Chapter 2: "A Boy and the Emperor"
Thalius walked along the edges of the stone roads looking around the busy markets in the forum. "The forum of Rome is busy as usual", Thalius thought to himself as he walked by a meat stand.
It was a beautiful afternoon in Rome. The sun hung over the city warming it and its people. Thalius sighed happily at the whole scenic veiw and slowly reached into his white robe, grabbing a sack full of gold coins. Thalius eyed a stand that was selling silk robes which had been imported fom the lands of the Persian Empire to the northeast. The Persians had been at a feirce war with the Romans, but like most empires who stood against the Romans, they were failing.
Thalius walked over to the stand and studied the silk robe and tracing his fingers up the golden edges of the silk robe. "How much for this silk robe good man?", Thalius asked the merchant who had been whatching Thalius study the robe.
"I will only sell it for.......", The merchant was cut off by the yell of Romulus, an old friend of Thalius.
"Thalius!! Is that you? Hello there Thalius!",he said waving as he came towards Thalius at the silk stand.
Thalius waved back and shook Romulusess hand. "Hello Romulus its a good day in Rome, is it not?"
"Yes it is Thalius. What brings you here?", Romulus asked.
"He was going to buy this silk robe from me......", the merchant cut in, with an annoyed look on his face towards Romulus.
"Oh yes, I was, wasnt I? How much was this robe again?" Thalius said.
"That will be fifteen gold coins.", the merchant said holding out his hands greedly.
"Fifteen!? Ive seen silk robes like those go for no more then five coins !! What are you trying to do? Rob my friend?!", Romulus blurted out. Other customers who were looking around his stand heard Romulus and quickly scampered off.
Romulus was the son of a very rich merchent in Rome and he had learn a few "tricks of the trade" from his father. Because of this, Thalius often took Romulus around as he shopped through the forum.
Thalius looked at the merchant suspicously, "Are you trying to cheet me good man?", Thalius asked. "I hope you arnt or my freind here will just have to inform more people about the way you "conduct" buisness." Thalius said with a grin pointing at Romulus who was also grinning.
"Fine the price is seven gold coins."
"six.", Thalius shot back at the merchent.
"Grr...six then its a deal, just get out of here and take your freind to!!", the merchant yelled.
Thalius took six gold coins out his sack and handed them all to the merchent. He grabbed the silk robe and motioned to Romulus to come on.
"I still think you were cheeted Thalius, I would of dragged the price down to four coins." Romulus complained.
"Well everybody isnt as good a merchant as you Romulus.", Thalius said rolling his eyes.
"True, Thalius.", Romulus replied with a cocky smirk. "Where are we headin to now Thalius?", Romulus asked.
"To my home, I was supposed to do something, but I forget what. Oh well, Its not important......."
"THALIUS!!! How could you forget again!! This is the third time this week you've gone off and bought something other then what ive asked!!!" , Denia, Thaliusess mother screamed waving the the now torn silk robe.
"But, but, but.......", Thalius wimpered.
"Wow your mother is high strung...", Romulus whispered to Thalius who he was hiding behind.
"I dont want to hear it Thalius, if your father was still here, he would just.......ugh!!", Denia rubbed her forehead and sat down. She stopped yelling at took out a needle and some thread and began to sew the silk robe back together. She sighed and looked up at Thalius, "You know, this is a really nice reminds me of your father....he loved silk."
"I din't know that..", Thalius said , confussed at his mothers sudden change of mood.
"Yes, he was a good man.", Denia said fixing her eyes back on the silk robe.
Thalius and Romulus looked at eachother and slowly backed away from Thaliusess mother, unsure what mood Denia might change to next.
"Oh and Thalius, while your out...make sure you get what I asked for, ok?", Delina said without looking up. "......and dont stay out too late, the streets of Rome are of no place to be at night."
"Yes mother" Thalius said as he stepped out the door ith Romulus.
Romulus and Thalius once again found themselves walking down the streets of the forum looking around the market. A skinny dirty man sitting by the wall of the coloseum which was still being constructed began to talk to the two boys. "Hey you to, can you help a man down on his luck and spair me a few coins?"
"Get a job you bum!!", Romulus yelled at the man kicking some dirt on him. "Damned plebians (commoners)."
Thalius rolled his eyes and took a gold coin out his brown sack. He tossed it to the man and nodded. "There you go sir, dont spend it all in one place now."
