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Old August 14, 2002, 01:14   #1
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Morale FAQ
Morale FAQ
Stability has no effect on Morale.

The Maximum Morale level is 7.000, so even if your bonus from DP and religion should make it higher you are capped at 7.000

Your morale is calculated as follows:
Base Morale for the tech level + DP bonus(penalty) + Religious Bonus + (.5000 - Maintenance factorX) - Bankrupt Penalty.

Base Morale: is a function of tech level and can be found HERE

DP Bonus or penalty (for Land Morale):
Naval/Land = 0.000 to +0.250
Quantity/Quality = -0.250 to +0.250
FreeSubjects/Serfdom = +0.250 to -0.250
Defensive/Offensive = -0.100 to +0.100
So the Maximum Bonus is +0.850 and the biggest penalty is -0.600

DP Bonus or penalty (for Naval Morale):
Naval/Land = +0.500 to +0.000
No other slider affects Naval Morale
So the Maximum Bonus is +0.500 and there is no penalty

Religious Bonus, Applies to Land and Naval Morale:
Shiite = +1.000
Hinduism = +0.500
CounterReformed = +0.500
Reformed = +0.500
Protestant = +0.100
Others = 0.000

Your Maintenance factor is as follows:
The effect of Maintenance is based on the BaseMorale for the Tech level exclusive of any DP slider or Religious bonus.
It is 0.500 - FactorX

Maintenance FactorX:
100% maintenance = 0
50% Maintenance(slider at full left) = -25% of Base Morale for that level.

BP = Bankruptcy Penalty
BP=0 if it has been at least 60 months (5 years) since your last bankruptcy or you have never been bankrupt.
Otherwise BP = -0.500
This is not cumulative so you can go bankrupt multiple times and it will only be a -0.500 penalty. It will just keep resetting the 60 months.

Eg. All DP sliders at 5(neutral)

Tech Level    Base Morale     100%Maint.       50%Maint.
       0                 1.5                   2.0                 1.625
       5                 2.0                   2.5                 2.000
      12                3.0                   3.5                 2.750
      23                4.0                   4.5                 3.500
      46                5.0                   5.5                 4.250
      60                6.0                   6.5                 5.000

Tech Level    Base Morale     100%Maint.       50%Maint.
       0                 1.5                   2.0                 1.625
      36                3.0                   3.5                 2.750
      45                4.0                   4.5                 3.500
      54                5.0                   5.5                 4.250
Christianity is the belief in a cosmic Jewish zombie who can give us eternal life if we symbolically eat his flesh and blood and telepathically tell him that we accept him as our lord and master so he can remove an evil force present in all humanity because a woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from an apple tree.
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Old August 14, 2002, 12:37   #2
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While I do think your attempts to revitalise this forum is praiseworthy... how about giving some credit to the people who researched and wrote the material you are posting? In this case Castellon at the Paradox forum...
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Old August 14, 2002, 13:58   #3
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I make a point of it. This proticular one seems to be an over site; if you read a few of the other post you will see multiple disclaimers that I did not write these and that they were cut and pasted from
Christianity is the belief in a cosmic Jewish zombie who can give us eternal life if we symbolically eat his flesh and blood and telepathically tell him that we accept him as our lord and master so he can remove an evil force present in all humanity because a woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from an apple tree.
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Old August 21, 2002, 00:10   #4
uglyduck's Avatar
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Anything on the Paradox Forums is copyright to them and the original author.
You should have got permission from both before copying them.
EU questions? try here:-
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Old August 21, 2002, 10:30   #5
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Well in the end it's here and I think the Paradoxians won't take him to court because he posted it and it's very useful. Btw I think this thread should be revitalised as it's a very good game and people should care about in this forum.
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