protecting them).
I think they would be useful to have for places outside your culture boundaries, but here they only work if they have your unit entrenched in it(they would get defence bonuses as normal).
Coastal Defences could only attack if they in a friendly culture zone.
AIR DEFENCES: I've always thought some kind of mobile unit/ land fortification for air defence would be good, maybe they could be similar to my Coastal Defence Fort.
Perhaps seamines could also be done as a landscape infrastructure improvement, bombarding enemies entering their square once with a heavy hit rate (possibly sinking the ship).
AdmiralPJ - Loves those Roman Legionaries