The man smiled back with his toothless smile and put the coin away happily.
Romulus looked at Thalius as if he was mad. "What in the gods name did you do that for? Hes only a plebian.", Romulus complained.
"He may just be plebian Romulus, but he needs food to.", Thalius answered.
Romulus scratched his head and continued through the forum following Thalius.
"Theres nothing to do now...", Thalius said with a sigh.
"Ya.....", Romulus replied. Thinking for a second, Romulus spoke up. "We could go to the palace. The senate and the emperor are having another political meeting. My dad was invited, but it sounds boring so....."
Thaliuses eyes spraked as he heard what Romulus had said."Political meeting? The senate and the emperor?! Lets go!!."
"But, why...?", Romulus said raising his eyebrow.
Thalius was into Roman politics and went to every public political meeting he could. It was his intrest, unlike Romulus who loved the action of being a soldier for the empire and he often dreamed of being a Roman Legion one day.
"Lets just just go Romulus before were late!! Hurry!!" Thalius yelled as he dashed to the palace.
Romulus sighed and followed, "This better be worth is Thalius.", he thought to himself.
Thalius and Romulus had finally reached the palace door wich was on heavy gaurd.
"Hault you two kids, what are you doing here?", A gaurd who was standing by the door asked.
"My father was invited to this polticl meeting and I need to see him.", Romulus said answering proudly.
"Ya right get out of here.....", The gaurd grabed Thalius and Romulus and began taking them away.
The two struggled but were getting no where. "You just had to come, dint you Thalius?", Romulus said angrily.
"Its not my fault!!", Thalius yelled back.
"Its ok gaurd you can let them in, that boy is mine.", A mans voice said from the palace door.
The two boys and the gaurd all turned at once to see it was Romulusess father, Cathious.
The gaurd nodded and let the two boys go. Romulus and Thalius both scampered over to Cathious and stood by him.
"Thank you father.", Romulus said
"Yes, thank you sir", Thalius said right after Romulus.
"Your welcome, just stay out of trouble next time. Got it?"
The boys both nodded at the same time, "Yes sir"
"Now, what brings you two here?", he asked scratching his head.
"We....well Thalius wanted to watch the senate meeting.", Romulus answered.
Cathious chuckled a bit. "Your into politics young man? Thats good. Maybe one day you will be in the senate."
"Maybe sir."
Cathiouse thought for a second rubbing his his bearded chin. "I guess you two can tag along, but don't cause in scene."
"Yes sir", they both said.
Cathious walked into the palace followed by Romulus and Thalius. The two boys eyes widened at the lavishness of the palace. There exotic animal skins hanging on the wall. Gold lined the palace furniture and maps of foreign lands lined across the left wall. They soon stepped out that room and into a gran hall where the senate were seated and talking amongst eachother. Cathious and the two boys came to three empty seats on the lowest level of the room and sat quietly.
Thalius leaned over and whispered to Romulus. "This is exciting"
Romulus rolled his eyes and responded. "Ya, as exiting as herding cattle"
The sounds of talking senators faded and quickly died.
"Whats going on?" Thalius asked Romulus.
"Im not sure..", he answered with a shrug.
"Shhh you two", Cathious said motioning his hands upward at the Empeor Ceaser who was walking in. Ceaser sat down quietly and looked around. An old gray haired man who was in white robe sttod up infront of Ceasar and oponed a scroll.
"Welcome senators, guest, and of course Emperor Ceasar. Today we will discuss the issues within the city and the cost and effects of the war. The senators maybe begin by telling Ceasar what they know." the man said outloud reading from the scroll.
He folded the scroll back up and sat down in a wooden seat near Ceasar.
"You may take it from here Emperor Ceasar.", the man said nodding to him.
"Thank you, Tantilus", Ceasar said retuning the nod. Ceasar looked around once more at the room and spoke up. "Alright Senators, explain to me the problems in the city".
One senator stood up bowed to the room and spoke towards Ceasar. "Well Emperor, because of the war there have been less men put out to grow the seasonal crops and cattle the herd. Due to this we have less food and starvation is up by quite a large margin."
"What about the slaves we have tooken from newly conquered areas?", Ceasar asked now puzzled.
"Sir, you had the slaves trained for army so we could control the conquered territores. The slaves are the army Emperor.", the senator answered.
"Hmm, ok Senator I will consdier the matter.", Ceasar answered.
