It does not matter how good are bad we are as individuals at playing civ 2 , this is a democracy game and we all vote , one person may be the best player the world has ever seen but he or she must follow the dirrections of the people , we have polls to decide things like tax rates and build priorities, the game can not work when the president decides he knows better then the people and does things his own way.
Now that i have that rant over with

John , I know you no better than anyone else in cyber space, our only connection is this game , so please continue to play and enjoy this style of game but remem ber it is no more your game than it is mine , you must follow the path chosen by the people, there were many things done in the first game that I did not agree with but once the polls made the choose I supported the decision 100%. If you can do this you will have no problem at all and I'm sure our mighty civ will rise up above all others.