February 16, 2000, 21:04
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oil to uranium?
As we all know commodities change in civ2 on what appears to be a time frame basis.... as i rarely or never see oil as a commodity for trade until mid game........and i noticed that uranium never comes out until sfter i have established an oil route..... even then sometimes not until after more than one..... so A: how do they determine which city produces uranuim? especially since no tile produces it which is like the beads caravan, and is it only in a city with mountains
B: when does uranium become available..... i know not until modern era, but is it after the oil trade routes or is it after a certain advance? Xin are you out there ????
February 16, 2000, 21:31
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hehehe.That question has been asked here a few times and it seems no one is in total agreement.It doesn't stay around long is about the only definite.
Hows this sound for fun?
A.check every city's supply and demand after every new tech and population change for the entire game
B.do this at least 10 times
C.report back
February 16, 2000, 21:38
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argg.... all that....  where is Xin.... maybe he knows lol
February 17, 2000, 01:59
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If Xin or adam smith don't know then nobody does.
February 17, 2000, 16:07
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Sorry, I can only guess. Usually I got Uranium demands appear when I have certain tech and a freight reaches a city. For those who don't do trade routes at all it maybe different.
February 17, 2000, 21:36
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well i guess i will have to take it upon my self to carefully observe whats happening, but my gut feeling tells me it is a random thing as no tile produces this commodity.... thanks anyways everyone
February 17, 2000, 22:00
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(Wars - check out the You know you have played civ too long thread before you head back to the hospital!)
February 17, 2000, 22:18
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lol Sten Sture..... i like that baby wonder... seriously though wife had contractions all night and they gave her the epy.... and in two hours i will know if we are having a c -section or if it will still be a vaginal birth..... poor girl...... well i am out of here and going back to the hospital
February 18, 2000, 08:39
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My Best Regards to both War4 and his lady. I hope everything went well.
Similar, to those others in the same state - it seems somewhat endemic at the moment @ ACS. Enjoy the next few sleepless .... years!
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
February 18, 2000, 15:31
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February 18, 2000, 16:19
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Field Marshall.... i will check this out with the manhatan Project and such.... you are probably right.....
Sten Sture..... thanks for the link..... i kinda hijacked my own thread
February 19, 2000, 01:25
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Best wishes to you and yours, my friend.
About the commodity, has Manhattan been built yet? KABOOOMM! That could be it, but i guess i have seen it, and I usually prevent Manhattan, so....the quest continues.
February 21, 2000, 08:53
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War4ever - in a game I was discussing on another thread, demand changes from Coal, Gold, Silver in AD 1040 to Uranium, Gold, Oil in AD 1100. The city was maxed out, so no changes in population or improvements. I discovered Flight in 1080 (expiring the Colossus, and significantly reducing my trade arrows) and Leadership in 1100.
February 21, 2000, 18:50
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first game watching commodities like a hawk.8 cities-size 21 or better(sewers and aquaducts sold to maintain population at current levels)-med map-deity.no new breakthru discoveries so far
just discovered Nuclear Fission.That made all my cities demand Uranium.Of course none produce it nor is available anywhere in the world.
Not sure if I should build some more cities before next technology or not.Maybe I should build and deliver whatever commodities i have and see if that does anything.
If I make the wrong move will it kill any chance of seeing uranium?I hate puzzles.Too much like work this is.
February 21, 2000, 19:49
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DaveV but no cities produced the uranium right..... hm..... this is weird.......i guess i will try this out too
Smash.... more like a rubix cube.... i wonder if this is combination based or just a random event like the commodities changing...
February 21, 2000, 23:37
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I once saw a city produce uranium before building Manhatten P. I think the whole thing about what cities produce and when is pretty random.
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