Another senator on the right side of the room stood up. "Yes Emperor not only has starvation tooken place around the empire, but also we are running out of enough water to support the empire. Since most of the empires treasury is going towards the military support we have not been able to fund for construction of more Aqueducts. I suggest we lower the funds we give to the military and hault some expansion of the empire, so we can focus on the people."
Ceasar rubbed his chin and pondered this for a moment. "No, Im sorry senator I cannot allow that. We will support the millitary with the same amount of funds as we did before."
The senate began to whisper among themselves again again as the senator who had just spoken shook his head and sat down.
"If this is all I Senators, I will take my leave.", Ceasar said walking towards the exit.
At the same time Thalios got up from his seat and walked to the center of the room.
"What are you doing Thalios?! Have you lost your mind!?", Romulus shouted to Thalios tring to grab his arm but only managing to hit Thaliosess robe with his fingers.
The senators whispers came to a dead silence once again as they all looked down at the boy. Thalios began to speak up. "Excuse me Emperor, but I believe these senators are right."
The gray haired man who had been sitting by Ceasar stood up and shouted down at the boy, "Who are you boy to talk to the Emperor Ceasar that way!! How dare you.... you little brat..."
Ceasar turned around and looked at the scene smirking. "Calm down Tantilus, let the boy speak. It may be intresting."
Tantilus looked back at Ceasar confussed, but closed his mouth and sat back down. "Please continue..umm...whats your name boy?", Ceasar said t Thalios.
"My name is Thalios Octavion, Emperor Ceasar.", Thalios said camly.
"Yes, please continue Thalios, tell me how I am wrong.", Ceasar said resting his chin in the palm of his hands.
"Well Emperor Ceasar, it seems to me you are neglecting the needs of the people by ignoring the senate. I mean, sure the war is great and all, but Emperor I believe the people should come first and there voice should be heard.", Thalios said to the emperor.
The senate burst into whispers again as Thalios stopped talking.
"Well Thalios the people of Rome seem to enjoy the war. It brings pride to the empire.", Ceasar answered back.
"That is true Sir, but what good is war when the people who are ment to celebrate it are starving and dieng. It looks like to me Ceasar you care more about the war then the citzens of the Roman Empire. It seems to me your putting your own veiw of the empire on the people." Thalios shot back.
Right after Thalios had finished his sentence somone from the senate shouted out "The Emperor is a no better ruler then a boy." The senate burst out into whispers and light snickering and laughter. Ceasar saw this and was becoming enraged. Ceasar stood up calmly however and hid his anger behind a grin.
"Well put Thalios.....thank you for your input.", Ceasar said nodding to the boy.
"Your welcome sir" Thalios bowed to the Emperor and walked back to his seat.
"If this is all, I will be going back to my room. Gooday senate.", Ceasar turned to Tantilus who was still snickering at the previouse comment by one of the senators. This inraged Ceasar more and Tantilus could see that and he quickly stopped, gathering a straight face. " No one makes a joke of Ceasar, no one! Especially a boy.......", Ceasar said with firey eyes. "Tantilus....find out about this boy and have his house burned to the ground, also have him captured and brung to me."
"But, sire he is only a boy......", Tantilus said raising his eyebrow.
Ceasar grabbed the pudgy face of Tantilus and looked into his eyes. "Do it Tantilus.....or I will take it out on you!", Ceasar said threatingly.
"Yes sire.....of course", Tantilus said trying not to look into the revenge filled eyes of Ceasar.
"Wow,Thalios you sure told the Emperor off", Romulus said as they walked out the palace behind Cathious.
"I worry for this boys safety....ive seen men killed by Ceasar for less", Cathious thought to himself as he walked.
"Yep Romulus, I'll make a find Senator.", Thalios said proudly.
"Yes I agree....Thalios. Anyways, Romulus wills ee you tommorow Thalios after he is done with work that is." Cathious said with chuckles as Romulus groaned. Cathousess light smile turned into a worried and seriouse look as he turned to Thalios. "Oh and one more thing Thalios, be careful..."
Thalios raised his eyebrow and nodded without a word. he turned away from Romulus and Cathius and heded home witht the sunset behind him....
This is the end of the chapter, It wasnt that action packed, but I hope you enjoyed anyways. Also, I know this chapter dosnt seem to match the last one all that much, but it will all make since later. So please keep suggesting, commenting, questioning, and of course READING!

More sooooooon.